'i : i I I. Pago Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER » £ Thursday* April 7# 1960 McCullom Lake URGE LOCAL RESIDENTS TO VOTE. APRIL; 12 Eve Lcvesque This Tuesday, April 12, is the day of the primary election and all registered voters are urged to cast a ballot. Transportation will be available to anyone requiring same. In the village, simply call Jake Levesque at EV 5-4141 or Mrs. Theresa' Schultz who Is running for re-election as committeeman on the Democratic ticket at EV 5-1961. Oh yes. late word from Wilbert K. Hecht who claims to be running as a write-in candidate against Mrs; Schultz. i For precinct one, the polling place is Muzzy's store. Ringwood, and the polls will be qpen from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. The resolution for designation of arterial streets under motor fuel tax law was received from W. A. Rakow associates and approved by the board. Street and gate signs are being mutilated by the children and stop signs are also being | tampered with. Parents ^yiU be •held liable for the action of I their children, so it might be ! a good idea to instruct your ' youngsters to keep HANDS lOFF village property! !" The next- meeting of the board will be held Monday, April 11 at 8 p.m. in the beach house. The public is invited.. Display Village Sticker By Monday, April 11 • According to action taken by i^ie trustees at the last meeting of the village board, our police officers will begin ticketing on Monday niorning if you do not have your 1960 Village sticker! You still have $ few days in which to transact this business, so better see Mrs. Emma Pyritz at 716 Fountain Lane NOW! You will also £e liable if your canine pet is not displaying the proper tag. • At the meeting held on Monday, March 28, Don Parent i reported that our roads (and all Others!) are in poor shape because of the extreme weather conditions. Gate 1 is inundated and has been closed to traffic lentil repair work and drainage be done. Members of the lioad committee met last Monday night to take action. That report will be forthcoming next week. ; Finance chairman, Chuck Thacker reported that our budget is in fine shape except for the appropriation for snow plowing. This little item is "in the red", by quite a sum. It was impossible to anticipate the amount needed. ^ Packed House For Building Fund Luncheon It was almost "standing rdom only" at the nutrition luncheon held at. Berenice, and Whitey's on Tuesday, March 29. About 100 women and a few men were treated to a marvelous variety of foods, . including appetizers of tuna salad, cottage cheese, relishes and main fare of, baked ham with raisin sauce, mashed potatoes peas and carrots aiid other trimmings. Dessert and coffee and tea were also served. There was a short talk by Mrs. Ruth Fisher Holbrook who does the demonstrating and the cooking. She advocated a return to the old fashioned type of home with a dining room where children and parents can sit down to a meal together and youngsters can be taught proper table- manners. Outstanding service was provided by Loui&e Hammerstein, Betty Poledna, Laura Slater, Abbie Berry. Mary Kantorski, Wilma Zody and Rose Kluk and Sophie Watson of Lakeland Park. Berenice Bjork not only supplied the building and all the facilities for the luncheon. but also helped with the serving. Hats off to this "good group"! With that thought in mind, there will be a meeting to organize our Little League group on Wednesday, April 13 at McDonald's at 7:30 p.m. ALL FATHERS are invited to attend. The League will need a manager, coaches and other workers. Many hands make light work -- and besides, it's fun! Spring Is In The Air When the thoughts of our young lads start turning to "bats 'n' balls", you can bet spring is well on the way. MO^ REPUBLICAN CROSS STATE'S ATTORNEY Eggs Will Roll A committee has been selected to guarantee a good time for the kiddies at the Easter party on Saturday, April 16, at the beach. Assisting Ed Hammerstein will be Roy Zody and Bill Walter. Eggs may be left at the following homes -- Mrs. Abbie Berry, 617 Park View West -- .Mrs. Ethel Schmidt, 522 Fountain .Lane -- and the Hammerstein' menage, 726 Maple Hill Drive. All those donating colored, hard boiled eggs are requested to bring them on Friday before the party. The' egg roll will begin