Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1960, p. 11

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Page film* Wonder Lai™ GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP IN SESSION AT GUN CLUB •*ne Ducey ^ Day Camp f o r Kuchina N".-ii»hlx"j"hood Girl Scouts sl.'Tlod Monday at the Rod and (iunCiub grounds with fiftyono yirls resistored this year. Mrs. Frank Wasielewski is camp direclor. There are five unit^. one of.which is the play school unit to entertain the children of mothers serving in Ihe camp. "he play school unit is under tho direct ion of Mrs. Forbes Kochler. Mrs . Orville Lich.ty and Mrs. Charles Sullivan . lTnit/l ha*? Mrs. John Brzenk ns leader, and Mrs. Robert Reynoids and Mrs. i Edward Pickoll as counselors. I "nit 2 is led hv Mrs. Harold Y'ouns, with Mrs. William Moore as counselor. Mrs. John JAin;s is the leader of Unit 3. \rit.v Airs. Fieri Zandiei" and Mrs. Fred Kusch serving as counselors. Unit 4 is led by Mrs. Fred Maxstadt. with Mrs. Ken C.abel and Mrs. Robert Fisher as counselors. Mrs. Wallace Sinclair and Mrs. George llink arc the first aiders for the week. Camp cIikps Friday, June 10. New l'ost Muster N.Paul Eborle assumed his duties as post master of the local ytl'iee Saturday, relieving Marion Carder who has served as j^fiting postmaster for the past Uvo years. Mrs. Carder will .continue as F.berle's assistant. liberie, who lives* in Hickory Falls, was transferred from the Ringwood post office where he ^Ifc' s n ' v c ' l as PM for S'l- years. Mt1-. .Jtme/Oxiobs is presently acting postmaster at Ringwood. Legion News Post No. 1169. American I.egion. is gratelul to all those who touU part in the Memorial Day parade and service at the Legion triangle. It is indeed gratifying to have the cooperation of churches, organizations and businessmen in honoiing our war dead. Among those taking part were Ihe accordion school, the Harrison school band,0 Kiwanis, Boy and Girl Scouts, Cubs and Brownies. The Fire department did an excellent job of directing traffic at the intersections during the parade. GdVtfen club 'a beautiful job of maintaining the triangle. With Memorial Day just a memory. Legionnaires are getting ready for the annual 4th of Ju'y fireworks display. Weather permitting a $1,000 display will be fired off on the evening of July 3. Congratulations from the . lo Mrs. Marian'Cannon of Ihe Auxiliary who will head the McHcnry County Council Legion Auxiliary next year. '1 his is the first, time the Lake has had a member presiding over the Council, and the Post wishes a successful year to Mrs. Cannon. Bible Church News Daily vacation bible school begins June 8. at ' 9 a.m. for boys and girls, ages 5 to 14. Come for a good time every morning- new stories, songs, tilings to make, g^rnes and refreshments. and 3on't forget your bibles. Be at your corner and the bus will pick you up and bring you back home again. Theio will be a meeting of the congregation June 14 ai S p.m. A revision of the constitution will be voted on and a church trustee elected. A brief musical program will be offered and refreshments served aiter the meeting. Ladies- there will be no Missionary Guild meeting this month. Instead a picnic has been scheduled on June L'l at the Woodstock city park. Announcement will be njide soon concerning the beginning of two services on Sunday morning for the suirltner. months. Mark the calendar for Men's Fellowship Night, June 27. Xativit> Lutheran.. Church j Newsj The sacrament of the Lord's [Simper will be administered at : bolh worship services on Trin- I ity Sunday. June 12. The Confirmation class will ' leceive their first Communion at the 10:45 service. The sermon topic for the day will be. "Visible Signs of Unseen Power". Sunday everting. June 12. the Luther League will have an installation and reception for the members of the Confirmation class, to which all young people ere welcome. Starting time is 7:.10. and all are assured of a good t im<*. The visitation committee of the church will meet Monday. June 1.1. at 2 for their regular quarterly meeting. Anyone who would like to help this group in their visitation of the sick and shut-in in the community and surrounding institutions is most welcome. More are needed in this vital ministry of bringing the love of Christ to these who nr>ed His love. The annual barbecue and ouiing of the "Men of the Church" will be held at . the new church Wednesday. June 1.