Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1960, p. 15

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TlmrsdSy, A^rii 7; mar THE MeRENRY PLAINDEALER l!«»UM Page Fifteen VOTERS URGED TO STUDY COUKTY. STATE US. CANDIDATES BEFORE 60MG TO POLLS NEXT TUESDAY t - 7T cation, (3) describe the train- who can determine what facts ing and experience which j are necessary ' for successful would qualify you for this of-' prosecution of case. fice I Mr. Friedman: "Certainly ! The state's attorney is elect- j the. state's attorney should be j Ml to a four year term and his i both. A good and thorough ini salary is $9,800. from the coun- 1 vestigation leads , to better ' ty plus. $2,200 from the state, prosecution. A state's attorney ' This was set by the 1959 legis- owes a -duty to his clients, the -- I iw, votes, or for 1 candidate, j lalure He is thf chief prose-i people, to be a good investi- The following information ! which gives him 3 votes. On i cuting officer of the s ate in > gator. ^ the county, representing the Clerk of Circuit Court McHemy county combines has' been, compiled by the ! the Democratic ballot you may i League of Women Voters of j vote for just 1 candidate, ! peop)f m al Cl iniinal a<jtlons :n all courts, is legal advisor ; the offices of the clerk of the Heckathorne, Woodstock, who has Had 3 years training and experience in medical labora- Tiie term or office for representative in Congress from the 14th district is two years, and STATE LAW SETS RULES ON NUMBER HOSPITAL VISITORS W o o d s t o c k-McHenry. The j which gives him 3 votes, league does not support or oppose political parties or candidates. This is a voter's service project to g*.ve non-partisan information to help voters cast . to the county board and county , circuit court and the recorder. Primary Election - j 0ffjcers As clerk he must attend all In Illinois a primary election ' Harold C. McKenney, Crys- , sessions of court and keep reels a party election with sepa- , tal Lake, is the Democratic ; ord of proceedings. He is cus rate ballots for each party. It candidate. He holds a BA in 1 todian court records and un Ultr tionpFw formed vote. All infoithaas compiled from indidc*; s tM'o. .things: (1) elects pasty otficials, (2> nominates candidates for elective office. Vidl|il intei views and or ques- • You ^'Dst name vour party tlonhMires.Complete information; is on'file with Mrs journalism5 from Washington j seal, issues court processes and U. and received his law de- 1 enters records of deeds, mortgree at the University of Illi- \ gaijes. contracts and other docnois. He is presently practicing uments. Term is. 4 years and \Vil- ' vyhen •vnM K° to >ou-' polling iuw jn Crystal Lake. He was salary will be set between $8,- li-W n Fvie i : pla«*' to vote. Twenty-three | formerly assistant state's at- 000 and $9,000. The salary is ti -' ' ' months must elapse before you i torney in Rockford. based on revised population ' \ ? | S r m a V 1 c h a n g e y o u r p a r t y . T h e j Republican candidates in- i figures. of yoUr parly in its ! elude Ka rl Koch, Woodstock.: T\xe Republican candidate is A\ pnr£i'li 1i92 at^. th>eWn, iinnrdiiiv!iirdlnu a?l np,ive- conventions is based on the | received his AB and LLP at the incumbent. Lester Edinger. mmibf,r of Votes cast by the cnct polling places from 6 j purty in this election. Dele- 1° . | gates to national party convex Your Ballot j lions are not bound by results life law makes provisions . prjmary when they vote you must follow to have your I at convention • b.111 °t n 1 . . • > t On AFftlL 12 you will be ; with 23 >ears experience as a , i w L i n t i electing 2 members of the } trial lawyer and has served Xi,1116 fl. 1 Icountv board of school trus- ! three villages as village attor- .i.j * on . it >.ii v. I tpps 2 delegates to national j ney for the^jgast 5 years. i conventions, 1 representative j " Vi the University of Indiana and Woodstock, who has served in received special training at : this office for 18 years. He is r> rtmouth, Princeton, and a graduate of local public Ohio, while in the Navy, where i schools and has previously he sot v d as a 4legal specialist served 3 terms as sheriff and He is a practicing . attorney. • i U'rrn as treasurer of the 2. Makf