Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1960, p. 6

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iPa#» SIK •n& a&BKNr PbKamwum -Plaindealer Want Ads The McHenry Plaindealer . Classified Advertising Rates Phone EV 5-0170 3P*irst Insertion -- 6c per w ord - $1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. .Repeat Insertions -- , 5c per word - $1.00 minimum 25c Service Charge on all blind ads Display Classified First Insertion -- - $1.28 per Col. Inch • 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.10 per Col. Inch Classified display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 4 lines of 8 pt. all owed per inch. Copy Deadline -- Wed. 10 a.m. Boats and Motors USED INBOARDS, 12 excellent buys, 14' to 18'. $695 to $3,650. Buy now and save. Ed Wendt Boat Co., Richmond, 111. 46-tf ffcpw^tajr. April ^ wfo B usiness Service Business ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. ! TONY'S MACHINE SHOP ser- Industrial. commercial and do- vice and saw fifing. EV 5-4962. mestic. Rickert Electric. 480 One block east of Bridge on Center St.. Grayslakt-, 111. t*h. ! Rt. 120. 37-tf BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf RUG and Upholstery cleaning FLOOR SANDING and finish- j done in your own home; all ing. Free estimates. Oki ori \york guaranteed; twenty years new floors. Years of exper-1 experience. Richard Hunter, ience. Distance no object, phone EV. 5-0494. 48-tf Hartwig Floor Sanding, Bar-: - : : rington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 24-tf PAINTING, interior and ex- -- i terfor. Paper hanging, wall- Business Service ALTERATIONS and sewing; experienced; reasonable; quick iservice. In McCullom Lake, West Shore Beach. Mrs. Mary Spencer, fcV 5-3966. 24-tf HOURLY RATES for jack hammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bidrs., Inc., Richmond. 111. Ph. Richmond 4881. 26-tf ! 14 ft. TOMAHAWK fibre glass j bottom. Best offer. Phone EV. } 5-2657 after 7 p.m. *49 Automotive 12 FT FLAT-BED truck body. Factory built, good condition. $35. Phone EV. 5-3384. 47-tf 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 door. Ov- . erdrive. motor perfect. Cash $150. Can be seen at Schreiners SiTHlnrtl Service Station. 49 It;.'. iU'lCK Special. Power steering. new tiros. Best offer. Phone Jackson fi-6183 before 12:00 noon. *49 1957 3 h,p. JOHNSON out- j board motor. 25 running hours | $65. Phone EV. 5-0270. 49 1 : j INBOARDS -- 16 ft. Chris- j Craft and I6.V2 ft. Century. Priced for quick sale. Phone EV. 5-1803. 49-tf BING'S PLUMBING & HEATING. Bob Frisby, Jr. Quality fixtures - radiant heating - gas & electric water heaters - water systems - water softeners. Repairs - Free estimates. EV 5-3144. 43-tf 14 ft. THOMPSON -- strip built, utility runabout $75. W. Kuck, Eastwood Manor. EV. 5- 6523. 49 1948 C H E V R O L E T. Good running car. $80 cash. EV. 5- 4541. 49 Johnson Motors Gator Trailers BOATS Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Magnolia . NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING ACCESSORIES aEFINISHING -- STORAGE Factory Approved Service CRITON MARINE CO. So. Riverside Drive PHONE EV 5-1076 46-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: EV 5-1480 or EV 5-2711 Station Box 38 43-tf BLACK DIRT - disc sharpenboard taping-- Free estimates. I tog - hole digging - truck- Nick Huff & Son, 401 Green- i ing. Call Herman Dowe, EV. 5- A-ood road, McCullom Lake, Phone EVergreen 5-4540. 36-tf FLOOR COVERINGS -- Plastic wall tile. Free Estimate. Phone EV. 5-4753. *49 J.952 FORD 6 cylinder 4 door. $170. Phone EV. 5-3557. 49 . Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120r i blk. East of the river bridge fjpen Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 38-tf Business Service NEED MORTGAGE money? We specialize in placing diffi- | cult mortgages on homes, ! farms and commercial build-1 ings'. Write Box 42, Fox River ' Grove, 111. 