Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1960, p. 17

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Thursday, June 23, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER II Pace Seventeen Sunnyside Estates PLAN NOW FOR ANNUAL PICNIC ON JULY FOURTH _ Polly Stevens - EV. 5-1256 graduation of Stan's niece, Susan Zmudzki, in Chicago at St. Juliana's paiish. It also afforded Joan the chance to visit with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Holtfod. It's nearly that time again! -- July 4 and our annual picnic. We nope everyone is making plans to attend, and asfyou know, all residents and guests are invited. There will be games, contests and prizes for young and old alike. Bring your lunch and plan to make a day of it. Same time and Sj|pic place -- "up in the Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leakey arrived Wednesday. June 15, for a few days visiUsvith their son, Larry, his wife, Jean, and grandchildren. They are on their way home to Andrews. Ind.. after visiting another son. Roger, in Marshalltown, Iowa. sane p vWods." Junior Scout Leader Mac McDonald attended junior leader's training week at Camp Lowdcn, near Oregon. Mount Hope Methodist Church . The Mount Hope youth bid "Good Summer", to. Chet Ranker, Counselor, unlil he -returns from Fort Riley, Kans./in September. He recently was one of the men who conducted the Mount Hope youth on a visit to Chicago Temple Service and later a tour of the building.. The youths, saw Chicago at night from forty-two stories up. Chet is always ready for fun as well as-the serious side of church youth work. Mount Hope Sunday School has classes far all ages at 9:30 a.m. at the Pistakee Highlands Community center. The morning worship is at 11 a.m. Sun- June 2fi, the message will be by Rev. Robert Stine. parish youth director. The youth fellowship meets at the "Center" at 6 Sunday evenings. , Volunteer Anyone? Our beach was overgrown '%ith grass and weeds so that inveterate fisherman, Mr. Kimbro, cut a path to the water's e^c so he could fish. On learnlra* this Jack Kelso and his son, Bob, spent parts of two days diligently cutting, mowing and clearing the beach. These men deserve a vote of gratitude for their efforts. There is still much work to be done so won't some of you 'teen-agers and adults too, volunteer a few minutes of your time now and then to keep it H|rwed and cleared? It is to our advantage 1o keep the beach in good condition so that we and our children can spend many enjoyable hours there. and son, Donald, stayed the week and Bud and Don spent every spare moment golfing while the girls visited. Picnic Recently Betty Lakoivske, children, Mary Jane and Johnnie, cousin Danny Rieben, little friend, Robin Domin. and Mary Rose and her son, Donnie. spent a very entertaining vifternoon at Deer Haven. Oops! Sorry Department I goofed! but better late than never! I hope all you Dads had a wonderful time and enjoyed your own special day -- 9 Demonstrations Two d e m o n s t r a t i o n s w e r e held in Sunnyside Estates last" week. LeVerne Jost was hostess for one on Monday. June 13. Twelve ladies enjoyed Ler Verne's delicious lunch. Thursday night, June 16, found many of the same ladies enjoying themselves at Flort^' e Kanter's home, at anotlv. ei' "dem". Florence served her usual luscious cakes and coffee. Sick List? Mrs. Mary Mann has been "a palient in McHenry hospital since Monday, June 13. We are glad to report she is feeling much better and cards and letters. should help cheer her. Larry Leakey is "on the go" again after his recent surgery in Harvard hospital. Little Monica Davis is being kept in with chicken pox. Kimmie Bute just recovered from her ;icge and now brother. Kelly. has them. Double Celebration On Sunday. June 12. Betty and Rob Lakowske and children attended a double graduation party in Franklin Park for Rob's niece and nephew. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lakowske- Fdw. ird. Jr., graduated from high school and Cathy from the eiglilh grade. Birthday Party TV families of Carol and Bud Kennebeck gathered Sunday, June 12, for the fourth hiithday of their son, Alan. It was a wonderful party with many nice gifts for young Aian. Representing the Gamperls were. Grandma and Grandp i. Uncle Rich, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Rob and children. Dawn and Phillip, Aunt Madeline and Uncle Don and son, Donald, all of Chicago. On the Kennebeck side were Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Dan and son. Brian, great-aunt. Elvina Schumacher of McHenry. and Aunt Janette and Uncle Don Gaylord and sons. Don and Dick, from Woodstock. Madeline and Don Gamperl Birthdays Lots of birthdays this week: on June 24. little two-year Miss Jackie Current and Bob Lakowske. June 25. Mike Anderson will celebrate his eight :-cars. June 26 brings greetings to two-year old Kandy Lasnek and Jerome Olsen. We wind, up j June 28 with four-year old ; Bo:>by Lasnek and eleven-year