Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1960, p. 5

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raarsday. Jon* 9. 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Legale STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT tJOF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Elizabeth Clark, Assignee of Andrews Lumber Company, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation, Plaintiff, vs. C. Smith Building Co., an Illinois corporation; Apollo Savings & Loan Association, a corporation cif Illinois; Elsie M. Kob, Trustee under Trust Weed dated May 5, 1959 and recorded August 24, 1959 as Document No. 358788; Althoff's Gas Service, Inc., an Illinois corporation; B. G, Loomis; Aqua Lane Estates, Inc., a corporation; McHenry Ready. 'Mix Co., Inc., an Illinois corporation; Teofil Piskorz. Wal- • ter C. Piskorz and Wallace W.' Brenna, doing business as Fox S|>.ke Concrete Product & uilding Materials Co.; The United States of ' America; Nellie Dimela; and Unknown Owners, ! Defendants. IN CHANCERY Frosh - Soph Track C hampions Pictured above are members of the Frosh-Soph track team from McHenry high school who are the county champions for this season. From left to right, first row: Ass't. Coach Don Seaton, Jim Schneck, Alan Baur, Jim Meyer, Jim Marshall, George Sorenson, Roger Thompson, Bill Tychewicz and Ken Lishamer. Second row. Chuck Miller, Jim Dowhin. Mike Paul, Wayne Latimer, Lon Liptak, Lou Stramogilo, Pat Fount, John Baily, Third row, Coach Bill Hutchinson, Roger Jurack, A1 Kempfer. Roy Knight, Mike Stuoben. Terry Wetzel, Larry Freund. Tom Antonson, Wayne Fuchs, Dick Stilling, Ron Fround, John Beato, Wayne Konecnv, Brian Ziebel, Ass t. Coach Cliff Fulton, Kip Thornton and Bill Vavrick. .. . NOTICE and that said action is now cause filed Ihcir Complaint in NO. 37499 Notice is Hereby Given that pending and undetermined in said cause on the 31st day of NOTICE OF , the partnership lately existing said Court, and that you. the , May, A.D. 1960, and that said PUBLICATION between Eugene L. Adams, said UNKNOWN OWNERS, j action is now pending and un- Affidavits showing that the Raymond E. Hughes and Lee: Defendants, must file your apfepfendants UNKNOWN OWN- A. Sawdo under the firm name i pearance in said action on or LRS, and NELLIE DIMELA, • of Lee & Ray Electric, 516 before thirty (30) days from on due inquiry cannot be found Main Street, of McHenry, Illi- j the first publication of this So that process cannot be nois, is to be dissolved on the j Notice, and in the event you served upon said Defendants,' 10th day of June. 1960, by j fail to do so, default may bp having been filed in the office sale of the interest of Lee A. j entered against you any day of the Clerk of this Court, No- Sawdo to Eugene L. Adams thereafter. tice is therefore, hereby given and Raymond E. Hughes. The; LESTER EDINGER to said UNKNOWN OWNERS: business will continue under1 Clerk of said Couri and NELLIE DIMELA, De- the same name and at the (COUF^T SEAL) fendants, that the Plaintiff in same location. All debts due! Looze and Kinne, the above entitled cause filed1 and owing to the partnership1 Attorneys for Plaintiff ^eir Complaint in said cause are to be received by Eugene j 112 East Elm Street on the 19th day of May, A.D. j L. Adams and Raymond E. McHenry, Illinois 1960, and that said action is Hughes and all demands on the j Telephone: Evergreen 5-1580 how pending and undetermin- partnership are to be present- (Pub. June 9-16-23, I960) ed in said Court, and that you. ed to them for payment. the said UNKNOWN OWNERS and NELLIE DIMELA, Defendants must file yaur appearance in said action on or before thirty (30) days from the first publication of this" STAVE OF ILLINOIS ) tice, and in the event you! jss Eugene L. Adams STATE OF ILLINOIS ) Raymond E. Hughes Lee A. Sawdo (Pub. June 9-16-23, 1960) ) ss COUNTY of McHENRY ) In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois: IN CHANCERY . , No. 37527 111 to do so. default may be i COUNTY OF McHENRY ) | Alexander Lumber Co.. an entered against you any day' jn circuit Court of