Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1960, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. June 23. 1960 foyce Sohafer Honored Following Graduation Miss Joyce Schafer entertained neighbors following her graduation from high school, and the following Sunday, relatives and friends from Chicago were gnosis in the Schafer home near Johnshurg. Joyce's brother. Richard. ?lew bv jet from San Diego, ralif.. for the commencement exercise. He has been promoted to machinist's mate, secojid class, .and is now stationed aboard the USS John W. Thompson. tlTg^^irst ship to beequipped with the Navy's new variable depth Sonar, \vhich can be lowered on its cable to any depth to find its quarry. Open House To Honor Pastor %y guests, including ramlly and J friends, were present to help I her celebrate the occasion with j a buffet smorgasbord and so- | cial hour. ' Hostesses were Mrs. En- ! geln's daughters, Bettie Rode 1 and LaVergne Hanley. During : the party, she received a phone call from a third daughter. | Mrs. Lorraine Melsek, from Florida. 0 . The guest of honor received many iovely gifts; Terry Klapperich Observes Birthday Open house is being planned this (Thursday) evening i p. honor of Rev. Fr. Lawrence London, who has been assistant pasfor of St. Peter's Catholic church. Spring Grove. The party will be held in the parish hall. Fr. London has been transferred to St. Anthony's hospital. Rockford. where he will serve as chaplain. Terry Klapperich observed ; !ior third birthday anniversary at a party' held at the home of. her parents, the Martin Klapperichs. last week. Guests were Diane, Cathy, Jimmie. Mike and Rickie Klapperich. Vickie, Debbie arid Ann Ficken, Susie Conway. Patty Newkirk, Marty, Patty and ! Dawn Conway, and* Terry's brother. Randy Klapperich. Games were played, after which the youngsters were giv- ! en favors as they were served j. birthday cake and ice. cream. Baptize Daughter Of Walter Srhaefers Gail Johnson's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnsop of 192 Country Club Drivp. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Schaefer was christened Susan Marie at a baptismal ceremony which took place at St. John's church. Rev. Joseph Blitsch officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van der Mark, aunt and uncle of the baby, of Chicago. A buffet supper was served at the Schaefer home after the ceremony. Attending were the j maternal grandmother, Mrs. I Leona Van der Mark; the pa- j ternal grandparents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer, Dawn Van der Mark, Ronnie and Raymond, brother of the baby. at the Harner home, 911 Valley View road, Cooney Heights, given, by Linda Emerson, Lorraine Nellis and Cecile Zimmerman. Stork favors were given to the guests during the serving of lunch. The fourteen ladies presented Mrs. Harner with lovely baby gifts. Creamers' Infant: Daughter Baptized GAIL. JOHNSON Mcfferiry, announce the engagement of their daughter, G&il, tp Roger B. Crokin, son of 5tr. and Mrs. Harold L. Crbki'n of Hillcrest Acres, Mc- H^riry. No d'ale has been set for the wedding. O.E.S. jriaiis Two Events The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Creamer was baptized Rebecca Sue on Sunday, June 19, at, the Community Methodist church by Rev. George W. Martin. Dinner was served at the Creamer . home at '4KXH6 W. : Elm street later to the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. i George Hansen, and son, Deni nis, of Muskegon, Mich.; the ! great-g randmother, Mrs. ( Sharp, of Ludington, Mich; the I paternal grandparents, Mr. and I Mrs. Dan R. Creamer and sons, i John and Jim, and Mrs_ EL De- | Bray of McHenry. DOLORES FREUND LOVELY BRIDE OF DANIEL A. WEBER St. Patrick's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful wedding last Saturday. June 18. which united in marriage M iss Dolores Ann Freund and Daniel A. Weber of McHenry. Rev. Fr. Eugene Parker officiated at the service in which the daughter*t>f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Freund of Charles street and the son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Weber of Lincoln road became man and wife. Mrs. Carl Weber presided at the or?an. and Rill Weber was soloist singing "Ave Maria" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother". The altars were decorated far the service wilh pink arid white glads. The pretty, young bride chose a pure silk organza dress with medallions of hand clipped chantilly lace on the bouffant skirt. Lace panels extended down the front, encircling the lower portion of the skirt. The fitted bodice was of chantilly lace, with jeweled encrusted sabrina neckline and t r a d i t i o n a l , l o