Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1960, p. 17

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hi preday. April 21. 1960 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Told Tales Pkgi FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of April 14, 1910 There are events occurring every community which, if eoorted in a local paper, ><Bnd create a commotion little dreamed of. What to report and what not to report Often perplexes the editor. He is often unjustly accused of Cowardice and favori t i s m, Mien all the time he is looking toward the reputation of the town where his lot is cast. The local editor from necessity Almost constantly finds himself hqfeveen two fires and whichway he turns he is sure tp be unjustly treated. This is qjne of i he pleasures. of the newspaper business. ] The1 marriage license of Joseph J. Peterson and Mrs. ijlina Sherman appeared in the metropolitan papers Tuesday liiorning-. No further particulars have been learned: ' Mrs. Wilbur Bassett passed ava^y unexpectedly at her heme west of town Tuesday evening. The funeral took place from the family home this (Thursday afternoon V w i t'h burial in the Ostend cemetery. We are reminded by some Of the old timers that in 1860 all farm lands in this vicinity were not only plowed but sown as well on March 17. The resuit was a phenomenal crop, wifirti hold out the hope of more than an avearge yield the coming year. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Kathryn KaVges, a former Mc- Henry girl, to Mr. George Gilles of Kenosha, Wis., which took place at St. Joseph's Cathojic church in that city Wednesday. We learn that another autommnle race will take place through McHenry in the near future, the course being from Chicogo to Lake Geneva and return.0 From Ostend comes the news that Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark returned from their honeymoon Thursday. W. K. Burns and son. Kenneth, spent Saturday an<' Sunday at Emerald Park. Kennefn also took in the McHenry high school dance Saturday evening. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of April 8, 1920 Lee Kertcher, who recently entered the employ of Martin B. Schmitt's tonsorial shop on the West Side, has rented the store building of William Pries in Centerville, which for many years was used for a meat market, and will open therein a first-class "barber shop. From Ostend comes news tiiat another lot of the beautiful snow fell Sunday. The entire day was blustry and vve could not wear our new Easter bonnets. Some of the farmers were sowing wheat last week, but the present weather makes them wish.the grain was in the bin instead of the frozen ground. Fox River Valley camp, No. 3251, will hold a public card party at Woodmen hall Wednesday evening. April 21. Adm i s s i o n . i n c l u d i n g r e f r e s h ments, 25 cents. Kosher milk is again being put up at the local bottling plant. A" Chicago rabbi is here to perform , the special ceremonies. / Two full tickets have been filed for the coming school election. The first one is headed by M. J. Walsh for president and Dr. F. J. Aicher and Michael Conway as trustees, while Simon Stoffel heads the second one witn Charles L. Page and Dr. A. I. Froehlich as trustees. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of April 11, 1933 Harry Neilsen . of Chicago has taken over the Green street bakery from Mrs. Agnes Wentworth and will open the place for the season Saturday. William Mertes, who has conducted the Oak Park hotel at Pistakee Bay for many years, has rented the Riverside hotel in McHenry from Fred Justen and will now carry on both places. The Girl Scouts of McHenry are making plans for a public dance to be held in the high school gym Friday evening, April 26. Music will be furnished by George Vales, Stanley Vycital and Chester Howard. Miss Louise Stilling entertained a group of high sdiool friends at her home Saturday evening, honoring her weekend guest. Miss Betty Silet, of Chicago. The Senior play cast is rehearsing for the production of its comedy early in May. Members of the cast include: Jean Reckenbaugh, Catherine Bishop, Betty Conway, Shirley Covall, Chester Howard, Ray JOSEPH FRETT K SON. MC BUILDERS ESTABLISHED 1936 RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL • First in Quality % • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Htvy. 120 -- \\ Mile East of Fox River Bridge ML Build Your Security by Saying at Marengo Federal A. Strong, stable Association proven lor over * 30 years. 