Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1960, p. 16

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P*g« Sixteen THE McHENftY PLAINDEALER Lakemoor Girl Scouts Give Awards Sally Lubke .Close to 100 people gathered aj the community firehouse. on Monday, June 6, Jor the final niceiing of the Girl Scout Troop 309. At this meeting the annual court of awards was held. The evenine with a fag ceremony and continued bv the girls presenting pantom: mes and skits created by the rrivls themselves. After these pnjnyfble performances. twenty- four Scouts received the bulges the\ -worked for all .year.- The following girls \»Spre welcomed into our growing Troop: Linda DeCicco, Wench Dralle.. Rita Epterson., Linda Wruhlcwski. These girls had completed' I heir tender^ fan1 requirements. The highest award that can be. attained in. ^eout+ng the curved bars, was awarded to Katherine Erzezinski. T h i s award was ohe of the many high points of the evening. All the girls in .'the Iroop received year pins. Gift's were given tt> Ihose who passed inspection perfect^v. The troop is grateful to the women who donated t-he refreshments for the evening and all of those who attended 'the meet'ng Although litis was the last mealing of the year the troop is not disbanding for the summer. They have many projects planned to keep them busy. Any girls who would like to join the Scouts and wi'l be-ten before , September, should get in contact with Mrs. X. Morrison. Her phone number is EV. 5-G396. Pioneer Girls New members were welcomed into the column with a p-nrPelight service last Friday. T'^ese new members are Karen Dresdow. Sally Presdow. Mary Pedraza. Carol Simmons and Margery Simmons. The grpup went on a naiure hike Wednesday. June 15. Friday night the girls are going to work on Father's day gifts. The meetings are held at the Landmark school in McHenry. every Friday night from 7 p.m. to 9 pm. Any girls between the ages of eight and 'leens can join the organization. Corrections T.ASt week I reported that Rickie Foss is playing with the Giants Pony league in McHenry. That was my error. Rickie is p'aying right field for the Cardinals. I Also I said that Elaine Goloina was graduating from the junior high, I was correct that ! .'-he graduated, the only trouble I was that- she .is not. one of our I youths. She is from McCullom ! Lake. 1 am sorry for both of i these mistakes and hope that it will riot Happen again. Around Town The Tobias family have been hosts for the past few days to Mary Dunn, who has been visiting from Chicago. She is Mrs. Tobias' sister. From Vayetteville, Tenn., came visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrison. They are Mi. and Mrs. Loren Zana, the parents of Mrs. Morrison. The Zanas have lieen visitinp since Monday and will stay for about i week. •< . Mr. and'Mrs. Edward Mellis'stopped' by in our village to visit the Tobias family. Mrs!" Mellis is Mrs. Tobias' sister. They, were returning from •heir honeymoon and only had ' ime for a short visit last Friday. 1 ' Mr. ..and Mrs. Melvin Hatch ind son., Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Beahler went Mt. Prospect Sunday, to celebrate the graduation of iheir nephew, Ronald Hatch, from high school.. The occasion \vas a twofold celebration bevuse Mrs. Norma Hatch celebrated her birthday also that day. Now that most of the col- 'eges and universities are out ror the summer, many of our students are returning home. One of the faces we will be seeing around again is Terry Rrady, who is home from St. I Thomas college in Minnesota. ' Graduation Celebration The rain Sunday did not hamper the celebration going on at the Lubke household. Their son. Nate, graduated from St. Mary's school. Friends md relatives gathered in the •afternoon to congratulate him. Nate received his diploma at the 8 o'clock mass. The following were at the party: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schroeder, and daughters. Grace, Debbie and Gerry, from Muskego, Wis., Mrs. Bridget Devereaux. Mr. and Mrs. Dud McCafferty. and children. Bob, Marge, Karen tivl Tommy, from Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kancilja and son, Al, from Waukegan; Mrs. Martha Brodin, Mrs. Marie Moe, Mrs. Howard Williams from Lakemoor; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rogers, and son. Buddy, of McHenry. Miss Barbara i Lubke was able to get awav I from school to come home and ! see her brother graduate. She is in nurse's training at St. Theresa hospital in WatiRegah. Girl Scouts Take Trip At noon on Saturday the Girl Scouts and Brownies of Lakemoor and t|Te Brownies of Lilymoor went on a trip to a dairy £arm. The girls had an enjoyable afternoon touring the farm, seeing the many different animals, and watching a dairy farm in action. The girls really had fun and will continue to have fond memories of the day. Work on the Bearli The work on the beach is continuing and this last Saturday the boys