Thursday, March 31, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake PLAN OPEN HOUSE FOR COMMUNITY CENTER ON EASTER •Vane Ducey "open house" of the newly organized Community Center. which has been established in the old Christ the King church basement, was decided upon at the meeting of the central planning cofh m i 11 e e Monday night. Easter Sunday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. the center will be open to introduce to the Brents the possibilities oT a Smununity recreation center for the young people, and to seek adult membership. <. Light refreshments and coffee will be served, provided by the Wonder Worker 4-H club. Members a of the organizing committee will serve as hosts. Tremendous progress has been made in the few weeks since the inception of the cent*!^ "which reflects the unanimous approval and cooperation ofall groups, organizations and subdvisions at the Lake. Board of Education There are four candidates for two openings on the Harrison school board. In addition to the incunibgplSj Mrs. Maxine Lichty tfntPGeorge Rink, Mrs. Clarence Stahl and James B£>ison have also filed petitions in district 36. Election of two members to fill the two 3-year openings on the board will take place Saturday, April 9, at Harrison school. We will also be able to cast our ballot at Harrison school for the candidates to serve on the McHenry high school board of education. 4lther Peterson Transferred The news that.the Rev. William F. Peterson has been transferred to St. Patrick's church, Maytowh, 111., has been received by all the parish with sincere regret. Due to Father Peterson's departure the schedule of Masses and meetings is necessarily curtailed. Daily Mass will be at 8|*m. except Monday and Saturflay at 11:30. No evening Masses. All special Catechism classes are cancelled including Bible and Youth groups. Wednesday-- Lenten Devotions will continue at 8 p.m. Special Notice. Confirmation rehearsal next Sunday, April 3. All children and adults being con- THE RAINBOW CLEANERS TRUCK IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME I TELLS YOUR NEIGHBORS... • •« You want the best for your family! PHONE EYtrgrnn 5-0927 For Pickup Service TWKOVEP^ ^ SIKVlCt ^ firmed should try to make the rehearsal along with their sponsors. If the sponsor cannot attend, someone should substitute for the sponsor so that the seating in the church can be properly arranged. Altar and Rosary Sunday, April 3, at 7:30 Mass. the Altar and Rosary Sodality will receive Corporate Communion. There will not be a meeting during April for the society due to Confirmation being held on regular meeting night. Confirm 89 The Most Rev. Loras T. Lane will administer the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation to thirty-seven boys and fortytwo girls and ten adults of Christ the King church next Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. The child confirmands are: Kathy Ahrens. Lisanne Alociate, Antionette Amico, Gordon Anderson, Nancy Batjes, Pat Batjes, Frank Bird, Sharon Brown, Roberta Burns, George Burns, Jr., John Doherty, Lynn Marie Duke, Ilona Dvorak, Michael Duffy, Donaid Engles, Kenneth Eppers, Judy Frederick, Robert Freund, Janet Gieselman and William Gliva. Others are Kathleen Gliva, Lee Nabich, Gary Hunt, Mary Jones, Joe Kirsten, Diane Kinzie, James Kusch, Richard Liptak, Michael Lennon, Jerry Lucfano, Donna Marie Luciano, Ralph Luciano, Tom Majercifc, J u d y M a l o c h l e b , M a r i l y n Marke, Delores Marke, Jackie McMahon, Kathleen McMillan, Carol McMillan, Terry Miller, Janet Miller and Pat Machalinski. Others are James Machalinski, Paul Misiak, Wayne Motulewicz, Kathleen Noble, Helena Olezczuk, Helen Palko, Larry Paulin, Sharon Paulin, Mary Katherpe Rankin, Joan Marie Rankin; Edward Raske, Donna Raske, Chris Rasmussen, Nancy Regelin, Lois Rice, Andrew Ronning, Louise Ruggero, Susan Russell, Laura Sauers, Gary Schafft, Steven Simon, James Smith, Gerald Smith, Shawn Smith, Rose Sperandio, Patricia Sperandio and Joseph Sullivan. Others are George Von Bruechhauser. Tom Weisenberger, Ronald Vidovich, Marion Yager, Diane Kasprzak, Casimer Kasprzak, Jeanette McCall and Kathy McMahon. Bible .Church Xe\vs Thursday, March 31, is work night at the church. The women will come early in the afternoon and begin cleaning. The men will come in the evening. Men's Fellowship will meet, in conjunction with work night this month. Important dates to remember in the month of April: Youth For Christ meeting at Barrington April 9. Good, Friday service