Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1960, p. 8

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>age Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* April 7, COUNCIL in CAPSULE The annual meeting of the City Council will be held on Thursday, April 28, this year. This meeting will close out the business of the current fiscal year. Drivers Unhurt As Two Autos Collide * A special meeting will follow sojournment of the annual, .* vip£ the council an opportunity to act on alcoholic beverage licenses. Council members arc anxously awaiting a meeting with .the McHenry-Nunda drainage .distiict officers to hear plans for correction of flood conditions in 1 he Park avenue area. Ronald H. Peo of Rt. 5. Mc- Henry, and Leo J. Scheid of Wauconda escaped u n h u r t when -their cars sideswii>ed on Rt. 12, a half mile north of the Wing n Fin road. State police said Scheid was making a left turn as Peo started to pass. The accident occurred Monday afternoon. CONTESTS EVIDENT IN FOUR SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICTS (Continued from Page 1) tr$nce; 6 Wonder Lake Harrison school building. District No. $6: 7, Joseph J. Willard residence. Island Lake. District 15 Three residents of District A'l the meeting Monday •night, the Council followed a" previously established policy of ... . , . , 'r ej. ect..i.n g* requests f-o r use of, 1..) .(co nsol.i date, d *gr ^de sc.h..o ol' pnlkinc" mctere for advert*- wlM w v«"« for Uvo P"®'1™? ins purposes. running three years on that _ _ boaid. They are Naomi Meyer, have been PreSem °"icp holder. August * J: Uttich of, Lake-land. Park and Vernon' Ehredt of Lily moor: Arrangements h q v e been made for purchase of site for new water well in Edgebrook Heights Annex. It is also expected that an agreement will be completed very soon for the site of new water tower in Cooncy Heights. 8,560 Qualified To Vote April 12 YOUTH KILLED IN ACCIDENT AFTER CHASE' (Continued from page 1) within a short distance of the youths' car when the latter went out of control and struck a tree on Rt. 31 and Johnsburg | road. The auto was completely ! demolished. Meade is reported to have been a former inmate, of the St. Charles Training school. On Saturday, a complaint was signed by Chief Deputy Sheriff Ed. Dowd. Gharging Ingram with reckless homicide. He was held irt county jail on bonds totalling $14,200. The figure included $7,500 on the m homicide charge, $1.- "00 on the reckless driving charge; .>o,0Q0 on a malicious mischief complaint and $200 on having, liquor in his car with a broken seal. * • Meade is charged wilh malicious mischief and will be placed in custody when released from the hospital. The inquest into Muscarelli's death will be hejtf Friday at the Peter M. J\iStcn funeral home. The l^y wqs taken to a Round Lake chapel for last rites. ' ••• Two yqtftte^; J\$arengo men,1 friends anfrwnjl employees at, the same factory, became the; CONGRATULATES CANDIDATE JSP -- • IN 1959 SALES TAX COLLECTION In addition .to candidates. voters of the district \rill also need to decide a $350,000 building bond issue for the purpose of constructing a new school building and improving school sites. The proposed school will ninth""and lenth'VaffiWat'aibe located, if approved, about ities of the McH two miles west of McHenry. as the resu|t Qf head serving pupils in the Lakeland on a hajf mile west of -- -- Park, McCullom Lake, and sur- Tini™ t„ K1 , . <Continued (ri m page 1) rounding area and thus allevi- : ,ast Fri<lay a(1tfnoon °P Patrick and Martin O Brien a,f 'he '™'^Portation problem , ^ dl,ad are yemon R in that community. un„kel, 20, and Jerrv Edge. 19. ty ,Km,Ke^a V a ' 3 b ,! According to authorities. Rothrough the bond issue would isen„1nkt, ntmning homt> also be used to improve sites from Ws job a( ^ Aubr(,y Hardware Co.. in Union, driving west. Edge had just finished work at the