Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1960, p. 14

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Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* August 4, I960 Sunnyside Estates FISH FRY AND DINNER FEATURE CHURCH CARNIVAL noses and headed home after a wonderful day out. Surprise On her birthday. July 21. La- Verne Noah was doing her P o l l y S t e v e n s EV 5 - 1 2 5 6 h o u s e h o l d c h o r e s , n a m e l y ; . --__ i dishes, when in walked Pat The public is invited to at-| Bott, Florence Kanler. Carol t e n d S t . J o h n ' s c h u r c h c a r n i v a l j L a s n e k , J u n e V o i g h t a n d in Johnsburg, Friday. Satur- Gloria VonOepen and all their day and Sunday. Aug. 5-6-7, A children singing happy birthfish fry will be held to-morrow, , day. June had baked cup cakes Friday, starting at 5:30 p.m. so on went the coffee pot and and on Sunday there will be a a surprise celebration was soon family style roast beef dinner in progress. from 12 noon to 3 p.m. There will be games and rides for your enjoyment. Lois Anderson and Betty Lakowske, as well as the carni- Johnsburg HOLD CARNIVAL OVER WEEKEND AT ST. JOHN'S by Betty Hettermann young child had wandered to the river. The squad members were on their way to the scene when the * missing child was found. ' Reunion A cook-out was held recently at the Sabbv home for a family get together honoring val committee, appreciate the iCHf's sister-in-law. Gladys Nelgenerosity of the parishioners i son an(j SOn. Roddy of San of Sunnyside Estataes. : Fernando Valley. Calif. Seven- • teen relatives joined in wol- ! coming Gladys and Roddy to and the reunion. Rau i _1 the j Get Acquainted led | The McHehry County Re- Boy Scouts Dennie Banker. Mac Paul McDonald. Johnny and Cory Patterson of Rlackhawk Area council. by Scoutmaster Ray Jensen , publicans are holding. »a "Get and Dale Maule, attended the l Acquainted Fun Day" \Vednes- Golden Jubilee Jamboree in ! day. Aug. 10.* 2 p.m. at the Rock ford, July 22. 23 and 24. Chuck Miller > residence. 206 The entire camp out was on Clover avenue. Edgebrook the point system for. all patrols Heights in McHenry. . Then* and points were scored on wil be a barbecue, boating neathess. balance of pack, pa- games and cards may be playtrol equipment, personal equip- jed. All guests are welcome. In ment. kitchen cleanliness and ! case of rain it will be held the all phases of scout life. Out of jnext day--Thursday, Aug. 11. a possible 750 points our boys j same place and same time. scored 677 -- the first time out j since the formation of the j Meeting troop. A grand score for be- | Don't forget the S.E.H.O.A. gjnners. don't you think? We meeting tonight, Thursday, at are very proud of our boys. |8 o'clock at the Johnsburg ! Public school. See vou there? Oops! Sorry Dept. j My apology to Eleanore and ' Snooper! John Fiedler for failing to re- i You know something, reslport their anniversary on July , dents of Sunnyside Estates? 24. | You all are making me a gosh Eleanore's mother and dad, ! awful snooper. As I have said Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns of ; before YOU are the news. I Chicago, spent the weekend j only try to write it for you. here helping them celebrate Will you please call me at any and on Sunday her brother and > time? his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cairns, and aunt and uncle. . Birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Matt Raul, came Happy birthday to June and The big carnival weekend has finally come around! Over 'this Friday. Saturday and Sun- ' day. Aug. 5. 