Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1960, p. 9

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Thursday, August 4, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Hingwood GOLDEN AGE PARTY HELD AT CHURCH Ruby Shepard ie golden age party for people over 65 was held at the church Tuesday. An enjoyable afternoon was spent and a basket lunch was served. Demonstration Mrs. Ben Walkington entertained at a demonstration at her home Friday. (| Attends Luncheon RTrs. Arline Pearson attended a luncheon with a group of teachers at the home of Caro- Ivn Bauer, at McHenry, Thursday. Personals Mrs. Petrea Norland of Chicago spent the Weekend with her daughter and family, the Sigurd Jacobsens. #4r. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle spent Monday in the Jack Murray home in Chicago. Mr. Murray is recovering from a heart attack. Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited friends in Oak Park Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday evening at Crystal Lake. ^Roser Kunz attended the crcinty fair at Waukegan Friday. - ' * Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, Jim, were visitors in the William Harrison, home at Round Lake Saturday and then went to the Lake County Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Lake Forest spent Sunday in the J. C. Pearson home. yMrs. Agnes Jencks spent Thursday in the summer home of her daughter and family, ihe Tom Pettises, at Lake Reulah, Wis. Mrs. S'.gurd Jacobsen, daughters, and mother, Mrs. Petrea Norland, spent Monday at Genoa. M. Sgt. and Mrs. John Woodward and sons of Madison, Wis. spent the weekend with her I^ptents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis II a w 1 e y . Jimmy Woodward, who spent the week in the Ernest Reinwali home at McHenry. returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ox,toby are vacationing at Havward, Wis. Mrs. Sheldon Johonnott and children of Terra Houte, Ind., spent Tuesday with Mrs. Agnes J^nt-ks. wlWrs. Louis Hawley was a visitor at Crystal Lake, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lisk, Sr., of Wheeling were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz Friday. Afternoon callers' were Mrs. Edna Buren of Bloomington and Mrs. Nystrom of North Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Thomas, at McHenry. Roger Kunz and Jjoe Kayser, Jr.. attended the Y. C. W. Hawaiian dance held in Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago spent the weekend in the Mrs. Ruby Shepard home. They were all pinner guests Sunday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Mrs. John Hogan is spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker. at Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz and son, Roger, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kayser and family at Hart- Hand. " | Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stevens ! of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. : Parker of Wonder Lake spent S u n day with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. ad Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in ! the Mrs. Lena Peet home, j Miss Ruth Schuete, who is • attending Jones university of ! South Carolina, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ! Schuete of Milwaukee, were dinner guests in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler who have been vacationing in i Canada have returned home. ! Miss Lillie Boyd, who spent j the past week in the Robert i Schuetze home at Milwaukee I returned home Saturday, j Mr. and Mrsr. Russel Ehlert ! of Richmond spent Saturday I evening with her parents, Mr.' I and Mrs. John Ehlert. | Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian I were Sunday dinner guests in I the Stanley Sebastian home at | Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! Boyd Dowell. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fleiner of Chi- ! cago spent Saturday in the | Dr. Hepburn home. I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family spent the weekend iwiih Mr. and Mrs. Phelps 1 Saunders at their cottage at Lake Ripley, Wis. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison i and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell attended the. wedding of Tom Douglas and Betty Hintze at : McHenry Saturday and recep- ' t-ion at the McHenry Country club. Boyd Dowell was best man. Fred Wiedrich and Butch j Leonard spent Sunday at Monroe, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henskle of Oak Park were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener visited Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders at their cottage at Lake Ripley, Wis., Sunday. Mr.vand Mrs. Boyd Dowell arrived home Thursday from a two weeks trip to the Black I Hills, Bad Lands. Yellowstone Park, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, etc. Ed Miller of Chicago called on Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Buekner of McHenry, Mrs. Frances Ducey of Richmond and Mrs. Arline Pearson had lunch at Genoa Monday. Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Reinwall and family of McHenry and M. Sgt. and Mrs. John Woodward and sons of Madison were Sunday dinner guests in | the Louis Hawley home. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent the weekend with Mrs. Marian Peck at Elgin. Eastwood Manor Election Time, For Everyone, j Dee Penick EV. 5-5527 j This is election year in our ! nation. Almost nolhing is more j important than for each and •every one ol us to get out and I vote in November. This isn't I only our duty as a citizen of a , rree country, but it is our privilege; something that we have I fought to get and fought to j keep. What a pity it would be | if we just let all that has gone i before go down the drain bei cause we were just too lazy to j go to. the polls. However when | the election is over the first 'ones to complain about the | state of affairs of the county Jare the ones who Couldn't be bothered to vote. can come to the meetings and have a say. You cannot, however, \;ote. But give us a try. Come see what can be accomplished when we all work together. Remember that you can sit home on meeting night and then talk about it later"5§ though you had every right to !change things. Well, then it's too late. Now is the time to do something about it before j the meeting, not after it. Happy Birthday Our best wishes for a happy birthday are extended to Alice Perrino, who will celebrate tomorrow and to Murray Alford, Jr., who will be three on Sunday. This and That The Mersches had an, early celebration in honor of Kevin's thi'd birthday with an outdoor dinner. His grandparents, Mr. -- and Mrs. John Timmons and September Election Mr. and Mrs. N. Mersch, great EMPOA elections will be nun1 Mrs- Agnes Diggins, Mrs. held in September. The nomi- A&nes Fitzgerald. Miss Gerry nations will open at the August Schmerhorn, aunt and uncle meeting and* will be closed the ,Mr- and Mrs- William Lorenzi first Friday in September. You ! and cousin.1 Mary Lynn, and can do something right how to change things. You can nomi^ nate someone for an office and Village ol Sunnyside ATTEND CONCERT GIVEN BY NUNS AT ALVERNO COLLEGE Irma Gnnther - Reporter EV. 5-5484 Legals NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ROBERT SCHWEIGLER Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Tuesday, September 6. I960, is the claim date i n t h e e s t a t e o f R o b e r t Schweigler, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be' filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. Harry C. Kinne, Jr. Executor Looze and Kinne Attorney 112 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Evergreen 5-1580 (Pub. 7-28 -- 8-4 -- 8-11) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE j Estate of JOHN MACK, JR., ] Deceased. Not ice is hereby given to all ' persons that September 5, 1960 is the claim date in the es- i tate of JOHN MACK. JR.. De-j ceased, pending in the County! Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may .be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. AGNES MACK yS Executor Jam©s*itfr Mclntee. Attorney 105 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: EV 5-2440 (Pub. Aug. 4, 11. 18. 1960) Spring brings us birds, green grass, spring fever, -- and mud on fhe rug. Our Subdivision The same holds true for the •subdivision we live in. liie officers of the property owners association listen to complaints about this a n d complaints about that. This is right. This is their ;ob. But the complaints come from people who never attend the association meetings. They come from the people who just can't understand why the association is run the way it is. Now they would do it/ differently. This is also good. We need different opinions, suggestions, ideas, and the meeting night is the time and place to voice these. You can state your views to all the officers and to anyone else who will listen, but when it comes to voting each officer and each member of the association has but one vote and that isn't good enough to carry you. You must come and speak your mind and then vote for what you believe in. Then if things don't go your way you had your chance and put it to good use. You tried. If things do go your way you'll know that you had a hand in putting them that way and you can be proud of the fad that you voted in a free country in a free subdivision. ' The officers will be glad to say what you want said, but you musl be there to vote and to back them up. When a handful of people come to the meetings and they vote something in there is nothing that can he done about it because as long as that handful constitutes a quorum it is legal no matter what they vote for. Even if you are not a paid member of the association vou ihen come, and vote for him! \ Remember that when people, say there is a clique running • things there is also a much j bigger clique sitting right at home doing nothing. Special Board Meet Bv the time you read this a' special board of directors meet- ; ing . will have been held with the olficers and the dance commit ice to decide on a better idate for the dance which was jto be held in August. You will tread all the details here next week. the Jerry Ryan family all had a delighiful lime. Lois Ryan attended a demonstration on the lawn-of her morhef-'s home in Fox, River Grove over the weekend. , Dee Penick Tias really been doing a marvelous job on this column and "she really deserves a vacation. Remember when she tomes back to give her lots of calls witI; news of your vacation. Last week the Sisters Celestia and Jacob came along with Carol Mecko, my son. Fred, and myself to Alverno college in Milwaukee to enjoy the summer concert given by the Sisters up there. This is a yearly event and is enjoyed by all who go. Daughter, Judy, said her moth* er is doing fine. The Terrace women are grateful to eyeryone for help both in working at the icecream social and the patrons who came. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the different events, and I'm sure the only thing that marred the. happy occasion was the drowning that occurred. Happy birthday Judy Michaels. Carnival Weekend This weekend St. John's will hold their carnival. There will be games for all ages and refreshments. They will serve a very good fish fry on Friday and a delicious beef dinner on Sunday. The dates are Aug. 5. 