Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1960, p. 15

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June 9. 1960 McHeztry Shores TOURNAMENTS WILL FEATURE BUSY WEEKEND - By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 £ Saturday. June 11. will open up the fishing tournament. Roys and girls, men and women. young and old alike will line the shores of the channel and,Fox River in the subdivision to prove that the fish are still around. As usual, prizes will be awarded for the best catches in this contest that will close at noon. Sunday. June 12. An ipntry fee will be collected from all adults taking part in this contest. There will be no fee for the children. The tournament is open to all residents of McHenry Shores. Sam ZeimcH is in charge. Horseshoes take over on Sunday afternoon arid the men will compete .to see if Carl Kleine will retain the championship that he won" last year. Tlntry fees can be turned over to Fred Stark, or. any member of the SSAC will be glad to help Fred or Sam with this or , the fishing tournament entries. The regular meeting of the Shores Social and Athletic club will be held during the lull at rr1 ."• x ,,r ti-.o days activi':' s will !»<> a I'amily picnic at the bench during which prizes *4|fill be awarded for both contests'. Report of MSC Meeting Thursday, June 2. was the final business meeting for the Slimmer <;o;»son of the McHenry Shores club. Mr. Granso, chairman of the road committee, reported that the subdivision roads will be jpinroved shortly. Mr. Coates, chairman of the by-laws commit toe. had the changes to iho by-laws, proposed at the previous meeting, entered into the mir.utes. A vote at the next regular meet- ) ing in September will decide these changes. Mr. Coates and several others reported on the 3958 and 1959 real estate tax protests. •"^Mrs. Winters, chairman, of the picnic, reported . that all was in good order except that she had no idea .of the probable attendance. Please let hor i know if you and your family are going to attend. The date is June 25. that's on a Saturday. Louise's telephone number is EV. 5-2897. Mr. Granso, as spokesman ferM|the,fun Fair .committee. »mted that he, Mr. Poggensee and Mr. Wetzel are anxiously awaiting for ticket returns that are necessary to make the affair a success. Let's all get on the ball and plug these tickets for this Saturday. August 13, doings. Daisy Smith, chairman of Ihe ways and means committee, as overall chairman of *<^»se iwo affairs, is pleased with the work of these committees. o Mr. Mueller, chairman of the publicity committee, reported that the survey being conducted by the committee is about completed and weekly reports of various families should he ready to appear in this column early in July. Mr. Tanner, chairman of the b£ch committee, reported that the roster of beach assignments will be ready and a copy should be in the mail to every able bodied male member of the club this week. Mr. Hist ing, chairman, of the special load committee that w.i? organized to investigate the repair and improvement of THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Idyll Dell road, has reached the first stage of success with a definite promise of an entirely new road extending from Route 31 to the Fox River. State and county officials met with Roy Geske, our Nunda Township Road Commissioner, and he has their support I on this project. Work is to be started in about a month, j Other members of this committee are: Willis Coates, Fred j.Stark, Fred Wetzel and Matt Zeimet. Jack Schmitt, who is president of the McHenry Shores Club, has asked Jack Risting to keep this committee in existence until this new road is completed. The exeeutve committee brought to the floor a proposal to secure a charter for the club as a non-profit organization. Mr. Mueller was called on to give the cost of such «a»" move hut was unprepared to place before the floor definite facts for such a venture. After some discussion. Mr. Schmit't asked Mr. Hogan, Mr. Hicks and Mr. Clausen to act lis a committee to .investigate the pros and cons of a charter. This committee was also authorized to investigate insurance coverage. At the ciosing of the meeting. attendance prizes .were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Coates. Mrs. MaeCullom and Mr. Olbinski. Siek List As this was turned over to go to press. Rose Siemans is confined to McHenry hospital. . . Jane Kleine is back home. . .