a cross within the •qtiaro in front • of'Candidate's county. The Democratic candidates are: Ervin Kvidera, Cary, who attended the U. of 111. and is publisher of the News Record, a weekly pnper, and a real es- | for the protection of the moth- I ers and the babies and account., 'in part., for the low mortality, torv and X-ray technique in j the salary is $22,500, plus al- I HUSf IT AL. V1S1TUH5 • rate for both in the state of "212 the US Army, during which ' lowances for 'the usual items. ; • i Illinois^ Memorial hospital fortime lie assisted in performing ; mileage, etc. This official sits [ It's the most natural thing | McHenry County is an accredpost- mortem examinations. He j in the Lower House of the j in the world fof Grandpa and j ited hospital as well as a hoswas a pre-medical student at | House of Representatives in | Grandma to want to see their ! pita! with a state license. This r the U. of South Dakota and j Washington, as representative j grandchildren as soon as they j means that it has met the high ^ Yankton college and attended j of the 14th Congressional dis- j are born. . .and it is also the j standards set up by the hospi-.»j»jj the Chicago College of Medical trict, pomprising DuPage, j most natural thing in the world ! tal accreditation association, of jiffS Laboratory and. X-ray Tech- ^ Kane and McHenry counties, J to become angry with the hos- j the-United States. niques for 2 years, during ; 3tid either initiates legislation ! pitals when they find that they • • * -- which time he was employed at j or approves legislation iniliat- j won't be permitted in to get an iLOW BIDS ON Wesley Memorial and Mercy j ed and passed in the U.S. Senhospitals in the Pathology de- ! ate. partment. He is currently employed at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in X-ray department. Stale Senator . McHenry, Lake and Boone counties comprise the 52nd senatorial district, from which we send one senator to the upper House of the General Assembly. Regular sessions of the legislature are convened in January of every odd-numbered year; extra sessions may Elrrjer J. Hoffman of Wheaton is the Republican incumbent. Three candidates comprise the Democratic ballot, headed by Hayes Beall of Lombard. Others are Mrs. . Romaine Troost of Glen Ellyn and Richard Plum of Warrenville. .Delegates To Convention Two delegates to the national! nominating convention from the 14th congressional district will be elected from each parbe called by the governor. | ty. These men nominate party State senators are elected to j condidate for president and four-year terms and receive | vice-president. Illinois has a $12,000 for the biennium, plus ' preferential primary and delean allowance for postage, sfa- | gates are not hound by the retionery, mileage, etc. ' ; suits qf. the primary election Candidates for this office in-j when the vote at the conven-. j elude the incumbent, Rpbert i tion. j McClory, Lake Bluff, Repubh- j Harold. G. Townsend, Jr., of early glimpse of the new arrival. Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock has been checking questionnaires received from Patients who have been at the hospital during the past few months. STATE PROJECTS IN AREA GIVEN A number of low bids on state construction projects £ have been announced. Peter ~ Baker & Son Co.. of Lake B^ff One of the maternity patients .submitted a bid of $196,053 forr said that while she "knew a , 14.06 miles ot concrete resur- £ hospital had to have rules,"vvhy facing on Rt. 176, from Bur-*. doesn't maternity have the same visiting privileges as other . types of patients." The young mother then told of the day her child was born; her eager ifather had come to the1 hospital to see his 'first grandchild and was not admitted and he was terribly disappointed. "This particular rule just isn't our fault;" says Hospital !• Administrator Bert Hanson. "This is a rule set Up by the State Department of Public 1 r n.-n,-,, ,>ii ni il:<» ar Do -not erase, II U|l error, return IvilM you a new b illot. 