2. Earn regular above average dividends of 4% twice yearly. 3. Each account insured to $10,000 by U.S. Government. 4, 4. Your money is available for withdrawal when needed. Funds here do not fluctuate in value with stock market slumps or recessions. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE^ 4% warn Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1935 Total Assets Over $11,000,000.00 Hughes. George Johnson, Evelyn Karls, Robert Martin, Fred Meyer, Arlette Newman and Emily. Simon. Prices listed for the, opening of the McHenry bakery Saturday include: Fruit filled coffee cake, 23 cents; Pure butter, pecan or almond filled coffee cake, 26 cents; Pineapple pound cake, 21 cents each; Streusel coffee cakes, 14 cents; All kinds of large and juicy pies, 25 cents; Strawberry whipped cream cakes, 25 cents. The Chevrolet coupe owned and driven by Miss O'Gara. a t e a c h e r in McHenry high school, was wrecked Sunday evening when she. with two other teachers. Miss Stevens and Miss Holden, was returning to McHenry from Chicago. The accident occurred when a motorist drove through a stop sign and crashed into the car. Although badly shaken up, the teachers were uninjured and continued the .trip by train to Crystal Lake. MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose CONSIDER LOANS FOR RESIDENTS OF DISASTER AREA William H. Kelley, director of the Chicago regional office of Small Business administration, has announced that Lake and McHenry counties, have been declared a disaster area and will open a temporary disaster field office in the Fox Lake village hail shortly, to consider applications for loans to repair and rehabilitate^ real and personal property dafhaged by floods which occurred during the month of March, 1960. Businessmen and home owners who sustained property damage as the result of the recent flood and require financial assistance, are eligible to apply for SBA loans. Information can be obtained by contacting the regional office located at 105 West Adams street, Chicago 3, 111. Magnolia is the state tree of Mississippi and -Louisiana. At tha joint meeting of the men and the women of the McHenry Moose, Senior Regent Hazel Struwe spoke a warm welcome to everyone present. ; The evening's entertainment I was then turned over to Mar- | jorie Fernstrom who an- : nr.unced the style show to end | all style shows. Modeling a blue gown was Miss Morning Nightingale /Eunice Tobey) (who then played the background music for the rest of the evening); pink tea dress. Miss Tea Bags (Hazel Struwe); yellow dinner di ess. Miss Seven Course (Ethel Bruce>; white balloon dress. Miss Pop-It (Olga John- '•scn>; white and black duster, Miss -Stanley .Dust - {Jane Roewer*; a candy cane dress. Miss Fannie Mae (Mabel Thomas >: a boxer jacket. Miss ' Popular Boxer (Lona Brover>; a cotton dress. Miss Carefree [.Cotton (Alyce Kowal); a black J cocktail dress. Miss Sip All ! ;Lillian Cox); a car coat. Miss | Gad About (Ann Rodenkirch>: , a print dress. Miss Head Lines (Olga JohnSon); a sack dress. Miss Potato Sack (Kay Maj honey>; an Easter dress. Miss ; Lunny (Jane Roewer). Governor Dick Jager greeted 1 the visitors and introduced his , officers. We were happy to 1 have members of the Wood- I stock and the Antioch lodges and chapters present. TTie Mc- • Henry Moose is very proud of ! the fifth Tuesday night meet- , ings. It gives the men and women a chance to bring visitors and friends together and get to know each other. Pat Tomasello has several more operations to go before she will be back to meetings. Our best to you, Pat. We'll be thinking about you. Still among the inactive is Eleanore Brusso. The auto accident she was in several weeks ago has kept her away from all this nice spring weather. WATCH FOR OPENING AND OPEN HOUSE of RAYMAItrS BAKERY SHOP Route 120 Lakeland Park LEGAL LEGAL STATE OF ILLINOIS County of McHENRY Town of McHENRY OFFICE OF TOWN SUPERVISOR The following is a statement by LeRoy M. Smith, Supervisor of the Town of McHenry in the County and State