Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1960, p. 11

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Vmisday. July 7, 1960 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores ^ DANGER LURKS AT IDYLL DELL. HILLTOP CORNER By Clue Mueller, EV. 5-0558 Worried parents, near the <%rners of Idyll Dell and Hilltop Boulevard, are concerned for the safety of their little loved ones and are wondering why nothing is being done «bout the, removal of the excess weeds and underbrush that obstructs a driver's view at this intersection. Cars turning in off of Idyll'Dell have no clear view of Hilltop until they Me actually on it. Drivers on Mlltop can't see any through traffic moving on Idyll Dell until their car is in the middle of both roads. If the people who own these corner lots cannot take care of them, how about sortie of that "Civic Pride"? A group of us could get together and clean up these corners in nothing flat, enjoy the get-together and ijio knows, maybe by doing it, save a life or two. While on the subject of roads -end'safety -- Mr. Hattan took the trouble to find the stop sign and wanting post that had been removed by vandals or pranksters and thrown in the prairie, he replaced them at the intersection of Grandview and Barreville road. How about someone replanting the stop «?n at Barreville and Idyll Dell. Complaints have also been coming in about the speed of cars being driven through the subdivision, the warning signs are ignored by a majority of the drivers. Ease up on the gas pedal in order to save a life and lessen a dust cloud. view. They recently lived in Gary, Ind. Goodbye Friends j The Poggensees new address I will be Route 41.and Junction j 43, Kenosha, Wis. Drop over ! and visit them when.,, you're j over that way. Little pals are going to miss their youngster as we will miss Bob and his : accordion and Lu with her very I able reporting. All we can say is. lots of lucfc; with the new venture. Birthdays Belated greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Ted celebrated his ' eighty-fii st on June 25 and ! Bessie's birthday was on the j following day. . . . July 8 will be Fred Stark's and son. Tommy. will be three years old on I Mondav. ... And Jane Kleine will celebrate hers on that day ; also. . . . Wednesday will be Donftie Olbinski's. . . .Happy brhhdav, one and all. Sick List ^Marge Denigan was operated on at Billings Memorial hospital in Chicago. . . . Convalescent cards can be sent to Joe Moravec, care of Mary Moravec, 1640 S. 56th Court, Cicero, 111. Welcome Neighbor Harry and Paula Tiggemann, with their youngsters, Ellen J£ay and Paul, have just moved ^nto their new home on Grand- Annual Picnic Report j Hats off to Daisy Smith, ! chairman of the ways and means committee, " who, .] through the appointment of j "Louise Winters as chairman of | the annual picnic, brought another day of happiness to all | the membeis of the MSC who | with their children took part in | the event. Assisting on the .committee were: Alice Brunke, | Gladys Korner, Ray Olszewski, Jack Schmitt. Fred Stark, Bob ; Tanner. Sam Winters, Sam , Zeimets and the many other ' adults who worked with the dinner, games, refreshments, etc. The Lord surely looked on with favor by furnishing a very pleasant day with no mishaps reported by the sixty-nine youngsters and 104 adults who were present. Winners of the various children races were: Jimmy Burke, Linda Hattan, Bill Korner, 1 PpSg.v Moore. Robbie Mueller, Corky and Donnie Olbinski, Ray Olszewski, Mike Ruemelin. Patty Simonsen, Fred and | Mike Stark. Glen Tanner, Shirley Vilim, Mike and Sandy . Wetzel and Nancy and Sandy Winters. Adult game winners were; Women's sack race, Darlene Hattan, men's. Ronnie Verstege -- Women's balloon breaking contest, Doris Munroe, men's. Tom Burke, -- Clothes pin race, Pat Ruemelin -- Ed and Doris Munroe won the water* filled balloon ' throwing contest -- Ray and i Marge Olszewski won the egg throwing event -- Burke, ! Mueller, Munroe. Ruemelin. Vilim, Wetzel and Whitney ! composed the winning tug-o- ( waj team. After games,, horseshoes and baseball was enjoyed by the men while the women gossiped and prepared that appetizing ; hot dinner. i Sundown brought forth the surprise of the day when Fred Stark prepared the slab as a : stage, Pat Simonsen warmed : up her accordion to accompany the big and little darkies that trouped into the setting from out of the dusk to present the first McHenry Shores minstrel. I Tom Burke, Marie Cicchini, , Clare Mueller. Marge Olszew- | ski. Jack Schmitt, Daisy Smith, j Delores Stark Bob and Evelyn j Tanner and Audrey Whitney, after recovering from stage . fright, proceded to carry on with the show. The audience helped by participating in some of the community singing. Bob Poggensee, later, supplied accordion music for the dancers. Families who took home attendance prizes were the Zeimets, Schmitts and Muellers. Mrs. Winters would like the women to stop by her house to pick up one wash tub and a variety of pots, dishes, spoons, etc. and Dot Schmitt with children, Mike, Morti,/JQanny and Gary, were up from Alexandria. Va., to spend a week with Uncle Jack and Aunt Elsie. . . Out boating with the Wilsons were the Lexows. . . . Carol and Joe Till with youngsters, Karen, Janice, Gregory and Peter, s t o p p e d o u t t o s e e t h e Schramms. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner entertained son. Chuck, Jr.. his wife and son. Marcie and Charles the III of Chicago and also, son, Dick, and his wife*. .Janice, 1 from Milwaukee. . .. . Visitors ait the liunkes, friom Arlington Heights., were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher with children. Cindy, Ricky and Robbie. . . Nancy Winters, had her girl friend. Carol Rutten of Burton's Bridge, over for a coupl^ days to help her celebrate her birthday. ... The Cal Whitneys with their three youngsters and the Deduseks with their five youngsters dropped I in on Chuck and Audrey Whit- ; ney. . . . Marge Murawski. Betty Dobbertin's sister. was out for a weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siers attended a wedding in Milwau- ' kee. ... Fran Lamerand has returned from a fishing trip up ; in Canada. . . The Cicchini twins are r.ow vacationing with Pagt Eleven Mr. and Mrs. A. Sexton in Glen Ellyn . . . The Clare Schweikerts were in Chicago and spent the day at son, Bob's home. . . Shirley Lamerand reports that her brother is now in Korea and is beginning to erijoy army life. . . . The Zeimets were over to Marge and Charles Sun in Grass Lake (town of) for dinner. . . . The Poggensees went in to attend the graduation of their nephew. Wayne Bortels. . . . The Ron Versteges visited Howard and Delores Kprmuth in Glenview. . . . The Winters enjoyed the Methodist church picnic. . . . The Vilims went to Park Ridge to visit Ed's folks as also-did brother Robert of Hinsdale with wife and son, Robert. Jr. More News Congratulations gran dparenls. R 11 and Marge Pinkonsly. on the birth of that 7 lb., 2 oz. granddaughter, Carol Lynn Pinkonsly. . . . Have you told Art Cicchini that you plan to play in the two ball foursome, Sunday.,July IT. Don't be bashful. let him knew and why not kick in with your green fees riftht away. . . . Chatted with Colonel McKelly today and is my face red. I found out that he had 10'a years of service in the National Guard plus his 20 years of active army serv- POT.fJFP FAMTT V iw " s feNROUTE Wi?ST FOR CONVENTION Column. Hey, paymaster, please take note. And in Closing Ev Tanner is replacing Lu Poggensee as your reporter covering the area along Riverside Drive and Carol avenue, so give her a buzz at EV. 5- 4t»8S with your most welcome news items. . . . Beach cleanup crew for July 10. 9 a.m. are Joe Reznicek, Sim Santilli, Bob Tanner and Sam Zeimets. Chuck Whitney is switching Sundays with Fred Stark (just for your record if you happen to be checking up on the boys). . . . It's nice to see the kids in swimming again, isn't it. ASKS PIER PERMIT The Illinois Division of Waterways has announced receipt of an application by Howard C. Ashley of Elgin for permission to construct * wood plank pier on the left bank of the Fox river near McHenry. Plans for the proposed project may be seen at offices of the Division of Waterways, 1G0 N\ LaSalle St.. Chicago. j William J. Bolger of McHenry will be attending the Democratic convention at Los Angeles this week as a delegate. He is taking his wife, Carol, and their four .children and making a vacation trip, along with the very important work of the convention. T^he sessions are in the afternoon and evenings. I - Mr. Bolger and family will arrive in Los Angeles Friday. July 8. On the days before the (start of the convention the family plans to visit points St interest, including a tour of ! Hollywood. „ ! The first two affairs of the convention start on Sunday, July 10, with a reception given by Senator John F. Kennedy", and in the same afternoon Illi- • nois delegates will caucus. The family plans to visit Mrs. Gertrude Vogt and daughters, former residents of McHenry They will return via the northern route home. SALES INCREASE H. V. McNamara, president. National Tea Co., ha§ announced that the company's sales for the first half of 1960 have reached a new all time high, showing an increase in excess of $11 million for the twenty-four weeks ending June 18, 1960. , SHOP AT HOME