"Aursday, April 21, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pislakee Highlands DANCE PROCEEDS BUY NECESSARY BEACH EQUIPMENT Hazel Morley Ifcratt 7-3820 Kay Sielisch Hyatt 7-3414 v This is our last chance to invite you all to the fund raising dance to be held at the community center this Saturday which will begin at 9 p.m. Proceeds will be Used to purchase playground equipment and picnic tables for our beaches. Fiin Fair ^"he Fun Fail- at the Johns burg school has been set for May 14 in the gymnasium. The time is from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. There -will be the white eie- _j)han_t sale, bake booth, - prices. Raines and various other thii?£s to entertain the whole famijy. Hefreshrntnts will also be sold at a small cost. • - " £ Cub Scouts . ™ pack meeting was held at the community center on April 13. The boys are planning a clean-up campaign some time in May. On April 20. there was a father and son basketball game at the Johnsburg school. Mr. Zenner awarded Wolf badges and Bear badges 1o some of the Cub scouts. Afterwards the hoys played games everyone enjoyed refreshments. Baptized James Charles, infant son of Dick and Mary Madock, was baptized on April 3 at St. John's chUrch in Johnsburg. "Sponsors for the baby wefe Ray Madock and Mrs. Butler. Easter holiday with her family. She was home for a short vacation from college. -Rolf Heilgiest celebrated .his fourth birthday on April 13 with a few of his neighborhood friends. Joining in on the( cake and ice. cream were Reed arid Kevin Bales, Jeff and Kip Novotnv, Jim and Steven Hurckes J and brothers, Bobby and Karl. If anyone has any complaints nbout dogs running loose, call Mr. Gutzman at Wonder Lake 2962. The inside of the barn is getting its face lifted. The adult activities committee has painted it and it does look very nice. Happy birthday to Linda Ullo who was 12 years old on April 16. She celebrated with relatives in Franklin Park on Easter Sunday. . . The turn about diance that -the 'teens had--im Muel lers' .basement was very successful. | We hear the boys looked real f Cute dressed as girls. i Jack and Kay Rieljy and j family spent Easter Sunday j with Kay's brother, Nick Kerasiotis and family, in Aurora. Your reporter Haze was visited last Thursday afternoon: | by her mother-in-law and two sisters,in-law. We spent a few hours chatting over coffee. gery and is feeling much better. Joe Karls is still confined to the McHenry hospital and cards would give him a boost. •Wayne Taylor is in serious con- j dition in the McHenry hospi- : lal after an accident in his i home April 10. We wish you all speedy recoveries. Anniversaries Happy anniversary greetings go out this week to three pop- ' ular couples who celebrate on ) April 23. Joe and Lorraine j Ullo. Herb and Loraine Lindemann and the Wilkes. Here and There <©/anda Dobccki entertained her dad and mother over the Easter holiday. Belaled happy birthday wishes to Vi Schuble who chalked up another year on April 8. Gene and Joyce Heir enjoyed t h e i r E a s i e r d i n n e r w i t h Joyce's folks who were out for the Easter weekend. We are pleased to report jt Barney and Cletus Mayer back in their home after being forced to leave because of the flood. Mr. and Mrs. Moreth had their son and daughter and their families out for Easter. Carl a By.les was hostess to her card club last Wednesday evening. On hand enjoying '^Carla's delicious cheese cake was Dolly Novotny, Dot Erbin, 4pis MSfbn," ah'qfoart, Wanda Dobecki and Haze Morley. Bob and Marilyn.VanZevern entertained Marilyn's mom and dad and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Erdmann were V pleased to have their son, Wayne, and daughter-in-l&w, ^£argaret. visiting them Tor Jester. Lois and Tom Mason were 'visited by Lois' sister, Shirley, and her family Easter Sunday. Kathy Mclnerney spent the Mount Hope Church . After such a wonderful Easter. onr church will strive to live up to the Easter lesson that 'Christ Is Risen'. We shall frv to offer more inspiration in the Sunday school and church services. We urge the people of the community to come out to the services. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. every Sunday with Ed Thoren, superintendent. Morning Worship 11 a.m. every Sunday. Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Chet Banker counsellor. Pastor Hagerty may he reached at any time at Ju 7- 0250. Assistant Pastor Stine is a student in Evanston during the veek. The King qf Kings is a moving picture which, though not new, ranks about the top five of the picture lives of Christ. It will be shown at our community center on Sunday afternoon ^April 24. at 2 p.m. A free will ofering will be taken to help cover the cost of rental. | Tnis wonderful picture is apj proved for Protestanls and I Catholic Christians. j Baby Girl Arrives at I The Zale Home ' The John Zales of 112 East 1 Broadway are the proud parents of a baby girl, born in has been named Debra and is the first child for the Zales. They returned to the Highlands last week. Hospital Notes Frank Geu underwent eye surgery at the McHenry hospital last week, Frank suffered severe injuries in a freak accident a few months ago and has been having a rough time. We hope this will be the last surgery for him. Mr. Collander. has returned home from the McHenry hospital after sur- Announee Son's Wedding j Mr. and Mrs. -John Pechous i of 102 Nippersink Drive announce the forthcoming mar- ! riage of their son. Jack, who j is a resident of Hawaii. The marriage will take place in i -Hawaii. \April 23. His bride-to- ,be. Miss Eveline Alfonso of , Wohiwa, Oahu. Hawaii, and ! Jack will make their home 1 there. We extend our congratulations to the Pechous family and to the bride and groom. ; We are sure with such a lovely setting it ..vv-ill be ,a beautiful j wedding. Jack has brothers j and a sister living in this area. News of Your Friends ' and Neighbors j C a r l H a e f l i g e r ' s d a u g h t e r | and family. Evelyn -and husband. Bob. Iwo grandchildren, ' Craig and Kevin Humphrey, of j Chicago were weekend guest j of the Haefligers. On Sunday afternoon Blanche's br©her, Lawrence Elder, of Park Ridge enjoyed the day visiting with ,every one. j The William Schlick family i spent Easter with friends in | Chicago and they spent time : I visiting other friends. i | April 10. two families from j the Highlands enjoyed visiting their relatives m Chicago. The i Joseph Murray family visited with Sylvia's folks and the Richard Zilligen family spent the day visiting their folks. Frank. Judy, Kenny, Karen ! and Cliffy Krumwiede spent Easter Sunday with Frank's brother and family; Bud Krumwiede, in DesPlaines. ! Roy Snell wishes to* express ' his deep gratitude to Joycelvn Staudenmaier and his daughter, Grace Reinhardt, for taking over his duties of the current hospital fund drive. Roy does not want the credit for this big task and asks us to express his thanks for him. Roy .reports the drive is doing pretty well in spite of all the misfortunes folks have suffered due to homes being flooded. nWc would like to §.dd we are j grateful to all the workers who are giving their time and efforts to the drive. We would like to inform the j folks who suffered damage in j this area they may obtain gov- j. ernment loans to make repairs. ; The loans made at three per ; cent interest. There will be an office set up in Fox Lake for" the purpose of aiding these folks. Mrs'. Emily Burke is confined in a Chicago hospital for medical treatment and her friends are sending her best wishes. Grace and Forrest Reinhardt entertained Forrest's' relatives for Easter dinner. Saturday. April 16, they helped their daughter. Gloria, celebrate her birthday. Grandma Snell was busy coloring Easter eggs and baked some Cakes for the birthday of her great-grandmother. The Eddie Dowds spent last weekend in Chicago where they enjoyed having dinner out and visiting with old friends. We are happy to report that Jack Rathnow is once again home from the hospital and is feeling pret'y good. We hope he improves so he can enjoy his fishing and just being honje is the best medicine of all.' Gert Snell and Kay Sielisch attended the McHenry Woman's club card party and bake sale, April 20, at-the V.F.W. hall. They were guests of Mrs. Marian Carlson." 7" :?~r " Loraine and Herb Lindemann were dinner guests of Loraine's sister, Berhice. In Chicago," Easter Sunday. Loraine spent the night with her, and Monday her son, Hairy, picked her up, and she spent a few days with -Harry and the grandchildren. April 21, the Pinochle club me?ts at the home of Marie Schlick, the guests will be Betty Sandclin, Betty Warczak, Darlene Neesan, Jeanne Baron, Marcia Dowd, Marilyn VanZevern and Audrey Misavice. Gladys Mayer was hostess for a demonstration last Friday evening. Her guests enjoyed cake and coffee and a v e r y e n t e r t a i n i n g e v e n i n g . Rosemaiy Thelen. Anna Cohrs, Blanche Haefliger, Mrs. Kennobeek. Marie Schlick, Mrs. Brott, Bet iy Crosdale and Virginia Karls attending. Barb Schlick will attend the song fesi to be held in Naperville, April 23. Mrs. Marge Moreth proudly presented Mr. Blumberg of the McIIenry Mental Health Clinic with a cheek for $50 in behalf of the V.F.W. Woman's