Me- Illinois corporation, plaintiff, thereafter. ; Henfy County. Illinois: ; vs. LESTER EDINGER IN CHANCERY : Arthur, Joseph Drew and Clerk of the No. 37526 ! Jennnette M. Drew, his wife: Circuit Court j Alexander Lumber Co., an National Homes Acccptancc (COURT SEAL) j Illinois corporation, plaintiff, j Corp., Allied Garage Builders: Looze and Kinne vs. '.Albert E. Hoffmeyer, as trust- Attorneys for Plaintiff Robert D. Jenkins and Dor-lee under Trust Deed dated 112 East Elm Street j othy L. Jenkins, his wife; Al- April 11, 1959 and recorded McH £nr^' IU,|S j lied Garage Builders; Fox Lake j May 6, 1959 as Document No. (telephone: Evergreen^ 1580 1*>fWi?^a1fik, a IfSWking instltu-j 353596, and Unknown Owners, (»*ub. June 2-9-16, 1960) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) tion; and Unknown Owners, defendants. defendants. NOTICE OF NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PUBLICATION i Affidavit showing thar the Affidavit showing that the' Defendants, NATIONAL D e f e n d a n t s . UNKNOWN OWN- HOMES ACCEPT A N C E i determined in said Court, and that you, the "said NATIONAL HOMES A C C E P T A N C E CORP. and UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants, must fild your appearance in said action on or before' thirty (30) days from the first publication - of this Notice, and in the event you fail to do so, default may be entered against you any day thereafter. LESTER EDINGER Clerk of said Court (COURT SEAL) Looze and Kinne Attorneys for Plaintiff 112 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: EVergreen 5-1580 (Pub. June 9-16-23, 1960) Northern Mini Bowmen News The Northern Illini Bowmen are holding a Novelty Invitational Shoot on June 12, 1960. This will be a Cartoon Shoot with 28 hand-painted targets, We are sure that you'll en joytaking a crack at Bugs Bunney. Porkey Pig and all their friends. There will be plenty of good food available &t "thf 'frlub house and on the range as well. Bring the kids, We've set up a pl.u ar<vT for them to enjoy. •We're located just West of McHenry on Route 120. The way is clearly marked and is JOHNSBURG WINS HOME OPENS 44 FROM ALGONQUIN Drafz Hurls 4-Hii Game And Strikes Out 13 Batters Dick Drafz pitched a terrific ball game for Johnsbuirg's home opener, striking out thirteen men and allowing only four hits. Dick , had very good control and was never in real trouble. He allowed only four walks. Mike McCarthy pitched a very strong game for Algonquin. The game started out as a pitchers' duel until the firth inning when Johnsburg broke the ice. R. Schmitt was hit by a pitch leading off. He was sacrificed; to second by the p'tcher, Dick Drafz, and scored on a line single by Tom Huemann. In the sixth, johnsburg ral'ied for three runs and Algonquin ^as unable to overcome "-that lead.- Johhsbqrg's attack was led | bv Tom Oeffline with three hiis and Tom Huemann with two hits. Johnsburg has two games ' scheduled this week. Wednesday night Ihev travel to Ken- I osha and Saturday the Tigers are back on the road again with a gnme against Racine. Page Flip Jean Weyland Johnsburg (4) AB R H T.- Huemann. 3b 5 0 2 I.. Kround, 2b 5 0 0 n. Ililler, cf 2 0 0 \v. Frotl. 1b 4 0 0 M. Fround. o 3 1 1 R. Rrennan. ss 4 0 0 T. Ooffling If 4 1 3 R. Schmitt, rf 2 2 0 D. Drafz, p 3 0 1 37 4 7 Algonquin (0) AB R H C. Dianis, cf 3 0 0 R Cilbort, If 3 0 0 R. Collins lf- 1 0 0 R. Rruhn, 2b 2 0 0 R. Fops, 2b 1 0 0 M. I.iobort, 1b 3 0 1 R Ronms, o 4 0 0 P. H.-iibprs:. rf 3 0 0 T. Tiit t. rf 1 0 0 G. Mnrtini, 3b 3 0 0 L. Andorson, ss 2 0 0 I.. Hiadak, ss 2 0 1 M. McCarthy, p 4 0 2 32 0~ 4 Hope you all enjoyed trying to "beat Julio". He's too good, even with one arm. And don't let him con you into playing left-handed. WOW. Class A winners were Betty Moss and Floss O'Connell (Floss played like she was defending that championship). Class B winners were Vera Herdrich, Rita Sleeper and Jean Weyland. Class. C winner was Anita Vaupell. Let's see, rial, if I remember correctly Anita can almost pay to have that housework done! Low Net winners for today were A--Betty Moss; B-- Jean Weyland and