Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1960, p. 11

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Thursday, July 21, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pig* Eltven PERSONALS Freddy Thompson of Long Beach, Calif., formerly of Mc- Hc#y. is spending the summer with his aunt, Miss Rita Martin. Mrs. Lydia Engeln has vacated the former Richard Cronin place at 109 E. Waukegan road and gone to Dearborn, Mich., to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Julius Thomas. Mrs. John Wendorf of Atlanta, Ga., spent a Jew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GS#Valinder, enroute to Los Angeles for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Duane Hoque and family. The Donald Kimmel family of Elgin were visitors in the home of Mrs. Walter Walsh Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul. -Patzke - have returned from a two weeks vacation in which they vi^d relatives, Mr. and Mrs. L. ti. Gibson, in Birmingham. Mich., and spent some time at Ni.Mgara Falls. ^ Sister Marv Henry, the former Anna Bolger, and a i companion of Sf. Louis. Mo., spent a few days last week wilh relatives here. Mrs. Emily Kubat of Orlando. Fla., was a guest in the Joseph Muska home last week an^| while here accompanied Mr and Mrs. Muska and Mrs. Sophie Kosti on a trip to Phillips, Wis. < John Bolger of Syracuse, N. Y„ is spending two weeks vacation with his mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Misses Suzanne and Mary Beth Ekstrom of Elgin spent the past week with their grandpai^ nts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stwfel. Sunday guests in the Louis Stoffel home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers of Skokie. were weekend guests in the Robert Newkirk home. Miss Clara Miller is spending a few days this week with her aunt, Mrs. Stephen Heimer, in Cljf-ago. Martin Smith of St. Louis, Mo., is a guest of McHenry relatives this week. Mrs. Julius Roeder is spending a few weeks with her son, Robert, in Washington. D. C. Miss Mary Kinney left recently for Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews and graridson. Patrick Mc- Amirews, motored there wit„h h^ to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Kathryn Conway accompanied her daughters, Mrs. Gerald Winters and Mrs. Dan O'Shea. and the latter's daughter, Sheila, of Grayslake. to Chicago, where they attended a miscellaneous shower for Miss Sharon O'Shea whose rarriage to John Iandola will ta£> place on Aug. 13. Visitors in the Glen Dixon home on Fiesta Sunday were M r s . R o b e r t B r u g g e r a n d daughter, Barbara, of Kenosha. Wis.: Mrs. Ray Gabinski and qhildren of Bloomingdale and Mrs. Richard Sedar and children of Kenosha. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti spent a few days this week in the hewe of Iheir daughter. Mrs. Tnutrias Mooberry, in Aurora, Colo., where they made the acquaintance of their new grandson born July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Winters and children of Grayslake were M d H e n r y v i s i t o r s S u n d a y . Their daughters, Jerri and Terri, who had been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Kathryn Conway, returned home wi^l them. Mr. and Mrs. Wrilliam Vales and daughters. Louise and Mary, of Omaha, Neb., spent the past week,with his mother, Mrs. Albert Vales. Mrs. Ann Witt of Kenosha, | Wis., was a visitor in the Fred I Bienapfl home a few days this i week. | Mrs. George Knight has re- ! turned from a two months visit j with her daughter in Texas. | Dr. Geno Unti and family of I Wadsworth, Kansas, have been I visiting his parents, Mr. and i Mrs. John Unti. | Clarence Whiting and the j Lloyd Whiting family of Elj gin, were guests in the Kath- ! rvn Conway home Sunday evej ning. I Misses Pat Guffey and June j K o u b a o f R i c h m o n d w e r e ; I weekend guests of McHenry | i relatives. 