Thursday, April 14, I960 THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Page Fifteen Pistakee Highlands SEA EXPLORERS ASSIST VICTIMS OF FLOODED AREA Hazel Morley Hyatt 7-8310 Kay Sielisch Hyatt 7-3414 -^he Sea Explorers assisted owners of homes retrieving lawn furniture and other floating goods. They helped evacuate families and left two bqats for the use of the folks stranded on the Island. The Skipper of the Explorers mobilized his boys in 20 minutes under the prescribed rules of mobilization. The boys worked hard for fifre hours in icy cold water sulRe times over their hip boots to evacuate families. They barricaded flooded roads and made home-made fire pots to mark off the dangerous areas. Pistakee Highlands is most grateful to have such wonderful boys an<J we thank you boys. The boys do not want thanks fttr the wonderful things they ,lo, theyare, iust happy to come trj|he aid of anyone who needs . tfPir help. • Boy Scout Xews I.:ist Friday. April 1, there was a Boy Scout district first nid meeting of the Kishwaukee^ •iislrirf. This is a annual (v • fr- ir \<. It was held ;t :ne iiradp f-chool in Crystal i.nke. Problems in first aid >\j«'e worked out, each boy was tflied on his skill. Our boys pot a rating and a blue ribbon for proficiency with a score of 9i5 oul -M" rf possible 100. Scout M;is1er Joe Murray was extremely proud of his boys. Members of Troop 129 were Jim Palmer, Tom Palmer, Dave Palmer. Hrogg Murray, Jack Wilcox; Kenny Sherman, Steven Hovseth and Garret 1 lAiman. Gene Heir «nd Henry Snerman from the Highlands served as judges^ Girl Scouts . The Girl Scouts of the Val- * ley View - dist rict held a Fair. April 3, from 1 to 5 p.m. Several troops displayed their projects. Mrs. Keith Nurse, j Mrs. Helen Messel, Mrs. Dor- Johnson. Mrs. Joyce Heir : ami Mrs. Harriet Wilson donated their time assisting at Ihc booths. Raster Bunny Coming To the Highlands Tlie Girl Scouts will assist the Easter Bunny when he ! makes his appearance in the Highlands about 10 or 10:30, i Saturday, April 16. The Easter I^nny asks every boy and girl I in the TIi^fi1ftnd^kto'be ^n'ffWkt of your homes. He will travel down every street in the Highlands aikl hopes to see all the chi'dren out to greet him. No ehiltl will be overlooked. Blessed Virgin Sodality Party The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's church will hold a party, April 24, at 8 p.m., in the Johnsburg community hall. The public is invited to attend. There will be many prizes and as always delicious refreshments. News of Your Friends and Neighbors " Myrtle Bentz was hostess for a demonstration in her home last Thursday evening. Terry Pfingsten, Mary Seldon. Lorraine E r d m a n n. Gerry Glueck. Hazel Rodge, 'Grace Hiller and her mother from J; k Ana Heights and Joan Zilligen were the guests of the evening., Myrt. served coffee and cake. • We hope the Highlanders will extend a much needed helping hand to the victims of flooded homes. Many of the fortunate folks are offering ih^ir homes for the displaced families. They are doing laundry and helping in any way ^they can. We are sorry for all the folks who are being forced from their homes. If you do not live in the flooded areas, p'ease keep away from there, j The traffic of sight seers over the weekend was a great hin- , drance to the folks who were working so hard to repair | roacis and 'ry and ward off the water. A very happy birthday to Terry Oziminski who will celebrate her birthday April 18. I ! Vern and Bunny Thelen will i I celebrate their wedding anni- I versary, April 21. We are sure j Vein will ha\e a wonderful j d;iy planned for them and we wish you much happiness on this your special day. Gert Snell served as an attendant at the Pink Lady joys' being a member of the Woman's auxiliary' and we hope more women from the Highlands will join. Roy Snell reports the hospital fund drive is dQing very" well, two of the workers have completed their areas. Our deepest sympathy tic party. Coffee and cake was served by the adult activities committee. out to Darlene Neesan, whose maternal grandmother, Mrs. E l i z a b e t h S w e i t z e r , passed away Sunday, April 3, after