& ursday, May 12. I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sunnyside Estates EIGHT CHILDREN RECEIVE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Lois Anderson of our young people were among the class of fiftytwo boys and girls who received their First Holy Communion last Sunday at St. John's church. Mary Jane Lakowske, Debbie Noah and Christine Roy looked very p r e 11 y i n t h e i r w h i t e dresses and veils and the handsome young lads in dark trousers and white shirts and., nS were Michael Bott, Poppy De Francisco, Sherwood Palmer. Paul Voight and Michael Anderson. After months of preparation all the children received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at the beautiful 8:30 Mass on Sunday morning, May 8. That evening thw were enrolled in the Scapular in an impressive ceremony consisting of£he living Rosary and Bene-, diction. In each home the big day was celebrated by the first communicants and their • families and friends. 1 Visitors Red and Mary Davis entertained out-of-town guests one fj.y wt M->"v's younger brother, Bill and his wife, Fran, and their son. Tommy, flAr here from Cincinnati. So that the entire family could be together Mary's mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. M. Doherty of Broadview, and her other brother, Jack and his wife and their children of Elmhurst, came for the day also. Everyone arrived early and stayed late which added up to a full day of being together. v Condolences Our sincere sympathy is extended to Hugh Hoyle and his family on the death of his youngest sister, Shirley. She succumbed to an incurable illness in St Francis hospital, Evanston, late last month. Funeral services were held at St. Nicholas church, burial in All Saint's cemetery. Other survjQprs besides Hugh and Dorothy include his parents, Mr. and Mrs- I- J- Hoyle, and two sisters, Mrs. Helen Gale and Mrs. Doris Bait. Residents Please Note In a letter to all reporters of the Plaindealer, the post office departmeht announced its plans for designating May 16 through 21 as "Mail Box Improvement Week". The purpose of this special week is to encourage patrons to keep their mail box areas pleasing to the eye as well as serviceably practical. Some of the suggestions nre that the boxes be neat and the name and address of the resident be legibly inscribed on the side or front. It is to our advantage to support this project since our mail boxes are p. part of our property as home owners. We hope to see some imagination and ingenuity Exercised here. Birthdays A big happy birthday to the only young man of the week, Kcnnv Bott, who will be 5 next* Sunday. On May 17. Bessie Jesski and Bob Mikkelsen share their day. The following day Mary Lemmens marks off another year. Many happy returns. In lining up the birthdays last week I read the list wrong and gave Karen Kennebeck another birthday wish for this year. The little lady who should have been congratulated on her second birthday was Karen Hanahan who celebrated on May 10. • Dance An invitation has been extended to all residents of Sunnvside Estates to a dance sponsored hv the residents of Pistakee Terrace. They are our neighbors to • ho poet and promise everyone a good time on the evening of May 21 at the Community club in Johnsburg. Tom Hanahan has tickets for anyone who i would like to attend. They can also he purchased at the door that evening., Association News At last week's meeting the nominating committee consist-1 ing of Alice Bieschke, Alice j Janicki and Lorctta Mikkelsen announced the candidates for the various offices in the association. They deserve a vote of thanks for the excellent job they did in obtaining these candidates. Here are the results of their campaign. For the office of president, Chet Banker, vice-president, John Kelso, recording secretary, Joan Walczynski, corresponding secretary, Carol Kenneb e c k , t r e a s u r e r , C h a r l o t t e Maule, trustees, for the two year term, Ray Bieschke, and th<|! one year term. Dick Janicki. Harold Palmer has on£ more year to go on his two year term as trustee. All nominations from the floor were declined leaving only one candidate for each office. This situation will eliminate the necessity of an election next month. The secretary will just cast a unanimous ballot at the June meeting. However, in the event any member has a write-in candidate for any office they must present a petition to the recording secretary with five sign a lures of members demanding an election. This has to be in her hands by May 19 so if you have any names be sure to "nt your petition to Marge Pa'mer by then. If there, is an election but you won't be home at the time you can