Auxiliary 1128 of Chicago. Marge is a tireless worker for the McHenry hospital and we are sure they were very grateful for the check. Don't be late for church services April 24. We lose an hour, so remember to set the clocks ahead when you retire. Page Twe&lf-One Set Fair Dates Final dates for Illinois county fairs in 1960 "have been announced by Gov. William G. St rat ton. A total of 105 associations have filed declarations of intent to operate fairs this year, the largest number in the history of tions. A previous high of 103 fairs was recorded in 1956. Kiwanis News • The many clubs of Kiwanis I International have undertaken ; a citizenship responsibility pro- ! gram for the present year, j Here are so;ne of the questions most often asked, and answers . regarding "CQ". What is "C Q?"' "C Q" stands for Citizenship Quotient. It is the individual's i ow n measurement of "qt : of citizenship." I Ho.v Is It Measured? Each person knows someone, j who to him is an ideal citizen i every respect. Each person i measures himself -- rates him- ; self if y'ou-will ---.against his | ideal. Result A personal api praisal. Average, better than A\ ernge. b^low Average. Can The "C Q" Change? 'Obviously one's appraisal may change from time to time due to two definite reasons: 1. The feeling that one's previous idea 1 Cit izen was actually not as "top" as had at first been thought. In short -- a more difficult measuring stick. 2. A determination by the person himself that his acceptance of responsibility must be better and there is evidence thai he h.ts already done somet h i n g a b o u t i t . How Good Is The "C Q" Measurement ? It is unlimited. "C Q" applies to every human relationship and whether one is reaching his ideal. It applies to home; c hu r e h : n c i g h b o r h o o d ; c o m munity; area problems; participation in the political part of one's choice, understanding of one's "Way of Life:' politically, economically and socially; the demonstration of the highest personal qualities; a concern fo" issues at the state, province and national level-. Is "C Q" Measuring of Other* ? No. not basically It is not designed to "judge" except as one "judges" himself. People do not ra"*e other people. Citizenship responsibility is an individual matter. Only the individual rates himself high or low. Can "C Q" be Applied to a Community? To a degree. For instance, on an important issue if only a low percentage express an opinion or register a comment either at the |K)lls or otherwise, then, ir. :) sense, the "C Q" of the communit\ has been measured at that particular time and on that partieuT-ir issue. Why "C Q"? The "C Q" program is for those who believe in democracy. It will "stimulate thinking. It will lead to self-appraisal. It will bring action by citizens who heretofore have "Let George Do It." , Men have even struggled for freedom. It is most often expressed in self-government. But s e l f - g o v e r n m e n t c a n m e a n nothing if left in the hands of fewer and fewer people. When carried to its extreme, this means extinction of freedom and dictatorship in one form or another. SERVICE NEWS T/Sgt. Morris L. Raines of ! the U.S. Air Force Recruiting ! offee, Elgin, announced this week that Airman Thomas A. Cl.iybough, son of Mr. and Mrs. James D." "Claybaugh of 115 Broad street, McHenry. has completed his initial course of ; Air Force basic military trAin- ; ing at I^ackland AFB. Texas, i He has been selected to attend LEARN CAMERA REPAIR Kotalik Studio Photo^ Ernest R. Rody, extreme right, camera repairman" for authorized factory repairs, shows the members of the McHenry Camera club how to repair their cameras and shutters, etc. The club meets at George Kotalik Camera Center. . ' . - *• . ; «§i ing ti Commanding General Westmoreland. This completed for Tom; the five jumps required by the. Airborne Jump school. the technical training course I for Electronics Repairman at Chanute AFB, Illinois. j Airman Claybaugh. a gradu- i ate of McHenry Community high school, majored in math- I einatics while attending North- j ern Illinois iniversity, DeKalb. ' Pvt. Thomas E. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. : Anderson, Rt. 1, Richmond, ; earned his "wings" March 31 I at For* Campbell, Ky., as a: member of the 101st airborne division, 327th infantry. Mr. a n d M r s . A n d e r s o n , w i t h daughter, Mary, witnessed the i three jumps that were made ; that day in a period of less than four hours. This was the second time in the history of the 101st that three jumps j were made in one dav, accord- Marine Pvt. Warren L. Andrews. son of Mrs. Margaret AndieXvs of Pistakee Hills, graduated recently from the aviation electronics operator's course at the Marine Corps recruit depot, San Diego. Calif. The five-week course consisted of training in the operation of electronics equipment used in Marine air control squadrons. Army Recruit Joseph L.