a lingering illness. The Neesans attended the, funeral Wednesday. Mamie O'Neil wa&^called to St. Petersburg. Fla., to take care of her aunt who is very seriously ill. s Many of the men in the highland spent the weekend trying to repair the roads and mike , them passable in case of an emergency due to the flooding- An executive'• meeting was held in the home of Fred Haubo! d last Sunday evening. The officers and the block captains e'octed a trustee to replace Ed! Pfingsten who resigned. Harold R. Keppen now holds the office of trustee. The Haubolds served the officers cake and coffee April 23, Dance We hope many of you are planning to attend the fund raising dance at the barn on goes ' April 23 at 9 p.m. Tickets are being sold and will also be available at the door the nigjit of the dance. Delicious food will he sold. Entertainment and prizes will round out an evening of fun.. Get a group together and plan to attend. Attend Dinner " The officers of the Women's club attended a dinner at Woodstock on April 13. The dinner was for the McHenry County Federation of Women's clubs. Blanch Haefliger. Joan Zillegen, Marcia Dowd and ! Bettey Sandelen were in - attendance.' Girl Scouts There Will be no Girl Scout meeting oh Good Friday. The Girl Scouts and their leaders are most grateful to all who contributed the jgoodies for the Easter bunny visit. Association News The April association meeting was held on April 6 at the barn. The minutes and treasurer's report were read and approved. Mr. Farwell, chairman of the adult activities committee, asked for money to paint the inside of the barn. The motion was made and carried. Mr. Keppen was introduced as our new trustee replacing Ed Pfingpten. The roads are being ( graded and will be put back in J shape as best they can. Cons- • table George Gutzman has 1 Iven given the power to pick up any stray dogs. He will he passing through here unannounced. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.: Tom Hana- ' hon from Sunnyside spoke to Shoppe last Monday. She en- i the group about the Democra- j Here and There " Joe Karls underwent surgery last Friday at the McHenry hospital- and again the following week. Joe will probably have one more operation before he can return home. We all send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Leo Orlowski celebrated his birthday on April 7. Kay Sielisch surprised him with a birthday cake. j A happy birthday to Butch | ; Okwhat who will celebrate his j fifth birthday on April 25. • Haze and DICK Morley atj tended the confirmation of .Dick's nephew. Ken Rainey, last Sunday. To Ginger Cinami we wish a sweet sixteen birthday on April 18. Herb and Jo Shively have 'given up their apartment in Chicago and are back in the Highlands. Belated happy birthday to Becky Zetterberg who celebrated her sixth birthday earlier this month. She had a party with many of the girls from her class. Leo and Richard Orlowski attended the funeral of their long-time friend. Max Names of Deer field, on April 9. Lorraine HurCkes had her mother, Mrs. Rix, visiting with her all last week. GVandma came to get better acquainted with her newest grandson. Belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Ristow who celebrated another birthday on April 6. Julia Karlowetz, census taker for the Pistakee Highlands area, is most grateful for tlie wonderful reception and cooperation she received from the dren of Ann Arbor. Mich., j at XI a.m. This will be the first spent Wednesday with Judy.'! aDpearance of our junior choir. Mrs. Hopeman is visiting her i The Easter message by Pastor parents in Park Ridge. Hagerty is "God's Lifting Pow- Ted Wroblewski and family i er". The youth group will not were out visiting with his par- meet Easter Sunday evening. ents. .They were out showing off their new daughter. Patricia. Don Morin's folks Were out last week and visited a day with Don, Audrey and children. oWe are sorrv to report that Dorothy Forslin is still - feeling a bit under the weather with a bad cold. We hojie you will he feeling better soon. Trudy Drockner and Barb Schlick will leave April 14 for a few d:ns in New Orleans with many ol their