Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1960, p. 12

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-7- P*g« Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tlw*»day. Jwjie % Lllymoor DISCUSS MANY PROBLEMS DURING ASSOCIATION MEET Nancy Rltter, EV 5-5889 The next meeting of the "Belated Greeting*" Belated birthday greetf) go lo Robert Pinkonsly. He celebrated his big day Thursday. May 19. Many happy returns, Bob. "Charter Renewed" The charter for the Lily- Lllymoor association will be j Lakemoai-Troop_161_has been held on Tuesday. June 14. at ! renewed by the V.F.W. of Mc- School- /Henry. If any boy would like to join the troop, or any male 8 p.m. at the white house. One of the things(^to be brought up is the progress of clearing the trash and cutting of the weeds at the intersections in Lilymoor. Attendance in the past two months has improved. But we . . , still would like to see everyone P®tlak' aSS'S j ® * at the meetings. The oomm.tteernen are Law- It is to vour advantage to ™e Schuerr. chairman. Ted attend the monthly meetings. Beahler, charge of transporta- If vou have any suggestions or t.on. Day.d Heckmann. charge adult wishes to help out they can contact any of the following men; Roy Morrison, institutional representative, Wally Para, scoutmaster, Ralph Bostler, assistant-scoutmaster. Ray even complaints bring them up at the meetings. One'.of the functions is to discuss any suggestions. and try to improve our community. This is your association so let us back it 100 per cent. "Dues" A reminder the second half of the dues were due June 1. If you haven't paid your second half please do. Send your dues to Val Fradinardo Rt. 6, Box 1222, McHenry. They also can be paid at the next monthly meeting. of Outdoors, Norman Morrison and John Hosle. These are the men who will help in the functioning of the troop for the following year. Troop 161 meetsevery Thursday evening at 7:15 p.m. at the firehouse in Lakemoor. Any boy Who is 11-years of age may join the Boy Scouts. Remember the boys of today are the men of tomorrow, and the Boy Scouts help in a big way to make the boys, men of tomorrow. reside in the corner home on Sumac and Center avenue. Jim and Pat have two little girls, Debbie, age 4, and Jean, age 2. Mrs. Colberg is the former Pat Steadmen of Lakemoor. Thanks At fois time we would like to thank Nancy Ritter for the time and effort she spent writing this column. Also congratulations on your approaching graduation from high school. "Luncheon" The Women Society of Christian Service held its luncheon and meeting at the Community Methodist church in McHenry. "Bar to Q" Notice will follow on the bar- . , becue party for the boys who Th°s<? attending the luncheon helped clcara the trash from ! ancl_ meeting were Mrs.^ John the intersections. Only those ; Parbst. Mrs. Theron Y°U"SMrs. Earel Belford and Mrs. Fred Hughes of Lilymoor. Also boys who helped in the project will be able to come to the party. Mrs. Sands of Lakelmoor attended the doings. "Xotice" In a few days the children "Brownies" will be home on vacation. With i The l i t t l e ladies of the Lilythe warm weather here the : moor Brownies had a wiener children will b,e running around j roast Tuesday, May 24, at the outdoors playing. We don't •! heme of Mrs. Diana Fuhler. A want anyone bitten by a stray ! good time was had by all. dog or hit by a fast driven car. So please keep your pet on a leash and your car at a safe controllable speed at all times. "Passed Away" Residents of Lilymoor were saddened to hear of the death of Adolph Sadowski. Mr. Sadowski passed away Saturday, May 21. He had been a resident of Lilymoor for the past 8 years, and also a member of the association. Alfred Ryan, a summer resi- "Camp-Out" Troop 161 had a camp-out Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22. at the Rice farm, south of McHenry. Even with the rain the troop had a full program which included a compass and nature course. In the evening the boys- did their Indian dances around the ceremonial fire. Skits were put on by the boys, scoutmaster Wally Para and committeemen Mr. Beahler and Mr. Hosie. With dent of Lilymoor, passed away i the warm weather with us now Thursday, May 19. in Chicago. 1 the boys will be going on more Known as A1 to all of his longtime friends and neighbors, he had a home on South and Centar avepiit^Mr- Ryan, and family were one of the original summer residents here and have been coming out since 1930. He was very active in the first association of Lilymoor. Our deepest sympathy goes to the Sadowski and Byan families. "Jn Hospital" Isabel Karmel's mother, Mrs. Eva Marks, is in the Garfield Park hospital. Here's hoping your mother's stay in the hospital is a short one. Mrs. Anna Naughton received word that her son, Michael, is in the hospital in Chicago with a broken ankle. camp-outs. "This and That" Mr. and Mrs. Theron Young spent Sunday, May 22, at the home of their son in Mendota. Mr. and Mrs. John Behrendt spent Sunday in Arlington Heights at the home of their so, Harold. While there they helped celebrate their grandson Donald's twelfth birthday. Mrs. Frederick and sons spent t'.ie weekend entertaining Mrs. Frederick's three sisters- in-law. e* . , Mrs. Tobey was surprised by two of her lifetime