Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1960, p. 15

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Tftrsday, June 23, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Fifteen Eastwood Manor EMPOA WILL MEET AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER, LAKEMOOR Dee Fenick EV. 5-5527 Wke EMPOA get-together win be held at another eomr; unity center. (Our own facilities are inadequate at present.) The one decided on is the Lgkemoor Community Center which is near-by and easy to find. It is located in the fire department building in Lakemoor. The girls are going to start dishing out the food at 7:30. There will be music and dicing later. This affair is for all paid up members of the association. We'll be looking for you -- if you haven't paid your dues you'd better hustle. The date is Saturday, June 25. Faith Prebyterian Church of MoHenry - Friday is the la.sf meeting of tht* church membership classes irisynis series. It will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the George Landin home. * , On Sunday. June 26, the sermon topic will. be: "The Sign of Jonah." The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be administered. At 3 p.m. on Sunday. June 26, Faith church will hold a worship service at Iho McITenryjjTounty home in Hartland. TrkV.v, June 24, will be the final day of the joint Faith Presbyterian and Community M e t h o d i s t v a c a t i o n c h u r c h school. On that evening an open house will be held for the parents. Refreshments will be served while the parents become acquainted with all the leaders. The leaders from Faith In tll$ year's program are the Junior Superintendent, Mary Hadley of Pislakee Hills, Gracc Vyduna of Pistakee Terrace who taught grade 4, and Rita Olpyar who taught grade 6. Becky Oleyar was a helper in the nursery. Birthday Greetings To Georgina Thienes on June 2S t° Gus Miller on June 26. • to^Pntly McIIale on June 27. to Bonnie Sobarki on June 27. to Kerry Moore on June 28. and to Lena Campbell on June 29. Lawrence, arid Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Eternick. The Carl Pernnos celebrate June 27, likewise the George Negars. The Frank Hoppe| and' the Tom Birminghams (celebrate on June 28. i Recuperating We're glad to report JoAnn Hutchinson's little boy is better alter a long weekend down with a virus. Paul Cisewski is over the mumps and Ellen rind Cathy Barry are over their so'-e tonsils. Jeffie Harner is doing fine after having had his tonsils removed last week. Many Greetings Anniversaries galore this week, and may all of them be happy! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bergstrom celebrate on the twenty- • Th'£ twenty-sixth "is shared bv Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lnhman. Mr. and Mrs. Len I Of Interest Dan and Helen Mathes are attending a dinner tonight which is held for all exhibitors ;n the forthcoming Art Fair. They will also see a preview showing,of the entries and get acquainted with the judges, ^inee Dani is exhibiting his work We'll be sure not to miss soing this year!' Tom Simpson was in New York for a week receiving sales education.' He returned home n time for the celebration of Martha s birthday, All the family was out Sunday to wish her well, and on Tuesday many of her playmates attended a par- 'y a! her home. Jeffie Harner was undergoing his tonsillectomy at the time and so could iot join in the fun. Many of Pat! Birmingham's ••elatjvps came out from Chi- ';i£o and Morton Grove for the occasion of his high school •rraduation festivities. (Our "oneratulations, Pat) On Sunday Helen and Tom mri the boys went into Elmwood Park to Helen's cousin's, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers. The occasion was to celebrate the 'Trade school graduation of their son. Jack Meyers. DoUie Messer has been busy is a second grade vacation "hurch school teacher for her "hurch, the Community Methodist in McHenry. She is the only MaAorite teaching there his year. Lois Bianchi has just returned from a six weeks visit vith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Palavanchi; in Plymouth. Mass. -^he took Kenneth and three month old Jeff with her. They flew jot and arrived in two short hours. A1 had been batching it' and was happy to see them return. Mary Lou Barry's husband to"k her dining and dancing for the evening of their anniversary last week. Betty Radner had Mr. and Mrs. Chester Anderson over for dinner on Saturday evening. It was a surprise birthdav dinner for Mrs. Andersen and we hear she was really surprised too, in a very pleasant way. On Sunday Betty received a surprise herself when she was visited by her long time friend, Mrs. Pat Grimes of Lombard, whom she hadn't seen, for nine long years. She was accompanied by her daughters who had chapged from little girls to lovely young ladies. The Hawkins had Tarn's 'teen brother, Larr Dunlap, and his friend as guests for five days last week. The two are from Chicago and really enjoyed the great outdoors. The Jerry Rvans attended the funeral of Lois' maternal ! grandmother, Mrs. Anna Ja- ! eoby DeJuren. on Monday. June 13. in Chicago. Debra and Brenda were the only great grandchildren of Mrs. DeJuren. The girls spent Sunday