April 15 at 7:30. Mrs. Fredrichson will be the special speaker for Good Friday service. Post Easter Bible conference April 19 to 22. Annual church meeting April 26. Anyone who wishes to volunteer as a staff member for Daily Vacation Bible school is a s k e d t o c o n t a c t P a s t o r Wright. The dates are June 22 to 30. Hospital Chaplain to Speak" The Rev. Jerome Kaufman, senior chaplain of the United Lutheran Social Mission Society in Chicago will speak to the "Women of the Church" Monday evening, April 4. The meeting will begin at 8, and all ladies are invited. Hie daytime circle of the women of the church will meet at 9:30 TUesday, April 5, and will also have a special program presented by the visitation committee of the church. -t Nativity Lutheran Church News Sunday, April 3, will be New Member Sunday" in the church, as new members will be received at the 10:45 service. A special reception will be held in the afternoon from 3 to 5 sponsored by the evangelism committee and the women of the church. Attendance awards for perfect and regular attendance at Sunday school will be presented April 3. "A Frightened Crowd" is the sermon title for Wednesday, April 6, at 7:45. continuing the series of midweek Lenten services of "The Crowds Around Calvary". The Altar Guild will meet after the worship service Wednesday evening, April 6. PTA Meets April 5 The Harrison PTA meets the first Tuesday in April to allow for the introduction of LAST 3 DAYS THURSDAY - FRIDAY fe SATURDAY MARCH 31 - APRIL 1-2 "RED HOT" Liquor S$le Save During Our 2-in-1 Celebration MILLSTREAM DRUGS 815 W. Elm Street Next To Jewel Tea McHenry, 111. all school board "candidates prior to the voting April '91 A healthy sign of interest in our school 'is evidenced by a contest again this year for membership on the board. $ "Farewell to Childhood" is the subject of the final presentation in the parent education series of films and discussions conducted by Dr. Ratner. Chamber of Commerce • Represen t a t i v e s of the Northern Illinois Gas Company will address the Wonder Lake Chamber of Commerce at their meeting T^irsday, March 31, at LaGreca's Lake View Inn. Dinner at 7:30 p.m., program at 8:30 and meeting at 9:30 pjn. Sol Friedman, Republican candidate for States Attorney, and Harold McKinney, Democratic candidate for States Attorney, will also be" guests at the meeting. You are asked to make dinner reservations an advance. The public is invited to all C of C programs. Best of Show Ernest Gibson of Highland Shores, 13 year old seventh grade student at West wood, was awarded best of show at the Science Fair held Friday night. In the living things catagory he took first prize for an exhibit of feathers of a bird, propagation of plant using various rooting media,;and parts of a fish. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kuntz. Contribute to Trip The gratitude of the eighth grade class at Harrison is expressed by president' Fred Kusch and secretary Patricia Grabovy to the Wonder Worker 4-H group and their, leader Mrs. Jay Hansen. The Wonder Workers donated the proceeds of a bake sale to the class to be used for the Springfield trip in May. Girl Scout News 1 >arlene Brown reports; , "March 18 we gave our cookie slips to Mrs. Harris, and we made notebook lists. Then on March 25 we played a game that we line up the Girl Scout promise and laws. Mrs. (Harris said, that* Mary. Lee r Wight sold the most cookies. We ended our meeting with taps." New Auxiliary Meets The April meeting of the Highland Shores Women's auxiliary will be held Tuesday, April 5. at 8:30 p.m. The auxiliary meets at the squad house. The coffee hour will be extra fun this month because of a white elephant - sale planned by the social committee. All ladies of Highland Shores are invited to come to the meeting. Chairman of the white elephant sale, Mrs. M. Booker, assures an entertaining evening Cor .all. Members are asked to notify Mrs./Booker of any articles they are planning to bring. Welcome New Babies Following closely on the heels of Spring are the births of four babies to Wonder Lakers. Mr. and Mrs. John Eberle are parents of another boy, their fourth son, born March at Memorial hospital. Robert Michael weighed 8% lbs. at birth. His brothers are John, Jr., who is 14; William, age 12; and Edward, age 8. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Mclnnes of Glascow, Scotland. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eberle of Hickory Fails. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Armstrong of Wooded Shores < March 22 at Memorial hospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs., 4 ozs. and has been named Philip Allen. The Armstrongs have another child, a daughter, Cindy Kay. who is 2% years old. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Munson of Pistakee Bay and paternal grandfather is Allen Armstrong of Chicago. The fourth son and fifth child was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Robison of Shores^ Hills on March 22 at Memorial hospital. The baby weighed 8 lbs., 13 ozs., and was named Jay Patrick. Other children are James, age 8^; Rita, age 7; Jeff, who,is 5% and Jerry, age 4. Maternal grahdpareiUs are Mr. and Mrs. Eli Whitney of Fontana, Wis., and paternal grandmother is Mrs. „ James Robison, Sr., of Bensenville. Lynn Ellen is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stelter of Sunrise Ridge for their first born who arrived March 22 at Memorial hospital. This little girl weighed 6 lbs., 13 ozs. at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiggins of Highland Shores, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stelter, Sr., of Engadine, Mich. SHAREHOLDERS O.K. EMPLOYEES' PROFIT SHARING The shareholders of National Tea Co., in their annual meeting, approved of the salaried employees profit sharing and savings plan as. proposed by the board of directors, and approved the proposed slate of officers and directors of the company for the ensuing year. *At their annual meeting held in the home offices of the company, the shareholders representing 5,823,325 shares, either in person or by proxy, which accounted for more than 82 percent of the common shares outstanding of record on Feb. 12, 1960, and therefore entitled to be voted, reelected eight men for the term of one year by unanimous vote as directors. Question? b yew inwranc* agent dtainad to on* company or can t« effar you pro* taction in any numbor of Am boil and oMm! insurants firms in Airwriea? Ywr hdepeafcet Af«t Cal THE KENT CORP. 116 X. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-3800 LAST 3 DAYS THURSDAY - FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 31 - APRIL I -2 2-in-1 Celebration S A L E ! INTERIOR -- EXTERIOR WHITE PAINT MILLSTREAM DRUGS S15 W. Elm Street Next To Jewel Tea McHenry, HL ADVERTISEMENT y ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT SS L&.: • Ai.tlfcf There's many REASONS to elect LEE R. FUMING State Senator g 1. We will do away with conflict of interests -- FLEMING will H represent you instead of clients. ( 2. FUMING will represent you, the people of Lake, McHenry and = Boone Counties instead of disregarding your interests to curry s favor with Chicago's Super Government crowd. | 3. FLEMING will work to prevent further increases in your taxes j§ and fight for every reduction possible. M There are times when a mao has been In office too long. If seems this has hapii pened. Ifs time to elect a new senator in the Republican Primary, Tuesday, April gj 12th. H ;>v. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY H Tvesday, April 12th LEi R. FLEMING g | Voters are fuming to FLEMING to get someone to fight their tax battle at Springfield I P# llgpi ©li J i P a v e Wk sa um P %+ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Save For Your Tomorrows-Today! On Regular Savings Accounts Per Annum Slave Here -- Safely and Profitably lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllHIIIIIIIIIMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllll CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiniiiiiF INSURED SAFETY . . . The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, was created by Act of Congress in June, 1934. Today this system protects and insures more than 63 billion dollars of savings in the nation's 6,200 F.S.L.I.C. Insured t Savings & Loan Associations. In complete Safety you can invest your cash reserves and earn the above average returns offered by these specialized savings associations. 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIUIHIIHIHIIIIV Pay Yourself ... First! Get A Check Every 6 Months VM On Investment Savings Accounts MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N 206 WEST ELM STREET EV 5-3000 Member Federal Home Loan Bank 4% Per Annum Vz% Bonus Payable at Maturity iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii SAVINGS AVAILABILITY / YOUR SAVINGS have atways been ACCESSIBLE . . . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiitiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiutuiiuHuun McHENRY, ILLINOIS