Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1960, p. 18

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Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. June 16* 19gp rood Manor romen's Club Holds Party Dee Penlck EV. 5-5527 went into Chicago for a night McHenry Shores ball game between the Sox and | Kansas City. They also enjoyed j OWNERS ASKED going to Morton Grove on Sun- • *i*f\ T?Ppp pL"I'CS d a y . w h e r e J o h n p l a y e d s o f t - J i f° ball in ihe lovely park there, i r ROM BEACH AHEA The Otto Shaws visited with Doris's folks, the Howard Tar- • The card party given by the Women's club provided an entertaining evening for those who attended. Six table prizes were awarded and everyone enjoyed the cake and coffee. News of Faith Presbyterian Churrh of MoHenrv The fifth in a scrips of six membership classes is being held at 8:30 p.m. on Friday. June 17, at the home of George Landin in Eastwood Manor. . The sermon for Sunday. June 19, will be taken from Amos,5: ly?4y.and-will be'entitled "The Prophet of Justice". The servbegins at 11 a.m. The Faith' choir will meet for practice on Tuesday, June 21, at 8 p.m. This will be the last regular practice until September. Those who have a long drive had better make a note of it. On Wednesday, June 22. the joint boards|of Elders and Dea- •jcons wiil meet at 8 p.m. The Women's Society study circle is presently studying the Psalms and their eternal message to all ages. The next meeting will be at the church Bt 8 p.m. on Thursday, June 23. Best Wishes Are extended to Tony Olson on the seventeenth, to Robert Kuester and Buster Oik on the eighteenth, to Jackie French on the twentieth and to Maureen McCormack and Darlena Campbell on June 22. Happy birthday to each of you. "This week a lot of couples are remembering their June weddings. The special day for the Elmer Urbans is June IT, the Landins, the Robert Gromsand the Leslie Freckmans is June 18, the Melvin Iversens and the Richard Wiegmans is June 19, and for the Raymound Salos and the Robert Lindemanns it's June 21. May you have a pleasant day, each one of you. nous-, in Chicago on Saturday, May 28. While there Doris' grandmother suffered a slight stroke. ~ Pat Kellogg and Nancy Lessard attended a farewell luncheon given by Marilyn Truckenbrod of McHenry for Marian ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kallas were out for a Sunday. . , . The Burkes and CicchimV^pent a pleasant evening at the Dobbcrtins. Helen and Gus Smith at- By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 ; tended an office picnic at the -- ! summer home of Mr. Hostv about dogs in the lawns and shrubs by the green thumbed gardeners who are helping with the outdoor beautiful campaign in McHenry Shores. Now, complaints have been coming in about the dogs being Alford who is planning to | tn]<on to the beach for their spend a little time in Carthage. jaul1i There is no need are taking advantage of the 1" for this. Pet owners should use j nice weekends and twilights Marian's house got the fast-- the vacant areas that abound ^ by playing golf.,. . . Darlene est painl job in-history recent-i and thus leave the area clean ; Hattan and Audrey. Whitney ly. Many of her friends gath- j foi- those who also enjoy the attended a baby shower in Chiererl with brushes (and elbow | beach. cago for Lorretta Fiducci; grease i and under the leader- Where's thai le.lter that was , Many lovelyf arid useful gifts ship of their "foreman" the ! rc'ceiVed last week? Here it is were received, refreshments job was done in a flash. It ; ;rnd >\e nole from it th<11 Dave , were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Filooks real nice too. Marilyn's mother and slep- (l^d. the H. Smiths, of Ft'. Wayne, Ind., were visiting for a week with the Fultzes; Jim and Greg were treated to an excursion to an amusement park while 1 h<^'. Smiths were here. ! Addanle. Emiiiet Harden, Art . ducci is a sorority sister of the and Tom Burke have • girls, . . . Evelyn Tanner and been asked to police the ground j Irene Mueller were over to of the beach to help keep it j Park Ridge to spend an after- Reminder Keep June 23 free on your calendar. That is the date se' for Ihe EMPOA party. Other plans will be announced later. Now that school is out there neat this coming weekend.,. Birthdays--anil an Anniversary D e l a t e t r greetings to Jim Whetherhult who celebrated his two weeks ago. June 8. . . And to M^iie Addante who celebrated hers last week on the twelfth. . . . Friday, the s e v e n t e e n t h , l i t t l e P a t r i c e Erunke will have a birthday I art\ . . . . Bcrnice Wilson will noon with Marge and Lorraine Paul at Marge's home. On the way back, the girls stopped to say., hello to Hazel Cu.shnpan, • also of Park Ridge. . . . The Ous.'Smiths were over to Dayton. Ohio, to visit with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Forsberg. . . . I Dais:, Smith, elected as a 1 guard for the 5th district of ! the V.F.W. attended the IIli- ! nois V.F.W. convention in Pe- 1 oria. . . . We miss Pattv, Muelnre many children around dur- j ceVhrare hers on Thursday. ing the dav - let's caution 1 Iu?sda.