$ Thursday, April 14, I960v THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER AiP!« 44AM>y^lAStiR IOOO VAUM&... ' ---r--r Paqe Eleven Take the hop, hop, hop out of Easter food shopping--arid save a batch of cash, too --- by choosing your holiday feast at A&P! Be sure your list includes plenty of quality-famous A&P Exclur siv«: festive Jane Parker Baked Goods, Ann Page Fine Foods, • *»d frfeshly^rfcasted A&P premium-quality Coffee. i>. A grand finale for that wonderful Easter dinner... and so w<3- come when you serve it to friends whodrop in! Fresh-roasted Eight O'Clock is deliriously better because fuli coffee flavor is kept "sealed - in- the - bean" until the minute you buy, then Custom Ground to fit your coffeepot! Buy the big 3-pound bug and save more! SAVE 8c ON REGULAR PRICE l-LB. BAG SAVE 22c OK REGULAR RICE 3-LB. BAG I. INCH AND FULL-BODIED VIGOROUS AND WINEY Red Circle ^ if 3M*i.n • Bokar ^65* ANN PAGE PURE STRAWBERRY Preserves # miws ' - " fOOCtP fi Guaranty AkeefntSe 'V;--;; S.v:Ui.-vv 12-OZ. JAR ANN PAGE REALLY FfiiSM Wonderfully delicious on breakfast toast, use it to dress up ice cream. Enjoy their delicious pure fruit goodness... arid SAVE! PINT JAR ANN PAGE V. . vg'; 1-IB. BAG INuyonnabe 29< Egg Noodles 29 , Italian Dressing * 25c Ketchup Z tr 25 u-m -•> <av «. v ^ ~ - -L. if I "\t»k tt Tomato Soup Z 1 W Gelatin Dessert |* i^SHi^ED mnJASE ••••Hi v>^xv^>X%v^>.v>.vv.v.v^.v.v:v>^.->x<c-is.',;v:vZvx-"v-' JANE PARKER Fruit Stollen 16-ot MCI V!T!VJVXs!V '.vmv.'^/X'XCV 59 Superb old-fashioned Stollen Coffee Cake ... generously fruit* studded and baked with typical Jane Parker skilL Delightful f JANE PARKER M-OZ. Lemon Pie Ikubarb Pie Gold Loaf Cake 8-INCH SIZE Jane Re§. Parker 55c Jane Parker -25 JANE PARKER JULY STREUSil Coffee Cake 35* Bran Raisin Bread 2^45' .emon Ro Jane Parker £ .35 IDEAL FOR EASTER COLORING! Now's the tinje to stock up on fresh eggs for Easier. And for tops in freshness, nutrition and value, you can depend on A&P every time. So get in a big supply now! AAP BRAND DOZEN Ml White T EMS 45 SUNNYBROOK LARGE GRADE 'A' DOZEN 44 CRESTVIEW iBl GRADE B 43 A&P Crushed Pineapple 2 ^ 45' Sultana Brand Purple Plums iartlett Pears Golden Corn A&P Tomato Juice 29 oz. tin Iona Brand A&P Cream Style 25* 3:: $i.oo 0,,oz K* L tins L%3 25' Flavor 46 oz. OJ~£ Packed tin McHehry Shores JACK JUSTING ELECTED TRUSTEE OF SHORES | CLUB By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0558 The hanging of the gravel by newly elected president. Jack Schmitt, brought the sixtyeight members attending the McHenry Shores club meeting to order at 8:35 p.m. last ] Thursday. The election of a trustee, to. "break the tie that had. devol- | oped at the election in March.- | as "opposed from the floor as 'unethical. After discussion the I motion was voted out with .the f following results: absentee ballots' favored August Smith over Jack Risting. "21 to 17, but \\hen added to the ballots cast from tne floor it was noted that Jack Risting surged ahead to retain his office by a margin of 15 votes. Mr. Schmitt. Before announcing the appointments, presented Mr. Lips the past president, wi'h a miniature gavel as .a j^rrtpmento from the club. Appointments are as follows: chaplip - John Smith, by-law committee chairman - Willis Coates. publicity committee chairman - Clare Mueller, road committee chairman - Elmer Granso, sick committee chairman - Marie Cicchini. welcoming committee chairman - Dolores Stark As yet no appointment has been made for a chairman of the beach committee. A volunteer, or suggestions. to keep the beach and •picnic grounds in order are welcome. Head of the ways and means committee. Junior vice-president. Daisy Smith announced tha'1 the following chairman will handle the picnic and fun fair respectvielv, Louise and Sam Winters -- Eleanor and Elmer Granso. Mrs. Winters reoprts limTTie^ienic^will fee ; held Junc-25. weather-permit- i ting. | Highlight of the evening was the awarding of s p e c i a l prizes. Daisy Smith was the j lucky winner of the popcorn bunny thai she gave to pretty Pat tie Simertson. Second