and girls spent most of their time pulling weeds. The beach is supposed to be disked by one of the near-by fanners in the near future and this will loosen the weeds so that they will not be su hard to pull. There is quite ^ bit of work still to be done and il any more of the children of the community wish to join in the work, they will be .welcome to do so. I think this is one of the best ways for our children to spend some of their; time .without their' parents worrying about their getting into mischief. Legals NOTICE Notice is Hereby Given that the partnership lately existing between Eugene L. Adams, Raymond E. Hughes and Lee A. Sawdo under the firm name of' Lee & Ray Electric, 516 Main Street, of 'McHenry, Illinois, is to be dissolved on the 10th day of June, 1960, by sale of the interest of Lee A. Sawdo to Eugene L. Adams and Raymond E. Hughes. The business will continue under the same name and at the same location. All debts due and owing to the partnei'ship are to be received by Eugene L. Adams and Raymond' E. Hughes and all demands on the partnership are to be presented to them for payment. Eugene L. Adams Raymond E. Hughes Lee A. Sawdo (Pub/ June 9-16-23. 1960) HOMES ACCEPTANCE CORP. and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, must; file your appearance in said action on or before thirty (30) days from the first publication of this Notice, and in the event you fail to do so, default may be entered against yoU any day thereafter. LESTER EDINGER Clerk of said Court (COURT SEAL) Looze and Kinne Attorneys for Plaintiff 112 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: EVergreen 5-1380 (Pub. June 9-16-23, 1960) Notice, and .in . the event you fail to do so, default may be entered -against you • any day thereafter; LESTER EDINGER Clerk of said Couri (COURT SEAL) Looze and Kinne, Attorneys for Plaintiff 112 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: Evergreen 5-1580 (Pub. June 9-16-23, 1960) On the Mend Last week you rend that Mrs. Marie Moe had fallen and broken her left arm. I am hapuy to report, that she is coming along very well now. Shels at home and would enjoy seeing some of her old friends dropping by for a visit. Pony League Ourctwo boys who are on the Sox ball team are doing a find job. Last Thursday night. Nate Lubke pitched a winning game for the Sox. Although he is a good pitcher he needed some help in the' fifth inning and that was when Lonnie Opalka came in in relief. Because of the marvelous pitching of these two boys, their opponents were only ab'e to get five runs across the plate. The Sox beat the Cardinals 14 to 5. Good going boys and keep the good work up! PENAL POPULATION Inmate population of t hestate's five penal institutions in April was 245 above April. 1959. There were 10.141 persons confined in the five institutions. Par o 1 e e s numbered 12,148--100 over April of last : year. MORE WATER with n RED JACKE1 QuOu-JetW * WATER SYSTEM <4^ • CAPACITIES TO • !l» »AU MR HWm • FUMHN* strms TO ISO PUT . • IASILY AN» 1CONOMICAUT MIP WIU SSMVIOC DotUr-for-dolUr, h*r* It your bait ptianp buy. H»«vy, J«r» •bit «onttruetlon throughout. Quirt, lubrication -- fro* •poratlcn -- only ana moving part. A product at a world. iMiwmd pump manufacturer with ovar 78 yaare* oaparl- IR building watar tarvlca products. Tba Cantrl-Jat Hi Watar Systam will mora than tatlify yoti h every way. Corn* la and w» for ye urt«lf. JETS "• - AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MARES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% mile* from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd PHONI MeHENtY EV 5-52S2 STATE. DF ILLINOIS ) ' ) ss COUNTY }>f McHENRY ) In the Circuit Court of file- Henry County. Illinois: IN CHANCERY . No. 37527 Alexander Lumber &>., an Illinois corporation, plaintiff, vs. Arthur Joseph Drew and Jeannette M. Drew, his wife; National Homes Acceptance Corp., Allied Garage Builders; Albert E. Hoffmeyer, as trusted under Trust Deed dated April 11, 1959 and recorded May 6. 1959 as Document No. 353596, and Unknown Owners, defendants. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Affidavit showing thai the D e f e n d a n t s , N A T I O N A L H O M E S A C C E P T A N C E CORP. and UNKNOWN OWNERS, on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said Defendants. having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court. Notice is therefore, herebv given to said NATIONAL H O M E S A C C E P T A N C E CORP.. and UNKNOWN OWNERS; Defendants, that the Plaintiff in the abovo entitled cause filed their Complaint in said cause on the 31st day. o£ May. A.D. 1960, and that saTcf action is now pending and undetermined in said Court. an$ that vou. the said NATIONAL STATE OF ILLINOIS ) | >85 ; COUNTY OF McHENRY ) ' In the Circuit Court of McHenry Countv. Illinois: IN CHANCERY. No. 37526 Alexander Lumber Co., an Illinois corporatipn, plaintiff, • vs. - V Robert D. Jenkins and Dorothy