at 2 p.m. In case of rain, festivities will be held in the beachhouse. That wonderfully civic-minded gentleman and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nathanson, are donating ALL the prizes for the youngsters. He asked that the money appropriated for this purpose be given to the Cullom-Knoll building fund. How about that? Our small fry have the Cullom- Knoll association' and ^.rt Stuhlfeier to thank for this annual ev^nt. It was Art's idea --some years back and has been carried through every year. Mr. Hammerstein who works so hard for our young people has no small children of his own! Isn't that always the way? is the new manager of * Fox River Grove lounge. New Business Department Our own Henrietta Vycital School Board Election Saturday, April 9 You need not be a registered voter to cast a baltot in the school hoard election which will be held this Saturday, April 9. The polls -- located in the beachhouse -- will be open from 12 noon until 7 p.m. Workers will be the three "E's" -- Emma Pyritz, Elma Kelson and Eleanor Creutz. Don't forget to drop in and see the gals on Saturday, and X your ballot. Right and Wrong--For Winter! Mrs. Lillian McCarthy was a smart gal this winter. She avoided a large amount of our wintry weather by vacationing with her sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for two months. Lillian returned home in time to greet the first of our spring sunshine. - Not such a "hot" idea was the one dreamed up by the Fricke gals, Mrs. Ella- and daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Blum. It seems as though they couldn't wait to spend a night in their newly renovated home on Orchard Drive. They and their husbands, Dewey and Carl, motored out one really cold weekend -- complete with electric fry pan, coffee pot and electric blankets. All their cooking had to be done in the basetnent because it had the only outlet which was working. The upstairs section is not completely enclosed -- and while the mercury zoomed downward, so did their spirits! The women tried to beg off, but the men were adamant -- and they STAYED. It was four mighty cold people who departed early the next morning. They must have thawed out by now! 5 * r S P R | N G Gvul& B0L6ERS 108 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVEK flSEMENl ! 0 VOTE FOR THESE BENEFITS | I FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! I X X X X LEE R. FLEMING X VOTE to htlp stop FURTHER INCREASES IN SALES TAXES! VOTE for HOME RULE . • . ktop government whore you coo control it. VOTE to help stop DICTATORIAL INCREASES IN PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES I VOTE FOR k MAN WHO WILL REPRESENT YOUR INTERESTS INSTEAD OF THE INTERESTS OF HIS CLIENTS. You perhaps have often said, "I wish something could he done*about skyrocketing taxes." It CAN be done . . . and now is your chance to do it! 0 Vote for LEE R. FLEMING for| State Senator I • | ELECT LEE R. FLEMING ... a highly qualified man with an amazing record 1 of making good his promises. While the present senator was saying that "Taxes | CANNOT be decreased" . . . FLEMING STARTED A ONE-MAN DRIVE AND GOT A I 20% REDUCTION IN AUTOMOBILE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX IN LAKE COUNTY. I Vote for LEE R. FLEMING for State Senator. = fE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY TUESDAY, APRIL 12* Hunting Wolves -- Not Being Than! f Those two eligible bachelors, Dick Osterby and Lee (Punkin) Larson, Jr., are making the most of their Alaskan stay. They departed Fairbanks, Alaska for a journey 100 miles into the bush country by plane. They are staying in a cabin in a territory called No Name Valley and it is completely inaccessible by car, jeep or even ox-cart! Wonder how many wolves they will manage to bag? Stay tuned to this column and we'll try and have the answer. So Ni ee To See Harris Stuhlfeier who journeyed down from Minneapolis, Minn., last week to spend some time with brother, Art Stuhlfeier and family. During his visit he took in the Rarty for Jake on Saturday. These two, Art and Harris, qould almost pass for twins! Building Fund Party Will be heM at McDonald's on Saturday, April 9 beginning at 8:30 p.m. All proceeds from the affair will go to the Cullom- Knoll building fund and the hard working iteam of Mr. and Mrs. Hammerstein