Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1960, p. 17

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T&irgday, March 31, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Seventeen McHenry Shore* HOLD ELECTION TO BREAK TIE FjQB TRUSTEE By Clare Muellers EV. 5-0553 An important reminder to yOTr civic minded people that the run-off^election for the offii^ of trustee will be held next Thursday, April 7, at the regular riieeting of the McHenry Shores club, 8 p.m. in the V.F.W. clubhouse. Jack Resting and August Smith, who tied for the position at the March election, are the only two eligible candidates. There wi& be no write-in candidates pemiitted. as this election is being held to break the tie vote. Only paid «up members pan vote, so if your 1960 dues are not up to date, why not get down there early and pay up so that you can give your favorite son a boast. This will also give you the opportunity to become acquainted with the newly elected officers. 'Qie new chairman of the ways and means committee, Daisy Smith, promises an added feature after the election and meeting. Ken Schopp, Frank Stark. . . treasurer - Bill Dostal, Ray Olszewski. . . .director - Larry Hicks, Charles Lindwall. A Birthday, A Christening, A Party Happy birthday to Ruth Dodge who will celebrate her's on the seventh. '*• March 20, Baby Terry Christine Moore was christened by Father Parker at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ! liam Mitchel. I Dancing and games prevailed i at Pat Simonsen's first 'teen i party. The following girls had j a wonderful time celebrating j that thirteenth birthday: Kath- I leen Justen, Christine Liptrot, ! Pat Mueller, Sye O'Brien, Gail | Pai'ks, Mary Sullivan and Helj en Vogt. After all the dancing, j they really raided the pepsies, , barbecued beef and cake that were served later. Children's Seal Contest Remember kids -- last week we promised to let you in on a contest. Well, at the meeting last week, (if your dads didn't al4kdy tell you) the Shores Social and Athletic club decided that they ought to have art emblem for their corporate seal which also could be used as the club's insignia for uniforms. pins, trophies, etc. This poster contest will be open to all the little boys and girls who jive in McHenry Shores, even the 'teen-agers in hieb school can participate. THWe will be a prize in three different age groups. The real little tots can have mom and dad help thfu«.' You can pick up the official entry blanks and rules at Mr. Schopp's house -- 106 Fox avenue, Mr. Mueller's hoiise -- 304 Terrace Drive or Mrf Cicchini's house -- 111 B r o a d w a y n e x t S a t u r d a y morning, April 2, or any time aft^ that. SSAC Candidates Nominated The Shores Social and Athletic club celebrated its first birthday this past month. After a brief business meeting, at which the noster contest wafe discussed,^he baseball committee alerted and groundwork for the bowling team laid, the f o l l b w i n g c a n d i d a t e s w e r e riolAiated for officers irt the" election that will take place at the April 23 meeting: president' - Ed Olbinski, Rob Dobbertin. Chuck Whitney. . . . vice-president - Art Cicchini, Elmer Granso. . . . secretary • Song Festival Daughter, Patfie Mueller, came home and announced that she,was one of the St. Patrick's school students who treked over to St. Thomas' auditorium via bus, at Crystal Lake for a singing get-to-gether. Besides St. Thomas and St. Patrick schools; St. Margaret's tif Algonquin. St. Peter and Paul's of Cary, St. Joseph's of Harvard. St. John's of Johnsburg, St. Mary's of McHenry, St. Joj seph's of Richmond, St. Peter's of Spring Grove and St. Mary's of Woodstock participated. Here and There The senior Charles Whitneys were out for a visit with Chuck and Audrey. . . Helen Simonsen's brother, Frank Rielly, and sister, Cath Ziderdwski, with her husband, Joe, were out for a Sunday. . . Sam Zeimet's sister with her husband, Marge and Charles Maloney, dropped over from Grass Lake for one of Julia's noted Rock Cornish hen dinners. . . The Muellers and Tanners also shared the Zeimets' hospitality on another day. . . .The Starks entertained the Olszewskis and Whitneys a couple of Saturdays back . Daisy Smith was in Chicago for the luncheon served in honor of the National President of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mrs. Gertrude Rhind. Governor St rat ton was present as were several noted Chicagoans. . . . The Hat tans of McHenry Shores, dropped in on the Hattans of Lake Villa (Gordy's brother). . . Seen at the St, Patrick's* dinner '"aft St. "Pat's? tfie Jack Schmitts, the -Bob Tinners, the Sam Zeittiets and the Clare Muellers. . . Seen at the St. Patrick's dance at the V.F.W.: the Harry Millers and the John' Smiths., 1 In Closing Better paint your name on the garbage cans and covers 'cause the spring winds are starting and they sure can