„ as is John Korner III. Anniversaries and Birthdays Marilyn and Ray Moore will start another year of wedded bliss SatUrday . . . Sunday will be ditto for Anna and Waller Conners. Belated birthday greetings to Louisa Klein who celebrated heis on May 27. . . . Monday is Fred Dodge's birthday. . . . Billy Dostal will he four on Tuesday. . . . Alberl Simbourger will celebraate his on Wednesday. Welcome Neighbor Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacek, recently of Lombard, are now residing in their new home on Park avenue. Fashion Review The neighborhood girls had a very enjoyable evening at the Winters' home when Louise entertained the following women with a clothing show: Mmes. Burke Gerstad, Horenbergcr. Kaspcr, Moore. Mueller. Olbinski, Helen Smith. Si ark* Beverly Verstege, Weiss, Whitney, Yount and Zeimet. Beaeh Care This Weekend The following men have been appointed to polish up the beach for this weekend, June" 11 and 12: Dick Barrows. Bob Dobbertin, Charley Geds and Larry Hicks. If you're not available, make a switch with your neighbor, have him take your place and in turn, replace him when his name comes up. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jamli son. Ellen Misiak's folks, were out for a weekend. . . Also out I for the weekend to visit with grandma and grandpa Hinz were Mr. and Mrs. Edward | Hess with the children. . . . I Out at Simonsens. from Chi- I cago, were Cath and Joe Ziderowski, Raey and Otto Si- ' monsen, and' from Mundelien. | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Helm with 1 their children. Anthony and i Mary Terese.. . . Mr. and Mrs. i Gale's daughter was out with j her family. . . The Ward I Chamerlands w i t h daughter, | Sandra, and niece, Diane, were I viiests of tho Olbinskis as were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yates and children, Rita and Jamie, also Mr. nd Mrs. Ed Kurtz. . . . Cliff*.?; <1 and Violet Simbourger ;vnd children. Ronald. Scott and Sharon, from West Chester, spent the day at the 'A1 Simbourgers. . . The Kliens were j out to their summer home with ! Mr. and Mrs. Schilz and their j daughter. Gail. . . . The Polj laks of Lake Forest were- over ! to visit the Rodes. , . Rob and ; Noelann Schweikert spent the I weekend at grandma a n d grandpa Schweikert. . . . ENie Schmitt's folks. Mr. and Mi>. , Arthur Deutseh and Mr. and Mis. John Deutseh were out lor a nice holiday in McHenry j Shores. . . . Larry and Edie I Johnson with their children. , Linda and Gary, were out at | I lie Whitneys. . . The Tanners i entcrta'ned Ev's folks. Mr. and ! Mrs B. Wolf. . . Leonard and 'Eleanor Reznicek with their | children. Judith, Karen and j Janet, from LaGrange Park j and Joseph and Fran Reznicek I from Elmhurst, with son, Gary, j stopped out to see the Joe I Rezniceks. . . . Mrs. Zeimet's I parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knllas were oyer. . . . The Dobbertins entertained Chicago- | ans: Mr. and Mrs. Gil Heeman. i Mrs. Lillian Paulson, Mr. and I Mrs. Rein Dobbertin, Sr. and I Mr. and Mrs. Rein Dobbertin. (Jr. and children, Judy, Susan. | N'inc\ and Reinie. . . . Twenty- | five guests were over to help j celebrate Bill and Marge Pinkonsiy's birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindwall and daughter, Karen, vacationed in Bane and Montpelier. Vermont. Enrwute home, they stopped at New Haven, Conn., to spend some time with ••on. Bill. . . . The Dobbertins -- Betty, Bob and Bobby, were over to Kenosha to help Bob's Page Fifteen brother, Whitney, celebrate his birthday and also a wedding anniversary. ... The Simonsens attended the wedding of Joseph Reillv and Beverly Armstrong in Darlington, Wis. . . . George, Donna and Gaul Gunder were over to the senior Gunders home in Palatine to help with" their niece's. Lynn Sedgwick, birthday celebration. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Granso attended the wedding of Eleanor's niece. Miss Janet Dotting t o M r . R o b e r t D u n c a n . . . T o close the pinochle-canasta club for the summer season. Julia Zeimet. Virginia Verstege, Evelyn Tanner. Helen Smith and Irene Mueller went out to Oak Lawn for lunch. And in Closing1 Our sympathy to Mrs.. Brod on the loss of her father who passed away at his home in Bristol. Tenn. . ._. Mrs. Simbourger has a key found at the beach, if .the loser can identify it. she'll be glad to return it. . . . Pat Simonsen and her accordion were active in a recital at St. Mary's school the other evening. ... From all reports turned in. it looks as though every faniily in McHenry Shores was represented • at the dedication of the McHenry locks. Cats, dogs and children should be back to normal by now from the disturbance created by the hursting of all those aerial bombs. . . Don't forget that buzz to the girls on publicity committee with your newsy news contributions. OVERPUMPAGE OF GROUND WATER PROVIDES PROBLEM Overpumpage of ground water threatens permanent damago to the water-yielding formations underlying the Chicago region, according to a report published this week by the Illinois State Water Survey, scientific research division of the Department of Registration and« Education. Written by water survey engineers. the report states that the greatest danger from overpumping in the Chicago region lies in the potential dewatering of the water-bearing rock formations. When all water they contain is withdrawn, the formations become compacted and unable to hold or yield the generous quantities of water that the region has been noted for in \ears past. Pumpage last year in this area increased 9.7 million gallons per day, or from 78.3 to 88 million gallons per day. TJie area comprises more than half the state's population and incl'idqs the counties of Cook, DuPage, McHenry, DeKalb, Lake, Kane, Kendall and parts of Grundy and Will. Sunnyside Estates ! POLLY STEVENS j ASSUMES ROLE AS CORRESPONDENT Polly Stevens - EV. 5-1256 Hi. everyone! I am sure that all the residents of Sunnyside Estates join me in saying a big, big thank you to Lois Anderson and Adeline Zeiger who pioneered this column, and to Lois who so capably carried on alone giving of her time and efforts to keep us well informed about our neighbors. I will do my best to carry on the fine tradition the girls started. I ask your patience and your tolerance until I get the hang of it. Above all I need your calls to keep this column going, it is you who make the news. Now for the news. „ . Association Meeting The Sunnyside"Estates Home Owners'; association meeting was held at the Johnsburg public school Thursday night. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the final business of the out-going administration. The conditions of our roads were discussed and ways and means of improving them are in the planning stage. * Since there was no need of an election due to the fact that there was only one candidate for each office a unanimous vote was cast by the recording secretary. Marge Palmer. The new officers who are. president. Chet Banker; vice-president, Jack Kelso; recording secretary. Joan Walezynski; corresponding secretary. Carol Kennebeek; treasurer. Charloite Maule; trustees. Ray Bieschke. Dick Janieki and Harold Palmer were welcomed and charged by out-going president, Tom Hanahan, with the duties of their new offices. Their first order of business was the formation of a committee for the Fourth of July picnic. The picnic is being sponsored by the association and all residents and guests are invited. Donations of any articles suitable for prizes will be greatly appreciated. Anyone willing to help and serve on the committee please contact Jack Kelso, chairman. Several new amendments to the by-laws were read for the third time and accepted by the members present. At the close of the meeting a gift was presented to past president Tom Hanahan. afterwhieh cake and coffee were served with cakes baked by Florence Kanter. Florence Kelso and Carol Kennebeek. Parents Please Note Parents are again cautioned to keep their children out of Mr. Thelen's farm buildings adjoining Grandview drive. He has been more than patient with the children but due to the fact that extensive damage has been done he will be forced to take drastic steps in the future. into the army April 15 and is stationed at K Fort Leonard Wood. Mo. His wife, Carol, visited him over Memorial Day weekend and learned that he is to have a two week leave1 beginning June 24. ry Jud of Irwin. Penn.. and Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. Pearson of Park Forest. 