? Thursday. June 16. 1960 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Pistekm Highlands SCOUTS ATTEND HIAWATHA SONG EVENT IN ELGIN Hazel Morley Hyatt 7-3820 Kay Slellsch Hyatt 7-8414 The' Highlands Boy Scout troop, escorted by Scout Master Joe Murray and Frank Palmer. Attended the annual Hiawatha Song event in Elgin last Tuesday., June 14. Scout Master Joe Murray has planned a hike for the boys the weekend of June 17, 18 and 19. As yet they had not decided on the destination. Joyce Malek, Victor Fick and Judy Mazzone from McHenry. Jamie Malek celebrates her fourth birthday. June 21.f She will have a party with her little friends. June 14. Marie Schlick entered the McHenry hospital for treatment. Miss Sandra Heir held a be- Sundnv guests of Dotty and I of their new sponsor, Mrs. Ha*r - Bob. They enjoyed a delicious , net Wilson. Janet Wilson gradfamily dinner. | uated from eighth grade. Bev- Dot Hayner. Dotty Jenkins I erly Peterson was voted, in as and Rose / Mary Thelen were Page Nineteen responsible for the Brownies •picnic held June 14. The affair was in honor of the Brownies "Fly Up". Bill and Marie Schlick. Tony lated birthday luncheon in her i and Cora Kaiser of Chapel Hill, home for ten of her school mates. Grandma Edna .Hanson from Chicago was on hand to give Joyce a hand with the work. She will bo spending a week or twe with the Heir ; family. Dick. Dorothy. Leo and Lil ' Orlowski spent the weekend of i June' 10 in Wisconsin Rapids Apologies to Woman's Club ; where they visited Leo's sister To err is human and your re- and family. June IS Dick and porter. Kay Sielisch, hopes the , Dorothy attended the wedding president of the Woman's club of Dorothy's girl friend in forgives her stupidity. I was I Chicago. checking my note^ for this | Hal and Dpris Kittorman-are week's edition and found the the proud parents of a bahy Woman's club news all typed : daughter, born June 4. at St. and never sent in. I am very.-; Therese hospital. sorry. Lorraine Ullo. president, Loraine Lindemann is enjovask|$ as many members who are able to pay their dues. please do so before July 1. this is the deadline for the Federation and for a complete listing in the year book. In October a bake sale is being planned and a big Christmas bazaar. The club hopes to SOP many new members at the September meeting and if you can not Join at this time, vou may do m held open house, June 12, in honor of their two children. Barbara Schlick4 and Dennis Kaiser, who graduated from McHenry high. The relatives and friends of both couples got together at the Kaiser home. Mamie O'Neil flew to St. Petersburg. Fla., Monday evening, where she will take care of her aunt who is seriously ill. Mamie had just returned from there recently and hoped her aunt had fully recovered. Some one shot -the dog belonging to the Raymond Taylors last Monday evening. Afa new member and Bob Fletcher celebrated his sixteenth birthday on June 3. Honey Reilly. Ruth GaberiaFand Shirley Spankuch modeled the skirts they made at a fashion show at McHenry high. A picnic is being planned for June 18 at Cedar Lake. This is for club members and their dates. On June 20 they will have a social evening at the barn. We are glad to see the 'teens active again, especially now with the summer vacation ahead. Here and There Diane Jenkins c e l e b r a t e d her tenth birthday on June 4 with a birthday party for her girl friends. Wishing Distaie a very happy birthday were Susan Conway. Artie Szyplebaum, RoseMai ie Thelep, Judy Mes- , sell. Bettv Himpelmann, ter n trip to the vets the dog , aura UUrich dnd Diane Hil- .'s doing- fine, Anna Cohrs attended the stage show in Highland Park last evening, June 15. Don't forget to wish Dad a Happy Father's day this coming Sunday, June 19. Let's show Dad how mtffch we appreciate having him around. SERVICE NEWS ler. the company of her grand- j Confirmation of her grand- Lorraine Hurckes spent last then. Birthdays and Anniversaries V&eorge Staudenmaier celebg$ t$d June 11. 'Belated birthday greetings to Forrest Reinhardt who celebrated his thirty-ninth birthday, June 6. His favorite mother- in-law, Gert Snell, made hfm a special turkey dinner ahdfris favorite cake.,r> M son. I .any. from Lansing. The Howtons of Acorn Lane were horrified to find, a rattle snake on their back porch Saturday. Frank Krumwiede and Mr. Howton killed it and have been scouring the area for any more that max- be around. Judy Krumwiede gave Margie Osboil? a surprise ninth birthday party. June 9. Karon Shastal. Caryn Darmody. Howard Hart. Larry I.utz. Victor Fick and Margie's three cousins from Fox Lake were on hand to surprise Margie. Judy baked a big beautiful cake and served ice cream. The Robert C.luecks have returned from their vacation in Vermont and it was a moj;t enjoyable trip for the chilcfron. i The monthly meeting of the „„ , lW | pinochle club was hold at the .June 19 marks another year j |1ome 0f Joanne Baron. June 9. Ann Szyplebaum. Greet- , M<irie schlirk. Audrev Misaings to Gert Snell who will , viro Rptty sandelin. 