mak^e things travel. . . See where the front, page of the Plaindealer really scooped us a couple of weeks back. Daisy was re-elected president of the V.F.W. Auxiliary and Freddy Stark won in the swimming pool poster contest, also Carol Olszewski had an honorable mention. But to top it all, last week they put V.F.W. auxiliary column right next .to ours with that president announcement, but don't let it get you down, keep the news coming and maybe we can retaliate with a couple more scoops. Red Cross Asks Support Of Drive According to national policy agreed upon by the heads of the four major drives, the month of "March was designated for solicitation for membership in the American Red Cross, states Mrs. Marion B. Phinney, executive director of the McHenry county chapter. Due to the inclement weather and the icy roads, particularly in the rural sections, many volunteer workers have not been ablej to complete their territories, so if a volunteer solicitor does not contact you, slip your contribution in an envelope and address it to the American Red Cross at Woodstock, and it will be credited to the community in which you reside. TAX MEETING Charles Lucas, president of the State Taxpayers Voters League, has announced that a public meeting sponsored by his and other interested groups has been set for 2 p.m., April 3. at the Lake county Farm Bureau building, county /air grounds, were candidates are invited to appear to discuss tax matters. Village of Suniiyside Hold Village Meeting, Apr. 4 • Irma Gunther - Reporter - EV. 5-5484 On April 4 the regular mqfithly. village meeting will be held and if you attend, which you all know you can, you will be able to get acquainted with our new village clerk and also our new treasure r< Home Bureau On April we will have our Home Bureau meeting at the home of Clara Harrington here in the village. There will be I an interesting speaker to give • us an enlightening talk about j our government and we hope each member will be able to attend and also to bring a guest. ^Dinner Out > Last Sunday Fred and Ollie Garner enjoyed a delicious dinner out with daughter, Sharon, : son-in-law, Ron, and their two children. i Demonstration A demonstration Was held at my home last week. There were fifteen of us and we saw some easy ways and means to thelp with the housework. Coffee and cake were served afterwards. I hope none of you ever do what I did when using an angel food pan. When I was taking the cake off of the table I forget that my pan had the inside that comes out, yes that is how I carried it to the oven and my batter was all over me and the floor. So we almost had no cake to go with our coffee. Pistakee Terrace , The St. Patrick's day dance That the V.F.W. in McHenry had was' enjoyed by Lorreta and Don Kern, Marilyn and Ron Wiggerman and Bernice and Norm Cisewski. Roy and Jean Eric§on went into the city last week with their three little men. This was, the first trip for the newest member, baby Steven, for everyone there to see him. Ron and Marilyn Wiggernfan enjoyed the company of Ron's mother, Mrs. Catherine! Wiggerman from Chicago, for a few cdays. One evening was spent enjoying movies of Okinawa that Ron's brother, who Is a Marine stationed there, took. Marty Pritchard is finally shaking that cold that didn't want to leave. John Rupp is recuperating nicely from the surgery he had done and will be returning to work before long. t hope you all faeve May 21 circled on your calendars, I know many wiil think this is too early to keep reminding y6u about the dance but I will do so every few weeks to keep it fresh in your minds. A gala evenihg is planned for you by the" committee of the Pistakee Terrace Women's association and you will be helping a good cause. _ THERON J. EHORN Republican Candidate For COUNTY CORONER McHENRY COUNTY Your Vottf Will Be Appreciated • ' SOCIAL. It was nice to see some new faqps Saturday at the social. Cards were played and those of us , who didn't care for cards had a tough game of scrabble, is surprising how many ~ds in the dictionary we haie frogotten since our school dajs. Kay Fredrick served le delicious refreshments 'rwards. | . I Visitors Well we had our first guests frtrn the city now that the wmther is starting to act like sarin g. Daughter, Barbara, spent the weekend with us and th<s|n Bill's brother, Barney and. his. family from Elmwood Park, ca$ie for dinner. Spelling Bee Winner, Congratulations are once aga in in order for Pam Obstfelcler who won first place in the spelling bee for St. John's Rolling Skating Party Monday, March 28. Den 12 from Pack 362 went to a roller skjating party with their- parents and friends at the rink in McHenry. On April 7 the pack meeting will be at 8 p.m. at the Legion hall. Everyone is invited to attend. Mike Harrington. James Vyduna, Bob Roggenbuck and Steven Williams will be getting their Wolf Badges at the