4. Fold baiutl small enough to <jo into ballot box. Be sure judge's initials show. Hand ballot To judge who 1952. Also on the Republican ballot is Lee R Fleming, Zion. The Democratic candidates include Joseph Armondo. mav- Richard Cross, Woodstock, committeeman and precinct j obtained his degrees at the committeeman. University of Illinois and prac-, tale salesman. He has had 10 ON APRIL 12 you will ex- tices in Woodstock. His experi- years in the retail supermarket press your PRFIFFRENCE for: I ence includes service in the : field. 6 years of selling and 2 ( to judgo. He will give j president of the Unitedr States • judge aJvoeate general corps ' years in an administrative posi- j or °f F°x Lake, and John B. u"n (no candidate on Democratic while on active duty during the tion with Swift & Co.. in addi- ; Green, Mundelein. ballot). I Korean War, as a trial counsel; t tion to real estate experience. ! ., State Representative ON APRIL 12 you will 1 as city attorney for 'ft Wood- NOMINATE. United States stock; as Special Assistant Alienator, U.S. Representative torney General for Tollway can, who has held office since'; Hinsdale heads the Republican j ^ea'th " ton's Bridge easterly to Rt.. 42 A. -zzS: Davey Tree Expert Cft,g° turned in a bid of $9,226 forss*. 5605 miles of roadside weed"**% - control spraying on various reroutes in Lake and McHenry££ counties, while Shoreland Nur- ! sery of Glen view had a bid of* "" j $12,537 tpi- 106.20° miles of ! mowing on various routes in !,both counties. ! A bid of $4,666 was turned j* i in by Anderson Tree Service of * 1 McHenrv for 219.7 miles of will pul it in the box. Law says ! in Congress, 14th district, govjudge must put ballol in l he | ballot box, but v ou . should j watch to see that he does. | A Absentee Ballot .-Wreg:stered voler who will bo out of l'ie county on April 12, or physically unable to get to the polls, may apply in writing to the county clerk for an 1 ernor. It. governor, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts. attorney general, state representatives, 32nd district. McHenry 'ounty state's attorney. clerk of circuit court and coroner. Absentee Voting For Service Personnel lar.d' acquisition Sol R. Friedman. Crystal Lake, received his law degree from J ) h n Marshall Lawschool. lie is a practicing attorney in Chicago and Costal Lake with more than 30 years experience in civil and criminal : cases before juries, j In answer to the question, application blank for absentee , The United States Depart- i "Should the state's attorneyballot; application blank to be . ment of Detense has asked the i act as an investigator or merereturned not later than April | League of Women Voters to j jy as a prosecutor?" the candi- 7. If you apply in person you | assist men and women in the have until April 9; you then I armed services in casting invote when you apply. Absentee ; formed absentee ballots. While apajjeations must be properly > all information on securing abnotarized and in the case of | sentee ballots, as well as inforphysical incapability, must be , mat ion on national candidates, ^ foi^ance of thclr du t ies should signed by attending physician can be readily secured at serv- the state's attorney. ice bases, non-partisan infor He is opposed in the primary by Robert E. Kno\. McHenry. He attended t'.ie lT. of III. and is a veteran of World War I. a retired farmer and employee of the stale of Illinois for 13 ye::rs as an investigator in matters pertaining to inheritance taxes, sales taxes and liquor revenue. County Coroner The principal duty of the coroner is to determine, through the summoning of a coroner's jury of 6 persons, the cause of death when it is supdates made the following re- I Posed to have been due to vio pjieS; ! lence. Term 4 years; a fee of- M. Kenney: "Ony when the ticket. Other candidates on that ticket are Clifford D, , . ., . .. . .. . . Carlson of Geneva and William ! in« the hospital licensing act nd requirements. This gives The Illinois Bureau of Hos- j roadside weed control spraying, pitals puts out a booklet list- | on various routes in JoDaviess, Stephenson. Carroll. Whiteside--^ ^ The state representative in the 32nd district sits in the Lower House of the General Assembly, which is convened every January of evx?ry oddnumbered year. He is elected for a two-year term. The salary is $12,000 biennially, plus allowance for stationery, postage, milage, etc. Three representatives are elected, one of which must by agreement represent the minority party. In this district the two Republicans and one Democrat nominated in the primary R. Bunge of Downers Grove. The Democratic ticket lisf> six candidates, headed by Earl II: Kieek, Sr.. of St. Charles. Others are Waher R Frank oT Elmhurst. William J. Rolcer of MjHenn. William J. 