111. : Mount Hope ftlethodist Church June and Chet Banker, counsellors for the Methodist Youth Fellowship of this area, will attend the sub-district rally in Fox River Grove Sunday afternoon, June 12, from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. - On the same day the Mount Hope Methodist church will hold its fourth quarterly conference at 4:30 p.m. in the Pistakee Highlands community center. •All d^ds will be especially honored Father's Day, June 19. Regular services arc Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and morning worship at 11 a.m. Rev. James H. Hagerty is the pastor and his phone number is Ju 7- 0250. In Service Millie and George Kropf's son, George, Jr., was inducted 1 As welcome as the diploma! Farewell It is .with sad hearts'that we say so long to Lillian Jensen, the best neighbor anyone ever had. She will return for visits now and then to which we will eagerly look forward. We are pleased to welcome her son. Ray. his wife Donna, and Ray, Jr.. as our new neighbor. Reunions Ad and Hank Zeiger were delighted with a visit from her brother, ,F>ed Reamer, and his wife, Marilyn, and fyieir young sons. Stephen and. David,, of Calgary. Canada. They are staying with Ad's sister, Ruth McGovern of Spring Grove, and will remain here for the wedding of their younger brother. Don, this Saturday. For the Memorial Day weekend, Emma Olsen entertained mernbers of her family from far and near. Joining in the festivities were her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Avers, and their son. Tommy. of Munster, Ind., Emma's grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ayers, of Bloomington, Ind., her granddaughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Honj Birthdays Happy birthday number 4 to Alan Kennebeek today. June 9. Lois McDonald and Hugh Hoyle share the same natal dpy. June 15. Happv birthday all. Anniversaries Congratulations to G r a c e and George Owen June 10 on fifty-two years of wedded bliss. Congratulations also to Helen i and Sol Kobus who celebrate June 11. ACTION TAKEN ON LICENSES OF COUNTY DRIVERS Secretary of State Charles F. Cfupentier has announced the revocation of the driver licenses of James P. O'Day of Cary and Joseph Prettner of Spring Grove for driving while intoxicated. The licenses of James F\ Kapsell of Lakemoor and Eugene Pejersen of Fox RiVer Grove were suspended for three violations and the license of John Halper of Spring Valley was suspended for displaying a license not issued to him. Probationary permits \Vere issued to Robert E. Grammer and Martin Halma of Woodstock and to Jerry Miller of Rt. 2, Wonder Lake. SUNDAY JUNE 19th He rotes the best -- Remember him with NORCROSS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 00^ BOLGER'S drug store 103 S. Green EV 5-4500 i, 103 S. Creen St. EV 5-4500 m mm Ten excit ing days for two in colorful, exotic Hawaii... ten glamorous nights at the Hawaiian Village Hotel . . * ALL EXPENSES PAID. Nothing to boy to enter or win this contest. Anyone win! All you have to do is Just comp/ete this LAWN-BOY LIMERICK It grass cutting is getting you down. And lawn care is making you frown. You need more than a toy, Buy yourself a Lawwa-Eoy Just write a last fine such as And show off the best lama Im town!m Need a Last Minute Graduation Gift? COME TO BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 108 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 Open Every N ight 'til 10 for your Convenience Come in today for yovr entry blank. Contest closes June 39... see how a Lawn-Boy Mower can keep your lawn putting green perfect for Hawaiian Luau parties in your own backyard! Get your Lawn-Boy Limerick Contest Entry Blank at Vycital's 132 S. Green St. Phone EVergreen 5-0098 ardware McHenry, 111. DRIVE A BIG BARGAIN Val ian t VALUE DAYS ARE HERE! • Lower-than-ever prices... • Easier-than-ever terms... • Bigger-than-ever trades Sedans and wagons...all models...all colors ALL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERYI see the men ir . who sell Valiant today! A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. £ 301 EAST PEARL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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