'Darlene eelemate June 23. Belated an- ; x00snn, Betlv Wnrozak and niversary wishes go out to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tempera of 202 Broadway, who celebrated 21 years of wedded bliss. June3. Roy and Gert Snell mark 'fi years of wedded bliss on Gert's ••birtj^Jay, June 23. Marilyn (Bob) VanZevern and M-ireia Dowd wore in attendance. .daughter. Allana Cohrs. in Villa Park.Lutheran .church, June 5. Dawn Misavice is spending two weeks with her grandparents. the Oswolicrs. in Chicago. She will attend as many baseball games as possible. The Joseph Novotnys were happy to have their son. Joseph. home for a week's vacation. He had just comple'ed a tour with the Metropolitan Opera company. After his vacatt i o n ^ l i e w i l l fly to Hawaii - where ho will play with the Philharmonic orchestra. After ! his tour there, he will resume | his post of teacher in the Guil- I lard school of music. j The 'teens and men of the 1 Highlands will resume their I Sunday evening Softball games | every Sunday at 5 o'clock at i the soitball field near the barn, i They will play off a sever, j game series. Loraine Lindemann picked up her two granddaughters last j Sunday and took tlipm to the | home of her daughter, Mari- Blanvho Haefliger spent last.; |yn, in Lansing. Pam and Deb- News of Your Friends and Neighbors June 7, Fred Haubold was host for an executive meeting in-.his home. Most of-the board was present to iron out a few troubles. Fred has been acting officer since president " Mc- Greey moved away. . Judy Krymwiede was host ess to^veral of Tier school day friends and their kiddies. Little Karen Krumwiede had two birthday parties this year on her birthday. James and Ruth Lemnonst* her second mother, Kay, and Wally Sielisch enjoyed cake and ico crcarTi with her • was happy to entertain her pte^mates, Joannie, Jamie and Thursday in Chicago on business and to do a hit of shop- : ping and visited an old friend | .'it lunch. I Dotty Jenkins' mother. Mrs. Wold of Chicago, Bob's brother > and wife. Chuck and Molly ; Jenkins, and his parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. Charles Jenkins, were hie were happy to attend dance recital while there. 'Teen Club News Thursday in Evanston visiting with some 'ole' girl friends and school. chums. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kolb will have a nice time on their trip to Mississippi. Stove Vrbik was home last week on vacation and also celebrated his birthday on June 16. Happy birthday to Katliy Mclnerney who will celebrate another birthday on June 19. Tom Mason and Dick Conway enjoyed watching the Milwaukee Braves play last week. Haze and Dick Morley and sons spent last Sunday in Northlake visiting Haze's sis- . tor. Eleanor, and her family. On Juno 16. Bob and Lori ralne Hurckes attended the giaduation of Bob's niece. Susan Baugous, in Arlington Heights. Haze Morley and her sister, • Laverne Jcssen, who is visiting from Spokane. Wash., spent last Tuesday shopping in Waukegan. On June 7. Linda Sluga eele- ' brated her eleventh birthday. ' Ilor good friends. Kathy Mason j and Susan Conway, presented j her with a nice birthday cake. Don and Wanda Dobecki, Jim and Carla Bales and Reb and McHenry Art Fair Tlie McHenry Art Fair will be held atv the McHenry high school between June 24 through 26. Don and Wanda Dobecki have some pictures on exhibit and they will attend a dinner for the exhibiting artists on : June 23 at the McHenry Country club. Don Bentz was taken to the 1 McHenry hospital last week suffering from cuts and hruises he received in an auto accident on McCullom Lake mad. . We are sorry to report that Tom Brill suffered an injured foot when he got caught In the spoKcs of his' motor bike. Sev5 oral stitches were taken to closc the Wound. Don ?nd Audrey Morin attended a wedding of friends last Sunday in Chicago. While they wore <?rijoying themselves their sons were having a wonderful time at Lincoln Park Zoo with an aunt and uncle. Dolores Burbon was hostess last week to some of her friends and neighbors when she had. a demonstration in her homo. NEW USE FOR BAGASSE: A recent edition of newspaper in Havana was successfully printed on newsprint made of bagasse, the waste from sugar cane. Previous uses for the material have been as fuel, feed rmcl fi'oreboard. Gregg Peters, seaman apprentice, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peters of Route 4, McHenry, graduated recently from trie Radarman school, Norfolk, Va. The school conducts a basic course in the operation and maintenance of various types of shipboard radar equipment. Students are instructed in all phases of radar plotting, navigation,^1 voice communication procedures and the use of sound-powered and radio telephones. lives on Route 2, Wonder Lake, I recently participated with oth- 1 er personnel from the 73th arj tillery in combat efficiency j tests in Grafenvvohr. Germany ! The tests, "conducted under realistic combat conditions. ; were designed to determine ' unit efficiency. j Marine Pfc. Robert R. Mes- , sel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt- ! or F. Messel of Pistakee