friends over the weekend. Her guests were? Mrs. Rose Kreisinger and Mr. Earl Miller. Mrs. Tobey will do solo work at the Methodist church in McHenry on June 5. If you have any news please call me at EV. 5-2645. , '59 CROP REPORT Hay yields in Illinois reached an all-time record high with 2.01 tons per acre during 1959, according to Stillman Stanard, state director of agriculture. Other field crops suffered minor setbacks in yields due to a variety of weather conditions. The wheat crop suffered, a winter-kill early in 1959 while yellow dwarf disease invaded the oat crops throughout the state, according to the annual summary on Illinois Agricultural Statistics. Corn yields were down but Illinois set an all-time record in production for the year with 673 million bushels. The corn yield was 67 bushels per acre in 1959. The record high was set in 1958 with 69 bushels. Soybeans were 26.5 bushels per acre, down from the 28.5 high set in 1956. Wheat yield was 25.5 bushels per acre, down from the 37.5 record established in 1956. The 1958 yield was 31.5. Oats declined considerably from the 1958 average of 55.0 bushels to 40.0 bushels per acre in 1959. The record high was established in 1955 when 56.0 bushels per acre were reported. Holiday Hills RESIDENT SUFFERS MINOR INJURIES IN AUTO MISHAP . , Rita Oleyar - EV. 5-4763 i^ay i $t. Bob Nottoli walked a' from a two-car accident on 176 and Anderson road with minor cuts and abrasions on Saturday morning. May 21. He was taken to Condell hospital in Libertyville but was released after three days of observation. The occupant of the second car, William Rochelle of Island Lake, was not hospitalized. This was Bob's first accident in twenty years of driving, but Lee and Bob are grateful his injuries were not more serious. Considering the fact that he was thrown out of the' car by the force of the impact, it's a riear miracle that he is here to tell the story. Lee's hot water tank decided to pick that weekend to blow its safety valve and fill the houSe with boiling hot steam, -- we don't think the Nottoli family will forget that Saturday very quickly. Mrs. Exline Has Surgery Loretta Exline underwent surgery on her face and neck Friday, May 20, at McHenry hospital. The operation was successful but the recovery extremely painful. Skin had to be grafted from Loretta's neck, and it was necessary for the doctor to put her whole neck in a cast. She has been carrying on household duties as usual, including the care of her four youngsters. Shirley Haufe and Marge Potratz have taken over leadership of the Brownie troop because of Loretta's inability to carry on. Dance Reminder! Don't forget the association dance June 11 at the Wauconda Legion hall. There will, bp a band. Tickets may be obtained from Alice Malzahn, Phyllis Harper, Jean Stoddard, Mary Jungwirth, Rita Oleyar, Rich Wyczesany, Jimmie Justes and Marge Potratz. "New Residents" JV^glgpme tP-Mr. and Mr% John Parbst and family. John and Brenda formerly of Chicago now reside in the Hawkins home on Route 120. Brenda and John have six children, Gillian, age 14. Linda, age 12, Jacqueline, age 11, Leslie, age 10, Vickie, age 9 and little Hollis, age 2. Other new residents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pinkonsly. They reside on Sumac avenue upstairs of Mr. and Mrs. Malecke. Mrs. Pinkonsly is the former Audrey Weingard of Lakemoor. Athletic Club Breakfasts The Griswold Lake Athletic club will offer breakfasts at Casey's on Sunday mornings starting June 5. Servings will start at 8 o'clock. The profits will help to build up the club's treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colberg are new residents also. They FOR THAT OLP FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES t TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Voio, IIL Phone EVergreen 5-6260 "Laugh.. thought Put the finest label...on your ta.ble! Put good taste on your table... enjoy file golden goodness of Miller High Life < with yonr meals. It's especially " brewed te be good with food. Toe Cftampagne of Bottle B«r rd die!" : <*\ 1 | Careful ... we don't want to lose a customer. Laughter is still the best medicine, and one that can't be bottled. 11 This club is not connected with the property owners association, but is a private or-, gariization, with members from, Holiday Hills and adjacent residential areas. Its purpose is to provide equipment and man power for various athletic activities. Woman's Club Bake Sale Plans are complete for the bake sale to be held Saturday, June 4, at the Legion hall in McHenry from 8 a.m. Call chairman Jeanne Baird if you want to have your donations picked' up. And don't forget to drop in and buy some goodies for the weekend. We have some first-rate bakers in ,the subdivision. First Birthday Celebration The follovring girls from, troop 478 were hostesses at. a dinner party for the leaders pnd troop Tuesday evening, May 24. Oliveann . Kubecki, Cheryl Gilliland, Mary Lou Matt, Audrey Estis, Cynthia and Linda Schultz and Carol Schmidt. The menu included meat loaf, baked potatoes, green beans, pineapple and cottage cheese salad, cake and beverage. The meal was prepared entirely by the girls, under the watchful eye of leader Phyllis Harper, and is part of a hospitality badge program. MOTOR