Arnold Engini eering Co. plant in Marengo at 3:30 and was enroufe to the 1 CROSSWORD • » « By A. C, Cordon | .Sales tax collections in the | county during the 1939 calendar year totalled $1,250,092.86, according to a Report from the state department of revenue. McHenry was third with a collection of $402,127.30. Other collections were as follows: Crystal Lake -- $485,919.46 Woodstock -- *453.765.19 Riirgwood $5,033.15 SpAftg Grove -- 517,867.17 Wonder Lake -- $26,691.63 Johnsburg •-- $9,590.14 Lakemoor -- $11,388.03 Island Lake -- $4,287.58 Alden -- $3,361.?1 Algonquin -- $76,908.84 •Gary -- $99,292.21 Chemung -- $2,268.19 Fox River Grove -- $41,240.21 Harvard -- $200,660.86 Hebron $24,259.29 Huntley' -- $59,183.60 Marengo --- $167,229.78 Richmond -- $41,174.84 • Lake-in-Hills -r- $1,574.06 Taxes collected on the sale of foOdi topped -all categories. $702,666.20, with automotive running second, $483,746.38. for delegates to national nominating convention; Arnold Rauen, Karl P. Zerfoss, Jr.. William Murphy. Joseph Zefran and William Rowe for alternate delegates. Others are Joseph Armondo nnd John Green for state sena t o r ; F e m e C a r t e r P i e r c e , . . . Karl DeBarr, Arthur Desmond : WOU,?I be l $4 f year" A--of Voting f< Kotalik Studio Photo Judge James Cooncy, at loft, is shown congratulating Dr. John C. Goetschel of McHenry, whom he is endorsing as a candidate for county coroner in the primary election next Tuesday. of the present buildings. Based on the present assessed valuation in this area, the cost to the average home owner with a home valued at and Jesse Armstrong for state representative; Charles Adams and Thomas Hanahan, Jr. for representative committeeman; Ervin Kvidera and Robert Knox for clerk of circuit court oting will take place m four places: 1, McHenry high school boys' gym entrance; 2. fire house, Lakemoor: 3. beach house. McCullom I^ake; 4. Joseph J. Willard residence, Is- Harold McKenney for state's District 12 Four candidates seek three attorney; Isadore Tuchalski and Eugene Heckathorne for" county coroner. Contests are evident for several committeeman posts. On the G.O.P. side, they exist in Precinct 1, where Joseph R. Levrsque and Sigurd Jacobson are running, and in Precinct ."i, where Steven Vacula and George Gutzman are opposing t a?h other. Commttteonian Races Others running for committeemen posts on the Republican side are Charles J. Miller. 2; no one in 3; Joseph Fretf. J: Anthony Varese, 6; Joseph A. Cina, 7; Charles G. Miller. 8: John Bonder, 9. The Democrats list Theresa Schultz, 1; Henry V. Jackson. 2; Lawrence J. Huck. Jr.. 3: plac°s on the board of District 12 (Johnsburg! on Saturday. April $. They are Albert A. Adams, Richard R. Marshall. Calvin R. Vyduna and Joseph G. Huemann. Voting'will take place in two polling places: 1. Johnsburg community school building for , all that area of distiict 'outside the incorporate limits of Sun- I nyside; 2. Sunnyside community hall for all lhat area lying within the corporate limits of the village of Sunnyside. District 36 Four also seek positions on Aubrey plant in Union, where he was employed on a second shift. He was driving east. Rosenwinkel was pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial hospital. Edge died there at 7:15 Friday evening, without j regaining consciousness. There were no witnesses to tho accident, but state police said the crash apparently occurred on the north side of' the highway, with both vehicles' demolished; A verdict of accidental death was returned by a jury on Saturday. COMMUTE LIFE SENTENCE IN '41 SLAYING Wonder I>ake. where there arc three places to be filled. Candidates are George A. Rink, Lor- , , T _ , a. j x. rame M. Stahl, Maxine Lichtv John.J Colomer, 4. Jack Mc- &nd James L Robjson Cafferty. 5; Lynn C Stuart, 6; Votjn? u-n (gkc Charles M. Adams. 7; no one ..i Harri?on school. 