'fuller of Wheat on. Truman Kirkpalrick of Lombard and Martin R. O'Brien of Aurora. Alternate Delegates Two alternate delegates to the national conventions will be elected from each party. The Republican ticket is headed by David R. Joslyn of Woodstock. Also running is Thomas O. Myers, Jr., of Elmhurst. Five are running on the or Christian Science Practitioner. Military Personnel Military personnel, their spoqses and dependents . who are *fchgiblc to vote, may vote by absentee ballot, no registration i t.^quited. Application bla^is may be obtained by writing" thf * county c'l e r Woodstock, up until five days before election. Mother, father, sister brother, husband or wife over 21 may apply in person to obtain application form for the absent voter. Cumulative Voting C u m u l a t i v e v o t i n g o r "plumping" applies to voting foi^he office of representative in ®e general assembly ONLY. Each voter has 3 votes for these representatives. In this district, the 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat nominated in the primary will be the 3 to be elected as your representatives next November. On the Republican ballot vou may vote for 2 candidates, which gives each duly constituted. . .investigative agencies fail in the per- .engage wall be the three to be elected ?em(?7a,tic n ticket' ,h^d^d by as your representatives next Arnold J Rauen ot McHenry. November. On the Republican | bailrtt. you may vote for two 1 candidates, which gives each onjf and one-half votes, or for one candidates, which gives Others are Karl P. Zerfess, Jr., of Elmhurst, William C. Murphy ol Aurora, Joseph Zofran of AuYora and William B. Rowe of West Chicago. matior. on local candidates has proved very difficult for these absent voters to obtain. Addresses of state offices of the League have been posted at the bases 4nd all questions and requests for information will be forwarded to the local Leslies fSi- ' "handling. " Any serviceman or his family may obtain candidate information by writing to the local League in this community, league of Women Voters of Woodstock* Mrs. William B. fice. which amounts to between $1,500 anVl $2,000 per year. The Republican candidates include the incumbent, Theron Ehorn, Richmond. He is a gradin a profession for which he is of Wbrsham College of I him three votes. On the Demnot trained or qualified. In a Embalming and has been a fu- j ochitic ballot you may vote for wider sense. .a prosecutor ! neral director a n d embalmer j just one candidate, which gives must become an investigator ! since 1936. He served as deputy | hiin three votes. in order to satisfy himself ful- coroner from 1941 until 1945. , A. B. McConnell, Woodstock, struction from Frank A. Sche lv of the nature of the facts) an" has county coroner J inounibent, heads the Republi- be to construct docking faciliwith which he must deal." I for thc l a s 1 S I* >'o a r s- i ca| list. His running mate is . lies aU)ng the river bank of thc Mr Koch- "The state's at- He is opposed by Dr. John C. j •Win P. Manning, Rochelle. in-1 ^ox rjvor a mj|e no^tb Qf Bur- Asks Construction Permit T h e Illinois Division • of Waterways has announced receipt of an application for conand Lee counties. _tiict regulations for visiting j in the maternity sections."lWe I is what the state sets forth as a regulation: "Maternity patients shall be permitted no more than' two visitors per da,V." And this does-not mean that only two at a time will be permitted; it says "No more | a well dressed ham weighs^J than two per day." for general , 7 per cpnt of weight of live hog. patients the regulation is not so severe. It says:" "It is recommended that visitors be limited to two per patient." The regulations about maternity sections also say that children under 16 yeari of age shall not be admitted as visitors; that visitors shall not have contact with infants at any time; visiting hours shall not correspond with periods when infants are with the j mothers, nor with periods during