j old Bei nie Janicki. Happy j birthday to all! Anniversaries June 28 finds Christine and Donald Fail celebrating thirteen years -of married life, wjiile on June 29, Gladys and Land Kayler will celebrate eighteen years. .Congratulations! Village of Sunnyside LAST REMINDER FOR RUMMAGE SALE. SATURDAY Irrna Gunther - Reporter EV.5-5484 This is the last reminder about the rummage sale which will be held on Saturday at the village hall. Please bring all of your offerings to Vickie Bogal and she will be more than glad to accept them for the committee. Final Reminder I hope you won't forget our family picnic on Sunday which will be at the beach. We are all hoping that the sun will stay "around for awhile so that we can believe it is surpmer instead of fall. Vocation Week John Colomar is back home after spending ten days up at the Salvatorian Seminary in St. Nazianz, Wis. Bark Home The Roggenbuek family is back after spending a wonderful vacation in Florida. The women of the Terrace are goin^ full force on the plans for the ice cream social which will be in July. More information will be given another time. Birthday greetings- to Joan Lima who will be celebrating next week. OBSERVE BURGLARY PREVENTION WEEK JUNE 26 - JULY 2 Family Moves Away t We are sorry to have to say | good-bye to the Womack fam- ' ily who moved away last week i OBITUARY Get Well Wishes ! Eugenia Tucker's daughter^ ; Pat. has been in Chicago, tak- ! ing care of grandma who has- 1 n't been feeling, so well and we hope her recovery will be a quick one. RAY F.. GILDEMEISTER. SR. R a y E. Gildemeister. Sr.. proprietor of Ray's Sinclair Service station at Wonder Lake, died Friday morning, June 17. at McHenry hospital, where he had been a patient for five and a half davs. How- ! Chief Joseph Grobel has announced that the week of June 26 through July 2 is being ob- ; served as Burglary Prevention j Week in McHenry. as pro- | claimed byf~Mayor George P. I Fieund. * J I He explained (hat the ob- ! servation is being held in conjunction v^th a state-wide programjplaugurated and-sponsored by the Illinois Police "association, to educate the public | on how individual citizens can :J help reduce burglary losses. I From January through Sep- NEW PENSION LAW FOR VETS BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1 Ralph B. Johnson, administrator of the Illinois Veterans' commission, stated many veterans may be affected by a new pension law which becomes effective July 1, 1960. i Veterans who have failed to qualify for pension under pres- I ent legislation because of in- I come may find entitlement unj. der Public Law 86-211. recentj ly enacted by Congress, due to I a more liberal income limitation. Pension may be payable > to veterans who are disabled from earning a living. Mr. | Johnson pointed out. stating | that monthly pension rates j may range from .$40 to $100 depending on amount of annual income and number of dependents. In McHenry county, veterans should contact the Illinois Veterans' Commission Service Officer at the court house in Woodstock. The service officer is available on Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Visit to Starve Rock Jcanniejb and Susan Benoche were invited to go along la$t week when the Girl Scouts of troop 408 went by bus to enjoy a scenic trip to Starve Rock. Big Day in Child's IJfe On June 12. Mark Fredrick felt just as important as the person who had the leading role at St Peter's church in I Spring Grove that day. You | see Mark was a page all in i white when his mother's cousin i said his first mass at St. Pe- | tor's and Mark, who is a very active boy, did a very good job. Birthday Surprise When Joe and Jean Benoche were invited for cake and coffee at the Ray N. Hanson home at Wooded Shores in Wonder | Lake a few Sundays ago Jean never dreamed that it was a surprise birthday party for her instead. Belated birthday greetings to Marge Ripley whose natal dav was June 15. Methodist Church News The Methodist people of this section are watching the Rock River annual conference of the Methodist churches, some 300 in number, which is being held at the Richard Senior Methodist church in Joliet'. Mr, George Van Zevern of Mount Hope Church in Pistakee Highlands will be their representative. The morning services on June 26. will be in charge of Rev. Robert Stine. the youth director jf the parish. Sunday school for all ages comes at 9:30 every Sundav. The Youth Fellowship is at 6 p.m. Sunday evenings with a very active program. July will mark the first ariniversarv of the coming of Pastor James H. Hagerty to the parish. Congratulations. ever, he had been ill "for two j *eIT|ber of 1959. burglaries months. 