meeting. Cpffee, cake and milk will be served after the meeting. Pistakee Terrace Millie and Vern MondF entertained Millie's sister and her family from St. Louis. They came here to escape the snow they had at home but ran into just as much up here, On Sunday George and Mary Mecko with sons, Mike and Butch and his girl friend, Alice Klimek, and yours truly went to Joliet to attend the spring concert given by St. Joseph's academy orchestra. Our main reason for going was to hear Carol Mecko play her trombone. It sure is wonderful to see how well some of the girls preform when they have only been playing their instruments for a little more than a year. One determined man with one rusty wrench can accomplish more than a loafer with a complete set of brand-new tools. T 80 Years Experience m JUNE DATES FOR ART FAIR SET LASTWEEK New Artists In . /Area^Encburaged To Register Soon The fourth annual Country Art Fair has now been scheduled for June 24. 25 and 26 at t h e M c H e n r y J u n i o r h i g h school. Artists, particularly new artists in McHenry county, are encouraged to register soon with Mrs. Lori Wilhelm, 204 Main street, McHenry. Name Committee Committee members, under, the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Locker, chairman, have been busy since the middle of February making preparations for the fair, which is sponsored by the Women's auxiliary to McHenry hospital. Some of the other workers for this year's show include Jane Weiss of McHenry, who is in charge of the artists' work shop;, Ed Wittrock, McHenry. children's work shop; Jack Hobbs, Crystal Lake, children's show; Bettina Johnson, McHenry, finances; Tom Henley, Fox River Grove, artist awards; and Barbara Brodie, Woodstock, posters. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie and Mr. and Mrs. Uhls will handle procurement of the loan exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crumlish of Woodstock have agreed to do the hanging of the show and Bill Kinsala of McHenry will be in charge of the auction. Outdoor publicity will be arranged by Chester Stamm of McHenry and written publicity by Mr. and Mrs. August Uttich of Lakeland Park; Dorothy Miller, McHenry, is in charge of art sales and Nila Hoffman, McHenry, will handle the t i c k e t c h a i r m a n s h i p . P e a r l Cooper will be the first historian for the Country Art Fair. Honey and beeswax are produced over a wider geographical range than any other agricultural crop--there is scarcely any area of populated world in which they are not known. Bright and gay as Springtime! NORCROSS CmcUi i BOLGER'S 103 S.,Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 ADVERTISEMENT SALES & SERVICE Courteous Service at all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim COLOR TV REPAIR ALL MAKES TV -- Radio -- Phono -- Hi-Fi • 90-Day Warranty on all parts that we install • Antenna Installations and Repairs • Public Address Systems Rentals • Free Tube Testing Service Radio - TV - Hi-Fi 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Liberal Trade-in Allowance '3,678--* IS THE PRICE OF THIS CHRYSLER TOTAL VALUE SPECIAL ... INCLUDING ALL THE EQUIPMENT AND FEATURES LISTED AT RIGHT. Not a stripped-down model... this is the luxuriously equipped car you saw on the Chrysler- TV Guide Award Show... and its honest price. See it today! Drive it today. At your nearest Chrysler dealer's! The Car Of Your Life For The Time Of Your Life! CHRYSLER Chrysler Windsor 4-Ooor Sedan--si*r of the Chrysler "TV Guide Award Show' > / LOOK WHAjj YOU GET FOR $3,678.60! \TorqueFllte Automatic Transmission ^ Constant-Control Power Steering ^ Pushbutton Conditionaire Heater ^ White Sidewad Tires Safety-Rim Wheels High-Tower Driver's Seat AstraDome Control Center Panelescent Lighting Unibody Single-Unit Construction Torsion-Aire Ride Total-Contact Brakes Lustre-Bond Enamels Foam-Ru bber Seats Deep-Pile Carpeting Directional Signals ALL FOR ONLY S3,G7B» 'Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price, exclusive of destination charges. lion-hearted \ * - ^ -X >->• . mm f i 0 xx .. vote in April for iifit mmsu GOVERNOR M REPUBLICAN "the man who tan WIN IN NOVEMBER" 1st pin fSs * £ *0 \ • ,y MVI SOU* C«nui COIPOIATION A. S. BLAKE MOTORS. Inc CHRYSLER J tHW/f IH 301 E. Pearl Street ROBERTSON Has pledged that there will be no state income tax. ROBERTSON Will fully support a State Crime Commission. ROBERTSON Will not make deals with Chicago's mayor at the taxpayers expense. ROBERTSON Will provide party leadership. ROBERTSON'S Name on the ballot will not hamper Nixon's chances in Illinois in November. NO THIRD TERM IN ILLINOIS! VOTE FOR HAYES ROBERTSON Republican Primary Tuesday, April 12th - This ad placed and paid for by tho CITIZENS COMMITTEE for HAYES ROBERTSON, Albert W. Hachmeister, Chairman -- Arthur T. Clarafp, Treasurer. ||#f I'll

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