Thursday, April 7, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park ELECT BOARD MEMBERS FOR 2-YEAR TERM Rickey Bottari EV. 5-2262 Tarole Humann EV. 5-1605 At the Lakeland Park Property Owners association general meeting held last Sunday night the following were voted in for a two-year term on the b6ard of directors: Jerry Rogers; Foster Glorch and Carol Altmann. The only new member will be Carol Altmann. M#y things were discussed but the most important one to most all of us at this time is the fact that as soon as the Weather permits work on our roads ytfill be started and by the time we are' all out weeding in our newly seeded lawns our rbads will, be completed. Women's Club 0ie meeting of the. Lakeland Park Women's club will be held this evening at 8:30 p.m. sharp. The most important thing on the agenda for the evening will be the election of new officers for the coming year. Let's have all members present if at all possible. New School Many of you will be happy to know that there will be a new grade school soon under construction adjacent here to our subdivision across on 120, just about a mile and a half away. As stated by Mr. Buckner, who was a guest speaker a t t h e a s s o c i a t i o n m e e t i n g , there will be bus service to this school when construction is completed for the start of school in September of 1961. Congratulations to Henry Roepkin of Lakeland Shores who was appointed audience promotion manager of radio station WBBM. He already is press information director of .this station and he assumes dual role with this additional department. Carnival *Sie fourth annual carnival thfr year will be held on June 9, 10, 11 and 12 inclusive on Route 120 1 mile west of Mc- Henry. Tickets for the rides are now available and can be purchased by one of the members of the beach committee or direct from Roy Meineke. Kids On Roads Now that the weather will be getting warmer, will you parents please again warn the children to keep off the roads especially refrain from pushing each other around when there are pars approaching. We don't want anyone seriously injured so let's be careful and get off the road when you see a car getting close to you. served to all before the christening and then loads of pictures were taken to mark this very special event in the life of the three children. Wendy Ann, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mueller of 207 Shore drive, was also christened at the Zion Lutheran church on Sunday, March 27 and her godparents of which she has three, are Charleene's mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sewaski, and her sister Bonnielee. The baby's great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliverius, were also guests They are Mrs. Sewaski's mom and dad. School Board Election Let's all get out and cast our vc0 on Saturday, April 9 at the McHenry high school. Our own Bud Uttich is a candidate. You need not be registered for this election, you need only to be a resident of McHenry township for a period of 30 days. LPPOA Spring Dance Make your appointment now with a baby sitter for the fifth ai^ial spring dance sponsored by the LPPOA to be held 6n May 21 at the American Legion hall in McHenry. The dance committee has t»lans for special entertainment featuring Mel Bellairs of W.B.B.M. as master of ceremonies. Tickets are now available through your block captains or chairman Ray Rode by calling EV 5-0377. 0 Census The official census taker for the Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores area is Mrs. Rita Mahoney. She will be knocking on your door sometime in the next few weeks. In order to make her job a little easier, please have your paper from the census bureau filled out and ready for her call. -m REPUBLICAN CROSS STATE'S ATTORNEY In 19 Car Accident Joe Prazak has been sporting a broken nose as a result of the nineteen car pile-up on R o u t e 31 d u r i n g t h e s n o w storm recently. It seems he gets black eyes from the least little bump but this tiine no black eyes just the broken nose. Christenings Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Messel of 306 N. Sunset drive had their three children christened at the Zion Lutheran church of McHenry. The children baptized and their godparents are: Pamela Ann, age 6, and her godparents were Mr. and Mrs. James Strumel (Mrs. Messel's sister and her husband from Walworth, Wis.) Thomas OrinVfc age 7, and his godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Auslander (Mr. Messel's sister and her husband