6 and 7, St. John's church will hold their annual parish carnival on the corhmuni ty club grounds. Games and booths of all descriptions j \\ ill be available for all ages to . enjt\v. Fish fry wi 11 be served, i Friday, lunch on Saturday and ' a roast beef dinner served fam- , ily style will be on the agenda i for Sunday from noon to 3. • Supper wili also be served Sun- • day evening. Why not plan on 'bringing along your family and friends and enjoy anyone or all • Three of ihese fun filled days. s Remember it's this very next ; weekend lor St. John's parish carnival! Troop Holds Outing The home of Dorothy Steiribiss- in Sunset View was the scone of much activity on Wednesday. July 27. Her girl j scout troop 408 held their sum- ! mer outing on the lawn of her ; home. The girls enjoying lots ! of good food followed by the • playing of various games. The jaft^ioon was climaxed with the troop enjoying a boat ride. {Assisting Dorothy at this time ! wore Mary Kodus and Mutzie 1 Skjorestad. Mothers present ! to en.ioy this outing also were: j Dorothy (Albert) Adams, Dor- >' othy. (Matt) Adams, Helen Ogelsby, Eleanor Mangold, : Cert Schmitt and Mrs. Schultz. Dorothy was real thrilled when j Virginia Pitzen gifted her i with a beautiful bouquet of gladioli when she came to pick up her daughters. Get Acquainted Fun Day You are invited to attend a barbecue and boat outing, or (games and cards) to be held on Wednesday, Aug. 10. at 2 ' p.m. at the Miller residence 206 Clover ave. EdgebrooK Heights, McHenry. In case of 1 rain, the Fun Day will be held on Thursday. Aug. 11, same | time, same place. Boating at 2 p.m. -- Barbecue at 6 p.m. This sounds like fun, let's go! dents of the subdivision and their' families enjoyed outdoor get-together even more when they were . joined by Father Hlitsch, his sister, his housekeeper and Father Anger for supper. Long Time Resident Passes On Our sincere sympathies are extended to the family of Math Schmitt. Mr. Schmitt passed away at St. Therese's hospital late last Sunday evening. He is survived by his widow, one son, Stanley, and three grandchildren. The Richard Dehn home was also alive with much activity last Sunday. Their club and their families joined forces for an outdoor party. Around the Town Jim Hoyte of Sunset View is enjoying a vacation in Florida. While he is gone Flo Nelson is playing baby sitter for his dog, Wacky. This week they have Mr. and Mrs. Florian La Fontaine and daughter, Mrs. Carol Siebenaller and son and Diane? Logsdon, all of New Regal, as their house guests. TTie Richard Dehn family were in Chicago last Tuesday to help his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn, celebrate their wedding anniversary, i Last Sunday, the Jim Hetteri man family were in Chicago to observe Mrs. Dehn's birthday. - Last Saturday, Beverly Thelen- and Judy Nowak departed from our town and their destination is Biloxi.^Miss. They will spend a week to ten days visiting their boy friends who are stationed at the Keesler Air Force base there. Daisy Smith of McHenry and Clara Nell as committee women, went to the Republican headquarters and later to the convention last Tuesday in Chicago. FAIR "HOE-DOWN" Be they city dweller or farmer, visitors to the Illinois State Fair stilP like the rural flavor that distinguishes this largest and best agricultural fair in. the nation. Highlighting its rural attractions is square dancing,. and the 1960 Fair promises one of the best "hoedowns" in many years. The festival will be held in front of the Conservation and the textile and art buildings on Saturday night, Aug. 13, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. All square dancers are" ihvited to participate. There will be no entry fee and no charge to dance. Some outstanding "callers1' will be on hand and live music will be furnished. SERVICE NEWS WEST COAST -- Richard E. Schafer, machinist's mate second