1 dropped 2 per cent on a nation- The deceased was born Nov. •! n- Das's- This was an encourag- 1, 1906. in Chicago. He came ' s'£n since the previous year to Wonder Lake as a summer I 'ia(^ ^ 14 per cent inresident' ten years ago and for i. crease, during, this same period, the past five years the family ) If, this 2 per cent decrease is tal. and Ijecomes more so whe» one considers the value of stolen property will approximate 6S million dollars in 1959. and, only about 54 per cent of this amount will be recovered. The chief went on to say, many of these burglaries could have been prevented if the people had taken some simple precautions to protect their | homes and property. [ People often leave their | homes for an evening, weekend. or a vacation without a ; thought given to the precautions recommended by their lo- ; cal police . department. Win- I dows are left open . . . keys ! left under the door, mat or in j the mail box . . . a completely i dark house or even worse. | lights burning twenty-four hours a day. All the ear mai ks i that tell a burglar "this fam- Lily is away"! j PUMICE REALLY GLASS: j'Pumice ;s actually small fragments of glass, probably j formed through volcanic ac ; the f-crvice station with his two 1 '10ur the day, day-in, day- , t'ion, containing many tiny cavf ifies and thereby contributing ! to the abrasive's lightness. had made it their permanent home. Mr. Gildemeister oper a t e d Pistakee Terrace Marsh P a t u 1 a and son. Rickey, took Mary. Carol and Make Mecko to see the Cubs play ball The Meckos are avid Cub fans and this was a first time for Marsha and they had such a good time they hope to do a repeat sometime. sons. Besides his wife, Lucille and the sons. Ray E. Jr., and Robert. he is survived by one • daughter, Barbara Kaptain, all of Wonder Lake; also six i grandchildren. He was a member of the Royal League. Calumet Council. No. 33. The body rested at the Peter M. Just en funeral home until : Monday, when Rev. Burton Schroedcr of Nativity Lulher- 1 an church. Wonder Lake, of- | ficiated at last rites. Interment ( was in McHenry County Mei morial Park cemetery. Woodstock. maintained, total burglaries in. 1959 will, approximate 665.000 about seventy-seven every out, all around the country. This is still a staggering to- Peter Wj. $uiten & Sio n OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Graduation Joan and Stan Walczynski and children reccnlly had the opportunity of attending the AWNINGS and PATIOS > 11 , flyf-N The Most Beautiful Aluminum Roll-Up Awnings for your home Also Stationary Awnings Now On Display At UnitedRent-CiUA Next to the Northwestern Depot McHenry, 111. Open Daily .8 - 6 -- Wed. & Sun. 8 - 12 Come In and See Them Sail EV 5-2916 or Crystal Lake 440 6.70 x 15 BLACK NYLON Tube-Type 7.50 x 14 WHITE NYLON Tubeless SPEEDWAY PROVED FOR TURNPIKE SAFETY Plus Tax -- No Trade-In Necessary Truck, Tractor & Passenger Car TIRES Complete Selection •s-- All Sizes ^ We Specialize In Tractor Tire Repairing FIRESTONE Dry Charge Batteries We Allow From $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery Don't Buy Until YoU Get Our Prices AAcHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main St. WALT FftEUND, Prop. EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry, 111. JOSffH FRETT * SON. INC. ESTABLISHED 1926 ' RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS and COMMERCIAL • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EY 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- Vi Mile East of Fox River Bridp) OUR STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN NEEDS 11Eveready" Floral Dust • •. Easy Way to A Gorgeous Garden! Why are some gardens a gorgeous blaze of blossoms while others are spotty and sparse? The secret of success is often better care. And there's no better care than "Eveready" Floral Dust--a scientific advance brought to you by Union Carbide! Floral Dust controla 12 hdrd-to-Killinsects-- 9 serious plant diseases. Leaves the plants clean and healthy! For broad range insect control, use "Eveready" Multipurpose Garden Spray. For insects in the soil bed, use supereffective "Eveready" 6% ChlordaneJ WE FEATURE THE COMPLETE UNI OK 'lull OARDIN PRODUCTS 9°NTROLS INSHc1, plant DIS MAUTHI0N and MILLSTREAM DRUGS 315 W. ELM STREET Next to Jewel Tea v McHenry, 111. Ten miles at the wheel are all you need... ^ r : p i p i 1 1 1 g | J m. _"S'SvS&VK-S;" "-* HV ^ooeSaDaeDSOcB6B0Bs:i:Sa:D nrt x naaflDQO9Q3f.3"S3 3» OO ^ * '• to discover the wonders of Cadillac performance! t The sensation of driving a 1960 Cadillac for the first time is so delightful that a ten-mile trip, even at moderate speed, will seem to end almost before it begins. But it will suffice! When the trip is over, you'll know that Cadillac is as magnificent in performance as in appearance. The gently soft ride, the amazing handling ease and the instant response to your slightest wish all combine to prove that this is indeed a car without an equal. And it's waiting for you at your authorized Cadillac dealer's showroom. Drive it at your first opportunity. V I S I T YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER t,Gu>rdl»n ilnteMoc«> OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000 w

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