FUEL TAX Illinois counties have been allotted $2,482,379 as their share of motor fuel tax paid into the states treasury during April, the Illinois Department of Finance reported to Gov. William G. Stratton. Lakemoor Cleqn Beach For Swimming liy Annette Schmlt Saturday the boys were out working on. the beach cleaning it so it will be ready for use when the swimming season begins. After their long hours of labor they enjoyed a wiertie roast. I'm sure they were happy to be helpirig the community and well deserve any treats residents would like to donate; The boys will be working every Saturday when the weather permits. Village Meeting" At the village meeting last week the, board voted to have the roads repaired. Everyone knows that the roads have been left in bad condition after the winter and spring weather. Work should start soon and the repairs will be welcomed. Visits A-2c Cliff Todd stopped by in the village to see his many friends. Cliff is now stationed at McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas. I'm sure he would appreciate hearing from his friends. Work - Fun Residents of the 100 block of Santa Barbara road have been meeting nightly to clean-up the vacant lots along the road. The ^purpose of their efforts is to provide an area for the children to play, thus keeping th&fi but of the roads. There is going to be. room for the older boys and girls to play ball arid the younger children to run around without the danger of. being in the way oif cars gping down the road. The civic-minded citizens are unselfishly giving their .time to the project and having fun as they work are Mr. and Mrs. H. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. B. De- Cicco, Mr. and Mrs. C. Norrqan and Mr. and Mrs. Tobias. The children are also getting in on it and are helping tremendously. Pioneer Girls All girls from second grade through high school are invited to attend the meeting of the Pioneer Girls held in the gym of the Landmark school in McHenry. The meetings of the group are every Friday night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.ra. This group is sponsored by the Alliance Bible church. Mrs. Winston Of Lakemoor is the leader of the group. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman attended an impressive ceremony in which their granddaughter, Charlene Phillips, graduated from Brownies into Girl Scouts. The ceremony took place Wednesday at Veteran Acres. Mrs. Brossman and her daughter were in Chicago visiting her parents over the holiday weekend. Belated Wishes To Mrs. Jerry Evans, our wishes go that she had a happy (Political Advertisement) Next MONDAY. Jun« 6 SUPREME COURT ELECTION DAY «r Vote for Your Republican Candidate Vote for ffce Judge wifk Trial Court and AppeNate Court experience tr von ro* [HI Roy J. KM •:00 A. M. lo 8:00 P. birthday May 18. Mrs. Evans Of Halfday, is Lakemoor*s former Liz Kossup. Success Depends The success of this column depends upon its readers. I will be happy to print any news you have, just call me, IW' number is EV. 5-5179. 4H NEWS Busy Three Club There will be a softball practice every Sunday for our club. Safety Week, June 4 to 11, is sponsored by Tiny" Hansmagf A safety poister committee of Karen Smith, Dave Miller and Greg Miller lriet at Norma Anderson's house on May 25. Jerry gave a demonstration on how to make a back scratcher for cattle, while Tom King gave a, project talk on "Dairy". The next meeting will be at Carol Airaerson's home on June 27. Norma Anderson^ ^ Reporter Hard Water? CALL „ rig FE 8-4200 WE SAVE 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE WIT?J McHENRY COUNTY WATER! SOFt W*TER SERVICE I i i*" ^ Home Owned Softeners Service Softeners Fully Automatic Softeners For Sale Or Rent! Call for an unbiased reconri£ mendation on which type ol softener will fit your need . . Free Demonstration . . Free Water Test . . . FREE TRIAL . NO OBLIGATION fiDBDIA Woodstock FE 8-4200, Planning to remodel? STRONG RESERVES MEAN Safety For Your Savings Total reserves of $912/607.16 . . . have been set aside out of earnings for the exclusive benefit and protection of our members. Save where your total savings account are protected by reserves in excess of 9% of total savings Marengo Federal ^JAAVVLILNINGCS ASASONCDI ALTOIOANN MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Total Assess Over $11,500,000.00 Current Dividend Rate 4% SAFUT L. . Modernize with a new built-in electric range New electric built-ins bring new beauty, new smartness to your kitchen. Make cooking a lot cooler, too. The oven is insulated on all six sides. Surface units transfer heat directly into the pans--not around them. Your kitchen stays at least 10 degrees cooler and a lot cleaner. No stooping or bending. Electing ovens are waist-high, take up less space --because broiler is built into oven. Compact range top gives yon more usable counter space. y jRubticiServke'Company See your appliance dealer or kitchen modernization specialist! Choot* from lh««* famous brand*: WESTINGHOUSE • FRIGIDAIRE • WARD'S SIGNATURE • GENERAL ILECT^IC © MONARCH O'KEEFE & MfRRfTT * KELVINATOR • HOTPOINT • ADMIRAI»« (EARS KStdMORE • TAPPAN VERNOIS • SUBURBAN • CHAMBERS • THERMADOR © Commonwealth Edison Co. >

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