High- I lands, graduated from the telei type operator course at the ! Marine corps recruit depot, ,San Diego, Calif. COMPANY SALES HIGH For the second straight yeaiV sales by The Great Atlantic &_ Pacific Tea Co., Inc. exceeded the $5-billion mark during the' fiscal period ended .last Feb. 27, according to the annuaf report being mailed to stockholders. Both sales and earnings were at an all-time high for any 52-week period, according to Ralph W. Burger, president and board chairman. (The fiscal 1959 figures were exceeded only by those of the previous annual report, which covered a 53-week period.) * Robert M. Mencel. USN, son j of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Mencel of Rt. 1. McHenry has been on recruit leave after completing nine weeks of recruit training at the Nava\, Training center, San Diego, Calif. . G R A F E N W O H R. GERMANY -- Army Pfc. James R. Beyer, whose wife. Eh$nri&. NORTHWEST TO BOOM: The Census Bureau believes the population of the Pacific Northwest --Washington. Oregon and Idaho -- may increase 30 per cent by 1970 to a total of over 61-.: million. This gain will be att a faster rate than for the nation as a vvhole. as foreseen by the Census Bureau, which is projected at a 22 per cent increase bv 1970. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street. McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS EOURS: DAILY 9 TO 1? A.M. and 1 TO « P.M. / FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 A century ago, hunters considered anything less than 2,000 bison killed per season as a poor season (Novemebr to February 1. F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our drug coiled . ODfclNM. You . must lose ugly fat in 7 days or your money bock. No strenuous exorcise, laxatives, massoge or taking of so-called reducing candies, crackers or cookies, or chewing gum. ODRINEX is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. When you take ODRINEX, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like, but you simply don't have, the urge for extra portions because ODRINEX depresses your appetite and decreases your desire for food. Your weight must come down, because as your own doctor will tell you, whon you eat less, you weigh less. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. ODRINEX costs S3 00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for any reason just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions osked. ODRINEX is sold wilti this guarantee by: BOLGER'S Drag Store 10S S. Green St. Phone EV 5-4500 The 'teon club is most proud ^gprb Sisk attended a musical ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws ! to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 . . , s ^ y v \ ^ . FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES t TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Ronte 12 • Volo, IIL Phone EVergreen 5-6260 OUT WHERE THE COUNTRY CAN TEAR A TRUCK TO PIECESChevy middleweights get more work done in a day! Where they med to deliver 2,300 gallons of liquefied petroleum gas fn other trucks, Petrolane Gas Service of Long Beach, California, can now deliver 3,500 gallons a day! That's 7 days a week usually, over hack trails and up into high rock country with maximum GVW loads. And with Chevy's Torsion- Spring Ride paving every foot of tl\e way! "You don't get any more jolting on washboard roads than yon do in a passenger car, or any sidesway on curves," says driver Bernie Stone. "I used to take some rough roads at from 5 to 8 miles an hour. Now J can go 30 over them." Petrolane has over 200 Chevrciets hauling for them. If yoo think we're excited aboot Chevy's independent front suspension, yoa ought to talk to the truck owners who are profiting by it. They'll tell you Chevy's torsionspring design is the hottest thing to hit the industry since trucks began. Drive one--that's the proof, short and sweet. WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLET STURDIBILTTRUCKS See fonr local authorized Chevrolet dealer ! * r CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. EVERGREEN 5-0277 beautiful 9torkline kitchen- CAN BE YOURS with no money down< and 3 years to pay Modern beauty and practical convenience are easily and economically obtained with Storkline cabinets. Made of hard Maple in colorful Fruitwood or Silver Walnut gleaming finish, makes it possible to achieve any desired color scheme for your kitchen. Don't be satisfied with an ordinary kitchen* when you can have Storkline cabinets at a surprisingly low .cost. Let us show you their many exclusive features. Real Paint Values Exceptional Quality at Low Prices! INTERIOR Wall Paint Vinyl Laiox 8 Pastel Colors and White 25 gal. $3 EXTERIOR House Paint White Only $?95 W gal. SEE US FOR ALL YOlTK PAIMING NEEDS "FRGAIMDE GARAGES No Money Down - 5 Years to Pay! * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! AND REMEMBER . . . IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED! By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. One-Car With Storage OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424