^kmsday, April 21, I960. THE McHENRY FUJNDEALER Page Twenty-Three Btefwwd Mm# COMMITTEE TOR SAFETY FORMED IN SUBDIVISION Dee Penick EV. 5-5527 Happy Wishes Go out to the Hugh Saynors who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary on April 23. Bonnie and Stanley John Cary on Saturday April 9. Measles With the safety of the childgfn in the community in mind. tff'EMPOA has set up a safety committee. Those on the committee at present are Tom Birmingham, Lois Ryan and Milt McHale. One of the first things they hope to accomplish is the erection of 'Slow* signs to keep the traffic at the safest speed possible. If. you would like to be a part of this very, worth while endeavor just give >|||t a call. Another committee being formed, this one for fun, is to plan for a May Bar-B-Que. It will be held in the community barn and will be on a 'paid up members only* basis. If you can't remember having paid yotic dues it wouldn't hurt to call the treasurer and check for sure. If you'd like to give i jnand, serving let Lois Ryan about it. she's looking Sfr Willing helpers. > Faith Presbyterian Church News i The sermon topic of April 24 \v:l| "The Ascension" based u?i Acts 1: <)-14. Tiie time of the worship services is 11 a.m., Church School Classes are at 9:30 a.m. fn Monday April 25. a meetvvill be held at the Conrv munity Methodist church, Main and Center Streets, McHenry. All those who are to be leader's for the joint Methodist- Presbyterian vacation Bible school this summer will attend this all day (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) session. The choir will rehearse at 8^?.m. on Tuesday, April 26, aWhe church, and on Thursday 9f next week the Women's Society Circle will hold their monthly meeting. More details :».bcut that will be given next week. Birthday Greetings Are extended to Pat Coughlin and Jerry Ryan both of WlM>m will celebrate on the IWnty-first, to Kathy Monahan who is sweet sixteen on the twenty-third, to Dan Mathes who celebrates on the twentyfifth and to Sheri Landin who will be 4 years old on the twenty-sixth. A real nice day is wished for each of you. \ i Doris Shaw and the children j went into Chicago to visit with Doris* parents, the Howard Tamows, while Otto was in St. Louis on business!. It was nice while it lasted but not so nice after coming home, for Doris had to have a tooth extracted and little Neal came down with the measles. The measles also visited the Coughlin household, with the older of the four boys. Jim. being the victim. Pat's mother, Mrs. Geraty. was here at the time helping out until after the christening of baby Marybeth at St. Pat's. With regrets Pat advised many of the relatives with children not to attend the christening because of the measles threat. Also combating a case of measles were Betsy Stephen^ son and Lynn Krebs. Lynn's came jus! as she was recovering from scarlet fever'. We've been assured that she i$. recovering quickly and will be up and around soon. dreg Fultz is also feeling fine after taking his turn being spotted with the same malady. We're happy to. report that Jeff ^nd David Harner have recently recovered from another variety of spots, the chicken pax. Card Clubs Nancy Lessard entertained bridge club members in her home on the thirteenth. Sharing in the fun were Lois Krebs, Doris Shaw. Carol Hayes, Willie Bergstrom, Tam Hawkins, who won first prize. Marian Alford. who won the traveling prize and Lee I^andin who won the booby. The Tripoli Club also met on (the thirteenth and Jackie | Grom was the big winner of J rhe evening. Marie Dalton was . hostess and the other guests | present were Mary Thienes, ; Marilyn Fultz, Pat Cisewski j and Pam Woodbury who was j invited to substitute for Patsy J Coughlin. %- The bridge club meeting in j Marilyn Truckenbrod's home | in McHenry had Farol Tomlinson winning first prize, Peggy Anderson winning traveling and Hannah Harner getting booby. Very unusual for Hannah. Hannah and Bill both enjoyed bridge at the home of So Sony Georgia Wilson's neighbors are proving to be friends in need. They are looking after Georgia's children while she is h o s p i t a l i z e d . I'm s u r e s h e would appreciate cheering cards from all her friends and acquaintances and we hope she feels well again.,-soon. We hear the Perrions recently were able to help d stranger in need. A baby went into convulsions while returning from a visit at the doctor, the mother sought help at the Perrions who were more than glad to assist her. : Sympathy ' We extend our sympathy to j the Walter Kuck family who went intoChicago on the thirteenth to attend the funeral of Walter's uncle, John Rucker of South Chicago. Mr. Rucker passed aWay on the tenth of April, Local Doln's We h^ve a lot of civic minded folks in Eastwood Manor Who turned out to do their bit for their party during the recent primary elections. Some of those were the Lynn Stuarts who were offering rides to the polls, and Hannah Harner who was a poll checker. Afterwards H.innah and Bill went to the home of Bill and Carol Bolger to watch the outcome. Winnie and Len Hansen. Lois nnd Warren Krebs, Lois and Tim McCormack and Dolores and Len Lawrence among others attended the dance and smorgasbord given by their favorite party at the V.F.W. hall. Bob and Pat Kellogg cele- | brated Pat's birthday on the ' s i x t e e n t h hy d i n i n g w i t h friends at a restaurant towards Waukegan way. Celebrating with them were the I^awrences rsnd Pat's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Helen and Dan Mathes gathi ered with other members of I the Faith church choir at the Home of Roy and 'Tucky* Kisj sMng in McHenry on the nine- : teenth. They listened to the j tape made