of Glen Ellyn,); and Charles Edward, age 11, and his godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kohler, (Mrs. Messel's mother and father). Also in for the big event was an old army buddy of Charles and his wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tschaenn from Cincinnati, Ohio. Dinner was Visitors at the Mueller residence were Ron's dad and his step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mueller, who just returned from a vacation in Florida and win be returning to their home in Sioux Narrows, Canada. Surgery Kenny Prazak underwent surgery at the Bethany hospital in Chicago on Monday morning. Any of his boy friends can send him cheering cards in care of the Bethany hospital, 3420 Van Buren, Chicago. This will help to make Ken's stay in the hospital just as happy as you can make an 11 year old boy when he is away from home and his family and friends. So come on kids, send him your get-well cards. Happy Birthday to Patti Laursen who entertained members of the small fry set at a morning party on March 31. The occasion was her third birthday. Helping to open packages were Joann and Darlene Gladman, Pamela and Paul Zimny, Kathy, Donna, Mary Beth and Margaret Humann, with moms, Gayle, Mickey Gladman, Dorthea Zimny and Carole Humann. to Charlene Mueller who celebrated the occasion on Saturday, April 2. Luncheon The Lakeland Park Women's club will hold its second luncheon this year on April 28 at 12 non. Tickets are now on sale and you can obtain them from these members of the welcome committee: Lyda Radisch, Jean Gagnon, Louise Mc- Enery, Dolores Rogers, Jo Riz zo, Jean Parisi, Fran Cina and A CHAT WiTH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out 'or yourself. Brake Service AD Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCHS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, DL EVergreea ft-0811 The new Princess costs only pennies a day after a one-time charge. Perk up your bedroom with spring color a new extension phone ILLINOIS BELL While you're cleaning and spring decorating, don't forget the telephone. The new, small Princess extension phone can perk up ypur color scheme, or harmonize with it. And such eye-catching colors to choose from-blue, white, beige, pink or the new turquoise. No matter where you put it-in the bedroom, the kitchen or the living room - it goes with your decor. Besides the new Princess, you may choose from a variety of wall phones and table models. Your Service Representative can tell you how easy it is to have extension phones installed in your choice of beautiful colors. And the cost is so little. Just call your Bell Telephone business office. TELEPHONE Vickey Bottary. A delicious luncheon is being planned so get your tickets early. Ah, Calories Calories were forgotten when Marge Franklin, Elaine Jett, Jean Parisi, Gayle Parisi, Rita Zimney, Esther Cygan, Dotty Becker and Vickey Bottari got together at the home of our hostess, Fran Cina, last Tuesday afternoon when we were served such a delicious lunch of baked lasagna and - meat balls which believe me were just out of this world. So you see- why we didn't bother to count the calories. Page Tw«rjfy-On» Meet Your Neighbor Newcomers to our community are . Ray and Genevieve Smith of 313 McHenry road. Lakeland Shores, who moved here in September of 1959 from Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who formerly • operated a motel are now in the process of enjoying life and watching their grandchildren grow. Frequent visitors are daughters. Eleanore Hanneman and Madeline Tomaselli, with their children Bob and Cheryl Hanneman and Michael and Ranny Tomaselli. Parents are reminded of the registration for kindergarten and first grade, which takefc place on April 22 for McHenry public school pupils. Details appeared in the March 31 issue and again this week. DOG SHOW Chicago's first rank among the cities in the United States in which 810 dog i>ho\vs are held annually is again assured for 1960 with an, entry of 2,622 dogs listed for competition at the International Dog Show to be held here next month. The twentieth all-breed show under the auspices of the International Kennel club of Chicago will be on April 9 and 10 in the International Amphitheatre. It has been the country's largest dog show the past two years. bwy bmmmm fhoVa #»• kind of Mttfemenf yov wont If yoi» hov* o lot* nut gom for ony tyft of protection for ohl A cau un THE KMT CORP. Phone EV 5-8800 116 N. Riverside Dr. Lakemoor LIBRARY WEEK OBSERVED IN NATION APR. 