mm Don't buy any WATER HEATER puve seen the world's finest Here and There All the Gale children were out to wish father. John, a happy Father's day. . . Dick PROPER I O I I R L DIRECTORY summer shower y fcr Prim* Matchabvlli cool the fragrant way ...splath on this dalictaui bouquet of 22 cooling fra francM. You'll stay delightfully scented and refreshed lor hours. Iff ^ * i - - • Cologne--4 ozs Bubbling Bath Salts Perfume Creme Sachet, Bath Soap--3 cakes Stick Deodorant New Roll-on Deodorant Also- Dusting Powder Cologne--8 ott. Cologne Spray Mist $2 Prices plus tax--no lax MI MOB BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. tJreen St. Phone EV 5-4500 THERE'S REASON FOR,PREFERENCE... Mllillll.llrillP " ^.*-.1 * Current Rate Per Annum v-1?* i ; DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathle Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street McHenry, I1L Hours: Mon-, Tuea., Wed. As FrL 10 ajn. to 12 p.m. 1:S0 p.m. to 5:80 p.m. 7 pjs. to I pjn. Sat 10 m to 8 p.m. Phone EVergreen &-071S 1-31-61 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Is* Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES! When Ton Need Insurance P Any Kind Phone EVergreen 6-0043 or 5-0953 112 E. Elm St. McHenrf v DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV 8-Olf Re*. Phone: EV 5-619! Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:01 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9KM) Closed AU Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Filled Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-28-6C DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAIU Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitte* Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. St FrL 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 3 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 5-2262 2-28-6T GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance C® of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenrp I1L Phone EV 5-2538 3-19-6C Marengo Federal ^auin/ie AND LOAN Jdvmy> ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $11,500,000.00 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 1-22-6* GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer * Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Program; Richmond 4198 % mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsbure - Wilmot Road ^ 4-30-6( "DR. EDGAR E. PEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 118 Main St., McHenry, DL Office Hours: Dally except Thursday 1-5 Mon., Wed. ft Fri. Evenings 7-9 Phone EVergreen 5-0489 5-1960 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENfiMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, IU. Phone EVergreen 5-6260 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP OPEN SUNDAYS C1 A.M. 'til 1 P.M. Closed All Day Mondays UWUllL VitRock So good it carries a 10-TEAK GUARANTEE ...backed by a *500 WARRANTY BOND Can never rust! Double Protected: GLASS LINED h e a t i n g s u r f a c e s p l u s S T O N E LINED tank walls. 100% safetf pilot. Automatic controls. Fast --efficient--reliable. Akhoff's Gas Servicc 700 Front St. Phone EV 5-4200 f *500; - 4 1 :•* .-v. :* . v • * ^ mmmn itmm . . . . 4p' fv ifsecret Love of ]\[otorists Everywhere! It probably won't surprise you to learn that most peoplegiven a choice of any motor car in the land -- would choose Cadillac. For Cadillac is so widely acknowledged the master of motor cars that it has become a vital part not only of the American dream--but of the aspirations of people everywhere. It is a possession deliberately created to represent design and craftsmanship at their highest levels--and to render the fullest possible measure of personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Happily, more and more of Cadillac's "secret admirers" have this year decided to declare their intentions, to select their own favorite Cadillac model--and start driving one! And with good reason. First of all, the car itself provides a greater temptation to action than ever before. In the way it looks and rides and handles--it has widened even further the gulf that exists between Cadillac and other motor cars. Secondly, the "car of cars" is now within the means of an even larger number of motorists. Its original cost is surprisingly close to cars of far less stature and acceptance. Its dependability and reliability are unparalleled. And it is the "resale champion" of all motordom. We suggest you pay your Cadillac dealer a visit--and let him arrange a date with your secret love. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000 =1 • • jtitanll

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