8: Arthur R. Mathies, 9. Two members of the county board of school trustees will The many McHenry folks who learned of the tragic death of Mrs. Margaret Jung at her tnp hoard at Harrison school, farm home near Woodstock • nineteen years ago will be interested to learn tKat Richard• M. Wesolik, now 38, convicted : of the crime, may get his freeplace at also be elected. There are oniy two candidates, Leo H. Krumme of Algonquin township *nd Grace W. Hanso.i of McHenry ^ 7 p m District 34 Election day promises to create more interest than usual at Ringwood (District 3n this year. Voters will east their votes at the school house from township. There is a total of 13.116 r e s i d e n t s r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e Preceding the election, beginning rt 2:3(;, a caucus will ., be held for nomination of cancounty to vote on April 12. for schoo, director according to County Clerk Ver- special issues will also «? LitaT'ewr15™ Verier' " 'h»* ^ 1?T'"Zi™ ... an.d.. McHenry ranks sccond ^dJ'1fQd tl^ T,aaxT 'raWolorr'b SbuiMildi'inngz cinorrrr aninit ,<t'hdo ,amrilWy ^ trh^ln dom next September. The sixteen-year-old boy. a parolee from St. Charles School for Boys, was convicted of beating Mrs. Jung to death with a heavy wrench. His life sentence. w as"com|iriuted Friday by Gov Williarn G. Stratton on recommendation of the stale pardon board. His sentence was reduced to fifty-seven years, making him eligible for parole in September. At the time of the murder, Wesolik was staying at the' was TWO BUSINESSES HOLD OPENINGS THIS WEEKEND (Cellini pae< 1 > all boat accessories. A complete service for boats wijl also be part of the business. The beautiful new structure which occupies the Marinv Center occupies 10,000 square feet on each floor, with a 3.000 square foot show room. In the rear of the first floor are spacious rooms for offices. The huge basement contains a customers' lounge, a large assortment of boats for sale, a good size shop, a spacious refinishing room. Millstream Coin Wash, located in the same building,, is being operated by Fran and Mike Powers of Harvard, who also have a similar business in R'chmohd. 'The coin wash has thirty-six modern washers and twelve dryers housed in a building 38 x 61 feet, largest in this area. A number of folding tables for the convenience of customers were designed by Mr. Powers. Day and night service is provided for the convenience of the public. Music will be provided in both the Mari le Center and the Coin Wash both on opening days and thereafter for the pleasure of those who call. EASTER SEAL GROUP TO TAG IN CITY SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson. * co-chairmen of the tag day for Easter Seals in Mc- Henrv, announce that taggers will be stationed in various parls i)f the city on Saturday. April 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. They will also be at the Northwestern depot on Friday. Eighty per cent of proceeds from the tag day will be used to help crippled children and aduits in the county, the remainder to be sent to the national organization. The Easter Seal program of service hascontinued to grow in rtcenl yeafsr-and was given impetus when a new building, cmtaining a therapy center, was established in Woodstock. INTEND TO DISSOLVE The state department has announced a statement of intent to dissolve the McHenry Auto Leasing. Inc. TOWN* MEETING An interesting town meeting was held on April 5. Details will appear in next week's issue of the Plaindealer. LIKE A CLOCK: Old Faithful Geyser. in Yellowstone Park, hasn't missed a single eruption in the 88 years of human observation. Flood Waters Reach Peak (Continual from Page 1) regular shoes, and had to put on boots to leave a few hours later. He estimated that it was 4 feet higher by Monday afternoon. Spirit of Fun One group of neighbors in Weingart's Riverside subdivision decided to make the best of a