and I Monday with Jerry's parents in | Arlington Heights. Holiday Hills Mourn Death Of Young Mother Rita Oleyar - EV. 5-4763 I BAND CONTEST j More than three dozen high j schools with some 2.500 young j instrumentalists will take part j in the Illinois State Fair band I contest, which begins its five- ; day eliminations on Monday, ; Aug. 15. Schools represented range in size^from more than • a thousand students to those | with less than 125. Appropriate classifications are established for judging purposes. | Each band is judged on a 30- minute concert. While music is the principal subject of judg- , ing, the bands are also scored ' on appearance, audience interj est and discipline. Bands are : rated in one of three grdups: superior, average, undeveloped. A great sense of loss entered the heart of every resident upon hearing of the death of Eveelyn Gilliland on Saturday morning, June 11, at Woodstock Memorial hospital. «• The thirty-four year old wife and mother had been ill for some months, and her death had been expected by herself and her family, but that did not lessen the shock at her passing. Funeral services were held from the Peter Justen Funeral Home on Elm street in McHenry with Rev. George Martin of the Community Methodist church conducting the service. Her final resting place ! was the Woodland cemetery in ' McHenry. j Her ready smite and good | noighborliness endeared her to j fanny of us. She leaves her hus- I band. Gene, the children. Mike, 15, Cheryl. 12, Steve, 11, and Carol, 7. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the whole ! family, as well as our admirai tion for their fortitude during ; the past few weeks. lowing scouts earned one or more badges during* this past year: Becky Hughes, hospitality, five-year-pin. skating and leather; Becky Oleyar, housekeeper, hospitality and leather; Patti Matt, hospitality; year-pin; Cheryl Gilliland. year-pin, Bonnie Exline; second class, year-pin, child care, hospitality; Audrey Estis, second class, year-pin, hospitality; Mary Lou Matt, second class, year-pin, and hospitality; Cynthia Schultz, second class, five-year-pin, hospitality; Linda Abbink. rocks and minerals, second class, year-pin, child care, dabbler; Linda Schultz. c h i l d c a r e , y e a r - p i n ; J a n e Oleyar, year-pin; Karen Roby, child care, year-pin, .Linda Schultz. year-pin. Refreshments prepared by Becky Oleyar. Cynthia Schultz and Mary Lou Matt 1 were served to the parents in attendance. Our congratulations to "these girls on their awards and especially to their hard working leaders Gerry Brecde and Phyllis Harper.. Holiday "Hills may consider itself fortunate to have two fine girl scout troops organized and maintained especially for girls in this area. fifth grade and has been a member of Brownie Troop 454 for the past three years. She was one of its charter mem-! i bers. Tragedy struck another Holiday Hills family last Friday afternoon, June 10. Sandra Vest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifl Eckles was critically injured when she was thrown from the horse she was riding in the vicinity of Dowell Road. Sandy, who now lives in Chicago. was visiting her parents for ,the weekend when the accident occurred. At this writing. she is still in the coma which she lapsed immediately after tlv> accident. She has never regained full .consciousness a fid has therefore been unable to tell anyone exactly what happened. She is an excellent; horsewoman. having learned to ride at the age of ten. Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C P. BarfiHd'. came from their home in Sossor. 111., upon-hearing the same news. Sandy's husband, Gerald.;left his U.S..Army post in Greenland to be at his wife's bedside. Th& family is keeping a constant vigil at McHenry hospital waiting for the young girl to reuse from her unconscious condition. *_J Dance a Success j Complete financial reports l from the HI1POA dance held ijune 11 at Wauconda are not | j et available, but indications ! are that it was an unqualified i success. Everyone agreed that I the orchestra played very j daneeable music, and there j was plenty of room for danc- | ing. plain and fancy. Chadie j and Mack Ary celebrated their fourteenth wedding anniversa,- I ry that day ,and appeared to be j the happiest couple on the floor. . . Out-of-town Visitors Mr. and Mrs-. Elmer Mettelka entertained a houseful of > visitors from out of town last ! weekend. Dr. and Mrs. William I Hawkins, of Greenville, S. C., ; Elm's sister and her husband. I stopped enroute to Marshfield, j Wis.. Elm's mother, Mrs. Lena | Mettelka, had spent the winter i in Greenville, and was return- Court of Awards Girl Scput Troop 478 held a cou'-t of Awards Tuesday evening', June 14. at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Harper^ The fol- Fly-up Ceremony Margaret Weyland of Oakhurst Subdivision (McHenry Darr area) was given her Brownie Wings and Invested into the girl scout troop Tuesday night, June 14, at the-court of awards. Margaret is in the MORE WATER . with a RED JACKET WATER SYSTEM • CAPACITIBS TO 1170 CAL MR HOW • PUMPING DIPTHS TO 120 FEIT • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE MOM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICE DoIUr-fer-dolJflr, f)»r« I* your b*it pump buy. H»avy, durable construction throughout. QuUt, lubrication -- fr*» •poratlon -- only ono moving port. A product of a worldtonownod pump manufacturer with ovor 76 years' aiparl- •neo In building watar tarvlca products. Tha Cantrl-Jat "HB" Watar Syitam will mora than satisfy you b avary COM IS and MO for younalf. JETS AND Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service AIX MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE McHENRY EV 5-5252 PROFE^tOnRL DIRECTORS' DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm- Street McHenry, IiL Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. A Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:80 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 ajn. to 2 p.m. Phone EVergreen 5-0748 1-31-® EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Iai • Representing - - - RELIABLE COMPANIES* When You Need Insurance Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0043 or 5-0958 112 E. Elm St. McHenry DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV 5-0ir Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:0t Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:80 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesday* Eyes Examined - Glasses Filled Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-28-6C DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist F *s Examined • Glasses Fittei Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 5 2262 ! 2-28-6f i GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent j The Prudential Insurance Co j of America | Life, Retirement, Sickness & j Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenrjr 111. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ETES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED . VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION" COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS COURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 McHENRY MAIN WASH features • Twenty-Four Full 10-lb. Washers Those washers use up to 12 gal. more water than other coin operated washers More water means better wash. A lull 29 minute cycle with lots of overflow rinse. • One 25-lb. Washer-Extractor For your largo family loads -- blankets, heavy spreads, sha^ rugs up to 9' x 12' size. 'Open 24 Hours A Day -- 7 Days A Week' FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE 520 W. Main St. McHenry, III. ing tc her home in Marshfield with her daughter and son-inlaw. Also on hand for the reunion v ere Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meitelka from Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mettelka from Freeport. Summer Fantasy Dance This will remind all 'teenagers and those adults who know of some young people who like to dance, that the dance sponsored by the HHPOA will be held this Friday night, June 24, at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Age-limit is thirteen, and refreshments will be free. There will be an orchestra. This is a wonderful opportunity for all '•eens to dress up and have a good time under adequate supervision. The dance will be well chaperoned. Women are impossible, improbable, and imperative! THE &AINBOW CLEANERS TRUCK IN FRONT OF. YOUR HOME TELLS YOUR NEIGHBORS.*. • • • Yoa weofc tbe best for your {sndyl PHONC EV«9mm 5-0927 For Pickup Sanioe /yjjIS SANITONE A<f G*ndttionind*--'tamMraturM to ©rd«r--for all-weather comfort. Get a demonstration! See the Chevy Mystery Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV--the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly. ABC-Tf. why shouldn't you enjoy THE FEATURES THAT MAKE CHEVY Fhone EV 5-25SS r- ....... ^ * 0s - 3-19-61 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-61 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests j Sanitation Layouts I Water Supply Program* j Richmond 4193 j % mile South of( Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 4-30-6Gj It's sure a cinch to see why Chevrolet is America's biggest seller for 19$0. Just look over all the fine features you won't find in any other car of the leading low-priced three: FULL COIL SUSPENSION that cushions your ride with coil springs at the rear as well* as up front... shift-free, satin-smooth TURBOGLIDE*, the only automatic transmission in Chevy's field that eliminates even a hint of a shift... up to nearly 3.1 inches more entrance height, three inches more~front seat width in that ROOMIER BODY BY FISHER ... an EASIER LOADING TRUNK with a new lower sill and a deck lid that's as much as a foot and a half wider. See your dealer soon for a carload of reasons why YOU CANT BUY ANY CAR FOR LESS UNLESS IT'S A LOT LESS CAR I Impala Convertibla CHEVROLET A KM ECONOMICAL TMNSfOtTftTMft BR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 118 Main St., McHenry, IIL Office Hours: Daily except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. & Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 5-19-601204 W. Elm St. Get in on the hottest thing this spring ... see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer. CLARK CHEVROLET McHenry, IIL EVergreen 5*0277 W

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