class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Schafer of Route 5, McHenry, ser®g aboard the destroyer USS John W. Thomason. took part in a joint Canadian-American antisubmarine warfare exercise from July 21 through Aug 3 off the West Coast of the U.S. | and Canada. | Two American anti-submarine ; warfare groups pleaded by two | aircraft carriers joined with six | Royal Canadian destroyer i corts and supporting suiffy (ships to provide the seagoing forces. j Rescue Squad Call I The siren blew once again ; last Sunday when a River Terrace family thought their Girl Forestors Summer Outing A reminder to members of Juvenile Girl Forestors to be sure to turn in your consent slips for the summer outing to either Laura Schmitt or Nancy Weber as soon as possible. This picnic and swimming outing will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 17. at Lake Benedict. P** sure to get your slips in so the directors know how many cars must be obtained for transportation. More details on this outing in next week's issue. Mrs. Sam Tomasello and her mother recently returned from Canada where they attended the fun&ral of Pat's grandmother. Bill and Rudy Fischer and hteir wives were summoned to the Burlington hospital last week where their mother, Mrs. Cecile Fischer was taken following a heart attack. She is on the recovery list but will be hospitalized for several weeks yet. Donna Lee Freund spent last week visiting relatives in Coulterville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kimmet and son of« New Regal, Ohio and Carl Bugner of Alvada, Ohio were recent visitors in the Arnold Michels home. Violet Crowley. Major Jim Crowley, his wife and daughter, of Texas and the Harry Crowley family spent last Monday as guests of Miss N O T I C E ALICE-MARIE BEAUTY SHOP Now Being Operated by Frances Nyden * Until Sept. 30, 1960 '* f Will Be Operated Oct. 1, 1960 by Alice M. Blaskis Responsible only.for obligations authorized by me personally after Oct. 1. 1960. ALICE M. BLASKIS 202 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry The Name ALICE-MARIE BEAUTY SHOP Recorded in Woodstock Picnic Time" With the beautiful weather Mother Nature has bestowed on us recently, several groups have gotten the cookout fever. Members of the Hettermann's softball team and their families enjoyed the outdoors last Saturday evening when they gathered on the community club grounds for a barbecue party. On Sunday, the Jak - Ana Heights association held their summer picnic on the Community Club grounds. Resiout for the happy event. Nor- chet Banker who share the ! bert Wegner was also a guest, same natal day, Aug. 8, to Ted j Warmest belated greetings on j Bierchen, 4 year old Lauri Ann - their twelfth anniversary. j Radtke and 2 year Howie Siepj man on Aug 9, and to young : Joy Reigned Supreme J Miss Christine Roy on Aug. 10. j The Harold Palmers' home j Greetings all! j was filled with great happi- | ! ness, Saturday, July 22? when ! Anniversaries her cousin, Captain Daniel D. j Congratulations to Dot tie Rosinsky, wife. Shirley, and 1 and Rona-ld Siepman on 7 years four daughters, Sharon. Lynn. jof marriage, Aug. 5 and silver Nancy and Ann, came for the j anniversary greetings to a day. They have been stationed | grand couple, Millie and for the last four years at j George Kropf, on Aug. 10. Best Tachikowa A.F.B., Tokyo, I wishes. Japan. v ! was completely intact. BISHOP IN McHENRY ter, Jeanne, brother-in-1 a w. | ~ THE WINNING TICKET NEW OR USED AUTO FINANCING and ALLSTATE LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE FRANK LOW. Agent 105 Richmond Road EV 5-5487 McHenry Earl, came from Wheeling I with their four boys. Her oth- j er sister, Dottie Hoyle, who ! lives in this subdivision came with her