bad situation, and between operating pumps to keep water out of their basements, they have taken a certain amount of enjoyment out of a water Utopia which they have named, on a temporary basis, Venetian Village. Lights are kept on throughout .the night in the yards, to prevent some unsuspecting visitor from drowning. In a few places, walking can be accomplished with very high boots, but mostly transportation is in the form of boafts which residents fondly reftpr to as their "gondolas". They have giye an assortment of attractive and appropriate names . tq their dwellings. Some of the more unusual are Tomm's Last Resort, Otto's Sunken • Gardens, Bill's Light House, Barney's Island. Jacobson's Gondola Service and John's and Emma's Oasis. Our own favorite was Koch's "No More FiddlW Around", a title given to His own home by a musician wlp finally had to give up the .struggle and evacuate early in the week. The sheriff's office said there had been no repo^ts of vandalism in any of the'homes which were evacuated, feut at River Terrace, rmall children broke a few windows. At Fox Lake, vUatec has entered several of trte boat company buildings, apd in some, the boats are floating around the show rooms. ACROSS 32 • A couple (abb.) . 1 « Resolute 33 - Moat fooliab - 8 • Fruit 35 - A trace 9 - Sloth 36 • Legal 10 - L.attn "and" Decisions (abb J 12 - Maintained 37 - The start of 13 • Roman 900 arnica 14 • Estimate*. 39 - To replace the IS- Anger 40 head covering' 16- Exclamation Have being 17 . Zeus' wife 41 - Encourage 18 • Ve» 42 Illinium (chain J 20 • Natrium (cheib J 43 • Parent 21 - Bow 44 • Is Indisposed, 23 - South Ameri45 • Capable of can city being fired op 34 • To impede DOWN 25 • Exist 1 Rely 26 • Prefix for air 2 - Cnnsume - 27 - Insect 3 - Terbium (cham J 28 - In reference 4 • Press down 29 * Obsolete S - Musical note 30- Hen production 6 - Closest 31 • Uncle ... 7 - Girl's name (Answer on Page 7) 8 - Through 11 - Way of escap* 12 • Detainer* person* II * Article cf m furniture ^ 14 - Exacted fectlonfor It • Conforming 17 - Statement of greeting W - Preposition 20 - Girl's name 22 • Persian poet 26 - Attack* 27 • Nimble 30 - Aerial train 31 - Equ toe home 34 - Legal Oeuge <aM>.) _ 39 • Identical & 9$ - Legal thing V 40 - Obstruction f 1 • To distress 43 • Greek letter 44 - College rtegrei LAKE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER SPEAKS IN CITY The Clean Streams Committee met at the city hall Tuesday, Aprii 5, at which time their guest. Mr. Morris, health officer of Lake county, explained in detail their new ordinance passed and in effect since March 10 concerning boats on rivers and lakes in Lake county. All boats entering Lake county are also subject to this ordinance. The committee hopes such an ordinance will be presented and passed here in McHenry county. They are assured it will be brought to the attention of the county officials. ~- Pistakee Highlands s <wi t three interested home owners to the meeting. Other subdivisions were al^o represented. Sassafras bushes (trees) normally contain 3 types of leaves. VOTE RE-PUBLICAN CORONER From 6 to 60 A permanent wave by our skilled staff of beauticians is for you iiiiii!iiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiifiiiiiufimiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii!i|i Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. GREEN EV 5-OOlU 8o. otSo6u0. Iitt wwiilnl boee ilnntuerrpessit - purpose- s. TIn "the" fir"st pbruoiplfolsinaSl ing in thr milk house, while ing to see how many of these voters wil] be asked to cstab; registered voters will go to lish the mitximum annua, tax the polls Tuesday. rate for the educational fund .The increase was noticed es- a, 9]3 percent instead of 703 Pecially during the special reg- the maximum rate otherwise istration period held Jan. IS applicable to the next taxes to through March 15. when 2.563 be