Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1960, p. 22

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fag«. Twenty-Two THE McHENRY PLAOTDEALIpl Thursday. March 31. 1960O lakeland Park HOLD GENERAL MEETING OF LPPOA i.T LEGION. APR. 3 : Vlokey Bottari EV. 5-2262 Carole Humann EV. 5-1605 The general meeting of the Lakeland Park Property Owners association will be held this coming Sunday. April 3 at 7 p:m. PROMPT at the American Legion hall. It is very important that we have a large turn out as this is election night. If you will be unable to attend the meeting you can obtain an absentee ballot from the secretary of the association. Mrs. Audrey Ellmer, by going to her home at 406 Willow Lane any evening between now and Sunday and still cast your vote. Place all absentee ballots with the candidates you have selected in a sealed envelope and either return them to Audrey or any other member of the board of directors. Dop't forget, let's have a good turn out for this very important meeting. , 3712 or Mrs. Etta Clark EV. 5- 3380. Junior 'Teen Club A- meeting of the Junior 'Teen club was held on March 23 with thirty members present. Mrs. Pat Gelwicks was their guest speaker for the evening giving the club information on the 4-H Club which is being started in our subdivision. Happy Anniversary To Jackie and John Ahrens j on their eighth year of wedded : bliss which they celebrated on i March 22. Wonuen?s Club The time is growing short to enter. the candidate of yOur choice in the election for the board of the Lakeland Park Women's club. Elections will be held at the meeting next Thursday, April 7. Nominations will be accepted up to election time. Choose your candidate and than call Audrey Ellmer EV. 5-3242; Joan Krater EV. 5-2462; Dolores Rogers EV. 5- 0744; Jessie Matthews EV. 5- 6042 or Carole Huemann EV. 5-1605. Meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. SHARP. 4-H Club The first meeting of the new 4-H Club was held last Thursday, March 24. The purpose of this meeting was to select a name and time of future meetings. Those present voted to name this new club "MOUNTAINVUE" and decided to meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the community house. Election of officers will be held at the next meeting on April 14. Boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 2i who are Interested in joining may contact Mrs. Pat Gelwicks EV. 5- Our Celebrities Add three new names to the ever growing iisi of talented small fry of our, subdivision. Turning in quite creditablc performances at the recent Tot and 'Teen Style Show and Review were Susie and Roger Gerstad and Debbie George all of Lakeland Shores. Congratulations kids on what could be the start of modelling careers. Cina, Francine Parisi and her two brothers, Alan and Dale, and sister, Carol, in the middle of the week and then continued the party on into Sunday with several members of her family. To Joanne Rizzo who turned 9 on Sunday, March 20, but had a gay party on Monday, March 21. Those coming out for the fun were: Beth Okal, Carol Moll, Mary Hagen, Kathy Becker, Debbie Franklin of Lakeland Park, Mary Pintozzi of Edgebrook Heights. Janet Weber. Erla Marshall, Mary Lou Miller, Pat Harms and Mary Martin ol McHenry. Games were played and prizes were won including a two pound lollypop which Was won by Mary Hagen and it's something that Mary can share around with her other sisters and maybe baby brother can have just one little lick at it. Birthday Greetings To Ann . Dawson, March 25; Dorothy Chismar, March 28; Florence Piasecke, March 29; and Dorothy Glorch, March 30; and to Joan Bucaro who claims that on March 20 she reached | voting age. Even though there was little evidence of spring in the air on t March 21. little Leah Rode had i cause to celebrate -- the oc- : casion beinrj her fifth birthday. I Present to join in on the festiv- ' ities were Nancy Matthews. ! Richard Nowell and Darryl I and Darlene Williams and • moms Jessie Matthews, Dolly , Nowell, Polly Licastro and j Donna Rode. After school, j brothers. Raymond and Rus- ! sell, and Bobby Matthews | joined in on the fun and helped I to eliminate the refreshments. ' To Tommy Przetacznak who celebrated his tenth birthday on March 24 with the following guest list joining in the festivities: Dennis Karaskiewicz, Ray Bottari, Jimmy Franklin, j John Reinke, Kevin Lavin, John Zimny, Francine Parisi, Josephine Cina and last but by j no means least little brother, j Mitchell. . Ta Mary Mell who celebrati ed with Nancy Kralowetz, j Kandy Thompson, Vickey Ascola, Paulette Rizzo? Josephine DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- Of.ASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 8 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 ll ri ' - \ Our financial services are for every member of the family, from dad, all ©the way down to the thrifty youngsters. 4 The dividend rates which we give adds just that much more to a growing account. Our services, modern facilities and friendly, courteous personnel make it a pleasure to save here. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% O'/Uff WOfXf Sv TOlll SAVINGS VC> ^Tto*^ arengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State SI Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Eugene Kell of 114 Knoll avenue on the death of his wife. Rose. Mrs. Kell died at the age of 69 after quite a long illness.' They had been residents of Lakeland Park for the yjst six years, and previous to moving here had lived in Napervilie. She was buried last Saturday afternoon with services being performed by the Rev. Burton Schroeder and she was laid to rest in the Irving Park cemetery in Chicago. New Deb Miss Catherine Monlemayor made her det>ut at Highland Park hospital on Feb. 26. This lovely young bud bowed in a pink and white skin at 8 lbs.. 7 ozs. She was presented to parents, Dr. and Mrs. Eleazar Montemayor, and four brothers and one sister. She is at home at 216 Ramble Road, Lakeland Shores. Hear Ye! Heralding the news of the first born grandchild are Grandpa and Grandma Doering of 109 North avenue, Lakeland Shores. Daughter, Mrs. Barbara Martin of West Shore Beach, gave birth on March 15 to a sweet little girl to be known as Kimberly Marie. Little Kim who tipped the scales at 9 lbs., 10 M> ozs., was born on the anniversary of her great-grandfather's birthday. Meet Your Neighbors Avid readers of " Goren on Bridge" are Bud and Dorothy Uttich of 501 Shore Drive who are listed among the original OLD-TIMERS of our community. Bud and Dorothy, who moved to Lakeland Park, from Villa Park about five years ago, were instrumental in founding the Lakeland Park Property Owners association and are now finishing A two year term as co-presidents of the McHenry PTA. Bud, who is a chemical engineer, is currently our Lakeland Park road commissioner and a past president of the board of directors of the L.P.P.O.A. In his slpare time he likes to putter in the garden with the help of kids, Mary 8. Tom. 5V2 and Katie 2 '.2, leaving mom as the cleanup crew. . So long -again this week from your two reporters and we would like our 'phones fo keep ringing with: news so we can report it to you first hand. See you all Sunday evenng at 7 pm. shaip at the Legion hall for the LPPOA meeting, O.K.? MILK PRICES Dairy farmers delivering milk to handlers in the Chicago market during February will be paid $3.70 per cwt. for base milk of 3.5 per cent butterfat test delivered in the 70-mile zone, according to Harry L. Edwards, director of marketing for Pure Milk association. This price includes a super pool premium of 30 cents cwt. over the Order 41 blend price of $3.40 cwt. The price of $3.70 will he paid on that portion of milk delivered equalling each dairyman's base. The order blend price of $3.40 cwt. will be paid on that portion of individual deliveries exceeding the farmer's base. Holiday Hills Association Now Year Old Rita Oleyar - EV. 5-4763 The Holiday Hills Property Owners association moved into its second year of existence March 1 with ninety-one families on its roster of active membership. The first meeting of the new fiscal year was held Monday evening, March 21, at the home of the president, Eld Oleyar, with forty-five residents in attendance. The 1960 assessment is now due. and the treasurer will be mailing the statements to members. In addition, the five mail board of directors will continue to contact all nonmembers in an effort to swell the ranks of membership;.'" Grading of Roads Several members of the bo/rd of directors . have discussed the condition of the roads' with the builder, and have receded his promise that grading will be done just as soon as the~v^eathcr permits.. Nominating Committee Appointed A nominating committee was selected and given the task of determining a slate of candidates for association offices in preparation for the next annual election. Members of the committee were picked on a geographical basis, and an effort will be made to nominate representatives from all parts of the subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mettelka, Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heise, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferreri, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmitt make up the committee. Spring Dance Planned The members approved a suggestion for some kind of spring party for residents. This was given to the ways and means committee to develop. Plans will be made in the near future and members informed by newsletter! ducted into the U.S. Army shortly after his father's funeral. Our sympathies are with the bereaved widow and children. Committee Membership Open The officers and board of directors urge any member who wants to participate actively in the work of the association to j affiliate himself with one of t h e permanent committees. They are roads and general maintenance, beaches and parks, refreshments, ways and means, and the legal committee. Please call the president or any member of the board about this. 