1 j j Guests in the Herb . Simon j home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simon of Apple-: j ton, Wis., on Thursday, Mr. ! I and Mrs. John Simon, son, : Raymond, of Chicago, on Sat- | urday and Mr. and Mrs. Mike I Gotchlich. son, Leonard, otl j Chicago on Sunday. ; Mrs. Eleanor Foley was a j weekend guest in the home of j : her daughter. Mrs. Maurice Wade, of Country Woods, : Crystal Lake. The Jack Phelan family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conway | and Susie have returned ifrom a vacation at Sky Lodge, Mon- . tello. Wis. Miss Helen Buch of Chicago Was a weekend guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Buch. | Mrs. Madeleine Mayfield at- ; tended the National Convenj lion of the Catholic Daughters of America held at Philadel- ! phia. Pa., the past week, i Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes are spending some time in the home of a daughter in San- !1a Ana. Calif. They made the I trip by plane and enroute vis- I ited another daughter in Col- ; orado. I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Creamer entertained relatives for dini ner and supper and the Fiesta I Day parade. Those present ; were the Lee Baker family j from Glen Ellyn; the James 1 Perkins family. Riverside; the Herman Reimer family. Petite Lake: the Richard Creamers ! and Mrs. DeBray of McHenry. j Mrs. William Staines celei brated her birthday, Sunday, July 17. at her home on Waukegan street. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines of Kenosha, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson and daughter. Patsy. Sandy Miller and Cheryl Budasi of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. George Pattinson and sons. Ted and Dave, Jhanita Colburn, James Whiting, Enno Nomm, Sharon Whiting, ! Pauta Elliot and Bob Whiting of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs.. Herman Jarobsen of Harvard. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of July 14, 1910 The .West McHenry State bank now has the services of a clerk in the person of Miss Julia Stoffel. who will no doubt be of great assistance to Mr. Stepger, who heretofore did all the work connected with that banking institution alone. Moving pictures and illustrated songs at the Central Opera House the coolest place in town. Any seat 10 cents. Bargains at Block and Bethke's include: White duck shirts, $1.25; regular $7 dresses, now S3.50; white shirts waists, $1; ladies' gingham petticoats, foil cut and ruffled. 50 cents; black sateen petticoats, $1; white petticoats, $1.29 to $3. A group of women suffragists arrived in McHenry Tuesday noon and held a meeting in front of the bank. The audience consisted mostly of women who applauded frequently. They left here for Woodstock. At a gathering at the home of Mrs. Ella Lamphere in Elgin last Friday evening, the engagement of Miss Mayme Lamphere Granger to Raymond P. Arvedson of Carpentersville was announced. Miss Granger was a McHenry resident for many years, where she graduated from high school with the class of 1906. William Stoffel, Jr.. went to Chicago the first of the week, where he entered the employ of the International Harvester company, the same firm with whom William Stoffel, Sr., traveled for many years. Mrs. C. G. Frett is confined to her home with a badly broken ankle sustained in a jump from the meat wagon in which she and her husband were riding, when the horse started to run away. will sing a high Mass at St. • ceive the many lovely gifts of- Mary's church at 8 o'clock next j fered by local merchants, to Sunday, June 11. : first baby born each Miss Cecelia Geary, of Wau- month, conda and John R. Knox of \ Emanuel Cohien, 79, of Chit his city, were united in mar- j cago, a summer resident at riage at Transf i g u r a t i o n l Emerald Park for many years, church, Wauconda, at 10 i passed away in West Suhuro'clock Wednesday morning, I ban hospital. Chicago, Friday Rev. Fr. Murphy officiating. Surviving her husband, Michael, by only a trifle over a year. Mrs. Katherine Justen passed away at her late home on the corner of Elm and Park streets Friday afternoon and Nelson Ensign, another old time resident, died at his home on Fourth street last evening. Charles Hall and family have moved from the Schnorr place | on Main street, to the Carl j j Herdrich place on John street, j The card guild of the wom- O, B. Oberstadt has purchased L an's auxiliary of McHenry hos- L e g a l s of injuries incurred in an auto accident near Mukwonago, Wis., last week. Funeral sen ices for Mrs. ! Charles Jecks, 56. were held j from her farm home Wednes day afternoon. Hospital Auxiliary the Schnorr place. pit nl has been very active with That it doesn't take a Fourth i groups from the various localiof Julv celebration to bring' having parties. the people to McHenry was demonstrated over the weekend. when our village was crowded with visitors. Every Dolly Schmuhl of Holiday Hills entertained with' cards at, the home of Arlene