T5! Thursday, April 21, 1960 THE McHEKHY PLAINDEALER Page Nine JUSTEN FURNITURE STORE GRAND OPENING ANOTHER HARK OF PROGRESS IN OUR COMMUNITY Next weekend, when th<?; Justen Furniture store holds grand opening at corner of i Elm and Green, the celebration will hold an unusual and interesting blending of old memories and a new business. The opening of the business on Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23, will include an £vitation for the public to visit the spacious. 3,300 square store gives a cheery atmosphere inside. Special prizes will be awarded on opening days, as well as balloons for the children and other gifts for adult visitors. It is interesting to note that this is the third generation of the Justen family to operate one of the city's oldest businesses. was completely remodelled only once before, in 1928. Bolger's Drug Store A completely separate unit, but housed in 4he same huge b u i l d i n g , i s B o l g e r ' s D r u g store, owned and operated by Thomas P. Bolger since 1925, when he came from Woodstock with several years of experience in this line in the old Hoy Drug store. He purchased , the business from Nick Petesch, who had established a drug store at that location in 1900. In 1928, a sixty-foot addition extended the building to its present length, and the store was completely remoddruggist, described as "in olden times thought to be part necromancer and part, maker of black magic. Today the druggist is owner of a 'department store with a college education' Both Justen's Furniture store and Bolger's Drug store deserve the congratulations of the entire community for their efforts in behalf,j of progress in the city. Hospital Auxiliary by Betty Houck foot building, of which a largo portion is devoted to display space. Operated by George Justen's sons, Robert and Dennis, the 40>re contains a complete line of all types of furniture. In addition to the show room, a shop and office are situated in the rear of the building. The store "has taken on a completely new look, both within and without. An attractive, pastel-colored block design greets the passerby. while bright fluorescent lighted Jacob Justen, father of George and grandfather of Robert and Dennis, started in the furniture business in West McHenry eighty-two years ago, in 1882.° It was not long afterward that he purchased the present business from John Blake. George Justen began working for his father, and attended embalmer's school in 1915. Teh years later, he purchased half interest in the business and became sole owner in 1949. In its long history, the store elled, with new fixtures, floors, in addition to, the drug depart- ; ment, was expanded und Mc- i Henry welcomed one of its most modern businesses. j A huge page advertisement ' in the Plaindealer announced•' grand opening for March 1. 2 and 3, extolling the qualities! of such popular items of those days -- now only a memory -- as Chappell's quality ice I cream. ' The ad carried an interest- j ing history-orthe role of the1 The card parries being held for the Woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital have been very successful due to the efforts of the chairman, Mrs. Alice Holmgren and the members who have been participating Mesdames Charles Dussman of Ingleside, Ray Baird; Fred Leiberson, Estelle Beatty, F. Vaughn Jones and Alex Justen of McHenry are among those who have held card parties. These ladies have helped bring the total of the fund to $106 to date. Call Mrs. Alice Holmgren. Winder Lake 2822 to form parties. The hospital auxiliary district number 2 meeting will be held April 29 at St. Therese Hospital Nursing Home. Registration at 10 a.m. and luncheon at 12:30. Tickets are available and reservations have to he in by April 26. Call Mrs. Fred Bond at EV 5-1505. Mrs. Lee Gladstori'e'will be our auxiliary representative in the discussion group. The semi-annual meeting of the auxiliary will be called "an Evening For Fun" and will be held May 10 at Chapel Hill Country club. Members and prospective members are urged to bring their husbands and enjoy the * evening. An added attraction will be the well known Matt Schulien, that master of card tricks. Perhaps you girls can have your husbands make this a very special evening and join a group for dinner at 6:30 «ts the meeting will open at 8 pan. Children outrank sharp knives and hot burners as a hazard in the kitchen, the National Safety Council says. One observer counted a wren feeding its young 1,227 times thru a 15 hour day. VALUES GALORE! AT OUR STORE! YOU'LL SURELY SAVE MONEY YOU MAY WIN A PRIZE . I ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS WILL BE THE BIG WINNER • 9F A „ . ' . Westinghouse Automatic Electric FRY PAN IT COULD BE YOU! COME IN NOW FOR YOUR ENTRY BLANK DURING OUR GIANT AT BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 GRAND OPENING 2 DAYS! -- Friday and Saturday, April, 22 and 23 -- 2 DAYS! Door Prizes No Purchase Necessary JUST REGISTER FREE GIFTS TO ALL BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS WE JUST WANT YOU TO STOP IN AND LOOK AROUND AND SEE THE CHANGES WE HAVE MADE. 11 YES! II WE WILL HAVE BARGAINS LOTS OF THEM! A Special Green Tag will mark these items for your^ convenience WHILE THEY LAST! TV SWIVEL CHAIRS Reg. $49.95 Value ** $5Q00 Cash for Carry* JUSTEN FURNITURE ACROSS FROM THE BANK McHENRY