•ifcrtWthr* & THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, Mlt lt ti&O Wonder Lak* TOOTH CENTER ELECTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS •fane Dxioey A board of directors was elected Monday evening at the Youth Center in a meeting called for that special purpose. Proposed by-laws have been formulated by the central planning committee. The newly elected directors will meet Monday, May 23, at 8 p.m. to elect officers, approve the by-laws, and select committees. - ^ t Elected were Frank Higglns. Ernie V o g t , Rev. Burton Schroeder, Rev. James Mc- Ohesney, Rev. John Eddy, Fred Kusch, Lois Weeks, Dr. S. L. Ruggero, Lois Haak, Wilbur Haak, Robert Kiddell and Viola Rochowicz. Others were Walter Dean. Ralph S w e a r i n g e n * Howard Hill, Oluf Nielsen. Charles . Paetow, Carolyn Taylor. Edward O'Brien, Anna Lundborg. William Mann, Orville TVonsen, George Gutzman, Mrs. John Cristy, Clara Meyer, Joan Ohlrich, Kenneth Helm and Roberta Miller. There were two ties in the voting, between Ken Gabel and Lowell Walker and Helen Numbers and Jane Ducey. First order of business when the board meets May 23 will be to resolve the tie votes. munion and Confirmation class, , and the third and fourth | grades. Six little angels as I gruard of honor were, Patti j Freund, Melissa Doherty. Patti j ai?d Katie Smith, Debbie Palko and Carlanna Carlson. Marylee Wight carried the crown of I pale blue flowers. Ladies in the I court were Laura Sauers, Mary Rankin, Judy Frederich, Helen Oleszcuk. Louise Ruggero and Bobbie Mae Burns. Kathy McMahon had the privilege of placing the crowjn as the children sang "Oh, Mary we Crown Thee". The entire congregation recited the Act of Consecration. Cubs Last Pack Meeting Four Cub Scouts will graduate to Boy Scouts in a Webelo ceremony May 24 at the final pack meeting of the season. Look Out Point beach will be the scene of the colorful ceremony, with all the boys in all dens in full Indian regalia. Graduating are John Doherty. George Burns, Sam Lamont and Chester Hood. (In case of rain, Harrison school will be the scene.) British Chiropodist Visits Here Distinguished guest in the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Numbers last week was Dr. F r a n k l i n C h a r l e s worth of Manchester, England, who is consultant chiropodist to the British National Health Service. He is on a lecture tour of the United States, and is making study of the American chiropodical educational system. He is scheduled to receive an honorary degree in I education in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Charlesworth left the Lake Sunday for Rochester, Minn., where he was to be gliest of honor at a luncheon at the Mayo Clinic. Christ the King Athletic Field The following notice has been issued: "In the interest of all the children of Wonder Lake, it was our pleasure to build an athletic field. We are happy to fnake it available to any and all worthy groups (such as the Little League). We believe in our youth. Because the use of the field is desired by many groups, the p a s t o r i s a p p o i n t i n g P a u l Marke, ;W.L. 7439, general director and- supervisor of the athletic field. Anyone wishing to use the field please contact Mr. Marke". Garden Club Learns Daffodils David Joslyn of Woodstock, only male member of the A m e r i c a n d a f f o d i l s o c i e t y , spoke to the Wonder Lake Garden club at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren. Mr. Joslyn da^ed his interest in these bulbous perennials to 20 years ago, when he planted a few bulbs and picked about 200 flowers the first year. Daffodil. he explained, is the common name for the entire group of daffodils, narcissi and jonquils. and they originated from a few species found growing in Spain and Portugal hundreds of years ago. To recognize the different types it is first necessary to know some characteristics of the flower, and the names- of the flower parts. Plants spread by seed which is the slow, process, " or by dividing bulbs in September through October. There are about 10.000 to 12,000 registered names, of which the yellow variety is the most common. There are eleven divisions, all of which are based on distant^ flower forms. Mr. Joslyn, who has about 400 varieties, brought a huge bunch of jonquils and as he described the different divisions of flowers he passed them around to the club members. | His "White Lady" variety has , about l,G|po blooms. j He then showed slides taken | from his fields of flowers and j from other states and many i shows he attended. Each mem- j ber was given a bouquet of jonquils by Joslyn. There were twenty-seven 1 guests present and each re- j coived either a pink camelia or a white gardenia as a remembrance of Mother's Day.