\. Helen and Carl Si- . them, and remember ourselves. | "T'nsen will slart another year | W-who is vacationing at her to practice safety . on the'1' redded bliss. streets. ' ! One small word of thanks | Here and There for the news you've been givsister's home, Mrs Both, in Meattowdale. I lenry ing me. The co-operative spiril is very-much appreciated. BANK ROBBERS RETURN: During the 1957 fiscal year. 631 violations of the Fed- Mr. and Mrs. D. Lakin of Oakland. Calif., were here to \ sit Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brod. Mr. Lakin is Mrs. Brod's brother. . . . And other California guc-'ts, fr nn Sacramento, were Mr. and Mrs. I.udwig Federspiel who were driven out from More News The Brods were presented with a granddaughter, Cindy Faye, who weighed in at 8 lbs., 3 ozs., at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Mrs. Linda Brod, the mother, is doing fine. Mrs. John Korner reports eral Bank Robbery Statute ci-,jCag0 by Mr. and Mrs. Frank ] a red. pedal pushed, fire engine were reported by the FBI. the highest number since the gangster era of the 30's, when 606 in 1932 set a new record. Octettes The Octettes have finished off the season in a big way by. having a banquet at a restaurant in Ingleside. Theii- centerpiece was carnations jand each lady wore a carnation corsge. They had nut cups filled with HUts and candies. After the dinner trophies were awarded. Lydia Fenner won the 1960 champion winner trophy and Verne Epuer received the 1960 champion %s?r *trophiy"CilTian Zgorski also received a trophy, for the highest game of the year. After the banquet the ladies enjoyed an evening of bowling. Tripoli All the girls who gather regularly for Tripoli are going out to dinner tonight, June 16, to top off the season. They will discontinue their meetings until fall. ' Sympathy ' Our deepest sympathy is extended to Lois Ryan whose grandmother died on Thursday, June 9, after a short illness. A critic is a person who sits back and tells people how he (she) would do the same thing, if he (she) only knew how. ART EXHIBIT More than $2,300 will be offered in cash premiums for the best oils and water colors in the 14th annual professional art exhibit at the Illinois State Fair, Friday. Aug. 12, through Sunday, Aug. 21 Entry blanks and instructions are now available. Deadline for entry intent is July 4 and paintings must be received by July 10. A frg&.ejcr,, hibit sponsored by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission will portray uses of atomic energy in the fields of medicine. research, industry and agi iculture. This "Atoms at Work" display is one of the newest exhibits of the commission. Monday to visit with the Muellers. . .. . Four year old Lois Whitney, Chuck Whitney's niece, was out to spend a week with Auntie Audrey but got lonesome for home and playmates so made the visit short. . . Bill Lindwal) is back home after graduating from the Culinary Institute in New Haven, Conn. . . . Julia Zeimet's parwas left in the prairie near her house, she'd like to return it to the youngster who owns it. And in Closing Don't forget to get your returns in for the picnic, Saturday, June 25, to Louise Winters, time is running out. . . . To the people at the southend A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE SI 6 Front St. McHenry, 111. EVergreen 6-0811 The Younger Set Our community is maturing! Last year's one high school graduate from Eastwood Manor, Sandy Monahan, is home from her first year of college. She has been attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. This year we have two graduates from high school. Pat Birmingham and Dennie Hansen. Dennie Hansen's family has been in a whirl since he enlisted in the Air Corps. A party is being planned for his birthday next month which also happens to :.f>e the day he is to leave for Texas to complete the examinations required for Air Force duty! ) ;. On Fridah Sandy Radner had an overnight guest. Miss Kay •Schnell of Fox Lake. On Sun- Bay, June 5, Sandj accompyjftied the Chester Andersens to Chicago where they put their lioat in the commodore parade In Belmont harbor. * Cynda Lou Radner recently enjoyed swimming and a barbecue with her friend, Sharon Justen, at Sharon's grandmother's home in Wonder .Lake. Lois and Warren Krebs had a triple celebration pairty at their home on Sunday, June 5. Phil shares his birthdate with his grandfather, Philip Wiesenthal. The date is also the anniversary of the Wiesenthals who came from their home in Arlington Heights for the day's festivities. The birthday of Scott Tins- Jey was celebrated by his many playmates and their mothers who gathered at Arlene's on the afternoon of June 8. In the afternoon, you can begin applying SPEED HOUSE PAINT over areas you primed in the morning. Within 20 minutes, SPBED HOUSE PAINT