extended for this purpose. registered. Educational taxes f 4 , 4 e x t e n d i b l e A number of the county pre- ( would ^ ?22.000 instead of the cincts have reached new all- $17,000 now available ' time high marks of more than Voters will also decide 1,000 voters. McHenry 4 pre- • whether the annual tax rate cinct (Johnsburg) tops the list ! f,jr building school purposes of ' with a registration of 1,832. , ,hc district be established at ! Other local precincts have the .25 per cent instead of 083 per I following registrations: 1, 716: J cent. the rate otherwise appli- j cable. The amount would in- I j crease to $6,000 from the Mr. Jung was in the barn. Wesolik made his escape by hitchhiking to Belleville, his home town, where he was arrested. Mrs. Jung was the mother of five children. The family had numerous friends and relatives in the McHenry area. 2, 1,235; 3, 848; 4, 1.090 667 ; 7. 1,089; "8, 448 : 9. 633. SENIOR CLASS TO EHESENT "CURIOUS SAVAGE" SATURDAY j S2.000 now in force. i The world popuiation increases about 30 million yearly -- and many, many now liv- ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergroen 5-4123 'On Saturday. April 9. at 8:lo o'clock in the high school auditorium, the senior class will present "The Curious Savage". Tickets vtfill be reserved on Thursday at the high school office. . The east includes Rose Linden as Mrs. Savage, a rich widow, whose plans of giving away len minion dollars are not appreciated by her three children. Judge Samuel Savage. Senator Titus Savage and society-minded Lily Belle are portrayed by Jim Hester, Jay Walkington and Nancy Juraek. Others in the cast are Lynnp Buckie. John Gates. Sandi Jonos, Lance Parks, Carol St,ritar, Sandy Hams and Angelo Budasi. Student directors are Mary ayfield, Lynn Brubach and ean Borchardt. mg never get enough to cat. LOOKING FOR A HOME? Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime. Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Model Home located at Ponca & Logan streets in Cooney Heights Subd., McHenry, Jll. LEE COONEY. Contractor Phone EVergreen. 5-4345 A BEN FRANKLIN and Save! Jelly Bird Eggs BRILLIANT COLORS For basket-filling, family, guests! Tender jelly centers panned in gay colors. Delightful Surprises--Sweet Treats CHOCOLATE EGGS Creamy fruit, nut •• g centers. Wrapped, rji* DECORATED EGGS Chocolate with crenie centers. Boxed. U lb. i Shiny sugar-pan- Delicious assort- 1 dozen- chocolate, ned m'mallow eggs ment of creme pets marshmaUow tggs. Crated 29* 12-oz. 29* IS'/I oz. 29* Miniature candy novelties^ : 2c Larger candy novelties each'5c Filled Easter baskets 29c to $3J98 hop BEN FRANKLIN and Save! 112 S. fJreen St. McHenry, Ili. A MIKE DOUGHERTY JIM MORGAN Invite you for EASIER DINING CHAPti Hill COUNTRY CUff * i * chaPei Hni Rd- McHenry, 111. Breakfast served from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Dinners from Noon Breakfast Menu Chilled Tomato Juice 20c Fresh Orange Juice 20c One Half Broiled Grapefruit 35c French Style Pancakes with Currant Jelly $1.10 Grilled Canadian Bacon and Scrambled Eggs $1.25 Rasher of Pork Sausages with Eggs, any style $1.3f Includes Coffee and Toast Buttered Toast -- 15c Sweet Roll -- 15c Dinner Menu FRENCH ONION SOUP CHILLED TOMATO JUICE BROILED GRAPEFRUIT Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Jelly .... $3.75 > Baked Hickory Smoked Ham, Fr. Sauce $3.25 Roast Prime Rib of Beef, au Jus $3.75 Broiled African Lobster Tails, Drawn Butter $3.75 Broiled English Dover Sole Amondine $3.50 Candied Sweets. Whipped or French Fried Potatoes French Cut Green Beam or Buttered Carrots Tossed Green Salad or Cottage Cheese with Fruit Coffee -- Tea - Milk Ice Cream Sundae Sherbet Pineapple Upsidedown Cake" Children's Portion Served for $1.7^ Easter Egg Hunt for the Children For Reservations Phone EVergreen 5-2040

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