6, and 7. Art Exhibit Museum Of At Science Women's Club The Women's club is really working on the'coming fashion show .which will be held on Saturday. Sept. 17 at the Wing 'n Fin lodge with luncheon being served at 12:30 p.m. Tickets i may be obtained from Marilyn Salo and any member of the : Women's club. This is going to | be a fabulous affair so bring- 0f lyour husband and all your ' friends. There will be no Women's ]club meeting tor August. The j September meeting will be • held on Sept. 12 due to the holiday the week before. The "Great Ideas of Western Man" - an aft exhibit of seventy original modern paintings inspired by famous quotations of renowned philosophers, statesmen and spiritual leaders will be on display at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry through Aug. 15. Admission to the exhibit and the Museum is free. « Depicting the way of life in the Western World, the imaginative series is based on the timeless ideas and philosophies such great minds as Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin, Buddha. Goethe. Freud and Einstein. Birthday Celebration A delicious dinner was served at the Fredrick house in "honor of Dad Fiala's sixtysecond birthday. Rich's sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas, their children, Linda. Larry and Jimmy, came from Meadowdale and friends from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Budwinski, enjoyed everything. The only thing missing were the delicious kolackys that Rich's mother makes. Vacation Time The Obstfelder family is home after a vacation up in Phillips, Wis. We have our daughter, Barbara, with us for a week from the city. It sure is nice to work six months for a company and then get a week's vacation with pay. Faith Presbyterian Church Thursday, Aug. 4, the Women's study circle will meet at i the church at 8 p.m. This was postponed from last week. Sunday, Aug. 7, the pastor is continuing the series of sermons on the Books of the Bible. Beginning this Sunday his sermon will be from the new Testament "Who Are Your Associates9" from Mark 2:13-17. During the week of Aug. 7 through'"fhe 13 the pastor will be working with junior highs | of Freeport Presbytery at i Camp Emmaeus near Mt. Morris. 111. ! ENTERS TALENT SHOW An early entrant in the "tal- |cn< show" contest featuring Golden Age Day activities of ;thc 1960 Illinois State Fair is an' 82-year-old great-grandmother who whistles. She Is Mrs" Stella Hayden, R.R. 2, Washburn, who states in her .application that she has been on radio at various times since 19'.'6 and on TV since 1951. i Mrs. Hayden. who said she won the Tod Mack radio contest in Iowa in 1951, lists herself as the mother of six children, and reports that she has 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grand- I children. Recuperating It is nice to see Mrs. Cammarata sitting outside again. Pistakee Terrace Anniversary greetings, twenty- two of them, to George and Mary Mecko and also birthday greetings to George. Millie Mondl will be home when this copy comes out and Vern will be home on his vacation to give her a hand. Legals NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of NICK N. HUFF, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that September 5. 1960 is the claim date in the estate of NICK N. HUFF, Deceased. pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate, on or before- said date - without issuance of summons. VICTOR ADAMS Executor Leroy J. Welter. Attorney (Pub. Aug. 4. 11. IS. 19*60) NOTICE OF rrBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District 15 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that the tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1960, Will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the office of the Board of Education from and after 12:00 noon on the 4th day of August, 1960. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of September, 1960, ct the office of the Principal, Edgebrook Elementary School, in this school district. Dated this 4th day of August. 1960. Board of Education of School District No. 15, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. NAOMI MEYER Secretary BIIiLDiNG LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in 1960 See Us Now! We Will Build On Your Lot INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S, Int Richmond, III. Phone Richmond 4381 RADIO SALES & SERVICE Courteous Service at all times by Walter Hojnacki and Allan McKim (E$ \^£rL/30 Years Experience Repair All Makes TV -- Radio -- Phono -- Hi-Fi R.C.A. - G.E. - Admiral - Dumoni Zenith - Philco - Motorola - Muntz Sylvania - Magnavox - Silvertone f 90-Day Warranty on all parts that we install • Antenna Installations and Repairs # Public Address Systems Rentals 0 FREE Tube Testing Service rr / IS THE BESTBUY IN THE MEDIUM PRICE CLASS I" SMART'FINEST QUALITY F-M Radio - TV - Hi-Fi 128 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0979 Daily: 9-7; Fri. & Mon., 9-9; Sun., 9-1 ^Liberal Trade-In Allowance on your old TV Low Monthly Payment Plan SUN GLASSES Men who want the best wear the aristocrat of sun glasses -- the new Ray-Ban "Signet" by fiausch & Lomb. Distinguished gold-filled frame has top quality Ray-Ban lenses, ground-andpolished- to-curvc for flawless vision. See them today at BOLGER'S Get your free copy o# the article from CAR LIFI Magazine . . . at your OLDS Dealer's now I 103 S. (ireen St. EV 5-4500 R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. Phone EVergreen 5-3700 SAVE YOUR TOMORROWS- -TODAY! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi On Regular Savings Accounts (J/ On / O Regular Savings Accounts Current Rate -- Per Annum Save Here -- Safely and Profitably iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Get A Check Every 6 Months 4'/2 07 0" /U Investment Savings Accounts Money Won t Buy Happiness! But it will buy off an awful lot of unhappiness. It Pays To Save - - - Where Savings Pay! Current Rate --• 4% Per Annum plus Vz% BONUS Payable at end of 4-year period llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllL CONVENIENT HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. -- Fridays 9 a.m. - 9 pan. Closed All Day Wednesdays MCHENRY SAVINGS A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N un«i Member Federal Home Loan Bank 206 WEST ELM STREET PHONE EV 5-3000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllimilllD SAVINGS AVAILABILITY YOUR SAVINGS have always been ACCESSIBLE ... WITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your request IlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIUIIII McHENRY. ILLINOIS

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