- Bowls of floating pink camelias iveve used as table decor. Coffee and cake were served. Birthday Party The fifteenth birthday of Doug" Sellek w a s celebrated Saturday night. May 14, at the home of Leslie Decker in Hickory Falls. Guest list included Jim Marke, Dick Donovan, Fred Kusch, Bob Dickman, Herb Baerwaldt, Larry Lefebvrs. Fran Piller, Leigh Perry, Sharon Hoffman, Patricia Grabovy. Pam Parker, Leanna Sellek and Sandy Larsen. in the Fair. After wards they will give the toys to the Children's Home in Woodstock. "Kathy McMillan brought the refreshments." Ronee Sommers, Reporter. Girl Scout News "Troop 318 met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Stanley Wilson. Donna Mae Dean called the meeting to order. Kathy McMillan took the dues. ' The girls are going to make stuffed toys and enter them ! Christ The King Church j News j Holy Day of Obligation: As- I cension Thursday, May 26. [ There will be two morning j Masses and a Mass at 8 p.m. Please note Saturday, May i 21 -- Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. I instead of 11:30 because of the 1 Ordination in McHenry. j Next Sunday will be the last | Sunday for the winter sched- | ule of three Masses at 7:30, 9 and 11. Beginning May 29 -- there will be four , low Masses on Sunday at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and 12 noon. At a recent meeting of the cemetery association Ed Waldy was elected director . of the c e m e t e r y a s s o c i a t i o n ; John Russell, assistant director, Mrs. Edward R e g e l i n , s e c r e t a r y ; Carl Walker, maintenance director and Charlei' Sullivan, sales director. Bible Church News The Ladies Missionary Guild will ha\>c ^ baby shower Thursday evenirig, May 19, at 8 p.m. The guest of honor will be Mrs. William Zivel. Any of the Jadies of the church who would enjoy this evening of fellowship are invited to attend. Five members of the Christian Truth class were graduatted Sunday having completed two years and having received their Bibles. They were Sandy Larseri, Ann Pliner, Pamela Parker, and Douglas and Leanna Sellek, Ronee Sommers was graduated from her first year of study. Nativity Lutheran Church News-- • • "A Bountiful Lord" is the sermon topic for May 22. With nicer days coming, the 8 a.m. service1 is proving more popular, while it is still cool and the whole day is ahead. The second service is at 10:45 a.m. The "Men of the Church" will attend the Spring Convert**- tion of the United Lutheran Church Men at St. Luke's Lutheran church in Elmhurst, on Sunday, May 22. All mpn who would like to attend are to meet at the church at 3 30. Tuesday, May 24, the "Women of the' Church" will have thfcir annual spring luncheon at the church, starting at 11. All women of the community are invited to enjoy thej fellowship, the luncheon, and the fine program that^ will be presented by the Wonder Lake. Garden club. i A baby-sitter service will beu provided. Just bring the small children to the parsonage with a "nose-bag" lunch. Beverages will be provided for the thilhren. Come and bring guests)to this mid-day spring evented Sympathy is expressed tp^jpe family of Hafry Davidson^mo passed away at Memorial .^hospital where he had been if patient for six days. He had been in failing health for years and in pain for a long time. The family has lived in Deep Spring Woods for 14 years. Surviving besides his widow, Myrtle, are four sons, Harry, Jr., at home; John in California; Lyle, Valparaiso, Ifl^: and Winn, Evanston; and one grandchild. Services were held Sunday in the Wonder Lake Bible church with Pastor Wright officiating and burial in Ringwood cemetery. NOW! BREAK THE IMAGE BARRIER! y see eolor slides magnified over Wonder Workers in Top 10 The Wonder Worker 4-H Club was named in the top ten w'ith their musical titled "Friendship" last Friday night.' Roberta Mae Burns narrated the skit which has friendship through music as its theme. The girls wore white skirts (part <jf their project to make) and white blouses with red ties. • Saturday, May 21, they will compete in Richmond at the spring rally. The winner Saturday night Will go to Springfield for state competition. Jackie Haiiseri attended the county federation meeting in Woodstock Monday night as a delegate of the Wonder Workers. te lifeBSl Free! 214-oz. Travel Size ILLSTREAM 315 W. ELM STREET J Next To Jewel Tea McHenry, III. 51 ON SALE-THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY YOUR FRIENDLY -WaegxeeKOgehty Worthmore MINERAL OIL U.S.P. QUALITY PINT 29( P GARDEN 50 Ft. Lightweight & Now Only (Limit-1) ii s 10-oz.-139 Quart--209 Pint-159 Regular 25c CITRATE Our Low PRICE < Limit-1) BAND AID ADHESIVE BANDAGE Pack of 30 Only ie May Crowning In a beautiful and impressive ceremony, the children of Christ the King parish paid tribute to our Blessed Mother, Mary, at the traditional May Crowning Sunday morning. Rev. 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