obtain an absentee ballot five days before the election date which is June 2. Then it must be returned to the secretary before that day. This was one surprised gal at the close of the meeting. I was presented with a decorated birthday cake and everyone sang "haDpy btrthday". As if this wasn't surprise enough, there were also two prettily wrapped packages containing a beautiful hand bag and gloves and an aurora necklace and earrings which I have wanted for ever so long. Someone thought I deserved a 1 hanks for this weekly attempt at writing your news but it is you, the residents of Sunnyside Estates, who have made this column possible, I have WE RENT Almost Everything from . . . ELECTRIC HAMMERS TO LAWN SWEEPERS CALL EV. 5-2916 llmUd Rmt-QUL JOE WILKINSQN, MAN/VflKR Next to the Northwestern Depot McHenry* 111. Open Daily 8-6 -- Wed. Sc Sun. 8-12 / / J WEATHER: R q i n , F a i r o r W a r m e r ? " ] y » ii j \ \% » • FREE Pancakes IH. We got em!! Drive and Try One Tractors -- Crawlers - trucks 11 with Drott 4 & 1 Come Eat and See Us at our OPEN HOUSE it Saturday, May 14,1960 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Let us speed your work with m If"lAf •J|b Trucks, Tractors, Farm Equipment I^H £ WW Hill and Commercial Equipment FOR BETTER TRUCKING, FARMING AND CONSTRUCTION FRANK McPIKE BOB DOUGHTY DICK MOEDIUS RALPH TEUSCHER EMIL WOLFF HARRY CHAMBERS Crystal Lake Truck Sales Phone Crystal Lake 1631 Routes 176 & 31 Crystal Lake, 111. only been the means to an end. As most everyone knows it has been my pleasant, chore to write your news but I how feel there is a need for a change. Very shortly it will be written by Polly Stevens who I'm sure, you will agree, will do very well with your help. She will appreciate your calls and I know you will enjoy reading her column. To coin a cliche', I am supposed to have an unlimited store of words at my command but at this time they fail me completely. My thanks come from the depths of my heart to everyone, I can say no more but I think you know how much I appreciate your gifts and kind words. Pick-Up There will be a general disposal pick-up Saturday, May 14. which will include rubbish of all kinds. CORN LOAN DEADLINE . Bert Bridges, chairman of the McHenry county ASC committee, announced that Wednesday. May 1§, is the last day to apply fyr a loan on 1959 corn. Purchase agreements may be taken through the close of business on Tuesday, May 31, 1960. SALES INCREASE Another new record in sales was reached for the National Tea Co. for the fourth fourweek accounting period of the year, bringing the total sales increase for the" Chicago based food chain to more than $8 million for the year to date, according to announcement by H. V. McNamara, president. 1t» few, few rata H*md Jo« MiIM, TS h fiwl • lm HM MI IW nn> Boy Only The Bast InsyraMt ITPAYt ^ THE KENT CORP. Phone EV 5-3800 115 N. Riverside Dr. s Holiday Hills Suggest Change In By-Laws Rita Oleyar - EV. 3-4763 Proposed revisions to the corporation by-laws will be discussed at the regular bi-monthly meeting of the property o w n e r s a s s o c i a t i o n M o n d a y evening. May 16. at 8 p.m., in the basement of the Lutheran church in Island Lake. Some of the suggested changes involve voting regulations and changes in election procedures, so it is important that every interested member be present to voice his opinion. thie Brownies for Mother's Day gifts. The tea, which is an annual affair with the troop, was arranged by leaders Loretta Exline, Marge Potratz and Shirley Haufe; refreshments were provided by mothers Rita Oleyar. Marge Krueger. Inez Young and Marge Schmidt. ] cleaning, etc. which must be I done in runing a household. It's . wonderful training for Connie, | who plans to be married in I July. Dura Now Payable Every property owner has received a statement,for 1960 dues and it is important that every family pay at least a portion of the amount, in order to he eligible to participate actively and vote at association meetings. • Mother's Day Tea The Brownies and their leaders treated the mothers to a tea on Monday afternoon. May 2. on the lawn of the Oleyar home. Fancy cakes, kool-aid, and iced tea were served by the girls. Each mother was also given a flower decked wooden belt hanger made especially by Woman's Club Banquet Thirty-five women enjoyed a night out, at the third annual installation banquet of the Woman's club at the McHenry Country club. The dinner is held each year to welcome the new officers and pay tribute to the hard working outgoing officers who were Mary Jungwirth, president; Eunice Heise, vice-president; Jeanne Baird, secretary; and Alice Malzahn, treasurer. Membership chairmen for last year were Shirley Haufe and Lorraine. Bemis. Local Woman in Accident Gloria Schultz and sons, Kevin and Kerry, escaped with minor injuries when the i Schultz car was struck by an- I other car which failed to stop j at the intersection of Lily Lake | Road and the Griswold Lake I blacktop. The road on either J side of the Holiday Hills en- J trance is posted for thirty-five j miles an hour, but it's a good idea to slow -down even more than that when approaching one of the many side roads. Mrs. Karlie In Hospital Grace Karlie; was rushed.'