18tf ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR. DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbtr" Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT ST. Ph. EVergreen 5-3232 52»tf GRAVEL Roads and Driveways " Chain O' Lakes Excavating Co. Rt. 120 and Kept Road EV 5-618$ All Kinds of Fil! 4S4 0241 McHenry. 49-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Storage - Packing Crating FREE ESTIMATES McMAHON MOVERS CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Phone C.L. 3975 after 5 p.m. or Saturday 48-tf : USED CARS 158 Plymouth St. Wag. $1745 V8 Custom PS-AT-R-H *58 - Dodge Royal Lancer $1745 AT-PS-R-H Sharp '58-Buick 2 dr. Hardtop $1645 Special AT-R-H Perfect *58 - Ford V8 Club Sedan $1175 ' " Economy trans. A real buy *57 - Dodge 4 dr. Hardtop $13% AT-R-H Full power ,57 - Plymouth 2 dr. Hdt. $1175 AT-R-H-V8 Real sharp *57 - Dodge 8 4 dr. Sedan $1295 AT-H Don't overlook this *§7-Ford Club Sedan .. $995 AT-R-H Had special care "56 - Studebaker 4 dr. Sdn. $775 Classic AT-R-H *56 - Plymouth 8 4 dr Sdn. $775 AT--R--H Perfect all ways *55 Chevrolet 8 CI. Sed. $625 AT-R-H Must be seen Wide Selection Of Others A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. McHenry Phone EV 5-3100 Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 'til 9 Sat. 'til 6 Closed All Day Sunday 49 Boats and Motors RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Prompt - Reasonable 24 Hour Service EVergreen 5-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 33-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools. Ph. EV/.rgreen 5-1819 Residence Fox Street 10-tf SEPTIC SYSTEMS and SEWERS INSTALLED Wells Drilled and Driven Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Morrison Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-2101 49 SINGER'S 109th Anniversary Salethon Tremendous Reductions on New Singer Portable and Console Models Reduced prices also on aJU trade-in machines, (variety of portable and console models-- some Singers) SINGER Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton Street | Woodstock, Illinois | 49 GARAGES ANY SIZE -- ANY SfTYLE Priced for the working man. 14 x 20, IV* car. 4" concrete floor. 9-ft. sectional overtiead door, shingle roof, 3 windows and service door. Built complete. ONLY $695.00 Repairs, Remodeling and Siting of all kinds. No job too small or too large. Free plans. Free permits. No money dowp. Terms to suit your budget. Local workmen. Tel. now for frefe estimate. Ail work guaranteed. Duke Construction Co^ Highland Shores Rt. 2, Wonder Lake Phone W.L. 6161 49-4 Moisture Problems Crawlspace Sidewalls Ceilings phone L. TOYNE EV 5-6091 RELIABLE Oil Burner Service Furnace - Space Heaters Furnace Vacuum Cleaning All Types Call Reliable B. J. SCHALL EVergreen 5-0571 39Ltf NOW IS THE TIME for Home and resort owners to have all your remodeling and general repairs done. Roofing - Siding - Cement work - Carpentry - Painting (interior & exterior) - Plumbing - Gutter Work FREE ESTIMATES , Phone EV 5-4340 49-2 NOTICE BOAT FOR SALE -- 15' Streblow runabout with 35 h.p. Faegol inboard engine. Mahogany plank construction. Excellent condition. Complete with anchor, life preservers, extinguisher, and mobile P.A. system. Guaranteed to pass U.S.C.G.A. Courtesy examination. $1,100. May be seen at North Bridge Marine, McHenry. *48-2 You Save Money At Ed Wendt Boat Co. BOATS ^AMERICA'S FINEST ON DISPLAY" <5ver 40 boats to choose from GLASTRON, WHITEHOUSE, SWITZER, ARISTOCRAFT, • • CROSBY CRUISERS INC., ALUMACRAFT, LYMAN /.CHRIS-CRAFT, CAVALIER SPEEDBOATS & CRUISERS 18 ft. to 30 ft. JOHNSON MOTORS - PIERS GATOR TRAILERS PAINT-SUPPLIES-HDWE. Good buys . on used boats and motors ED WENDT BOAT CO. Richmond, 111. Ph. 3231 Etaily 9-9 -- Sun. 10-6 On Highway 12, 3 blocks north V:; of Intersection 