C-- Lil Bums. Must have been Lil's 'birdie' on 18 that did it. She could tell who "put that ball in the swimming pool too. ~ Our Flag Tournament today saw the following winners, and hearty congratulations to all: Class A, Betty Moss; Class B, Marilyn Reihansperger; Class C, Sully Consago. Low Net winners for the day were the same as above with the addition of Gert Barbian for a Class C tie. There were so many approach shots sunk it was almost a tournament in itself. Helen Petrie dropped one in the cup on No. 9 from out of the saind trap AND with a putter. She also sank another one in her 18 hole round, but I slipped up on the location of that one. Ethel Conway .sank an approach on No. 17 and Nadine Larkin put her second shot in the cup from 90 yards out on No. 9 fbr a birdie. Joan Buss has asked me to remind you to get your names oti that list fat the.husbandwife tournament coming up. Last day for registration is June 10. Foursomes will then be arranged and posted by this weekend. This is a 4 best rounds out of 6 and the committee will do all they can to arrange your |»Jaying times to suit you. Next week is visiting day (Woodstock here). There will be a 9 hole event with "treats in the woods." Let's have a good turn out to welcome the Woodstock gals. • • With the hope that the pa* per will print my last week's column which was fouled up on account of Memorial Day I will briefly mention the'Two- Ball Foursome to be played on June 19 (sign Up by the 15th) and the Calcutta scheduled for June 26. Auction will follow the dinner on the 19th. TOP WINNERS IN TUESDAY GARDEN CLUB SHOW NAMED CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for cards, gifts, prayers, and visits while I was in Lakeland Hospital and since returning home. Sharon Schmitt Elkhorn, Wis. 6 The Woodstock Garden club i received a tri-color award at i the Tuesday flower show held i at the McHenry Legion home, i sponsored bj> the local Garden : club. I Invitational classes listed the following blue, red, yellow and f white winners in that ordej: I Bridal breakfast. Crystal Lak$, ; Mrs. Koch and Mrs.„L. Gla<|- ' stone, and Lora Hill; bridal • buffet, Town and Country; ' Daisy Jones. Martha Dietle arid •Mrs. Goodejl (red ribbori) VVonder Lake (yellow); bachelor buffet. Woodstock with tricolor: Cary. Bull Valley; bridal shower tea tables, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, Mrs. Prejn (yellow) and Florence Smith (white): after-graduation byjfet. Plum Grove, Vila Graves and Mrs. Heuvelman; graduf- | tion patio picnic, Grayslakp, Carol Hill. ^ Flower arrangement blue > ribbons winners included thesg: All white with green foliage, j Mrs. F. Lieberson; mixed flowers, Lora Hill; miniature. Mrs. IR. DeCola; junior baskets, j Kathy Ahrens; horticultural; ! lilacs, Mrs. G. R. Martin; rosep, Mrs. Florence Formen; hfgonias, one bloom. Helen Hafnis; peonies. Robert Thompson, < three blue ribbons; Mrs. Ralph i Sandeen. Mrs. Martha Dietlp, Mrs. Elmer Winkelman, Millie Klebert; miscellaneous. KaUjerine Pitzen Schreiner. Beulah G r u e n f e l d , E l v i n a L a t i m e r , Lee Ba?si. ERS, on due inquiry cannot CORP. and UNKNOWN OWN-1 Qn irnprovecl roads all the wav. In the Circuit Pnnrt thpr^nf ' bo f°Unc1, S° 1hat Proccss can" j ER*- on due ij^rne circuit Couit theieof j Registration is from 6 a.m. ;not served lipon sajd De- found, so that process cannot! to 2 p m There will be trophys fendants, having been filed in , be served upon said Defend-1 nr medals for the top shooters the office of the Clerk of this ants. ^ having-been filed in the<jn ajj classes. In Chancery :1 General No. 37132 ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justoii $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ D 0 L L A R S A L E CERTIFIED ^'Worcester 'Federal Savings1 Court, Notice is therefore, j office of the Clerk of this and Loan Association, a corp- ' hereby given to said UN- j Court. Notice is therefore, hereoration, Plaintiff 'KNOWN OWNERS, defend-! by given to said NATIONAL vs. I ants, that the Plaintiff in the j HOMES A C C K P T A N C E j attended graduation exercises