Foreman. Present were Elaine Schrnitt. hotel was packed to its.utmost j Karen" Smith. Violet Wycesang capacity and a number of pri- I an(^ Alice Malzahn. rate hordes helped take care of j Mi's. Estelle Beatty of Front -the overflow. From deposits at street has a group playing ev- | the banks Tuesday morning, j P1>" month for the benefit of our Fourth of July guests left ]I \\omans auxiliary. Mrs. • several thousand dollars in the j Del Newman. Mrs. George Colcommunity. lette and Mrs. George Dason are the group members. TWKXTV-FIVK YK.AliS AGO "fw b'><lEe and havins a T_a ,k on ,fr om t.h. e Viles wond,e.r ful time under the m- . . . i . m o - s t m e t i o n o ef „F l. o r e n c e „E n g d, a .h ,l of Julv 11, 198» !I are IT vy TL ezaik . Marie Muliil ere. A reunion of 1he classes of j}CI1jS0 Nardi, Daisy Jones. 1920 and 1921 of Ihe Commu- > p|]10i bailey, Jean Cameron/ nity hich school was held at j jcan Weyland. Bernice Mac- Ihe Bickler hotel Sunday i Calltim. Beaulah Gruenfeld and ning. Mrs. Walter E. Care> and _,\liee * Holmgren. Grace Sulli- Mrs. J. Albert Woll were host- van Marge Prem and Peggy esses of the atfair, with George aro newcomers- to this Barbian as toastmaster at the groUp chicken dinner served at 8 jj- anvono js interested in o clock Six members of the starting a group, contact Mrs. Alice Holmgren of Wonder 1 ,ake. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August. 1960, at 2:00 p.m. in the County Court room. Court House, Woodstock. Illinois, a public hearing will be had - upon the Subject of a certain Petition filed with the County Judge on the 14th day of July, 1960. requesting the formation of a Public Library District in the following area: All that part of the East Half of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the T^hird Principal Meridian, which lies South of Public "Highway commonly, known as ..Lincoln Road: ALSO, the East Half .• of Section 36, Township 45 North. .Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian: ALSO all . of the South Half" of Section 30. Township"45. North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian: ALSO all of Section 31. Township 45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian: ALSO, the South Half or Section 29. Township .45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian; ALSO, all of Section 32, Township 45 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian: ALSO, all of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian: all of which property is located in McHenry! STATE OF ILLINOIS ) County, Illinois,, J )SS at which hearing all persons' CQUNTY OF McHENRY ) in the proposed district shall ! PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEIIEhave an opportunity to be LBY GIVEN that on the 25th heard touching upon the loca- j day of AUGUST, 1960, I, tion and boundaries of the pro- j HARRY C. H.E R E N D E E N, posed District, and to make | County Treasurer, will adver- | suggestions regarding the1 tise, according to Chapter 12'), 1 same. i S e c t ion 692, Revenue A: >. ' Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, i State of Illinois, all Personal this 14th day of July, A.D. , Propei ty tax which is ivmain- ! I960. ing due and uncollected as of the 17th day of August, along with the amount of tax, interest which has accrued, and the name of the person or corporation, as assessed. The cost of publication to each person or corporation delinquent :i payment of Personal Property I ' : . ' 'Tax is SI .00. '• The colors of I he.School. oT <s' HARRY C.HEREN'DEEM ! Experience seem to be black 1 County Treasurer j and blue., , ! (Pub. July 21.. 1960), &/JAMES H. COONEY Judge of the County | Court of McHenry County, Illinois i LOOZE AND KINNE • Attorneys for Petitioners 112 East Elm Street , McHenry, Illinois ! EVergreen 5-1580 .