Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1960, p. 9

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Thursday, June 16, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAtNDEALER Johnsburg CRAZY HATS TO FEATURE LADY FORESTER MEETING by Betty Hettermann Page Nine When the lady Foresters of St. Agatha's court No. 777 n^?t next Tuesday evening, June 21, something new will be on the evening's agenda. A crazy hat contest will take place at this particular meeting. Members attending are asked to come with some type of crazy chapeau -- "the crazier the better." It's so much more fun when all the members participate so why not get your hat started now so you ill model it next Tuesday eyening at the community club. Also at this meeting, the summer card tournament will not underway. This tournament will run the, same way the winter tournament was run. Participants should be present three out of the four consecu-,. live meetings. The committee in charge of rgreshments for next week's meeting' is as follows: Marilyn Thelen, chairman, Kathleen Fround, Helen Keippel, Emma Freund, Georgia Bauer, Barbara Fround. Hilda May, Susie Hiller, Shirley Tansey and Rosemary Young. A reminder once again of the forthcoming' card party luncheon to be held on Wednesday. .Tm>e 29, at 12:30 p.m. in the eUnmunitv club hall. Tickets onn be purchased from any of thp officers or at the door. The public is cordially invited to attend. Skjorestad, boarded a chartered bus early this morning, (Thursday) bound for Starved Rock. The girls will spend the day hiking through the various paths of the park while enjoying the scenery. We all hope Mr. Weatherman cooperates and gives them some beautiful sunshine for the day. Mothers making the trip also for more adult supervision are: Vera Huemann, Helen Oglsby, Virginia Pitzen. Lu Huemann, Mary Hettermann and Gert Schmitt. Sewing Group Meets On June 2, the home of Gert Snell was the scene of the monthly luncheon of the sewing guild unit of the women's auxiliary to the McHenry hospAl- Kay Sielisch of Pistakee Highlands acted as Gert's cohostess. The members enjoyed o p e n e d f a c e d s a n d w i c h e s , strawberry shortcake and coffee served by the hostesses. Present at this time were: M e s d a m e s M a r i o n C a r l s o n , Margaret Bolen, Celia Blake. Lila Jordan and Tess Kelly of McHenry, Mabel Martin of Pistajtee Bay, Nell Bergner, Agn ™ Koman and Esther Knapp oft Johnsburg. Marge Moreth arid Vi Schuhle of Pistakee Highlands and Emma Rosengart was a guest. Immediately following, the luncheon, a business rrteeting was held. Articles displayed at this time will be on sale at the Pink Lady Shoppe in McHenry. a Troop Takes Trip 'Seeittt troop -408 along with fts leaders, Mrs. Porothy Stinebiss and Mrs. Mutzie Congratulations Corner Lynn Letzter entertained six young ladies at her home on June 6 honoring her seventh birthday. Enjoying the games and lots of good things to eat were! i Terry Kruger. Diane Schliietrr, Joy ami Karen Hett e r m a n n . M a r i l y n n B o y n t o n and Mary O'Connor. "Sweet Sixteen" is what .Donna Lee Freund will • become June 22. Susan Pitzen will be celebrating her birthday with her family on June 16. Little Mike Roberts and his grandpa, George Michels, will both be observing birthdays late" this month. ! Mark Dehn will light up one j candle on his birthday cake on J June 28. Congratulations to Ben and Anita Freund who recently celebrated iheir silver wedding inniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barth observed 11 years of marital bliss on June 11. Twelve years as husband and wife are what Bud and Kay Kenny celebrated June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonvan. will observe their fortyfifth wedding anniversary this week. Congratulations to all! Around the Town Susan Pitzen is enjoying a vacation with her parents from St. CoUetta's school in Jefferson. Wis. We are so sorry to see the Rob Stewart family move from our vicinity to Green Bay, Wis., week. They resided for several years in the Ed. Hettermann home and accumulated a host of friends in that time. The Moffet family who 'ormerly resided in McHenry •ire now occupying the house. Sandy Hettermann was guest of honoi at two parties recently honoring her graduation from St. John's school. One gathered her relatives together -uid the second took place last Saturday when her graduating class enjoyed a lawn party. * Mrs. Rose Levx of Chicago is spending a few weeks recupwatMng^- from ; a broken' leg in the