.to. ttje hospital at Harvard by ambulance iate Thursday . night. April 28. Mild heart spasm was the doctor's diagnosis, and complete bed rest was the prescription. Grace will be in the hospital for an indefinite time, •so that she will get the rest she needs. However, her condition is described as good. Meanwhile, back at the house daughters. Connie and Carol, nre holding down the fort, doing all the cooking, Visitors from Pittsburgh Mickey Walters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright, came from Pittsburgh April 28 to spend a week with Mickey, Gerry and the children. Candy, the oldest of the three Walters ,girls, welcomed her grandparents with a good case of the measles the very next day. Our apologies to Mickey for omitting her name from the list of mothers who helped drive the Brownies to Dundee a few weeks ago. Mickey's time, as well as her car, are always available to help out with troop activities. Mali Box Improvement Week A communication from the acting postmaster in MfcHenry CUSTOM MADE PLASTIC COVERS Crystal Clear with Clear Seams for Added Beauty We feature the ultimate in custom made plastic covers. perfectly Fitted for Lasting Endurance! Enjoy the beauty of your furniture while protecting it with crystal clear plastic covers. Expertly cut and pin-fitted in your own home with zippers, air vents and nylon-thread for strength. Made from durable, heavy duty 10 gauge plastic. BETTER PLASTIC COYER CO. 3325 W. Armitago Ave. Phone CApital 7-9285 Chicago, in. Rambler Sets Sales Record I Over 47,000 sold in April Rambler Custom 4-Door Sedan--6 or V-8 Why thousands a week switch to Rambler More people bought Ramblers in April than ever before in history. More people switched from other makes to Rambler. Here's why! Rambler gives top quality at lowest price. Solid rattleproof Single-Unit* construction . . . Deep-Dip* rustproofing . . . highest standards of craftsmanship. Yet Rambler prices start Way below any other U.S. car. Rambler gives you the widest ohoioe of oompaot cars. 33 models, including 17 station wagons. Three wheelbases. Rambler gives you proved economy. Proved by more than a million owners . . . proved in official economy runs. Rambler resale value is proved tops. Your Rambler dealer can show you the proof. See him today. *Pioneered by American Motori RAMBLER AMERICAN S-Door Deluxe Sedan $1795 America's lowait-prlcad cir. You iat lamout Rimblir tMlity yat you on >1 laait til/ l*u thtn to iny other U.S.-balK eir, basad on manulacturara' tvuaitad factory dalMrtd pr icei. Stata and local taut, it any, optional tqulpmntutrt. America's Only Compaot Luxury Car-- AMBASSADOR V-8 by Rambler Go to Your Rambler Dealer's "Sales Spectacular"--Get a Spectacular Deal SEIBEL MOTOR SALES 405 Elm St., McHenry PageThirt«»en asks that local residents be informed of mail box improvement week, May 16 through 21. Several points were emphasized to owners of rural boxes. Complete details appear elsewhere in the paper. GOOD NEWS McHenry • hospital board members, " James M. Lennon < left * and Ralph Bennett, udi 5\0-x>y -•>• beam broadly as they read letter announcing construction loan approval. OMJf SEPTIC SYSTEMS FAST NO DIGGING! • Dbsohrwrtluds*. grtatti «r watt* • Ohm (IHH impoot • latytoaprtT •IT B0YER Septic Tank Cleaner Ruck's Hardware 501 W. Main St. McHenry -i Now, eye make-up as easy to apply as lipstick! (and just as important) exciting eyes new eye make-up extraordinaire Goes on in minutes, stays on all day! NEW I EYE LIGHTS I The liquid eye make-up that can be used as eye liner, eye shadow and mascara. Complete with sable brush-inbottle. In ten high-fashion and five iridescent shades. Regular, 2.00. Iridescent, 2.50. f I NEWI DUO-M ATI CI ill Automatic mascara and eye crayon, all s in one! Quick, s easy, completely J? waterproof, no f unpleasant odor. ™ In six combinations of complementary shades. 230. Coty self-propelling and selfsharpening Eye Crayon 1.50, Swivelstick Eye Shadow 1.501, Waterproof Mascara and Re* fill for Duo-Matic 1.25, Eye Cream Conceatree 1.50. _ p r i c e s p h a u e i Midstream Drugs 315 W. Elm Street Next to Jewel Tea McHenry, 11L