William r Martin a^ve entitled Cfluse filed their J CORP.. and UNKNOWN OWN-! of their granddaughter, Sharon N Martin hie wifp- Marivn Complaint in said cause on the! ERS. Defendants, that the Anne Smale, Sunday at St G. Kilroy and Shirley Ann KiN j 31st day of May' A D' 1960, Plaintiff in the nbov- entitled ' Thomas church, Crystal Lake, roy, his wife; Herbert P. Young, Trustee and Unknown: Owners, Defendants j PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREGIVEN that in persuance of a Decree made and entered ! by the said Circuit Court of1 .:>M«jHenry County. Illinois,, in the above entitled cause on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1960, I. .;:Ghar!es T. Smith. Master in i ^CJiancery of the said Circuit I f.X>3iirt of McHenry County. Illinois. will on the 24th day of June. 1960, at the hour of k30 o'clock in the forenoon lereof. Central Daylight Sav-! ings Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auctior , to the highest and best bid- \ der for cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree nr/itioned, or so much thereof as shall 'ffc sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Thirteen (13) in Block Eleven (11) of Eastwood Manor Unit No. 2, being a subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25 Township 45 North. Rancf 8. Ea«;t of the Third Princi- ^ pal Meridian and part ot " the Northeast Quarter of P"ct'on 36. Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. according to the plat thereof recorded in the office •of the recorder of deeds of McHenrv County, Illinois on the 17th day of August, i A D. 1956, as Document No. j 311472 in Rook 12 of Pla*s ^ on Page 82. thereof, situated in McHenry County, Illinois. ^ Dated at Woodstock. Illinois. tb;s 31st day of May, A.D., 1960. CHARLES T SMITH Master in Chancery Knox and Madsen Crystal Lake, Illinois fl^lntiff's Attorneys (Pub. June 2-9-16, 1960) i .• f / I..VU9& MORt SPEED M0R£ fUN -MORE DANGER Yoit boat r^pfetcpt* o cons'dernfclr Invest ment ond should be protected ogaifttt fire ond tKeft. It can oUo cause coptfcJeraMe prop* ** fa*** A fury might give you the worlti. Some low-co»t insurance on your boat moket good sense. Just be sure you hove it before anyone touches the wheel. THE KENT CORP. Phone EV 5-S800 115 N. Riverside Dr. I 40*p LARKU by £ LET US SHOW YOU WHY IT'S THE MOST POPULAR OUTBOARD MOTOR EVER BUILT! Make a date for a demonstration now. 1 Get our generous trade-in offer on your present motor. Your motor or a small down payment will put you in command of today's most popular motor! NORTH BRIDGE MARINE SERVICE East Side of Old Bridge Phone EV 5-3360 McHenry, 111. V I N R U D I S A L E S A 8 B R V I C B G I G A N T I C STORE WIDE DOLLAR $ALE PRODUCE AT LOW. LOW P FREE FREE SMORGASBORD Thurs., Jane 16th FARM FRESH TENDER 601DEN SWEET CORN ......5t ear BEEF LIVER 2 »>. sl00 SMALL SPARE RIBS 2 «». $100 CENTER CUT OSCAR MAYER SLICED BEEF 4, »<oo pkgs. A RAGGEDY ANN HALVES or SLICED 5 s no° TID BIT BACON 4 *1°° ENDS & PIECES FIRST CUT PORK CHOPS 3 ib,. *1°° ALL MEAT WIENERS 2 U00 BONELESS* BOSTON STYLE PORK ROAST 2 H00 PORK STEAK 2 sl00 U.S. GOV'T. INSPECTED CHOICE CUTS POT ROAST 39* OSCAR MAYER 8 oz. LIVER SAUSAGE 3 $1°° TO!' ROUND BEEF MINUTE STEAKS 6 sl00 RAGGEDY ANN CUT GREEN or WAX BEANS 2 3°3 ode tin £3 RAGGEDY ANN FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 £3 69c RAGGEDY ANN HALVES BARTLETT PEARS 5 r si°° RAGGEDY ANN GARDEN FRESH PEAS 2 ^ 25° . RAGGEDY ANN SALAD DRESSING 39® t EXTRA FANCY TUBE TOMATOES 14 19° HOME GROWN ASPARA6US 19e bunch LARGE SIZE SUGAR SWEET CANTALOUPE 29Ceach Red Label Ib. brick BUTTER 59* With A Regular Purchase C^ertthed OWNED AND OPERATED BY LOCAL FOLKS FRYING CHICKEN PARTS Legs - Thighs - Breasts 2 ^ $100 ROCK CORNISH BROILERS 2 sl00 FARM STYLE RING BOLOGNA 2. $100 rings m THE FRIENDLIEST FOOD STORE IN THE TOWNSHIP Use Our Free Customer Parking Area Or The New Free Green St. Parking Area Corners Green & Elm Sts. McHenry. 111. D 0 L L k It S A L E $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ S

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