and Mr. and Mrs. Poledna invite every one to come. Growing Up A sweet little gal of 7 was Janie Frost as she greeted her chums on Saturday for her birthday party. In keeping with the season, Mother Lorraine carried out the Easter motif with a gaily colored cake, little candy chicks and lots of Easter eggs. Plenty of ice cream, too. Gobbling tlie goodies were Teresa Dason, Sandra Freund, Betsy Althoff, Victoria and Christy Bassi, Kathy Schmidt, Julie Freund and D. D. Levesque. Hovering by the window --outside looking in--were brother Tom, John Bassi and Jackie Morris. As soon as the "chow call" was given, the little lads made a dash for the table in spite of Janie's protestation! 'Twas to be an all girl party. Mrs. Frost was ably assisted by her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Bassi. Natal Day Greetings To Frankie Lorch who was a big boy of 8 yesterday, Wednesday, April 6. Jean McQpnald is in line for "congrats" today, Thursday, April 7, while "Senator" Dave Reid will be marking his on April 13.. Melinda Scarbrough will be celebrating the anniversary of her birth on Monday, April 11. Best wishes to all! Gala Dinner Over 200 people attended the spaghetti dinner held last Saturday night for local Republican committeeman, Jake Levesque, whose name appears on the ballot for Tuesday's election. TO THE VOTERS of PRECINCT I Village of McCullom Lake. TUES.. APRIL 12 IS VOTING DAY Remember, people who DONT VOTE often help elect undesirable officials VOTE REPUBLICAN Joseph R. (Jake) Levesque Your Prechici Committeeman Hospitalized Mrs. Signe Larson of Fountain Lane was rushed to Memorial hospital in Woodstock about 1:30 p.m. Monday afternooh by ambulance. No details as to her condition had been learned at that time. That winds up another news week with this thought. Don't forget to make like a citizen of a free country and cast your ballot on Tuesday!! See you next week? Everybody got into the act of making macaroni. The Chinese are believed to have invented it. . . the Germans supposedly introduced it into Europe ... and now the U.S. has the largest macaroni industry in the world. 4H Busy Three Club There was a meeting of-4he Busy Three 4-H club on March 28 at the high school. Werjeceived fifth prize in the poster contest of "Learn, Live and Serve". Saturday, our leader, Ed. London, and our president, John Smith, will tatoo all beef in the club, which is necessary for the fair. The subject of going to 4-H camp was brought up and so far we have two people g<y*fKJim Nye gave a health ralk on "Cuts" and John Smith gAve a project talk on "Beef". The next meeting will be April 25 at the McHenry high school. Norma Anderson, reporter FAMOUS *701 "SPECIAL" bets NEW, »xci«siv« CATCHER Slips over agitator. Easily removable for cleaning. While the clothe* are befog washed. Speed Queen's rolling water action flushes through the LINT. CATCHER which screens out lint, fuzz and loose dirt. Also serves as a soap dispenser Quality Compares With Washers Priced $40 to $50 Hiaher •lint Catcher •Sap«r-Duty • Double Wall Aluminum Wringer Construction • Speed Quean •Sealed Transmission "Tim" • Tangle-Proof •Maximum Guarantee Agitator e Bowl-Shaped Tub 95 CAREY APPLIANCE, Inc. I I W P h . B V 5 - 5 5 0 0 o r 5 - 5 5 t f l | McHENRY TOWNSHIP VOTERS Thirty-six years ago this fall McHENRY COUNTY voters elected a man from McHENRY TOWNSHIP to county office. It can happen again. It will happen if McHENRY TOWNSHIP voters ask for Republican Ballots. And mark thai ballot for JOHN C. GOETSCHEL, candidate for County Coroner. Dr. Goetschel, long a resident of McHenry township has served his country in the Armed forces and was honorably discharged. He is a practicing licensed Chiropractic Physician in the city of McHenry. Among his numerous civic accomplishments are: Vice-president of the McHenry Chamber of Commerce. President elect of the McHenry Chamber of Commerce, Co-chairman of the McHenry Fiesta Day and Co-chairman of the McHenry county Emergency Polio Fund. He is also an active member of other social and civic groups and organizations in the county. LET McHENRY TOWNSHIP W THE COURT HOUSE. NOMINATE JOHN C. GOETSCHEL CORONER . INDEPENDENT CITIZENS VOTE FOR • • • • JOHN £. GOETSCHEL YOUR VOTE WILL feE APPRECIATED (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) zs