\ stalling at 7. All men of the community are welcome. Christ the King Church News All men of the parish are invited to the "steak out" at the home of Ernie Schultz, 705 Chestnut drive in Wonder Woods, at 8 p.m. tonight. The iirloly Name sifb'teft "I^Sfprtnsoi- ! ing this social evenl to promote I fellowship among the men of ! the parish. Two films will be I shown. Everyone is asked to I bring his own steak or chops, j the r-est of the meal will be j furnished. Sunday. June 12. the men J w ill receive Holy Communion at the 7:30 a.m. Mass. > The Serra club has invited all altar boys to a picnic at Woodstock Saturday. June 11. 'The 1)oys will meet at the church Saturday at 10:30. For further information call the •Otto Kerstens or Vic Hunts. The children of the parish will be privileged to attend religious vacation school June 27 to Julv 29 with a holiday July 1 ard ,V Five Sisters, Servants of i'v Holy Heart of Mary, will conduct the school. Youngsters from first grade through eighth grade will atti>: ni from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon including Mass at 11:30.*" At i'ct>l ten helpers a day are 'needed. High school girls and hoys are urged .to gi\e their assistance. Any lay women who can give one du\" a week to help in this, important work are asked to '• do so. General' chairman, is Mrs. C. A. Sullivan.. TransporlU- i.on iimi any. questions 1 ?V>onld'. t" referred to her. at W.L. 5791. The Altar and Rosary society wilt hold . a prnny socjaj and bazaarSaturday Afternoon. June 25. "at" the parish hajl. - - - • . All kinds of fancy work, aprons. baby clothes, knickknacks. white elephants, homemade preserves and baked goods will be sold. Games and to\s for all tile children will be offered as well as refreshments. Please call Mrs. C. Pike. AWL. 4438 or Mrs. J. Kremer. W.L. 7521 if you have something you wish to donate. Acrobat* Kilter Competition Fred Zandier. proud coach of tlu Caty Aciohats. seventh and eighth grade tumbling team who performed in this area several times this spring., ha.N entered Ihe Ca:\ team in a n i n v i t a t i o n a l g y m n a s t i c s meet at Hinsdale. June 12. The meet is A.A.U. sanctioned, ('.nod luck. Fred. Obituary S\mpathy is expressed to the John Doherly at the passing of his lather. Thomas Dohcrty of McHcnry. who died at tiie ;:ge o! 70. He had been in lail;:ig lualth lor !!tc past year. The complete obituary will be found elsewhere in the paper. Margaret Mary Kuggero Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Ruggero who are parents- >f a daughter. Margaret Marv. tyorn June 3 at Memorial hospital. The baby weighed 8 lbs.. 11 d/.s. at birth. , The fifth daughter and ninth child ol the couple. Margaret hf.s sisters. Louise, Nancy. Cynthia and Therese. and I brothers. James, Robert. Thomgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ; J-ohn Kiss of Chicago and paternal grandmother is. Mrs. ! •Mary Ruggero. also of Chicago. , 1 Theatre Party ' Miss Joyce Y<nmg. daughter , •of the Harold Youngs of Wood- j ed Shores, celebrated heiw I ninth birthday Sunday with a j J heat re part y for ten of her | classmates. Afterwards they ; had birthday cake at hdrae of the honoree. .Many happy returns,. Joyce. ~ ; ' Christening Gregory UradtOrd son of ; Jack and Dorothea Moore of Wonder Woods, was christened ; by Pastor Syhroeder at Nativ- ' ity Lirtheran church. Sunday. ;^uy 20: Sponsors-were Jack 'Moore. Jr. and Victoria Lynn Becker, a niece. f A reception followed at the Moore home with eighteen guests present. Present were j Mr. and Mrs Harry Becker of ; McHcnry. maternal grandparents; brother. Bill Becker, wife, Betty, and five children l-om Wheat on; Mr. and Mrs. i Geonre Doerner and daughter, Christa. of DesPlaines; and Pastor and Mrs. Sehroeder and children. Jimmy