n g , t a p e r e d sleeves. She carried white roses and carnations. A Jcrown of seed pearls held her fingertip veil. Miss Joyce Weber, sister of the groom, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaid was Miss Tiina Keerberg of Shalimar. Miss Weber wore pastel yellow and Miss Keerberg was in mint green, their gowns styled of silk organza with draped b o d i c e , c h r o m e s p u n t a f f e t a midriff and side bow. Both young ladies carried pink carnations. They wore matching pearl crowns with blusher veils. William Weber served his brother as best man and Ronald Freund was groomsman. Ushers were Elmer M. Freund and William Miller of McHenry. Mrs. Freund selected a deep peony rose, embroidered net o v e r t a f f e t a s h e a t h , w i t h matching jacket. With it she wore while accessories, a feather and iridescent sequined hat and a corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Weber was, attired in a bltfc silk orgai!2a j over taffeta dress, blue hat, : white accessories and pink ; rosebud corsage. j A reception was held at the I Legion home at noon for 150 | guests, after which the couple j left on a trip into Wisconsin. | They will reside in their new home on Lincoln road.---- PATRICIA BLAKE BECOMES BRIDE AT ST. MARY'S St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful, early summer wedding last Saturday, June 18. when Patricia Ann Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blake of 108 Country Club Drive. McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Michael Butler Snite; son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Snite of 1200 Hill road. Winnetka. The ceremony was performed at 11 o'clbck by Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer. Given in marriage by her father, the pretty bride approached the altar, lovely in a gown of bouquet taffeta in l i g h t i v o r y c o l o r , p r i n c e s s and orchid and green floral print." A wedding reception for 150 at the McHenry Country club followed the nuptial rite. The bride's travelling ensemble was a pique sheath in grey and white, with matching coat. With it she wore a white veiled hat with grey rose trim, j The couple will make their j home at 855 Hinman, Evans- | ton. 111., after a trip South. The bride is a graduate ol the McHenry high school and •ittended Northwestern uni versity. Mr. Snite graduated from New Trier high school in Chicago and Rollins college in Winter Park, Fla. He has been in the Air Force Reserves for the past six months, and for the future will be employed in Chicago. ROY E. DODDS. NEWLYWEDS, WILL LIVE IN CHAMPAIGN Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Dodd. n e w l y w e d s , w i l l r e s i d e i n Champaign this summer, having returned from a short wedding trip North. Mr. Dodd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Dodd of Ringwood, claimed as his bride Miss Helen Olson* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Olson of Mineral Springs, in a ceremony which took place at St. Mary's church on June 11. Both young people are graduates of the local high school, she in 1958 and he in 1952. He is a 1960 graduate of the University of Illinois school of engineering and is studying there this summer. Hie former Miss Olson was employed at McHenry State bank after her I CARD OF THANKS | We would like to thank the many friends, neighbors and | relatives for their kind expresj sions of sympathy extended to i us in our bereavement. We are j grateful for cards, floral offer* i ings. spiritual bouquets ^and , especially for the services of t Fr. Kennell. The Family of Nick Huff CARD OF THANKS A special thank you to all the ladies of the V.F.W. auxiliary and friends of the V.F.W. for their kindness in remembering n^e while in the hospital and at home. Heartfelt t hanks tc George Just en who donated a bed for my use and to the doctors and nurses at the McHenry,.hospital for their help and kindness. Florence Tussey 8 VIOLATES PROBATION John Fischer, 16, of McHenry. was charged with violation of his probation from county court last week when he was noted in the city alone. graduation. IpmnHiiimimmHiimi V- Lovely for Summer . . . Something wonderfully exciting hap-, pens when you come in for a new coiffure, fashionably styled for you at modest cost. Available now -- Illusion and Fandy Nets for all types of occasional wear. ii/erAi cle ^J4airstu(ina Studi 126 N. Riverside Dr. lO Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, 111. Member of N.H.C.A Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon. Order of the Eastern Star members are planning for two important events for the latter pan; of June. On Saturday, June 25, at 7:30 o'clock, the