-"i Kiwanis International Names New President Joseph O. Tally, Jr., 39, Fayetteville. North Carolina attorney. has been named president of Kiwanis International. Fie was elected to the number one Kiwanis post by delegates attending the forty-fifth annual convention of Kiwanis International in Miami -- Miami Beach. News of Tally's election was received by officers of the Kiwanis club of McHenry. As head of Kiwanis International. Tally will be official spokesman for 260,000 Kiwanians in more than 4,700 clubs located throughout the United Slates and Canada. He succeeds Albert J. Tull.v, Mobile. Alabama attorney. Tully has held the Kiwanis presidency since August of 1959. FORTY YEAKS AGO ' Taken from the Files of July 8, 1920 It is now definitely decided that St. Pktfrick's parish of this | place will erect a new $75,000 ' church edifice. This conclusion w as reached a* short time ago, after the popular pastor. Rev. M. J. McEvoy had received and ; been assured sufficient cncouri agement to go ahead with the I gigantic project. William K. Burns."a summer ! resident at Emerald Park for j many years, passed away there i Sunday, July 4, after a lingering illness. Over 1.000 people left Mcj Henry over the C & N. W. railroad on Monday evening of this week. One special train was made up at this station. I while three other specials made up at Williams Bay. Wis., also passed through McHenry. Another evidence that not everyone can afford a car. | The choir of St. Philomena's ! church of Chicago under the direction of Charles E. Pich, class of 1921 and ten of the class of 1920 were present. Scouts Jacks Hess, Bruce j Klontz and Harold Taxman ' have been given the honor of representing Troop 162 at the Great National Scout jamboree j to be held in Washington. D. , C.. the last ten days of August, j I M i s s E l i z a b e t h N e t t o f , j Johnsburg and George Haas of i I McHenry were united in rriar- J riage at St. John's church i Tuesday morning. | Carl Pomrening, 83 years j ; old. died at his fefrm home i Monday. Richard Henry, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Henry Woljlert who reside on Waukegan street, is ; the first baby to have been born in July, arriving three hours after midnight on July 1. He and his parents will re- ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chain Saws to Sanders EVergreen 5-4123 THE / RAINBOW ^ CLEANERS / TRUCK IN FRONT OP YOUR HOME TELLS YOUR NEIGHBORS.* • • • YM WMt • tJtt besfc for .fr" itainfoin PHONfi EV«gm 5-0927 For PSdcap Smin ^ IWWCI, CALL Hard Water? FE 8-4200 Our bird oriole takes its name from the Latin aureolus, meaning golden. Buy Lumber For Cash RAMBLER SALES SKYROCKET TO ALL-TIME RECORD! 48,474 SOLD Our 33rd Record-Breaking Month WE HAVE 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE WITH McHENRY COUNTY WATER! WVT^f Ifj^ T" J son water soviet Ms Jo* fa Home Owned Softeners Service Softeners Fully Automatic Softeners For Sale Or Kent! Call for an unbiased recommendation on which type of softener will fit your need . , Free Demonstration . . Free Water . Test . . . FREE TRIAL . . . NO OBLIGATION JiHSElM Woodstock FE 8-4200 CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB FRIDAY, JULY 22nd LOBSTER TAIL PLATE $1.75 PERCH PLATE •9^ ... • $1.50 SATURDAY, JULY 23rd BAR-B-QUE RIBS $8.50 SUNDAY, JULY 24th ROAST PRIME RIB OF BEEF . .. $4.00 MONDAY, JULY 25th YANKEE POT ROAST $2.25 TUESDAY, JULY 26th SWISS STEAK JARDIENE $2.35 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th BUFFET $3.00 THURSDAY, JULY 28th CORN BEEF & CABBAGE $2.50 Entertainment^^STDancing Sat., 9-1 p.m. Food and Drinks served on our New Patio-Bar in pleasant outdoor surroundings Enjoy our Hor d'ouvres and Salad Bar before dinner MIKE DOUGHERTY, HOST FOR RESERVATIONS Phone EV 5-2040 YOUR HEWSPAPER and SAVE 25% CASH and CARRY Bay from SPRING GROVE LUMBER CO. On Roate 12, North «f Fox Lake Where You Get A Square Deal Everything For The Builder ! GET OUR MONTHLY PRICE LIST Due to Ihe tremendous success of our New Car Sales, we have a fine selection of "Select" Used Cars to choose from. STRING CROVC LUMBER Oft. Noma Street Addr City and Stat* ON THE SQUAB This Week's Special! 59 AMBASSADOR SEDAN An Exceptional Buy! Plus many other fine makes and models from '53's to '59's at Money-Saving Prices PHONE: RICHMOND 2961 fliis Is The Place You've Heard About This Week's Special (7 23 thru 7 29) Birch Economy Flush Doors 2 0 -- $5.95 2 8 -- $7.95 ] 2 6 -- $6.95 3 0 -- $8.50 | No Delivery Shop in our newly illuminated "Day-Light" Lot OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. Seibel Motor Sales! PHONE EV 5-5361 405 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. Your newspopir is "Freedom's Textbook".. .bringing you, without fear «r Umt, llii fads yes must haw in onier Is tttirist wisely the frMdonj of dtokt which is bask to 00 of your American freedoms. Jest st long as the press is fre^ unhampered and cain§©rrvpfed, your rights and privileges as an American art secure!

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