Sehroeder and Master Gregory were both horn January 8. Mr. and - Mrs'. T»ail Wrede were hosts al a buffet supper Sunday, at f ile i r Wooded Shores home, "tfon'rtring their daughter. J'Ann, who was 'graduated from Woodstock C< nummity high school Monday c\ening. F A T OVERWEIGHT Under New Management LAVERGNES TAP & FOOD -- New Proprietors- -- Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Zoon -- Formerly -- Mrs. Stephen Zriny Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug called ODRINEX. You must lose ugly fat in 7 dayi or your money back. No strenuous exercise, laxatives, massage or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions because ODRINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your must come beg}C^ |j your own doctor will feu you, whon you eat less, you weigh less. Get r»d of excess fat and live longer. ODRINFX costs S3.00 and is sold on this GUAR ANTEE; If not satisfied for ony reason just return the package to your druggist ond get your full money bock. No Questions asked. ODRINEX ii sold with this guarantee by: KOLGEK'ft Drug Store 103 S. (Jreen St. Phone EV 5-4500 Johnsburg COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES HELD AT ST. JOHN'S by Bettv Hettermann Congratulations and best w ishes for a bright ' future is relaxed to each and -everyone "I '.he graduates of our comnuinii. v. St. John's eighth gradcis received their diplomas at the S:30. Mass last Sunday while the public school and the hLli school graduates will reci'i\ r theirs this week. Several parties will be in session honoring these' \oung people as the\.\tke anot'hpr big step into th.-ir future. " ' Shortl\ before their \ai"ation be van. students from,St. John's school made a tour of the Mc- Heniv post office. The Class leanied ol the various steps .tlec. >sat\ in -'puocesj-ing "tlv niaii. ' They, wore' transported to and fiom the'post office bv hi;- iiirth Announcement* < > n M a y 1 > L \ M r h n ' d M r s . dre^.-r I'lliieh welcomed a new miss to tlieir- family.' She made her worldl\ debut in St. Thcrese's hospital .in Waukegan. (lur congratulations to • l a i c A n n w h o a t t e n d e d Hainson iMenientar\ school, has chosen Flipon. Wis., to continue her studies next fall. She will be years old when she enrolls. l.oeal guests al the reception included Mr. and Mrs. Roy Xoren. Mis. Hetty Selsdorf. and Mrs. Jane Pueev. the Ullrichs upon their new addition. Congratulations are also in •ii'i-r for Mr. and Mrs Tonv i'uuiid wiio recent l\ became -:r:indj>arents once again. Their r ughtci: and husband, ihe "Sonny" Millers of McHcnry Ivcame parents of another son horn on Mav 1? 1 at the Harvard hospital. l.oeal <;irls Become lirides Two of our young ladies recent'} became brides in separate ceremonies which were port'oi me-l hi St John's clue eh (>n M.n :]S M;ss. Arlene ( >-, r- ' ' l :ig all'I Tom Fowler repealed their marriage vmvs in a s*e'r\'it.c oi'ficated h\.'Kev.' Joseph I>!i• sell. The newly martar d enisle are now making l"• *:r heme at Pistakee I»ay. . I ;1 a !>."M'i.l ifiiI ceremon\ e'e.-K look p'ace last Saturdav iv,-. ,1'i!K\ ' 1. .toy Mangold atv1 W iHi• m11 'Nimsge'riv -" -w ere tin-1'M a's man and* wife. Folw • ti" . il>e cliurclv-services,- a e'-vni;'a'-.!,- wedding l.v'eakfas! v -'s .;i"e]>-;red and, ser\ed-"-itr .'V I" -m-'; ef. Mi-s: l i i l t Barth. ".'i w • s issjsied by. Contlie .Tl.'^iv is. Members-'of the'bridal par*> an-.l-the new!} weds''e ra.'-ts at the breakfast Th'onghout tlu1 da} relatives • i d i; lends ' rom Chicago. Iov i and surrounding areas withered at the Mangold iiome fei ref; aslmiiMil s. They were \erv happ\ io lva\e ihe Scliumakers and the Wymans from Iowa here to help them .celebrate the occasion. Later in the da}' some a00 guests which included Father I'ii!sch and Father Anger enji yed dinner served- .at the V.-F.W. iiiiil in McHenrv. A re- • cept'on which honored Ihe new- Mr. and Mrs. Ximsgern follow ed the .d.nner, Marlene Frb ;n and Diane Levy were in charge of catling and serving • lie wei'd'ti" cake. I'pon returning from their' Yellow -:>nr I'aik trip and points the new i} weds w ;U ' •!