12 & 173 V- --^ ALWAYS ON THE LEVEL Let "Atlas" Build Your Future Is your home as comfortable ' and modern as it should be? j If not, let us help you imj prove it. Now is the time to I phone us for free estimates on the following: Thick Butt Roofing Blown Insulation Veneer Stone Siding Aluminum Combination Windows Septic Systems Plastic Bath Tile Kitchen Cabinets Aluminum Siding Patios Asbestos Sidihg Fireplaces Floor Tile Cement Driveways Heating Installation No Obligation Easy FHA Terms Phone EVergreen 5-0430 APRIL 15th Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, rink rodding and root cutting equipment Also, septic systems and back hoe work. Also Air Compressor for rent PH. EVERGREEN 5-1950 ! ELMER GLOSSON ' 406 John Street McHenry, 111. 44-tf Ceramic Tile I McHenry Mosaic & Tile j Contractor for ' Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors i Bathrooms -- Kitchens ! Fireplaces Free Estimates | ROBERT PEISERT Phone EVergreen 5-3590 ' 48-tf is the 48-tf It Pays To Advertise McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE PISTAKEE ROAD AND CHARLES ST. i McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE EV 5-9850 (NEAR BOWLING ALLEY) work done exclusively by students BEGINNERS Shampoo & Styling Mon., Tues. & Wed. 75c Thurs., FRI. & Sat. Haircuts -- 80c Permanents DEADLINE for filing your 1959 Income Tax STOP NOW AT McHenry Accounting and Tax Service 308 W. Elm Street McHenry or call EVergreen 5-0343 for an appointment 49 WILSON RADIO & TV Repairs on All Makes and Models 920 Valley View Road Phone EV 5-5537 Clifford E. Wilson, Prop. 49-tf Septic Systems Installed and Repaired Immediate Service Chain O' Lakes Excavating Co. Rt. 120 and Kent Road EV 5-6188 49-4 Business Service fiiisiiiess Service McHenry ELECTRIC MOTORS and au«! tomotive generators and start-; ers, all types repaired, rebuilt ^ and rewound. EV 5,0183 Seaco j DlSPOSCXi SeiTVlOS Sales & Service, Lilymoor. j 45-tf j Phone Evergreen 5-2221 for ~~ ' DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE • WM, DE VRIES For Sale CGLDSFOT Refrigerator $50; also Frigidaire electric range $75. Phone EV. 5-3384. - 37-lf PAINTING interior and exterior, papering and wall-tex hanging, wall washing, plastering. Experience in new or old work. Located in Holiday Hills area. Satisfaction guaranteed. References. Jackson 6-6128. 49-tf For Do-It-Yourself ers Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures Slip Seal Tile Water Heaters \ Plumbing Supplies Gas Controls Gas Pipe Fittings See Us Before You Buy H. E. BUCH & SONS Rt. 120 East EV. 5-0048 McHenry, 111: 5-tf 115 3rd Ave. LOSE WEIGHT Safely with Dex-A-Diet tablets. Bolg&^ Drug Store. '4W$ AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone EVergreen 5-179,?. 44-tf • I BEFORE YOU BUY any TV, *7'tf; see the hew I960 Muntz 21" n . A : c<?nsolette, $149.95. Payments Business Opportunity f315 Rer week F°r a .» W - »• ! home demonstration ^aij Munfz Wonwr 46-if 48,2! INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PHONE McHenry EV 5-1749 36-tl MIMEOGRAPH SERVICE Complete Letter Service Addressing -- Folding Stuffing -- Sealing Photocopy McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE *9 210 S. Green Street PHONE EV 5-5064 44-tf GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for | young energetic man to go into I disposal business, with lease or I dump in McHenry area. Call I Crystal Lake 2828 or C.L. 3619. j - 45-tf : , home call Mui . Lake. Phone W.L. 6661. Sales and Service, FOR SALE -- Business property with modern 5 room flat. On main highway in new subdivision. EV. 5-5195. *49 For Sale RAY'S BIKE REPAIR -- Bicycles and tricycles. Trade-ins accepted. Phone Wonder Lake 5251. 