'Poster Contest Winner Matthew - Justes, nine-yearold son of Victor and Jimmie Justes, received an honorable mention in the poster coloring contest sponsored by the swimming pool fund committee of McHenry. Matthew is in the third grade at St. Patrick's, and his parents are' rather proud of his artistic ability. Jimmie, the boy's mother,--was once an art teacher in Pennsylvania. Eight guests were entertained at u demonstration I sponsored by Irene Weiss at | her home Friday evening, | March 18. The girls were Viri ginia Lundelius, Mickey Walt-. I ters, Inez Young, Phyllis Har- I per. Pat Wesley, Berine Wemken, Kay -McWilliams arid Betty Sawisch. " . Death of Resident Thomas Williams, whose family has rented the Richmond house on Pine street, since last fall, died Friday night, March 18 at the Memorial hospital in Woodstock, after a long illness. He was 58 years of age and had been employed as a mechanic by the Chicago Park District. His survivors include seven children and two brothers and a sister in Wyoming. • Bob. Williams, one of the sons who had lived with his father here, was in- Da tea to Remember This Sunday afternoon, April 3, from two o'clock until five, the Girl Scout Troops of Valley View Neighborhood will present their annual fair at the American Legion hall on Green street. Both of our troops will have displays. Registration for public school kindergarten and first grade will be held Friday, April 22. Your child must be five befo: Dec. 1 for kindergarten, an six by Dec. 1 to enter the first grade. This is nn early reminder for all parents concerned to obtain a legal birth certificate from the state in which your child was born. A hospital or baptismal certificate will ; not be accepted. If you wish details' on this registration, please call your reporter. -- o HEADS DEPARTMENT Henry Zenner, Jr., has been named production manager of the slide and film-strip department in the George W. Colburn Laboratory, Inc., 164 N. Wack-, er drive. In his new position he will work with numerous industrial, educational, scientific and religious film producers throughout the country. ^ Mr. Zenner has lived in Pistakee Highlands with his wife and five children for two years. New room beauty in a few hoars * * * * * * * * * * * WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT STATE SENATOR McCLORY B* l P*. WjU. &S>.o n OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 MORE WATER *tw&z&aoMt with a RED JACKET WB" . WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO 1170 OAL. MR HOUt • PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 PEST • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICI OolMtHlollir, liiri !» your bait pump buy. Heavy, durable Mnstruction throughout. Quia*, lubrication -- fraa •paratlan--only en* moving part. A product of a worldfwnomiatf pump manufacturer with ovar 76 yatri' axpart- •KM In building watar tarvlca product*. Tha Cantri-Jat "HI" Watar Syttam will mora than satisfy you in avary Cmm In and taa for yourtalf. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair *H# Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake m miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. rHONI McHENRY EV 5-S2S2 . . Sinee the close of the recent Session I have had time to evaluate the work done by the various Members of the Legislature, particularly those in the State Senate, and I would like to say this word to you and to your constituents. In my opinion you have been outstanding in the service you have rendered, not only to this office in its many efforts to promote higUer standards in driver licensing and traffic safety, but to the'entire State as well ... ". . . Having had fourteen years of personal experience in the State Senate, 1 feel that I am in a good position to make this observation--that you are one of the outstanding Members of that Body ..." Charles F. Carpentier Secretary of State Renominate the Experienced Man of Proven Ability STATE SENATOR ROBERT McCLORY VOTE IN THE REPUBUCM PRIMARY, TUESDAY. APRIL 12 * * * * * * " * • * * * * • 6m on IN hall Hm Hint • Drlts la 10 mta. • No broth marll • No offensive odoi • Goaronteod wasboblo Perfect decorating results every tfmeP Paint with SPRED SATIN as you like, fatter, easier, effort* lessly. Start or stop any place. Laps won't show. SPRED SATIN is the 100% latex base Wonder Paint. You can paint a room in a few hours. Choose from 180 beautiful colors -- pastels to modern deep shades. Come in! See the beautiful SPRED SATIN color*. *6.49 $2.10 GAL. QT. FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT GO. 120 N. Riverside Drive EV 5-0454 McHenry, 111. "Worst roads in the world, but this new Chevy takes all the roughness out!" Out near Wathena, Kansas, farmer Milt Roundy tends 800 acres with only one helper--his 1960 Chevrolet pickup. The truck almost never runs on Kansas's fine state highways--instead it averages about 2,500 miles a month on unimproved backcountry trails or on hauls into the fields, off the road. "In my book, these are the worst roads in the world" Mr. Roundy says, "but this new Chevy takes all the roughness out. It doesn't fishtail or whip around like other trucks -- I can steer U with one fingerf They're speaking right up, these owners of '60 Chevrolets. Everywhere you go, they're giving reports on a revolutionary ride that leads to a big^ei aif s work at less expense; praising track power that knows the most a boat saving money. It's Chevy's total newness they'ne talking about. And you'll be talking, too, once yon turn a new Chevrolet loose on your money runs. Your dealer can get you started, right awayt ft takes Chevy's new Torsion-Spring Ride to smooth out a road like this! WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVR0IET SIURDI-BIUIRUCKS See pour local authorized Chevrolet dealer for fast delivery, favorable deals! CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277

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