^Jrkovsky. 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trkovsky, Route 1. Spring Grove, completed eight weeks of advanced individual infantryman training with the 1st infantry division at Fort Riley, Kan., April 1. EARNINGS DOWN H. V. MeNamara, president of the National Tea Co.. announced that the company's net earnings for the first quarter, ending March 26, 1960, did not equal last year's earnings for the first quarter of the c o m p a n y ' s o p e r a t i o n s , e v e n though sales climbed to an all time high, and gross profits b e f o r e o p e r a t i n g e x p e n s e s showed an increase of more than 4 per cent over the first quarter of 1959. AVOID COSTLY SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES . . . ti Enzivator USE „ stops odors I liquefies wast«u reactivates sluggish tanks • Ruck's Hardware 301 W. Main St. McHenry PROFE^lOnflL DIRECTORV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEfj Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation. Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street ; McHenry, 111. Hour*: Moh., Tues., Wed. & Fri, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 pan. to 5:30 p.m. 7 pan. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 <v.m. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0713 1-31-60 Now'....good news for women who love naturally beautiful floors • - .-v.- .v< T Wide-Track widens the stance, not the car. With the widest track of any car, Pontiac gives you better stability, accurate control, less lean and sway. X ' ' * SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER 4 OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT ST. PHONE EVERGREEN 5-6000 ' " Mcl/ENRY, ILL MORE WATER *tx06*ZiaaHi with a RED JACKET WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIES TO IS70 OAL. KK HO US • PUMPINO DEPTHS TO 1X0 PEST • BASIIT AHP ECONOMtCAUY CONVERTIBLE MOM SHALLOW TO DEEP WILL SIBVICS Doltcr-ffor-rfollar, hart It your bait pump buy. H»#vy, durable construction throughout. Quiat, lubrication -- frao oparation -- only ono Moving part. A product of a world* fonownod pump manufacturer with ovar 75 yaart' aiparU •Ma In building watar service products. The Centri-Jet *HB" Water System will more than satisfy you in ovary Cmm In and see for yourself. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS cHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and 8ervice ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake fH miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENlV EV 5-5252 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ida Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Ql Any Kind Phone EVergrecn 5-0043 or 6-0953 112 E. Elm St. McIIenry, St DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV ft-Olflf Res. Phone: EV 5-619! Hours* Dally 9.*S0 - 5HH Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses fitted Repair Service 2-28-6C DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitter* Contact Lenses 1A5 Richmond Road ' Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 5 2262 2-28-60 AERO WAX saves work and money as it saves yourfloors! Because you get more natural wax in Aerowax than any other leading brandl Now all your linoleum, tile, vinyl and wood floors will look younger, more naturally beautiful-- thanks to Aerowax floor wax! You save work. Afcrowax has more natural wax for more natural protection against dirt, grime and spills. A quick wipe-up, followed by a dry mopping, instantly bring back the natural : wax luster of your floors. Save money, too! Buy the economical halfgallon can of Aerowax and save up to 50p over the other leading brands! America's best selling Floor Wax ...AEROWAX GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent ; The Prudential Insurance C& j of America i . i. Life. Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road j McHenry. III. : Phone EV 5-2533 ; 3-19 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms : 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-tidoO 1-22-to GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program; Richmond 4193 Vi mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-60 DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR, 113 Main St.. McHenry, 111. Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7- 9 Phone EVergreen &-0489 5-19-60