winner of a popcorn Easter basket i was Shirley Lamerand and Mrs. Mueller took home a sim- : ilar prize which Irene dropped ! off with little Nancy Hattan to help cheer her up in her bat- , tie with pneumonia. ^ Kick List At this writing Randy. ' Schramm is down with the measles, Jimmy Poggensee has ' just recovered from same. Tracy Brunke was coming ; down with something and Nan- j cy Hatten js on her way to re-. < covery from pneumonia. Un- • del-stand that John Smith was hospiialized for a check-up. Birtlidays and Anniversary Just a reminder to Bill Dos- I tal that his pretty little wife, ; Jo?.n ,\vill celebrate her birth- j, day -Wednesday. . . .Mr. and j Mrs. Fred Stark, make sure ; that Freddy has a-happy birth- ! day Thursday. .Going back ! to Wednesday, happy anniver- I sary. Louise and Sam Winters. 1 Here anc!5 There Quite a group dropped in on ; the Wilsons the other d&y. , daughter with husband, Mr. | and Mrs. Lexow. were over , from Elmwood Park, the Low- , ings. with daughter Judy, of Chicago were also out as were ( the Ellenbosts from Chicago. . . Joan Dostal's folks, Mr. and ' Mrs. Musielak. were out to see j if their lot survived the rising • Fox River. . . .Helen Vogt spentj I Ihe Sunday with Pat SJjmeni son. . . .On their return from j Florida. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolf dropped in on daughter Ev Tanner to see how, fir§t hand, il the Fox River had taken possession of the Tanner homestead. . . .Jerry and Vi Morris had the Leon Warrens of Chicago and the Sam Zeimets over for a pre-Easter dinner. . . .The Hinzes "enjoyed a visit of their grandchildren who were over with their parents, Mr. and Airs. Ed Hess. The Hogans aje back from an extended trip in Iowa. . . . The Gu» Smiths were up to Wawatosa, Wis., to visit the W. Kropps. . . .Looks like the rest of us have given up little jaunts in favor of lawn and a general straightening up outdoors after the seige of winter. Thank Your Neighbor With Idyle Dell torn up as it was, we note that the two knights in modern armor. Bob ^Fanner and or Jack Schmitt, rescued Jerry Olginski's. and Marge Olszewski's cars from the mire. .Mr. Miller, our subdivider and patron, has the graders at work leveling off the roads e^rlv this year. Thanks HFM, Lilymoor BROWNIE TROOP EXHIBITS BOLLS AT SCOOT FAIR by Nancy Rltter EV 5-5889 And in Closing Reminder, chairs for the The Brownie Troop 257 of Lilymoor made quite a showing at the Girl Scout Fair which, was held at the American Legion nail on Sunday, April 4. The girls made papei dolls and clothed each one in a uniform representing a country of the world. They also displayed a table cloth with each member's name emShaidered. on it. Minor displays were other arts and crafts, articles. Everyone liked the paper doll display so well, that the girls have been asked to ^exhibit" it in. the County Fair this summer. " Also the girls have already started' to take advantage of the nice weather and hiked around Lilymoor. Some of the girls started out ahead of the rest and marked the trail. The Brownies enjoyed an SSAC meeting at Pinky's -/Easter Egg hunt which was held on Tuesday. April 12. Also on that Tuesday they took home tomato plants, which hey. that sort of slipped in much too early. . . .This week with the closing of Holy Week, Happy Easter to everyone and 'bey started to raise. lay off the hard boiled eggs. ------ leave some for the kids . . . Month For Birthdays The publicity committee, con- | Cute little Toni Robbins celsistir. g of the following report- ! ebrated her secohd birthday ers: Betty Dobbertin - EV. 5- ' with her family on March 29. 4019, Lou Poggensee, - EV. 3- 6222. Beverly Verstege - EV. 5-5932, Louise ^Winters - EV. 5-2897, Julia Zeimet - EV. 5- Michel West will reach the age of eleven on Saturday April 16. . ... . Mrs. Burke celebrates her 2010 and yours tnily. will _be bjrth(Jay on lliesday April 1± r f SHAN-GRA-LA HOME \ mile south of McHenry just east of Rt. 31 on Idyll-Dell Road Excellent home for elderly pensioned and retired people. ^ Pleasant, comfortable and clean rooms available. For information write Station Box 125, McHenry, 111, or call PHONE EVERGREEN 5-0419 more than pleased to receive your calls about news items that make this column of interest to all in the community. . . See you next week. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS "With exclusive oil-plating action!*' Hew CONOCO ROYAL with TCP* aim Boosts power as it cuts wear as it increases mileage! $15.00 in Trade $30.00 in Trade $50.00 in Trade . FREE tar Wash FRRE Wash and Grease FREE Wash and Wax (Offer expires June SOth, 1960) RAY'S CONOCO SERVICE Elm (Rt. 120) and Park Street McHenry, Illinois Get that Royal Feding when you drive! •Trademark owned end patent applied for by Shell OQ Coapany CONOCO April 12 is also the day when Gary Ritter reaches the age of seventeen. Mrs. Marge Polinski's grandson, Richard, celebrated his first birthday on March 17 i with his relatives. March 31 was the date of John Schiavorte's third birthi day. ' Ricky Sohiavone had a delightful time on April 1 blow- Joins Aid Association i,:g out his first candle. Milton J. Voigt of Wonder Lake is a new district repre- ! New Arrival sentative in this area for the ' Mr and Mrs. Kotiw are the Aid Association for Lutherans, proud parents of a baby boy, Voigt. his wife and child are namod David Henrv. David members of Zion Lutheran tipped the scale at 8 lbs, and church in McHenry. 8 ozs. and measured twenty - - one i«ches long. Dave has three CONGRATULATED ON j other brothers: Richard, Ro- RECORD j mart and Mike and one sister, Mrs. Louis Groth of Fern- Litya. wood subdivision, southwest of ; * McHenry, has received the congratulations of Major General Hugh Mackintosh for being on the job throughout 1959 without absence for illness. She is a printing and reproduction foreman at the military subsistance supply agency, Chicago. AUGMENTS PROGRAM The United States Air Force, according to Sgt. Morris L. Raines, local recruiter-salesjnan. has augmented its navi*- gator training program to give officer status to more qualified young men with military obligations. Interested McHenry area young men should contact Sgt. Raines at the city hall in Woodstock on Friday. 6 to 9 p.m. or at 8 S. Spring St., Elgin, or call SH 1-8837 to arrange for an appointment. Anniversary Celebration , Monday March 21, was ;the ' date of Herb and Marge Polinski's twenty-fourth anniveri sary. They celebrated this happy occasion on Saturday, ' March 26/ with Marge's sister and brother-in-law from Barrington, by dining downtown and after < stage play. OPIN MFTfC srsrciii £ASY NO DK5GINGI • Kudm GIT New Home Omen Richard and Judy Polinski. both former residents of Lilymoor, bought a home on Fountain Lane drive in McCullom Lake. We wish them the best of luck in their new home as Mr had ril 4. Sunday Guests The Ritter family guests on Sunday. April and Mrs. Earl Ritter. Sunday afternoon offered recreation for Mr. and Mrs. C.' Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ritter and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. J. De Marco. The couples enjoyed themselves by bowling. Please feel free to call me if you have any news. Thank you. B0YER Septic to* 0mm Ruck's Hardware 501 W. Main St. " McHenry Sultana Tuna Fish Cake Mixes Sunnyfield Flour dexola Salad Oil Sunnyfield Rice Ligfrt Me&t 6 oz. tin 19* Ann Page 4 Varieties 20 02 oc* pkg. iLO Short Grain bag qt. btl. 21b. bag 53* 29* JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT TO PICK FROM THE FINE ASSORTMENT AT DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 ASK CONSTRUCTION PERMITS OF STATE WATERWAYS GROUP The Illinois Division of Waterways has announced receipt of an application from the pivision or Highways to construct a bridge over the Kishwaukee river on a township road Approximately three miles wfest of Marengo. Another application came from Roy Genaze of McHenrj to build a pier on the righl bank of the Fox river neat Johnsburg. 32 A bad otUhut cod a hgg» con fpM dbatMr far not an/ fam% 1 out nd«qmir» tnaoana prtHKiiQn. taM amn cms H amfe MV Mfc OKU US IHE KBIT CORP. Phone EV 6-SMft US X. Riveraida Dr. *