classmates. Mt. Hope Church The Mount Hope Methodist church will observe Good Friday with a combined Good Friday and Communion serv ice to which all Christians of the commuity are cordially invited. The tirhe is 8 p.m. at the barn. Eastef Sunday will begin with a youth service at 7 a.m. and breakfast to follow. The committee consists of Bob Fletcher. Trudy Rogde, Shirley Spankuch, Virginia Cinami and Ken Fletcher. Rev. Robert Mt. Hope's anniversary celebration is set for Sunday, May 1. Anyone wishing Baptism should phone-,Pastor Hagerty at Ju 7-0250 for arrangements. garet Boliri and Lilah Jordon of McHenry, Nel Bergener and Esther Knapp of Johnsburg, Gert Snell. Vi Schuble and Marge Moreth of Pistakee Highlands and guest Lillian Cox of McHenry. Many beautiful arriclcs were displayed and will go on sale at the Pink Lady Shoppe. Bye now, .see you next week. •Pink Lady Shoppe On April 7 the Pink Lady Sewing Guild met at the home of Mae Siadek in McHenry. Mae served luncheon to Marion Carlson, Celia Blake, Mar- Most diagnosis and surgery for inborn heart defects can be done in the child's home state or a nearby state, the Chicago Heart association assures parents. Highland residents. Julia said i stine will bring the message, it made her job pleasant to | Sunday school will be at 9:30 find so many friendly people, j a lTI wi^-, the wonderful Egster Judy Krumwiede's sister-in- j lesson. taw, Mrs. Hopeman and chil- 1 The morning, worship will be WATCH FOR OPENING AND OPEN HOUSE of RAYMANtrS BAKERY SHOP Route 120 Lakeland Park Overheated Motors ffoOut Offtkt A clogged rn can meow real ' • nmw w* )nMjM| rlfl V• 1f Mow f«f wiiwi 100% DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS COURS: DAILY 9 TO 1? A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 RADIATOR Cleaning ail Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RAT! MUCK mm UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. Mi Will EVergreen 6-0788 BUCHERrS AUTO SALES WE'RE YOUR NEW GMC DEALER-COME IN! LET'S 5 GET ACQUAINTED! Heard about this remarkable Electric Dryer offer? n Satisfaction MtvoU 60 day* afar imn|TC for |uw T^i h cS TRY A FUME-FREE ELECTRIC DRYER IN YOUR NOME FOR 60 DAYS ALL YOUR MONEY BACK if not completely satisfied. Prove to yourself that nothing (not ©von tho sun) dries clothes deaner, faster, (r$tk§r! Here's your chance to see for yourself why there'^no better way to dry clothes than with an Electric Dryer. In aD Electric Dryer, no fumes or products of combustion can ever mix with your clothes. Electric Dryers cost $30 to $50 less to buy. And you can put your Electric 'Dryer where you want it. Most important of all--your clothes const out soft, fluffy and sweet-smelling every time with an Electric Dryer. You get this Gold Certificate of Satisfaction when you buy any of the famous make Electric Dryers (liBted below) between now and April 30, 1960. Offer available to any residential customer served by Commonwealth Edisoa and Public Service Company. v Public; Service Company See your nearby appliance dealer featuring any of these famous brands of Electric Dryersi PHILCO • BLACKSTONE • EASY»GENERAL ELECTRIC • FRIGIDAIRE • KELVINATOR • RCA WHIRLPOOL MAYTAG • HOTPOINT • SEARS KENMORE • SPEED QUEEN • WARD'S SIGNATURE • WESTINGHOUSE Your choice of 34 new GMC pickups in body styles and lengths for every use. • • • ' \ • ' • • • Sil New 48" aluminum and 72" steel tilt-cabs let you haul bigger payloads. :W: Wf*. ll|P: see the most advanced in 20 years... with features that will drastically cut your trucking costs... and increase your profits! DWMltk Ediraa Oompaa* The industry's first and only complete line of Conventional Ninety-lnchers--19,500 lbs. GVW to 120,000 lbs. GCW. We want you ro consider us your headquarters for complete truck sales, service and parts. And we'd like to help you select the right truck for your particular need. We invite you to come in and look over our complete, modern facilities. We're open right now and we'll be glad to see you. BUCHERT'S AUTO SALES 601 Front SI. EV 5-0919 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION TRUCKS From V$-ton to 60-ton General Motors leads the wayl