L. Jenkins, nis wife; Allied Garage Builders; Fox Lake State Bank, a banking institution; and Unknown Owners, defendants. ' NOTICE OF PUBLICATION* Affidavit showing that the Defendants. UNKNOWN OWNERS, on cWe inquiry cannot be found, $5 that process cannot be served upon said Defendants, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, Notice is therefore, hereby given to said UNKNOWN OWNERS, defendants, that the Plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed their Coroplaint in rsaid cause on the 31st day of May, A.D. 1960, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said Court; and that you. the said UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before thirty (30) days from the first publication of this Peter Wj. fasten & Son OXYGEN -EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS OXJNTY OF McHENRY ) In the Circuit Court thereof In Chancery: General No. 37132 Worcester Federal Savings and Loan Association, a corporation, Plaintiff vs. William. R! Martin and Lois N; Martin, his wife; Marlyn G. Kilroy and Shirley Ann Kilroy, his wife; Herbert P. Young, Trustee and Unknown Owners; Defendants PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in persuance of a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the a;bove entitled cause on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1960, I. Charles T. Smith,. Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 24th day of June, 1960, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, Central Daylight Savings Time, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auctior to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the following .described „ real estate in said Decree ^mentioned,, or so much thereof.ap shall be sufficient to satisfy said Decree, all situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Thirteen (13) in Block Eleven (11) of Eastwood Manor Unit No. 2, being a subdivision of-the Southeast Quarter of Section 25 Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian and part oi the Northeast Quarter of Thursday, June 16, 196(1 ----:---cr Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat there?.; . of .recorded in the office; > of the recorder , of d^edC of McHenry County, on 'the 17th day of August," A.D. 1956, as Document/No.' 311472 in Book 12 of Platdt on Page 82, thereof, situated in McHenry County, Illinois. ^ Dated at Woodstotik, IlliiSs, this 31st day of May, A.D., 1960. CHARLES T. SMITH Master in Chancery Knox and Madsen Crystal Lake, Illinois Section 36. Township 451 Plaintiff's Attorneys North, Range 8 East of the (Pub. June 2-9-16, I960) Our modern prescription department is designed to provide you with the finest of professional service. When you bring a prescription to us, our full facilities are immediately placed at your service, y BOLGER'S Phone EV 5-4500 till* • * - - ' 9/LM.-1 PJL at 1 GREETING CARDS Remember him for the countless times he has remembered you. Choose a heartfelt message just for him from our handsome selection of distinctive cards 2 Prs. Socks BEJtfc' Shops-- Restaurant New Fountain Grill Cocktail Lounge OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. HONEY BEAR FARM Get a new 'Jeep' 2-Wheel drive Station Wagon for $591 less than Ford, Chevrolet or Plymouth wagons and up to $370 less thajf compact station wagons with less space .* You get big 95 cu. ft. cargo space and all these new features at no extra cost! New exterior trim and 2-tone paint combinations. All around increased. visibility. Washable Vinyl covered upholstery. Goodyear "Captive Air" white sidewall tires. All at no extra cost. leeb VEHIt I.KS MADE ONLY BY WILLYS MOTORS Baied on manufacturer's luroestcd {retail pricci. See Americas lowest priced full-sized station wagon at: Tune-In MAVERICK Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE 600 Front St. Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry, 111. Cotton Argyles Latest Colors. Men's 'Kerchiefs 3 in gift box. White $«00 and assorted ^olorsi " Men's Boxed Belts Top grain leather 00 belts. Size 32-42. 2 Gift Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs 79c Boxed * ® Men's Wallets $|98> Leather " Rolled hem. In white Others at $2.98 - $3.98 only. 3 per box. * plus Fed. Ex. Tax Special Purchase of MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS at -REDUCED PRICESFOR FATHER'S DAY WEEKEND ONLY! Reg. $2.79 -- $2.98 Values --Beg. $1.79 - $1.98 Values $177 ' $137 eaph m 2 $3*50 ea. 2 for $2.50 Comparable to $4.00 Shirts Men's White Wash 'n Wear Press Shirts $2.98 •s House Slippers . . $1.99 - $2.99 - $3.99 MANY ITEMS IDEAL FOR DAD'S DAY GIFTING Come In And Let Us Help You Select STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Friday 9 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. # Open All Day on Wednesday 5-10 BEN FRANKLIN ^ io L O Y A L L Y O W N E D -- N A T I O N A L L Y K N O W N

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