of their Easter cantata. Ann and Don Meyer and their children joined the family gathering in Mundelein for Easter dinner, at the home of j Don's brother, Lincoln Meyer. While Jack Dalton was away for a meeting, Marie and the hoys journeyed into Chicago. They stayed overnight with Marie's mom, and visited with friends. While there they enjoyed some springtime window shopping also. The Daltons recently had Jack's auntj Alice McNamara of Oak Park, as a weekend guest. Joining them for a visit on Sunday were Rita and Pat Dalton. Pat brought along her fiance, Tom, and his mother to introduce to Jack and Marie. Eleanor Kuck very much enjoyed the surprise party given her by her friends, Dolores Wool w i n e , L e n a C a m p b e l l , Charmaine Pohlman, Betty Schweill and Dottie Messer at Dottie's home. The occasion was Eleanor's birthday. KNOW YOUR HOSPITAL by Marie Schaettgen Reminder Keep in mind the two com* mittees mentioned earlier in the column, the safety committee and the bar-b-que committee. The bar-b-que is being planned in lieu of the roller skating party which has been cancelled. Life Saving Station A man has a sudden heart attack. A child strains to enter this world ahead of schedule. A 'teen-ager runs a stop light and grief catches up with him. A fanner, intent on finishing his job before dark, disregards the safety^ devices on his corn picking machine. An over enthusiastic swimmer gets a cramp and comes too close to death. These are just samplings of emergencies that arise each day in a community. When these emergencies touch your life you suddenly realize you are not immune from the countless crises that "are faced by your neighbors. Then too, Thanks 1*11 take this opportunity to say thank you, Lois, from all on us for the fine column you have put out since Jan. '59. That's a long time and we all appreciate your efforts to make it both newsy and interesting. Many of you don't know me hut don't let that stop you from calling me. We're all members of the same community "family" interested in how each one spends his time and what the various interests and activities are in our locality. It's the little things adding together which make life pleasant and meaningful, and that's what we hope our column will be. No earth shaking events, please! Phone me soon and often, jour reporter, Helen D. Penick EV. 5-5527. DR. CLARK TO ADDRESS COUNTY MEDICAL GROUP j The McHenry County Medi- | oal society will meet on April •21 at Memorial Hospital for ; McHenry County. Woodstock, I at 6:30 p.m. for dinner. Dr. Carl E. Clark, counselor for the first district, will be the principal speaker. This will be the first joint meeting with the newly organized w o m a n's auxiliary, which is headed by jyirs. G. Gallagher of Crystal Lake. you ...realize, gratefully, that there is a hospital just a few anxious minutes away. And you feel assured of the fact that the nearest hospital is a good one with facilities to rej duce a great emergency in your I life to a skillfully handled routine. It is then that you come to the full realization of just how important McHenry hospital is to you. It can change the whole course of your life! McHenry hospital is bursting at the seams from a soaring patient load. The laboratory, surgery, X-ray -- all departments -- are efficient and modern, but, to accommodate everyone who needs care, your hospital needs more beds. Expansion, unfortu nately, costs a great deal of money. But can we estimate in dollars and cents exactly how much it is worth to save the life of your dear ones. All admissions to the hospital are not emergencies. There are many more instances where patients require hospitalization. With the growing community, people ui McHenry and other towns in the area who must patronize the Hospital know that expansion would fill a ciitical need. CALENDAR OF EVENTS, "The "1960 Illinois Calendar of Events" is now being di£ tributed . to travel agencies^ Gov. William G. Strafton aa? nounced. The 20-page illustrate ed booklet lists' hundreds of special events and more than 100 county fairs. NOTICE MY OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FROM MONDAY, APRIL 25 TO SATURDAY. MAY 7 FOR APPOINTMENTS ON AND AFTER MAY 9/ CALL EV 5-4092 DR HENRY FREUND 136 S. GREEN ST. I OPTOMETRIST McHENRY STYLED FOR THE ROCKETING^Os! 3-Seal Now! Four OLD8MOBI1.E FIESTAS to ohoosefroml fWa nraiu Jim . . . i n m o r e w a y s than one! Two new 3-aeat and 2-seat Fiestas give you tbe carry-all convenience you want . . . plus tbe style and unartnew you expect in an Oldal See the Fiesta's fabulous features . . . at your Oldsinobile Dealer's today! Take the roomiest Rooket Hide you've ever tried . . . in tbe Dynamic 88 or Super 88 Fiesta of your choice! •II VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLOSMOBJLE QUALITY DBALER R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES. 403 FRONT STREET, McHENRY, ILU •SH IK DENNIS O'MItt SHOW • EVUY WEEK ON CBS-TV... HIAR 10WIU THOMAS AND THE NEWS • MONDAY THtU FRIDAY ON CIS RADIO- 2nd ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 3 BIG DAYS - FRI., SAT. & SUN., APRIL 22-23-24 OPEN CONTINUOUSLY 24 HOURS A DAY FRIDAY, APRIL 22-6 A M. thru SUNDAY. APRIL 24-MIDNIGHT 50 Prizes TO BE 6IVEN AWAY Schick Electric Razors 10,000 King Korn Stamps Car Washes -- Grease Jobs, etc. CITIES Balloons Come In - Register Today! For Our Many Fine Prizes (No Purchase Necessary) Jandt's Cities Service * '-»V S E RVICE ^oute ^ Bridae McHenry, III. An Additional Anniversary Feature! A Large Display of SYLVAN PONTOON BOATS Phis many other New and Used Boats Our Anniversary Special! PRE SEASON SALE OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL of 24 Quarts $6)95 Case #