afore-, said, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 29th day of March, i960, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year; the amount of public funds received, and from What sources received; the amount of public funds expended, and for what purposes expended, during fiscal venr ending as aforesaid. The said LseRoy M. Smith, being duly sworn, dothe depose and say, that the following statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. Subscribed and Sworn to bpfore me, this 30th day- of March, 1960. y ' LEROY M. SMITH" CHARLES M. ADAMS Justice of the Peace FI NDS RECEIVED AND FROM WHAT SOURCES RECEIVED 1959 March 31 Funds on hand at commencement of fiscal year Funds received in reimbursement for aid • Taxes from Levy of Previous Years Taxes from Levy of the Fiscal Year Money Borrowed this Fiscal Year Amount 3.248.12 597.82 609.07 30.377.26 10,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS GENERAL ASSISTANCE FI ND FOR WHAT PURPOSES EXPENDED; FOOD: $ Art Smith 719.60 Barbian Bros. 390.68 Dean Super Mart 477.68 Pries Certified 2,424.46 Schaefer Grocery '• • • 415.01 Midwest Superette 73.01 National Food Store 2,671.74 Jewel Food Store 863.90 A & P 861.60 Russ' Food Store 140.41 Tony's Market 124.81 Others 125.96 To other townships 282.30 RENT: ROOM AND BOARD: FUEL: Kreuger Oil Co. 189.42 Althoffs Gas 50.60 Freund Oil Co.r 247.20 Farmers Co-op 248.22 Hester Oil Co ' i ' 433.45 Lakeland Redi Gas 123.96 Fred Rogers Stand. 198.40 McHenrv Lumber 23.59 GAS. LIGHT, AND WATER: Public Service 412.06 Northern 111. Gas 76.70 Vycital Hriw. p 12.69 Althoff Gas 18.60 Town and Country U 7.98 Water Companies 32.65 HOUSEHOLD INCIDENTALS AND SUPPLIES: .. PERSONAL INCIDENTALS: MEDICINE CHEST NEEDS: CLOTHING: MEDICAL, DENTAL. HOME NURSING; V. • HOSPITALIZATION: ...... FUNERAL AND BURIAL: •• INSTITUTIONAL: County Home and Rest Homes .. TRANSPORTATION FOR SICK AND UNEMPLOYED: ADMINISTRATION: Printing CONTINGENCY: PARTIAL REPAYMENT OF LOAN: To Road and $ 44.832.27 9,571.16 4,549.68 80.00 1,514.84 560.68 409.74 73 64 322.66 61.69 857,26 398.90 666.30 3.227.47 517.57 146.14 7.50 TOTAL RECEIPTS $44,832.27 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 25,965.23 3,000.00 $ 25,9652^' BALANCE ON HAND $18,867.04 A FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Town of McHenry/ McHenry County, Illinois, for the year A. D. 1960, made by LeRoy M- Smith, Supervisor of said Town: y Amount received from predecessor in office ... .$ 1,275.43 Amount received from any other source $ 9,393.9$ Amount of Tatf Levied the preceding year, to-wit: 1958, for the payment of Town indebtedness and charges $ 22,475.00 Amount collected and paid over to me as Super* visor : $ 20,285.27. See The Dinah Shore Cketf Show in color Sunday*, NBC-TV--the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly, ABC-TV CORVAUt If CHEVROLET DRIVE IT! GET OUR HEAL!!!! " See your local A pair of Corvairs recently recorded 27.03 and 26.21 miles per gallon in the 2,061.4-mile Mobilgas Economy Run. That's certified proof that Coryair skimps on gas costs. It saves other ways, too. Corvair is the only U. S. compact car that never needs antifreeze or costly radiator repairs. Come in and drive tb« compact car that outdoes them alL Things Corvair gives yon that America's other compact cars cant: Practically flat floor .. • real foot roam for the man in the middle. Fold-down rear seat gives 17.6 eu. ft. of extra storage space. Four-wheel Independent suspension for a smoother, flatter ride. Rear-engine traction ... that comes with the engine's weight bearing down on the rear wheels. You probably realize already that the mileage figures Corvairs recorded in the Mobilgas Ron are higher than the average driver ran expect. But because the cars met everj kind of driving condition--ragged mountain grades, long country straightaways, congested citv traffic--those mileage figures prove Corvair's inherent ability to save. Operating costs take a nose dive the day you take delivery of a Corvair. A* teonoMteal irvupBft*m Total Receipts $ 30,954.6fr TOWN EXPENSES PAID 1959 Amount March SI LeRoy Welter, Attorney Fees $ 304.73 April 8 Election Board, Canvassing Votes ... 30.00 . . r "• April 20 ' ; " Election Expenses and Judges, Township Election .. 