40-2 HORSES - saddles - bridles - surrey - buck board training cart - horse trailer. Phone Ey. 5-0275, after 6 pjn. EV. 5-3175 47-4 Direct From Factory Non-Slip Floor Waxes $2.50 per gallon Wax Stripper All Purpose Cleaners $2.00 per gallon Dish Washing Detergent $2.00 per gallon DURA WAX CO. 610 W. Main Hrs.: 8 a.m.-4 P-m. Sat.: 8 a.m.-12f p.m. 49-4 FOR SALE FOR SALg Septic Tank Cleaning $15.00 For any tank up to 750 gals, which has an exposed cover. Join our yearly cleaning service at a reduced fee of $12. Flooded'Basements Pumped Able Septic (System Service Phone Crystal Lake 2481 49-tf 95c $3.95 $4.95 ADVANCED Styling $1.00 & $1.50 Haircut ting $1.00 Permanents $6.50 $7.50 $10.00 (cut & style included) High Bleaching -- Tinting 25c (cut & style included) Streaks -- Tipping $1.50 to $6.50 SLENDERIZING TABLES Vibratory Spot Reducing Belt Coin ,Operat«4 46-tf A & B CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. PHOIfE EV 5-0901 Rt. 8 -- Box 232 McHenry, 111. FLOOD DAMAGE ftEPAIRS FREE ESTIMATE & PLANS NO MONEY DOWN 49 INCOME TAX SERVICE VIRGIL R. POLLOCK DAY OR EVENING FOR APPOINTMENT Phone EV 5-2500 OFFICE AT: 204 EAST. ELM StREET McHENRY 47-tf A T T E N T I O N LAKE, COOK AND McHENRY COUNTY FLOOD VICTIMS Our Doors Are Open To You! For you, we are changing our one low price policy. If you have suffered a loss due to the flood, we are offering you a special TRADE-IN on your flood damaged furniture. NO MONEY DOWN IMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERY Phone MAjestic 3-3362 or come in Gurnee Furniture Warehouse 2 blocks east of Skokie Highway on Grand Ave., Gurnee, III. 49 McHenry Window & Awning Co. ART BOGER RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ALUMINUM & FIBREGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY • COOL KING • COOL QUEEN • LANCASTER • ZEPHYR • PANELUM • MAGIC-GLASS • REGENT WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS PATIOS AND CARPORTS ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS PHONE EV 5-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE 307 E. Waukegan Road CONVENIENT TERMS McHenry. IN. 45-tf Farmers' Trading Post Farmers' Trading Post STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1960 Calf Buyer for Leading Packing House By the Pound BRING YOUR CALVES IN, OR HAVE THEM PICKED UP For Pick-ups call evenings, or before 6:00 A.M. Hours: Monday -- Friday Pick-Up -- 6:00 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. Bring them in -- 8:30 A.M. - 12:60 Noon BOB BRENNAN - Ringwood WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S « STUDIO 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone ft Vergreen 5-0275 2-tf 49 Manitowic Freezer Extra Large Capacity Upright Model 6 separate doors for efficient operation Original Cost -- $560 Offered at $200 Phone EV 5-3860 FOR SALE, Sears Roebuck & Co. Free Estimates Building Materials Gutters - Plastic Tile Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors -- Insulation Floor Tile - Garage Door$ ; Railings - Jalousie Windows Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied Easy Payment Plan Call EV 5-1878 or Write Frank Gans f) Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 47-tf Farmers Trading Post YORKSHIRE BOAR for sale. 8 months old. EV. 5-0623. 49 J.000 BA^ES of Hay -- l|| & 2nd cuttings. Also manure by load or basket. Pick-up or delivered. Gerald Thelen. EV. 5- 1572. 49 Fleming Equipment AIMS CHALMERS NEW IDEA-PA PEC DEADER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service PH. EVERGREEN 5-0033 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS t Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Foe Phone: LEhigh 7-01^& GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for -- Phone Wonder Lake 3445 LOCATION B. T. BUTLER BUILDING SAJLF.S & SERVICE PH. EVERGREEN 5-0420 501 Crystal Lake Roau 39-3 49 Graduate Auctioneer Robert "Bob" Brennan Wonder Lake 3445^ P.O. Box 111 Ringwood GENERAL and FARM SALES 48-2

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