Pag. Sixteen THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, iSunnyside Estates T2ENAGERS HOLD £>ANCE. APR. 8 AT COMMUNITY CLUB Lois .Anderson For the 'teens who attended the last dance held by their own group a while back you know whot n good time you can have when you pet together. There will be more of the in store for you if you join the kids at the Johnsburg Community clu'b tomorrow •TOKht. April 8. at fc. There will lyp refreshments and dancinir (fif course) which is renilv all iijiyono needs for a successful ejvninp alon^ with the fella? al"d ^'lis your awn Tickets Cfn be 'obtained, at the door so come early and enjoy a full ctening of fun. Association Nphh :The April meeting of the Sjinnyside Estates Home Ownefs' association is scheduled (or tonight (Thursday) at 8 at the johnsburg public school as usual Now that spring is finally hf-re the weather should no lr»n>ger b<» an excuse for staying »foay, For old and new members alike, there is always something of interest to the heme owners of Sunnyside Estates. Plan to attend and bring along a neighbor. Accident :While driving to a job in Barringtnn, Bert Reece was in- 1 v^lved in an accident which wrecked his car completely. He suffered chest injuries and cuts on both knees and ank'e. Tlic accident occurred in Carpent ersville ott March 2r> and Bert was rushed to Sherman hospital in L'lgin. He remained there for over a week undergoing tests and x-rays. At this reading we hope he is on the ni^nd and will soon be back orraaihe. j »b. good as new. Words of Warning There probably isn't anyone ; who expected all those moun* | ::<ins of snow to disappear so juif.kly, not even the wea'tner- , men For our part, we've had ! mofe than enough to last us I until next year. The quick j thaw has created many bazlards which we feel warrant ' mentioning-here. The roads for the most part are fairly good , but there are a few spots . throughout the area which I when' travelled either on foot i or bj* car should command your full attention. When walking be sure to allow enough room for a car to pass so that it won't land in a ditch. If you are driving observe the speed limits at all times for the good I of 'he pedestrian and your car. I We want to caution pi rents ' *o warn their children to slay away from any holes that may be filled with water. Several r boys were playing near on< j uch hole last week and when , one of them tell in the muddy water was over his head. Thij< i could hive resulted in muc) j more than a good scare for the j boys and some of the parents j <o please remind your children j to beware. | Birthdays ,Happy birthday, wishes this ; week are in order for Randy j Kobus who will be 14 on April ' 9. Florence Wehrmann celebrates on the following day. April 19. while Donnie Ross will observe number five on April 11 Many happy returns of the day. Ptotakee Terrace Roger Weiss an A honor student at Marion Central high -chool beat his boxing opponent in a match at the school REPUBLICAN CROSS STATES ATTORNEY c»ym on April 8 and the championship bouts will be on A^ril 9. Roger fights in the flyweight division and is being (rained by his dad, a former C.Y.O. Golden Gloves and Navy boxer. Goxl luck on the next bout. It sure is heart breaking to 'ook across our channel attd ee the waler that surrounds some very beautiful homes" especially those whore the fami ilies had to eyactuate. The old J timers said this high water is I worse than it was over twenty years ago. I knflKv those of us • where the water didn't reach i are very grateful and our j prayers are for those less formate. CAREER DAY AT I McHENRY HIGH |IS SUCCESSFUL HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Attends School Alvin Benoy of AJthoff'S. Mc- Henry, attended a school at Marshalhown, Iowa, last week, where he studied, heating, Sumner cooking, service and intailation. Honored For Service Warren Holly of 400 E. Elm j street was honored At a dinner and meeting at Martinetti's. Crystal Lake, on March 30 by the Tpxaco Co., Inc. Ah employee of the company for 'wemy-five years, he was given i plaque at the meeting, attended by thirty persons. The first Career Day in many years at McHenry high school met with favorable response from Marvin Martin, principal, student counselors, speakers and students. About 500 students participated, comorising thfe sophomore and junior classes. Each student listened to three speakers of his choosing, selected from the thirty-four speakers presenting their various fields of endeavor.- The Career Day committee who arranged this program with the cooperaation of Mc- Henry high school is composed of Dr. and Mrs S. L. Ruggero, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryder and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mathews. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary TUlert EVeryreen 5-4123 Fog contains as many as 820,000 particles of water per cubic inch. The common housefly has 5 eyes -- 3. simple and twp compound (each of which has about 4,000 facets;) CRYSTAL LAKE AREA GOAL FOR HOSPITAL $200,000 ! The Crystal Lake area eomi mit tee for McHenry hospital's ! fund raising drive has set its j plan to help the institution ! meet its .goal, for $200,000, it was announced today by Ted W. Sterne, chairman, i Campaigners are being ap- : pointed to conduct a program i of personal calls oh selected, prospects, Mr. Sterne stated. Woi kcrs are selecting names ! of local business houses as well. ! as individuals who haVe been : hospitalised in McHenry, he i -aid. Mailing 61 ' explanatory printed material "are also being ' planned, lie added. i "Although it's known that many O-vslal Lakers are admitted to McHenry hospital, it's interesting to note that ap- ' proximately one out of every ' ten Crystal Lake families sent a patient to that nearby facility during 1959," according to Mr. S'erne. "The list, of paticnPs admitted from this atea 11> extensive."' , Spring Grove ' Catholic Women by Mrti. tiharleft ftMi A ;board nifcfcfirifc of tii& ces^n Council of Catholic Wo* i men will bfe , held at St. Peter } and f*aul parish in Cary, on j Friday, April 8 at P.jil.; XI' j boai'd memh&ris ahd p*^si<fcnt« j of affiliate^ parish and inter- ; parochial <Sr&anj2&tiohs ire In- 1 vited arid uritod to attencL The 'tT used in labeling ,si;fe of nails comes from the Greek, 'denarius' meaning penny. ' ' . * .; ChA® insert . ; Mrs. Math Nimsgern wds hostess io the member's oi betclub on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played prize winners we?e Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Josephine May, Mrs, Mame .Tinney, Mrs. Mary | Nimsgerh and Mrs. Heleh ! Smitli. .. . ' , J Members of her club wepj i entcrtairted by Mr$. Poloffe* May at her home on Thiirsday | evening, A deli<:ipu^ ; Served „ and th£, was j spent at £axi&.,\Jtaizo wiftrtdrs | were Mrs. Ai$iu&; J&Afll, [ Paul Lewis ^nd vMlT8- Eldred i Johnson. The dUh will meet GET THE JUMP ON SPRING!! Let Us Recondition Your Power Rotary Lawn Mow#? m Special Price of $000 Includes: • Cleanout of carbon deposits # New spark ping • Lubrication of all moving parts •New gasoline tube • Oil Change • Thorough cleaning • Cutter blade sharpened and balanced # Reel type mowers ($10.00) Broken parts replaced upon request, at list price Call EV 5-2916 542 Main St. Open Daily 8 to 6 -- Wednesday and Sunday 8 to 12 McJlefU? Pickup and Delivery -- Small Extra Charge ^ , rfexfe at' the home of Mrs. Lueila May. Bi^th Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miy are the happy parents of an 8 lb. 2 02. baby boy bdrn Sunday, March 27. Tlie baby has befctt nant^d Paul James. He haft a little brother, Mike, and^sister, Clirlst-ie, to welcome him horhe. i Visit Mrs. George Wrtspi and Mrs. Jglia J?"reund visited hfcr daugh ter,- . Mrs. Sharon ' Sheil, in. North Chicago one day la$t week, .. When a feller drifts with the curreiit, he soon gets into deep. wat^r. - f Our greeting 'hello' likely' rame indirectly from the i^gse' battle cry 'Ahoy'j Home cooking is what more would have if mote women were. Good Friends • • • and your FAMIL1 DRUG STORE • -To have a friefid, be a friend" the saying goes. And that's our philosophy. We hope you'll think of this fine pharmacy as a "family friend" and turn to us for your needs in drugs and sundries. You're assured best qual* ity at f&ir prices. Remember, too, we specialize in careful compounding of prescriptions! BOLGER'S 198 8. onco st. Ph. EV MfiOO JOCKEY SOCKS in new colorful patterns as well as regular argylle patterns 65c to $1. Sl^l Out Uk QfcJk/ 0411 EASTER SUNDAY, SPRING TIES featuring many new patterns in gold and olive conventional tones, as well as colors $1.50 to $3.50 It Takes a Well-Dressed MAN to Complete the Picture of a Family's "Easter Sunday Best! Curlee Suits *49.50 and *59.50 Curlee Sport Coats new season patterns and tones - in wool - and wool and orlon from $32.50 Boys' Sport Coats from $16.50 Florsheim Shoes in many new Spring styles from $19.95 Freeman Shoes featured in Spice Brown and rich blacks from $11.95 to $16,95 Boys' Proud-fil Shoes from $6.50 MALLORT HATS from $11.95 Champ Hats from $8.95 Boys' Fell Hats $2.95 Van Heusen Century Vantage SHIRTS in automatic wash and wear fabrics $5.00 Boy's Kaynee White Shirts wash and wear $2.95 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits from *75 SMART SLACKS in regular models or ivy models. Choose from wool flannels, hopsacking or gabardines. $8.95 to $22.50 ^ Boys' Slacks from $4.95 to $7.95 Come Sunday, April 17, you'll find thot you're In ttlf Easter Parade! You'll do yourself. •. end your family .. • proud in new suit, hot, accessories chotw her#. <TORE for MEN 117 S. Green St. Ph. EV 5-0047 Qlfen Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. 'til 12 noon PARIS BELTS elastic web belts $2.50 fine leather belts in a variety of widths $1.50 to $5