<> up losidenee on John -ii.'ti in McHenrv. CI} ' Uou'll love our BAKED GOODS £r McHenry Bakery i24 S; Green St. A McHenry Hours Daily, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays, 7 a.m. - 12 Noon Wednesdays, 6 a.m. - 1 p.m. 6 A M. to 1 P.M. Around lite TovVn P'.ek lliller spent several !;.}s recently in Michigan in a "eiinion with his former school chums. Fiances Mtcheis -of Chicago !'tt ! a -1 v'Utid-i} visiling Mrs. ile'en Pit/en. „• .' Mr. and-Mrs. Mike Schaefer. Mi', and Mrs.. Paul' Pif/en. Mr. •iitl Mts. I,-o Hiher. Mr. ard Mi s.. tVclviri.F IVhn • and* Joe" 'Idler were in Moline. III., last we'ehend to aliend the, Foi-es'ter convention. ^Spending the long "liolida.v veeken i ,'v !\remorial 'Da\ ( v ;th 'v.1 •> 'was nordtl.v ' filler of AVasliingtoii. Toni Keen an is -spendhvj tlie ummen nu/nths h.ere after c- 'iiipiot mg hfce sophomore year a-t Tlie Flo: id.v Southern college. Cliace Hillcr was honored ui'.h a hi alal shower which i ; k ii'aee last Sunday afterivm n. She will become the bride of Don Bentz of Pistakee Highlands on June. 18. Pointed birthday greetings to Dick Hillcr who observed his birthday, on May 29. Best wishes to his mom Olivia who has her natal day coming up on June 1/5. Another of life's tragedies is that we get t, ,, old too young, aid vvis° too old. Chain Saws to EVergreen 5-4123 Piro*rietVergr~een' fimr SUN GLASSES! Fishing or boating, you'll get more enjoyment when you wear Ray- Ban Sun Glasses. You will see everything in sharp detail and enjoy new eye comfort with Double Gradient Density lenses developed by Bausch & Lomb to protect your eyes from direct and reflected glare. Ask for the "Outdoorsman." Try On a Pair.. .you Won't Settle For Less! EQLGER'S DRUG w STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 12 A.M. [g Apply latex 3 SPREO PRIMECOAT Prime snd psint in one day / WITH MEW SPREO HOUSE PAINTS! U S«* for yourself, tnflnet checKtd •IwhiH you wait." STOP f}AR ENGINES TROUBLE BEFORE IT STARTS! You can save gas, renew original engine performance and cut down repair bills ii you give your car a DYNAV1S10N check-up. Our new electronic TV type instant engine analyzer checks the condition of plugs, coil, distributor, wiring, timing, carburetor, starter, genera* tor, regulator, battery, efc*> without removing parts and with the engine running. See us today. We can teV you in minutes if any ice is required. P.M. |9 Apply SPRED 3| HOUSE PAINT ,Cit« rire-- I'lVyfr -y !i Vrilli-M In the afternoon, you can begin applying SPSED HOUSE PAINT over areas you primed in the morning. Within 20 minutes, SPKED HOUSE PAINT is drybug-free...dust-free...and yo« are worry-free •bout sudden rains spoiling the job. JOIN THE CIRCLB OF SAFETY . I . CHECK YOUR CAR . . .CHECK YOUR DRIVING CHECK ACCIDENTS ONLY CAR WITH WIDE TRACK WHEELS Wide a-dens 'he <fanee no' Ihe »(dei' track ©f on* cor. Po-t-o. awts you be'tec ttabitity. accuia'e control, le^5 lean and sway. for GREATER mileage BETTER performance LONGER engine life Waxing -- Washing Complete Motor Tune-lTp * Carburetor Overhaul Brake Service JUSTEN'S Standard Service No. t Kiistwoofl Manor Route 120 Cast • Ho blistering when apptled as directed • Resists fading mildew... reduces chalking • Meal for wood, masomy, stucco, asbestos-shingle siding • Bitdw wash doaa in soapy water f SPfiED h jhinl | $798 B gal. $2.45 qt. Nothing straightens S-curves like a WicJe-Track Pontiac. You come out of a curve scarcely aware you've been in one. You wind your way with feather-touch control. You feel a reassuring absence of lean and sway, better balance and stability. Narrow track rears can't compare. TH Y TH E EXTRA M E AS13 RF O F yN. WIDE- TTRACK D U I V FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT COMPANY SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTiAC DEALER . . WHO ALSO SEllS GOOD\\ LL USED CAR? wrh MORE BARC-A'N MUESfER DOHA* OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTiAC CO. 120 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0454 McHenry, 111. 400 I'ronl Strert M« H«>nrv. 111.

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