is dry .bug-free... dust-free•..and you are worry-liee about sudden rains spoiling the joU, • Ho blistering wtira applied as directed • Resists fading, mildew...reduces chalking • Ideal for wood, masonry, stucco, asbestos-shingle siding • Brashes wash clean in soapy water f SPfiED I fliii u j hu<; - gal. $2.45 ql. " Happy Announcement The Williard Barneses are showing off their newly adopted boy, Roger Dale, who was born May 31. Many congratulations to you, Willard and Bessie, on this joyous occasion. Local Doin's Mary Lou and John Barry, ftlong with two other couples, 120 Riverside Dr. FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT COMPANY First it was the squawks ! whose cottage is on the shores of Lake Michigan at Long Beach, Ind. The Smiths and fellow employees of Gus traveled out there by bus as a group. Bet it was fun. Tom Burke, Art Cicchini, Bob Dobbertin, Ray Moore, Ray Olszewski and Jack Schmitt of the subdivision, let Beverly Verstege in on your news. River front news should be turned in to Lu Poggensee. Central north area reports go to Julia Zeimet. Northern subdivision news is handled by Louise Winters. Betty Dobbertin is working the v^est and Clare Mueller reports the south central area. Wherever you are, pick up the telephone and let one of us in on your happenings. McHENRY MAN NAMED OFFICER IN POLIO CHAPTER Philip M. Wertz of Woodstock was elected president and Atty. Roland Herrmann of McHenry. vice-chairman of the McHenry chapter of the New j .March of Dimes at the annual dinner meeting held in Crystal Lake one recent evening. Other new officers are Fred Birose of Woodstock, secretary, and j | Louis D. Brown of Crystal j Lake, treasurer. j Wertz replaces A1 Dewey of ! j Crystal Lake, who gave a re- ! I port on the patients aided in ' j the county. Concerning polio, > he said that since World War I 1 ]£l, there have been 240 given aid at an estimated cost of $240,000. A highlight of the evening was presentation of awards fojr l o n g s e r v i c e . T w e n t y - y e a r awards were made to Mr. and Mrs Rey McGce of McHenry among others, while fifteeny^ ar awards went to Gertrude Barbian and Joe Kuna of As city. ' The biggest parking problem j is not lack, of space. It's lack | of drivers with enough skill to i get into them neatly and safe- j ly. The Institute for Safer Living says that parking is easy if you: (1) Line your car up parallel to car ahead of space; (21 Back half way in, wheels turned sharply to right; (3) Rack rest of way in, wheels turned sharply to left. When, (jacking, in, always make sure that you "will not be struck by passing traffic, and that your I lurking area is clear of pedes- ! i-ians.' ' • SALKS INCREASE Another record high for snles war, reported by National Tea. Co., when H. V. McNam'ara, president, announced that sales for the company's fifth four week accounting period were again the highest on record for any like reporting period in the company's hist oi v. BUILDING LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in 196Q See Us Now! We Will Build On Your Lot ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S. Inc. Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4381 d psint day HOUSE PAINTS! mm >s> FATHER'S DAY GIFTS ^ 1 "fir*"* buys FOR h °NdERFUL G«y . • .J Surprise dad with a gift from our vast selection of Father's Day presents. ^J We're well stocked with wonderful buys for a wonderful guy. Come in and let us help you make a big hit with the big man in your family. SAVINGS TO MAKE DAD GLAD $1.25 Plastic Playing Cards 89c 150 Piece Stationery . $1.00 His Pre-Shave Lotion 79c $3.50 Yardley After Bath Cologne $2.00 152c Brylcreem 2 for 84c Automatic LIGHTER 10 Year fiuarantee Mennen SKIN BRACER SHAVE ADD SPICE TO HIS LIFE -- GIVE OLD SPICE IXs LOTION, TALC, PRE-SHAVE COLOGNE, HAIR DRESSING -EACH ^ GIFT SETS PRICED FROM $2.00 to $5.00 KING-SIZE TOILETRIES VALUES 53c Kolynos Toothpaste 2 for 69c 50c Woodbury Hand Cream 39c $2.25 Lanolin Plus Creme Rinse .... 99c $2.00 Lustre-Creme Hair Spray 99c 60c Halo Shampoo 49c Gilleil* ADJUSTABLE Ramer $|95 •oorx s o $,2,3 cac mom VACUUM BOTTLE PRESENTS TO PLEASE P SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY SALE GENUINE LEATHER Qa11 BILLFOLDS 6 HIGH QUALITY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Polaroid Sun Glasses .... His Cologne for Men Travel Kits Remington Shave Stick Max Factor Butch Wax Zipper Tobacco Pouch ... Command Hair Dressing PARKER |T-Ball Jotter PENS | One Full Tear of Skip-Proof Writing $1.98 Serving you is our business GOLF BALLS WATCHES BYWESTCLOX For tn« active man TO $14.95 LECTRIC SHAVE «AQUA-VELVA GIFT 8419 Remington Roll-A-Matic ELECTRIC SHAVER Mfflpr's 1,1st Price NYLON BRISTLE HAIR BRUSH A COMB SETS $2.50 ROIL-ON DEODORANT FOR MEN Phone EV 5-0454 McHenry, 111. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5*4500 FATHER'S DAY 'i CARPS 10^ "o" I Plui 10% Federal Eicit* Tm on Toiletries 9)

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