home of her daughter j and family, the Phil Mangolds. The Bill Barth family were in Chicago recently to attend the graduation exercises of Marge's godchild from Visitation high school. Marge and her four youngsters remained in the city for a week. Upon returning home last Saturday, two nieces accompanied the Barth family for a few weeks vacation. Little Yvonne Grens will celebrate her third birthday on June 18. Mrs. Helen Hettermann and j Mrs. Jim Hettermann and fam- I ily visited Carol Ann Stilling | at St. Colletta's school last Thursday. Paula Whan of Fort Meyers. I Fla., is spending a few days | here visiting Tom Keenan and I his family. She is also spending ' sometime visiting her' relatives | in Bejrwvn. Don and Betty Lou I Dowe „-of Bloomington spent last weekend visiting the Keenans. A1 and Maiy Adams are real happy to have her sister from California visiting . them for awhile. Phil Mangold will be spending about two weeks in Massachusettes on a business trip. Graduates of both grade and high school were honored at various parties throughout the past week. Bill Oeffling and his cousin. Patty Hiller, shared the spotlight at a party in the Oefflirg home last Friday evening. Between 75 and 100 persons relayed Iheir congratulations to the new graduates. David Miller, Georgette Miller and Nancy Weber were all feled in their respective homo following commencement exercises Friday. Janice Wakitsch was surrounded by many friends and relatives last Sunday afternoon celebrating her high school graduation. A .celebration honoring Marilyn Fuchs tnoU place in her home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frdff' Fuchs will be leav ing sometime this week to drive his moth£f back to Nebraska. She has been spending several weeks visiting her children in this area. Janice Huff and Judy Mirhe's were both guests of honor at a party held in the community club last Sunday afternoon. The Joe L. Freunds' and the Harry Freund family attended the eiphth grade graduation celebration of Trudy Freund in McHenry last Sunday. wash the gas from the highi wa> - ^ Monday; shortly before noon I the squad was called to Sunnyj side Estates where a resident j suffered from a stroke. She | was taken by ambulance to the 1 hospital. REVENUE SERVICE GIVES OPINION ON HOSPITAL STATUS l McHenry hospital's status as ! a not-for-p r o f i t institution j which is exempt from federal : income tax was reaffirmed re- 1 cently in a letter from the Internal Revenue Service, U. S. Treasury department. Hospital officials believe the ruling was prompted by the recent progress in construction plans which will enable the i Hospital to own.. occupy and • operate its own building. McHenry hospital has enjoyed a" tax exempt status since a tentative ruling was requested of the Treasury department shortly, after the hospital was foundred. .* , In the recent letter, dated April 29. 1960. J. F. Worley. chief of the Exempt Organizations Branch, says in part, "It is the opinion of this office, based upon the evidence presented, that you are exempt from federal income tax as an organization described in section 501 (ci (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 . . . Contributions made to you are , deductible by the donors in computing their taxable in- I come in the manner and to j the extent provided by section 170 of the 1954 Code." The Internal Revenue Serv- ! ice ruling also includes a ref- ! erenee to the hospital's tax de- ; ductible status involving bequests. legacies, devises or , transfers to or1 for the hospii tal's use as well as gifts of ! property. The federal government provides generous tax benefits on | contributions to not-for-profit institutions like McHenry hospital. Individuals may deduct up to 30 per cent of adjusted gross income. Corporations may deduct gifts up to 5 per ! cent of net taxable income. Ringwood Missionary On WSCS Program Ruby Shep&rd The W.S.C.S. held their June meeting at the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Clara Ciisty had the meditation. Betty Jo Hill, a Home Missionary worker from Georgia who is attending school at Garrett, was the speaker of the evening, which was very much enjoyed. Hostesses were Kate Wieser and Clara Cristy. „ Round-up Club The Round-up club met at the church Saturday evening for tlieir June meeting. They all went on a tour of the Morton Chemical plant. Hostesses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. James Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low. their son, Clarence, Jr., from St Mary's school. Breakfast guests were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Irving May and family. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Condon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Condon and i family. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parfrey and family, Mr and Mrs. Albert Adams and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer and 'family. Home Circle The Ringwood Home Circle { met at the home of Mrs. Oscar j Svvanson at Wonder La k e ; Thursday with Mrs. Louis j Hawley as co-hostess. A one J o'clock luncheon was served. | Mrs. Louis Winn had charge of the program. Bingo was played. Open House Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkmqton held open house at the church Friday evening for their children, Pat Hogan and Jay \Valkington. following their graduation from the McHenry high school. \^yjr' Son-in-Law Dies Mrs. William Hepburn received the sad news that her son-in-law. John Freberg of Peco Rivera. Calif., passed away at his home early Saturday morning of a heart attack. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Norman Freberg flew out there by jet Saturday. Mrs. Brennan is a sister of Mrs. Freberg.- Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams entertained at their home Sunday in honor of the eighth grade graduation of Personals Miss"M\rtle Wright of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman of Burton's Bridge spent Friday evening in the Clyde Wright home. Mis. Ben Walkfngton spent Tuesday night with her daughter, Virginia Jepsori. in Chicago arid on Wednesday she was a luncheon guest of Miss Lucy Stevens. Mr. and Mrsf. Clyde Wright went • to Wauconda Wednesday evening to' see their granddaughter. Dianne Wiser, graduate from high school: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger arid family of Hebron. Mr.< and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago. Miss Florence Freyer of Cheney. Wash., Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry, w^re Sunday dinner guests of-Mrs. Ruby Shcpard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox •of Woodstock. Robert Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs Charles Frcy of Richmond were evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and children are on a fishing trip to Hayword, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy of Kenosha were Sunday dinner guests in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betts and family are vacationing at Haywood, Wis. Mr. Baumerich and son of DesPlaines called on Dr. and Mrs. Hephurn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George BlaHe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Justen and family of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the John Klapperich home in honor of Donald Klapperich who graduated from eighth grade at St. Mary's school. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter. Yvonne, attended the thirtieth wedding anniversary of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson, at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and sons visited their daughter and family at West Allis, Wis.. Sunday. Q Mrs. Thomas Varney of Libertvville spent Saturday evening in the William Cruickshank home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aissen of Wonder Lake and Mrs.. Ronald Rowe end daughter of Woodstock were visitors in the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank called in the Frank Wilson home at Hartland Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk of Wheeling spent the weekend in the Earl Kunz home. Mr. and Mrs .Roy Harrison and son. Loren, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell attended the graduation exercises at Woodstock Monday evening and saw David Harrison graduate. They also attended the graduation partv afterwards at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison. Mrs. William Cruickshank, Jr.. and children of Miles city. Mont., and Mrs. Francis Costello and children of Hartland were dinner guests Saturday in the William Cruickshank home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests in the Mi's. Lena Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. (Clarence Adams ;md family left Monday for a vacation at North Woodruff. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Spenrcer of McCulIom Lake were; dinner* guests Sunday in * the; Byron Sowers home. Supperguests were Mrs. Betty Tretow - and children of Woodstock and j Patrea Jacobson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pow-t ers of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert ^ and Mrs.' Millie . Rush spent" Friday in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. Mrs. Sherman Spencer and Mrs. Byron Sowers spent Wednesday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin and family of McHenry spent Saturday night in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. Tony Senkerik andchildren of Sunnvside Estates spent Wednesday with her par- , ents. Mr. and Mrs., John Ehlert. FOURTEEN PTOLEMYS:: Fourteen successive kings of Egypt during the Macedonian dynasty were named Ptolemy. Ptolemy I began his reign in 323 B.C., arid , the last of the line. Ptolemy XIV". who reigned as, co-regent with his mother, was put to jieath in 30 B.C. RIVERSIDE DRIVE SHOPPING AREA Most Stores Open MON. & FRI. 9 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. And All Day WEDNESDAYS Smithcraft, Inc. Always Open For Your Shopping Convenience Mon. & Fri. - 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Wednesdays All Day Rescue Squad Calls The rescue squad was called ou. last Sunday evening to an accident scene near the bowling alley. The accident involved two cars and the occ,u- •pants were treated $t the McHenry hospital. The fire department was called out to * 103 S. Green St. Father's Day CIGAR HEADQUARTERS YOU'RE SURE TO PLEASE POP WITH A GIFT OF FINE CIGARS FROM DRUG STORE EV 5-4500 BOLGER'S SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Fibre Porch Rugs ••••-- • ••••- -Reg. Price Sale Prim 1 --• 9' 7" x 9* Green 20.00 12.00 1 -- 9' 3"x 9' Gray 18.00 10.50 1 -- . 9' xlO' Antique Gold 24.00 <>16.00 1 -- 8' xlO' Antique Gold 21.95 13.25 1 -- 42"x 47" Antique Gold 3.85 2.50 1 -- _ 6' x 9' Boxwood Green 14.95 8.50 3 -- 8' x 8' Golden Rush 18.40 ea. 10.50 ea, 1 -- 9' x 9' Brick Gray 21.60 12.50 1 -- 8' xlO' Mint 17.50 10.85 4 -- 8' xlO' Jade Green 22.95 14.50 ea. 3 -- 8' xlO' P. Gray 22.95 14.50 ea. 6 -- 8' ' xlO' Parade Green 22.95 14.50 ea. 1 -- 1W x 8' Parade Green 20.00 12.00 1 -- 12' xl2' Brown & Beige 43.95 27.00 1 -- T 7" x 9' Green 20.70 12.50 1 . -- 9' x 9' Beige 21.60 12.95 1 -- 6' 8" x27' 8" Beige 55.50 27.00 Svvutfc* Piafc INTERIORS A) FURNITURE AND CARPETING 133 N, Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. EV 5-2923 Open Daily: 9-6; Mon. & Fri., 9-9; & All Day Wednesday Christmas- Time In June at SNUG HARBOR BOAT CLUB Starting Wednesday, June 15th Watch for Santa Claus on Water Skis on Fox River. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY SATURDAY. JUNE 25th Come in and see our beautiful decorations and Christmas scenes. Miss Jeanne Randolph, well-known organist, will be here Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings to play your favorite Yuletide songs. Come by Boat or Car Fox Street Phone EV 5-2671 9t Pcufi Scute. - - Wmte EooUiol Pay I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Money Won't Buy Happiness! But it will buy off an awful lot of unhappiness! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiimii Get A Check Every 6 Months AVi 01 On /U Investment Savings Accounts 4% Per Annum Vi% Bonus Payable at Maturity iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAYINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE . WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request. llllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *3nSurecl *Saf^eL y The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent agency of the U.S. Government, was created by Act of Congress in June, 1934. Today this system protects and insures more than 63 billion dollars of savings in the nation's 6,200 F.S.L.I.C. Insured Savings & Loan Associations. In complete Safety you can invest your cash reserves and earn the above average returns offered by these specialized savings associations. MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N INSURED Member Federal Home Loan Balk iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii $5,000.00 becomes S6.094.95 In 5 Short Years Based On 4% On Regular Savings Accounts y On j 0 Regular Sa vings Accounts Per Annum Save Here -- Safely and Profitably iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii'uiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fridays: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliltllllllllllltlllllllillllllllllllllllllUl 206 WEST ELM- STREET PHONE EV 5-3000 McHENRY, ILLINOIS i

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