1,080.00 April 21 Schmitt and Conway, Supervisor's Bond ...... - 136.00 McHenry Plaindealer. Budget & Appr. Ord. Pub, .. 7.40 McHenry Plaindealer, Election Ballots .69.89 April 22 Math N. Schmitt, Vz Month Salary 125.00 May 5 Albert Kraus Son, Office Supplies ... 32.40 May 7 - Check Book 3.70* May 12 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. Supplies 16.93 McHenry Plaindealer, Township AH Funds Pub. ... 384.00 May 17 Postmaster, Stamps . • • •. 4.00 Double A. Print, Envelopes, Stationery, Genl. Asst. Forms 188.00 May 25 Rudy Bryant, Moving Bees for Board of Health ... * 25.00- June 8 Albert Krause & Son, Typewriter A..... * 70.00'. Albert Krause & Son, Chair and Supplies 79.45 June 15 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. Supplies 20.67 June 16 Double A. Print, Envelopes for Assessor • • • y. • •.. 8750 June 28 *"r\ Robert Conway, Replace Chk No. 2325 lost\j..... 10.00 July 15 Krauses News Agency. Office Supplies 5.95 McHenry Plaindealer, Publication R & B Appr. .. •. 6.6Q, July 27 LeRoy M. Smith, Stamps 4.00 July 28 McHenry Realty, Insurance Contingency i 5.00 August 8 Township Highway Treasurer, Office Supplies -- Contingency 151.99 August 10 Elmer R. Murphy, Constable Bond -- Contingency . 20.00 Geraldine Elbersen, Secretarial -- Contingency .... 25.00 August 11 Troy A. Kost, Secy., Township State Dues -- ..., Contingency $5.05 August 18 Krause's News Agency, Office Supplies 6.50 August 27 P. F. Pettihone & Co., Office Supplies 12.97 McHenry Plaindealer, Ballots and Publication 68 97 August SI Bolger Drug Store, Board of Health Supplies •••••• 12.00 October 11 . waiter DMftt, DOg- Plekttflr .:.... i <v» fee* October 26 LeRoy M. Smith, Postage • 4.00 November S Atlas Printing Co., Supplies 4-4T November IS Krause News Agency, Assessor Office Supplies ...» 7.99 Sig Jacobson, Board of Health 15.00 November 24 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. Supplies • • 527 December 8 County Officials Assn., Dues 16.00. Krause News Agency, Assessor Supplies 2.55f 1960 / January 2 " LeRoy M. Smith, Postage 4.00 LeRoy M. Smith, Office Equipment 5.76 Double A. Print, Assessor Supplies & Postage 318.60 January 6 Krause News Agency, Adding Machine Repair • • •. 7.95 January 28 LeRoy M. Smith, Town High. Treas., 1959 Withholding Tax 1,076.88 February 8 Krause News Agency, Office Supplies ............ 10.70 Gerrard Press, Bd. of And. & Officers Hand -BooK*»» • • * 28.80 Thomas P. Bolger, Bd. of Health Supplies 15.53 Atlas Printing Co., J. P. Supplies 24.59 February 9 , Lester R. Bacon. Assessor School for Assessor 4 2 Assist. 150.00 Postmaster, Postage 8.00 February 11 Milton E. Olson, Adding Machine Repair 5.<® February 24 Double A. Print, Assessor Printing 96.00 March 4 Edw. F. Cannon, Salary 30.00 March 10 H. S. Fike. Stray Dogs 126.00 McHenry Plaindealer. Budget & Approp. Publ 6.60 Bettie Rode, Typing Reports 25.00 Krause News Agency, Assessor Supplies 30.37 March 16 Double A. Print, Assessor Stamped Envelopes •..• 106.40 Double A. Print. Assessor Stamped Envelopes .... 10.00 Members Town Board of Auditors. 18 Meetings .... 1,785.00 LeRoy M. Smith, Salary, Rent, Mileage 4,088.00 Eva Bacon, Salary 751.63 Lester R. Bacon, Salary 3,006.75 Lester R. Bacon. Car & Office • • • 1,980.00 Charles J. Miller, Salary & Mileage 4,416.00 LeRoy M. Smith, Telephone Edw. L. Carnon, Assessor Asst. 1,470.00 Edw. F. Cannon. Assessor Asst. 1,470.0$ H. Walter Anderson. Town Clerk Salary 600.(M PAYMENTS OF TOWN INDEBTEDNESS v Amount Received .$30,954.66 .Amount Paid $23,375.46 authorized Chevrolet deafer for fast delivery, favorable deals CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277 Balance on Hand $ 7,579.20 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS April 9, 1959 Kind Total Amatmt Due Amount Md Unpaid Transfer from Road & Bridge $5,000.00 $5,000.00 June 15, 1959 Transfer from Road & Bridge $3,000.00 $3,000.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS. ss. County of McHenry * Town of McHenry I. LeRoy M. Smith. Supervisor of said Town, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct, as I verily believe. WITNESS my hand, this 29th day of March A. D. 1960. LEROY M. SMITH Supervisor of Town of McHenry;;;

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