3-10 By Annette Schmlt TTiis week we celebrate National Library week in the U.S.A., and who but Americans have the opportunity to be as well educated as they themselves choose to be. In almost every city and town one can find a library dose by. The golden chance for unlimited education lies inside the overabundant volumes that one will find on his closest library shelf. The library here in Lakemoor has its shelves well stocked with almost every type of reference book imaginable. Anyone is welcome to crane in and browse around, or ask to be shown the library. The lib-, rary workers are janxious to have more registrations. Won't you drop in to our library this week and see for! yourself where your self-education comes from? Waters On, The Rise! Count ourselves aiiiong the more fortunate on the water rising problems in the upper part of the state. Although our lake has risen it doesn't seem to have affected the welfare of the homes surrounding the lake. A drive recently around the Fox River region has brought quite a bit of concern for the people who live on the river. As for ourselves, I guess we all had to hold our breath while the thaw came in, and breathed a little easier when the winds came and dried up a good deal of the mud puddles However, spring is here and with it come many rains. and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Andrea Johnson on Tuesday, April 11. - Belated Greetings Belated but well wished birthday greetings go to Wally Para who celebrated his natal day on March 30, Anyone's guess on age is a good guess. All I have to say is -- if you think he's still a boy scout -- he is! Happy birthday, Wally! A to Z Club j Hie A to Z club met at the | home of Adele Stilling on j March 29. Since the Stilling i home has just added a new nose for the census taker to j count, the game of zion check had to wait for Junior to cuddle up to sleep. First prize went to Edna Petlak and Erria Novak. Mrs. Petlak is now a three time winner. Refreshments of strawberry shortcake In The Hospital Edna Petlak has been admitted to the hospital for a kidney infection. Since the stork is preparing for a landing in the not too distant future all of Edna's friends are quite concerned over her welfare. I think a note of cheer would bring much joy right now. -- Boy Scout Troop 161 VFW The Green Bar Council held an election at their last meeting at which time Lawrence "Skip" Schuerr was a re-elect for the post of Senior patrol leader. The- new troop scribe was Dickie Bitterman. Outgoing scribe was Sam Kisla. Dur- 1 made. ing the ceremony, the boys took their oath of office. Parents are reminded of the registration for kindergarten < and first grade, which takes place on April 22 for McHenry public school pupils. Details appeared in the March 31 issue and again this week. Drivers have a training responsibility when children are riding in the car. According to the Institute for Safer Living, courtesy, observing speed limits and traffic rules, proper signaling, keeping your distance. smooth stops and starts, are some of the safe driving practices that children will remember and imitate When they start learning to drive. No two known 4 items are alike, whether natural or man- VOTE REPUBLICAN GOETSCHEL CORONER Peter Wj. ^uilen & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Dollar-ancJ-Sense reasons to GO OLDS N DYNAMIC M HOUDAY SPORTSCDAM ail YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILI QUALITY DBA! R.J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES | a RecKfr to pit YOUp N6RIT...M Old* coita far laaa than you'd gutMl <2 VOU CAM (UVI rock*T "«•" ON inuuK 4M . •vary Dynamic 88 offara thf Ragular ftockft Engine that thrlvas on lowar-coat, ragular fual. LOOK AT TMB raATuaaa at no bxtna coaT... you'll find mora of what you want In avary modal. HtON RB9AUQ VAt.UK aAWS vou mohsy ... anjoy your Rockat now with tha a&sucanca that your Invaatmant holda whan you go ovar to Olda. NOW IS TMK TIME TO TNADK-... chancea ara your praaant car will navar ba worth mora than It la right nwfc 403 Frost S3. See the Dennis O'Keefe Show Every Week on CBS-TV -- Hear Lowell Thomas and the News Monday thru Friday on CBS Radio 0-PLANES It Flies!! Roars and Soars Ike a Real Airplane Comes in Kit Form with instructions Easy to Assemble Be the first in your neighborhood to build and fly the amazing new JEEP-O-PLANE! only 25c with the purchase of 8 gals, of gasoline (FOR A LIMITED TIME) GUETTLEIfS CITY SERVICE Ed. A. Gueltler, prop. Route 31 -- South Phone EV 5-9831