public is invited to attend a card party at Acacia hall. Coffee and cake will be served. The following Tuesday night, June 28, at 8 p.m., grand lecturer's night will be held at Acacia hall, with Harriet Dodd in the East. Doreen McGinly To Wed Airman Zeller Some varieties of tree frogs have diamond-shaped pupils in their eyes. John Howell Photo style. Swiss lace with seed pearls decorated the neckline of the gown, and the skirt extended into a chapel train. Her pillbox hat with Swiss lace and seed pearls held in place a fingertip veil, and she carried a bouquet of calla lilies. Miss Susan Sayler of Chicago, a close friend of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Mrs. Patrick McKenna of Ev-I anston, the groom's sister. Miss Joan Walter of Wilmette and Miss Merrilee Brooks of Wabash, Ind., close friends, were bridesmaids. They were attired in orchid sheath dresses of chiffon over taffeta\ wi ^ satin midriff. They wore satin rose hats with face veil in orchid, and carried pink carnations and delphiniums in an orchid shade. Richard Dudley of Wilmette, a close friend of the groom, was best man, and ushers were Patrick McKenna of Evanston, brother-in-law of the groom. Curt Bowland of, Jtfilnjptte and John McConnell of Kenilworth, close friends. Albert Blake, Jr., brother of the bride, was the ring bearer. Mrs. Blake selected a pink silk organza sheath dress, with alencon lace trim and matching accessories. Her hat was a pillbox of pink organza, trimmed with flowers. Mrs. Snite chose a silk taffeta suit,' featuring a white background I Mr. and Mrs. McGinly of I Edinburgh, Scotland, announce i the engagement of their daugh- | ter, Doreen, to Airman Second • Class Raymond L. Zeller, son j of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jeller ; of Island Lake. | No plans have been made for i the wedding. Eugene Harnere Welcome New Son Surprise Birthday Party Honors Tillie Engeln A surprise birthday party was held June 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode, honoring Mrs. Rode's mother, Mrs. Tillie Engeln. About for- Mr and Mrs. Eugene Harner of Cooney Heights welcomed a new seventeen-month old son, Chris Eugene, into their family recently. He has two older sisters, Donna Jeanne and Mary Ellen. A shower was held last week Fashions for Children Sizes: Girls: 0-14 -- Boys: 0-7 The Store That's FIRST! ••••Km With Values rlKYl With Better Brands IIIKJI With Finer Gifts Come In And Shop With Us! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, 111. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Thurs. Afternoons "f~a.nta.Su DAY NURSERY COMPLETE DAY NURSERY for Working Mothers, Shoppers, eic. • DAILY, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY RATES • WARM MEALS DAILY State Licensed Located V* mile South of MeHem-y on the old Crystal Lake Black Tap Road CaU EVergreen 5-2499 for further Information your vacation clothes \ are as » new as they look... Let RAINBOW'S SANITONE CLEANING put back the Sparkle of newness t . Send us those clothes you plan to take on vacation •.. discover how our thorough Saftitorie Dry Cleaning revives dulled colors, makes limp fabrics spring back to life. After our Sanitone Dry Cleaning, only you will know they're not brand new. Call on us today... avoid last-minute panic. SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE PHONE EV 5-0927 FOR PICKUP SERVICE RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. Front St. McHenry Around Corner North of National Tea Co. Store Open Dally - 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 9 P.M. Always Plonty of Free Pariting at Rainbow's Drive-In 3v< c o ON ALL SAVINGS 3* P L E T E B A h K I N G s E R V I C E there's no substitute for MONEY IN THE BANK in a bank you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in the Bank". Cash and high grade marketable securities of $9,000,000 offset over 60% of our deposits. in a bank you establish a credit reference second to none. in a bank you can obtain a vast array of services available nowhere else under one roof -- savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, financial assistance and guidance, and many others. in a bank such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures availability as well as safety. "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash4where you want it -- available when you need it. There's No Substitute lor "Money In A Bank" McHENRY STATE BANK ESTABLISHED 1906 PHONE EV 5-1040 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System 3r/c Interest Paid on Savings Deposits Drive-In Banking ON ALL SAVINGS s E R V I N G 5 I N C E 1 9 O 6 W •I" 3% \

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