Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1960, p. 2

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Pag« Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER SECOND MISSIONARY CONFERENCE DRAWS MANY TO CHURCH Thursday, April 14, 1960 OBSERVED BY AWARD NIGHT | Kospital Auxiliary I To Meet On Thursday Announce Engagement Of Elizabeth Hintze Mr. anid Mrs. W. B. Hintze of GriswoM Lake announce the engagement ol their daughter, Elizabeth Anne, to Thomas Douglas, son of Mrs. Velma D_«u£las. Miss Hintze attended the McHenry grade school, graduated from Wauconda high school and attended Normal State university. At present she is teaching in the Wauconda grade school. Mr. Douglas is a^McHenj-y high school graduate and attended both an Evanston college and DeKalb university. He is leaching at^Clinton's Corners. • The Couple plan to be married Ju#»30 at St. Paul's Episcopal church in McHenry. Woman*si Cliib Plans For Spring Events At the April meeting of the McHenry Woman's club, held last Friday at the home of Mrs, Peter M. Justen, plans were discussed for a dessert card party and bake sale for the benefit of the swimming pool fund and mental health program. It will be held at the V.F.W. clubhouse April 20 at 1 i>.m. The public is invited, and tickets are available at the door or from members of the club. Last week's program included semi-classical and popular organ numbers by Jeanne Randolph Hopfear and vocal solos by. Adele Froehlich. Lunch was served from a beautifully appointed tea table, with a floral centerpiece. Mrs. Herbert Engdahl presided at the tea service. Joyce Weinke To Wed Robert Hopp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weinke of lngleside announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce, to Robert Hopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopp of McHenry. Mary Jo Smith Observes Birthday Mai}* Jo?* daughter of Mr. and Mrs; "Huppy" Smith, entertained a group of friends at her home on April 6, in observenoe of her eighth birthday. Quests present to enjoy games and. lunch, with the customary birthday cake, ice cream and barbecues, included Colleen Doherty, Sharon Vogt, Karen Blake. Suzanne Matchen, Lynn Wines, Rose Ann Adams, Virginia Newkirk, Betty Sullivan, Cindy Thennes, Bonnie Welter, Patty Conway of McHenry and Judy Knox of Woodstock. Mrs. Earel Belford To Address W.S.C.S. Members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church of McHenry are in for a treat at their regular meeting on Thursday, April 21, at noon--a southern treat--for Mrs. Earel Belford will be the speaker ot the day. Mire. Belford, a dedicated and thinking Christian, will challenge each of us <to look afresh at our lives with her subject, "Our Mission". The Elizabeth circle will give the spiritual life portion of the rpeeting and the Mary circle xy^l serve the refreshments Which precede the business meeting and the program. Mrs. Frank DePauw will offer a vocal selection. . Mrs. pel ford has a bachelor of sciery*e degree in education frqm the South Carolina College for Women at Rockhill. Laura, mother of four children, has been-a school teacher and a home economics demonstrator. She also did Methodi&t. Youth Caravan work in 1951> and Mr. and Mrs. B&ford together teach a senior high school class in the churteh. Five women from the Commuryty Methodist church attended an over-nighf) spiritual life retreat at Sycamore recently, Mrs. Belford, Mrs. Al. Mullere, Mrs. Harry Stinespring. Mrs.- J. J. Gruenfeld and Mrs. Oscar Holmgren. They will each report at the meeting on this interesting and wonderful experience. The retreat was conducted by Mrs. David. Skeen, a minister's wife. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. The second Missionary Con-1 Freund of Big Hollow road anference held at Alliance Bible! nounce the arrival of a son, church, with Rev. Vostad and Scott Eugene, at St. Therese I Rev. Bouw, was concluded with j hospital, Waukegan, Friday, an inspiring service. « ] April 8. He was welcomed by ! The meetings were made jmore interesting by the aid of I color slides of the countries of I Peru and Borneo, taken by the speakers. Average attendance | was about fifty for the five services. The annual missionary pledge was take and amounted to over $900 for 'foreign misi sions through the Christian and J Missionary AJtiance. j The speakers talked of both i the work they do and the land 'in which they work. The plc- I tures of the land and people were outstanding and helped J the parishioners in knowing A)borl i how these folks live, work and '"•play. In honor of F.H.A. week,! the McHemy chapter of - thej Fu t lire Homerrrakers of Ameri-1 ca celebrated by having annual j award night. ,On Thursday evening, April 21, the newly organized women's auxiliary to the McHenry County Medica? society will meet at a combined dinner meeting with the Medical two sisters. Sheryl and Cynthia. Grandparents are Mrs. E. Thomas of Chicago and Wonder Lake and Herbert Freund of this city. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping of Montgomery are parents of a son born in an Aurora hospi- j tal. April 9, weighing 7 lbs., 6 ! ozs. The new baby has a broth- ' er. Jerry, who will be two in ! August. Mrs. Pepping is the ' forgjer Karen Engdahl, daugh-| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1 Engdahl, and the paternal 1 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. | Fred J. Pepping. Mr.-and Mrs. ! Pepping of Johnsburg The evening started' with" in- J ciety ait the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock. Officers will be installed and the by-laws will be read aiifi presented for approval. An interesting meeting has been planned. troduction of .mothers present Mrs. Schmunk, chapter mother: Mesdames. Eckstein, Haupt, Beck, Ostegren,: Passalaqua, Fuchs, SavVdo* Buccaro, Fike. Smith, Jung, Dickson, Klapperich, Hamil, Waller and Joyce. t There was a panel discussion by the officers wfoieh was followed by A the iiresentationof the "F>H.A. Toward New Horizons" awards. Girls recefwhig, them were Betty Bartder, 4della Dickson, Heather Fike, Marilyn. Fuciis^ Charlene Hagberg, Theresa Hettermann, Marie Justen Doris Lossmann, Liijda Wallar, are • paternal great-grand1 er- |j Sandy PDa ssalagua, Doil noSreTs. Triple Celebration Held at Nett Home A triple celebration was held at the Nick Nett home on Riverside drive on Apr. 3. . The gathering honored Mr. Nett on his birthday, a son, James Peter Nett, wife and son, Jijnmie. Jr., who had just returned from Germany, where he had served in° the armed forces sixteen m o n t h s , a n d a n o t h e r s o n , George Njjtt, recently returned from a Mexican vacation. Present for the happy occasion, other than those mentioned, were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dorsch of Ridgefield, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puetz and family and the John Scott family of Skokie. ents. Mothers' Banquet Is Planned May 9 The annual mothers' banquet of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, will be held May 9 at the Wing 'N Fin club at 6:30 p.m. There will be a guest speaker and entertainment). Reservations rtjust be made not later than April £5 either at the April 21 meeting or by calling Helen Nuber at EVergreen 5-1494. Honor Teacher At P.T.A. Meeting At the ApWl 6 P.T.A. meeting at Big Hollow elementary school, Mrs, Kathryn Conway was presented with a life membership^ in~tti'e Illinois Congress of Parent and Teachers association. Mrs. Conway has taught for eleven years at Big Hollow, and for twenty-six years hap been a teacher in the Dundee, Volo, McHenry and Big Hollow schools. Host At Birthday, Boat House Party April 16 St. Paul's Woman's Auxilia- ; ry Bake Sale -- Huppy & Leo's i Grocery Store -- 9 a.m. to 4 | pi.m. j St. Paul's Auxiliary Bake : Sale -- Huppy & Leo's Store. April 19 j Riverview Camp. R.N.A., J Regular Meeting -- K. of C. Tlall -- 8 p.m. April 20 Woman's Club Dessert Card Party and Bakery Sale -- ! V.F.W. Home -- Benefit Mc- ' Henry Swimming Pool and i Mental Health Program. April 21 W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Noon -- Methodist Church. April 22 Dance, "April Splash" -- "Legion Home -- 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by Job's Daughters -- Public Invited. April 26 O.E.S. Stated Meeting -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. April 27 St. Paul's Episcopal Church Rummage Sale -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. ( . April 28 Lakeland Park Women's C l u b L u n c h e o n -- N o o n -- Community House. PartJL.-- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Society - Christ the King Parish Hair. April SO "M a n h a t t a n M e r r y - G o - Round Dance -- Legion Home j -- Sponsored by St. Mary's' United Cerebral Palsy of Mc- P.T.A. ! Henry County will be holding April 80-May 1 i a dinner dance at the Wing 'n McHenry Choral Club Pre- Fin lodge on April 27 at J7 sents "One World In Song" -- | p.m., called "Frolicking Fol- , ! Klafrperieh, "Cookie" Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Domin j Janet Eckstein, Tiria Keerberg, are the -parents*of- a son, Born sandy Schmunk and O&l HeW. A skit entitled "The Problems of a 'Teen-Age Baby Sitter" was presented, after which refreshments were ^served in th' family living room. The \veek' was . marked byH other ^observances, including Tuesday a$ Courtesy Day and ; Wednesday as Clean-up Day. *2." Ap ; Cookies were taken to the Woodstock orpharge dn Saturday. "•% Residence Change The Bernard Doherty family has moved from Victoria avenue in the Country Club subdivision, to a new home in Edgebrook. Jack Tines, who formerly resided. in the. Althoff apartment on Front street, is now making his home in the apartment building on Third street. Meyer-Cripe Vows Exchanged Rev. Walter Paustian o^ W>sl Salem officiated at the nuptial scrvice on April 2 which united Ronald Meyer of 517 Waukegan road, McHenry, to Eleanor Cripe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Bruxer of Rt. 5, McHenry, -at German Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer are at h o m e a t M c C u l l o m L a k e , where Mr. Meyer is employed as a tree surgeon by Edwin Reid. Charles Cole was hostt recently at an annual event which marked his birthday anniverv sary, called a "boat house" party. This year's celebration was held at the V.F.W. clubhouse for about 100 , people, some from as far as Dousman, Wis., Macomb and Aurora. Entertainment was enjoyed, as well as music for dancing. Refreshments were served. at Memorial hospital April 5. A girl was born April 6 at. Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cvmanowski. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Freeman welcomed a son at Me-, mnrial hospital on April 6. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Wilkinsun of Wonder Lake became , the p.-trents of a at Memorial hospital. I A dniiphter was born to Mr. ^nd Mrs. Mack Neff of Wonder L«':ke at Memorial hospital on ! April 7. M*\ and Mrs. John Keedy are the parents of a boy. born April 7 at Memorial hospital. A f?irl was born April 7 at 1 Memo-ial hospital to Mr. and i Mrs. Chester Grandt. : A son was born April 9 at ! Memorial hospital to Mr. arid : Mrs. Rudolph Beversdorf. •' j Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt j are the parents of a son, born 1 April 9 at Memorial hospital. A son was born April 10 to MARIAN PLAYERS Present-comedy 0|V APRIL 23-24 CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank everyone for all the prayers offered in my behalf, visits and cards received during my stay in the hospital. I am deeply grateful. "John Glosson 50 OBITUARY HAROLD FERGUSON The Clinton, Martin family received word last Thursday of the death of Harold Ferguso.n of Chillicothe, Mo., which curred very unexpectedly while returning from a convention in New Orleans, where he was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Ferguson was the former Claribel Martin, daughter of, Mrs. Anna Martin and the late Edward Martin, former residents of this viciniiy. Mrs. Martin, who had been spending some time with relatives in EjC gin. was called back to Chilffcothe where she makes her hqme with her daughter. It has been estimated that 2 billion lightning bolts are generated yearly in the earth's atmosphere. MoHenry Hospital Patients in the McHenry hospital during the past week included EIdre*h Wyke, Joseph Reinert, Rlroy Jackman, Leonard Felcjpan. Alice Reinert, Ronald Qerry, Emil Nesvad- Mr. and Mrs. Robert LoPresti i ba and Ursula Brinnich, Crysat Harvard hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryder of Wondrtr Lake are the parents of a son, born at Memo^al hospital April 10. A son was bom at Memorial hospital April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lorch. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker welcomed a son on April 11 at Memorial hospital. tal Lake; Genevieve King and Cathy Couillani, Round Lake; Kenneth Campbell and Michael Hansler* Gftry; Thomas Tychsen, Burlington, Wis.; Gerry Kunz, Ringwood; Robert Calender, William Humphreys, Bruce Smith, George. Werner, I Raymond Stilling, Jr., Fred j Snyder, William Schwieger, i Robin Sohrrvihl, Carol Hamil, A girl was born April 11 at I Marion Wight, Lela Pieske, Memorial hospital to Mr. and j Ronald Mathews and Wayne Mrs. Harold Steger of Wonder | Taylor, MpHenry. Lake. DINNER DANCE TO BE KICK-OFF EVENT FOR U.C.P. Tipperettes To Meet In Woodstock April 22 Jo Luciano was hostess to the Tipperettes for their combined February and March meeting. Edith Stein was taken in as a new member. The birth* days of Evelyn Rehberg and Marge Amico were celebrated. Members are asked not . to forget to bring Easter hats to #ie April 22 meeting, which will be held at the home of Phyllis Amico in Woodstock. The word ton' comes from 'tun' a large cask formerly used to transport" liquids and other merchandise. High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. May 9 C.D. of A. Mothers' Banquet -- Wing 'n Fin Lodge -- 6:30 p.m. -- Public Invited. May 11 Riverview Camp, R. N, A., Card Party -- 1 p.m. May 17 Style Show -- Luncheon and Card Party -- Noon -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Sodality of St .Peter's Church, Spring Grove. May 18 W.S.C.S. Home and Garden Walk -- 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. May 28 Boy Scout Troop, No. 162. Pancake Day --"Legion Home -- 10 a.m. lies". Entertainment featuring all local talent will be presented. The committee in charge inc l u d e s L i l l i a n M i l l e r , R o s e ! Kluk, Helen Harth and Peter i Lieser. Tickets may be obtained by calling Dorothy Miller, Evergreen 5-1133. The event is a kick-off dinner for the county fund drive to be held May 2. The next meeting will be April 19 at 606 Front street, McHenry. Members will be notified. New members will be welcomed. CHOIR ON TOUR Two college students from McHenry are members of the Carnjll ooUege Singers who left last Saturday for their annual spring choir tour. The students are Howard Segermark, Rt, 6, and James Ullrich, Huemann's subdivision, both basses. ||imiimmiimiiiiiinnmiii|nnfl Your Easter Look... Isn't it wonderful how a new Easter hairstyle can lift your spirits and give you new beauty? Each hair style is professionally done by our beauty technicians. Come in for yours today! Remember Mother With a Gift Certificate l^iuer&ide ^Jfairdtifiinfy •Studio Member of N.H.C.A. 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 - McHenry III ^oen: Tues., Thurs., Fri.. 9-9: Wed.. 9-6- Sat *.*• Sea water weighs 64 lbs. a cubic foot, at sea level, and 69 lbs, at deepest known areas of sea. GIFTS In Keeping With The True Spirit of Easter A Complete Selection Now At BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green EV 5-450Q Memoitolflqpgfol Patiehts at Memorial, hospital this paft week included Guy Surtees, Doris Anderson, Edith Cole, Anna Heimer, Edward Linnane, .William Michaelis and Jesse ,Bright of , McHenry; Clara Brown of Spring Grove; Baby James Schroeder. Etlha Giesek^, Alfred Gignac, Patrick ark and Jack Young of Wonder £<ake.. The Marian Players of Mari a n C e n t r a l C a t h o l i c h i g h school, Woodstock, will present "Stardust" April 23 and 24. The three-act comedy by Walter Kerr deals with the appearance of a famous Broad- | way actress in the midst of a university theatre groiip. She completely upsets the students' notions of an "artist" by being a sane and normal person. Juniors and seniors of Marian are forming a double cast for the play. The production is under the direction of Joseph Grimm, with Mary Lu Delmonte as assistant director. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our* beloved husband and father, Paul J. Eizik, who .passed away 4 years ago on April 11, 1956. His precious memory lights our lonely way. Mrs. Paul J. Eizik, Sr. and Family *50 CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to the residents of School District No. 12 for your generous support last Saturday. I shall endeavor to improve our future school program. 50 Richard R. Marshall CARD OF THANKS To Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix, Fr. Nilges, Fr. Rennell, relatives, friends and neighbors, all who sent flowers, gifts and cards a,nd who visited us; also everyone who helped to make this the happiest day of our life -- c.ur fiftieth wedding anniver- Siary, we are grateful. Sorry we ci-.n't say any more than just "thank you". We will always remember you. May God bless all of you. Michael and Eva Pitzen. *50 DIVORCES GRANTED Alma Willard of Island Lake was granted, a divorce from Joseph J. Willard on charges of cruelty. Charlotte Sesko has been granted a divorce from Aloysius Sesko, also on cruelty charges, and the case continued for a decree. Coffee is produced in 14 Latin American countries, and is the ehicf export of 8. THE RAINBOW CLEANERS TRUCK IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME TELLS YOUR NEIGHBORS,.. 4 ... You want the best for your family! PHONE EVergreM 5-0927 Par Pklcap Swvie* ^ *•«SE..R .V .»I«C.©E«, Harvard Hospital John Glosson, Mary Jost, Mrs. Joseph Werz and Louis Witt haysi been patients in Harvard hospital. DISCUSS BENEFIT dipped Wing members (exstewardesses) from the northwest area will meet with those from the northeast area of Chicago on Thursday, April 21, at the Villa Moderne, Highland Park. The main topic of conversation WiH be their annual benefit luncheon-fashion show to be held May 12, proceeds of which will benefit the Austin Special School for Mentally Retarded Children and the Florence Crittenton Anchorage. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert L. Stock, McHenry, wnd Patricia A. Heine, Cary. You pre cordially invited to inspect an outstanding collection of Spring Fashions for Children Girls' slies 0-14 -- Boys' sizes 0-7 Come in sopn . . . you'll love the personal, Individual attention! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, 111. One. poor West at Anderson's Candy Open Daily (M> -- Closed Thurs. Afternoons Flowers Blossom on Hats for Spring & Easter at STILLING'! ^ $7.98 TOWN & COUNTRY GIFTS Ml Get the spirit of spring . . . get a new hat. Our collection Is so fresh and exciting, you'll want£ one for the Easter Parade. $2.96 135 N. Riverside Ph. EV 5-0297 McHenry THE BEST STORE •* * FOR ALL YOUR IS TOYS -- BASKETS -- CANDY BOYS' - GIRLS' CLOTHlrlG -- SHOES WOMEN'S HATS -- BLOUSES -- SKIRTS LINGERIE -- GLOVES -- HOSE MEN'S SHIRTS AND ACCESSORIES 'What advantage! does your hom.-financing plan offer?" First of all, when you finance your purchase of a home with a modern, amortizing mortgage loan from our bank, you get the benefit of low-cost financing -- on convenient-to-repay terms that increase your equity ih your home monthly. Weigh, as well, these additional reasons for choosing our plan: You get the benefit of our long experience, establish a helpful banking connection, reach full home ownership quickly. If you've made up youftunind to own your own home, it will pay you to have a talk with us! McHENRY STATE BANIC Established Since 1906 4MeHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution* Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 Bank Will Close at Noon, Good Friday, April 15th v'.* v w

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