which mothers are receiv- j ing nursing care. It also says ( that the visitors shall neither j sit, nor place their clothing, upon the beds. All ot these rigid rules are One ot the most important do-it-yourself projects so far discovered, according to the Institute for Safer Liv ing, is correcting one's own driving faults. OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DIGOlNQI DIuoIvm Roots, Sludge, Ofeote, taper easily and inexpensively! : BOYER ROOT DESTROYER RUCK'S Hardware • 501 W. Main St. McHenry torney .should--be--a- prosecutor at all times and under special circumstances an investigator." Mr. Cross: . . "Only by acting as an investigator can the Goetschel, McHenry, -- licensed chiropractic physician. He has had a year of pre-medical nbent. our candidates are competncf for one spot on the Demo- ] ton's Bridge. - *• . Non-poisonous snakes can study at Morion Junior college cratic ballot. They are Feme,' and do bite, but it is not harmand 4Va years at the National Cafter Pierce, Malta, the in- ! fuj to humans. College of Chiropractic, Chica- ' curhbent; Karl E. DeBarr of I - i state's attorney determinej go. He has been practicing his ; Fairdale, Arthur J. Desmond of McHenry. •»«,.«.« *>• whether or not an offense F.vfe voters service chairman. punishable under the laW8. . . Woodstock, and indicating his hag been emitted and home address and data wanted. | whether or not the evidence is All requests should aocom- ; as wou],j sustain a convicpanied by a stamped, self-ad- i tjon State-s attorney, in the dressed envelope. final analysis, is the only one This is a service of the League of Women Voters as part of its continuing campaign to further informed citizen participation in government. County Candidates County candidates were asked: (1) occupation, (2) eduprofession for 11 years. The Democratic ticket Woodstock and Jesse E. Armis strong, Algonquin. headed by Isadore A. Tuchalski, Algonquin. Mr. Tuchalski is 48 years old and retired. He has been self-employed. He is opposed by Eugene A. Representatives In Congress •H To equal the energy- generated by the sun, we would have to explode 10 billion hydrogen bombs per seend. -me • VOTE DEMOCRATIC Vote For JOSEPH ARMONDO State Senator 52nd District "MAN OF THE PEOPLE" QUALIFIED BY SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES GOVERNMENT -- BUSINESS COMMUNITY AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT -- BUSINESS -- COMMUNITY • MAYOR OF FOX LAKE •.STATE AND COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE • 2~, YEARS NEWS DISTRIBUTOR • THEATRE OWNER • PRESIDENT FOX LAKE ENTERPRISES • BANKING ORGANIZER AND PAST DIRECTOR • CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • LION'S CLUB • AM. LEGION POST NO. 70S -- VETERAN W.W. S, U.S. NAVY • VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. • KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 8788 MARRIED -- 2 CHILDREN -- HOME OWNER m BEAUTIFUL NEW HASSOCK TV BENCH--WITH EUREKA MODEL 1010 CLEAN 3 TIMES FASTER WITH NEW EXCLUSIVE Vkbm-Beat PLUS POWERFUL SUCTION CLEANING ACTION ONLY 8'/i HIGH ROILS EASY Con't Tip NEW EUREKA MODEL 1010 Beits f Sweeps/ Suction Cteensi For th* first Nmt, powerful oir>4rivcn "Vibra-BMttrs" thok* the rug--looian, «il«l*dg« embedded dirt. Omiii 3 times faster. SPtaAitmweEK/ OAlM IO>pliKt Mt cleaning tools Model SAO-A with tools Mfr's original $79.95 SMALL DEPOSIT $125 1 P*r week INTRODUCTORY TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE See live demonstration in our store at once or . PHONE EV 6-0882 FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 516 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. ft Rosary & case Medals on chains & A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF • Daily and Sunday Missals • Prayer Books • Crucifixes • Car Statues • Catholic, and Protestant Bibles • Figurines • Sick Call Sets • Holy Water Founts Mark The Holiness of Easter with our Religious Gifts BOLGEIfS 103 S. Grjeen St. DRUG STORE EV 5-4500 i essential Vour Easter look begins with a beauti ful hat. . . and our big collection has fashion's most flattering headline news. See, select now. $1.00 to $3.99 Ben Franklin 112 S. Green St. McHenry. 111. .s: J

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