husband, Hugh, and j three children. j To make the day "complete j the girl's parents. Mr. and Mrs. i Joseph J. Giannini. Hugh's j mother. Mrs. John Hoyle, the j captain's mother, Mrs. Mary j Rosinsky and twin brothers, j John and Tom. came from Evanston, If this wasn't enough of a surprise, the finale same when Marge's brother, Joe Giannini, who is staff announcer at radio station K W P. C.. Muscatine. Iowa, came, for the day's reunion. Back Home Again It is nice to see Mrs. Marcella Miller back in her home for the summer. She has with her for a short visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hitchcock of Hollywood, Fla., who are visiting their children and other relatives in the mid-west during the summer. Baby-Sitters Alice Janicki's mom, Mrs. Huldah Krans, of Chicago, is helping Alice and Dick baby sit with her 2 year old grands o n , R o n a l d G i r a r d , w h i l e Alice's sister is in the hospital. Linda Janicki recently spent 3 weeks in Chicago helping Millie and Bernard Girard get ready for the expected blessed event. Hoosier Visitors LaVerne and Kelly Noah have had as their guests her grandfather, Mr. Baumert. and aunt and her two sons, Pauline Lee and Bud and Jirhmie, from Lebanon, Ind. They will visit a few days in Chicago with La- Verne's sister, Joan Johnston, before returning home. The Ole Galivanter Lil Jensen recently spent a few days with her son and his wife, Donna and Ray, on Grandview drive. She drove with Mrs. Helen Schroeder and daughter, Marlene. to Mackinac Island,. Mich., for a week's stay and later she will go to Ludington, Mich., to visit with her niece and family, Hilda and Dick Mortensen. A Picifie Recently Carol Lasnek, La- Verne Noah and June Voight treated themselves and their thirteen children to a picnic at Cedar Lake. They counted WEEKLY MENU FRIEDA'S RESTAURANT AND PIZZERIA Rt. 120 & Meadow Lane Lakeland Park Phone EV 5-9878 llAIIRC Mon. -- 4 P.M. 'til Midnight nUllnV Tues> thru T,u,rs- -- 6:80 A-M-,t|! 12 pM- Fri. & Sat. -- 6:80 A.M. to 2 A.M. -- Sunday -- 10 A.M. to 12 P.M.. TUESDAY -- Beef Stew and Dumplings $1.10 Coffee Thuringer & Sauerkraut 95 Potato, Salad and Coffee WEDNESDAY -- Italian Spaghetti (all you can eat) . . . $1.10 Salad and Coffee THURSDAY -- Baked Pork Chop $1.10 Scalloped Potatoes, Salad and Coffee Fried Liver, Bacon or Onions ...... $1.00 Potato, Salad and Coffee FRIDAY -- FISH FRY Pe?rch Dinner (all you can eat) ..... $1.00 Coffee 21 Shrimp $1.00 French Fries, Salad and Coffee SATURDAY -- Vi Fried Chicken ............ $1.50 French Fries, Salad and Coffee Chili Mac and Coffee . 75 SUNDAY -- Club Steak $1.95 Potato, Sala.1. Dessert and Coffee Turkey Dinner (with all the trimmings) . $2.25 Dossert and Coffee jT SPECIAL -- One Egg, 2 Slices Bacon, Toast, Coffee . . .39 TRUCKERS WELCOME . AMPLE PARKING 2 'MVfl j,a AUC4 SSLTZE* mbj. 2.9f! 800 Inches CELLOPHANE TAPE Extra Heavy POCKET COMBS Full Quart CHARCOAL LIGHTER 225 Pieces STATIONERY CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Giant Size BEACH BALLS Come in and stock up with these Midsummer Bargains. We've got scores of things you'll want for immediate use as well as for the many pleasant weekends to come. fOSIJAH for h 0T,°H 2 °* rnf* SPRAY NET fa, $l9S PRINCE MATCHABELLI SUMMER SHOWER Spray Mist Cologne IAETRECAI OIITARt it welflM contr< $ n" Ting Medicated Cream 79c Trig Roll-On Deodorant < 73c Anahist Hay-Fever Tablets 55c 69c Squibb Toothpaste 2 for 98c Sominex Sleeping Tablets 98c $1.00 Woodbury Shampoo 69c Neoxyn Poison Ivy Lotion $1.25 Nozain Sunburn Relief 75c DlSWl* i. « IPoO* e» 90* FREE shaver brush with BURMA-SHAVE PRE-ELECTRIC LOTION 69? c ***& 98t rtea FREE Princ«ss Pill Box with MIDOL BOX OF 30 PAIN TABLETS 69/ look at these bargains Wasli'« WAVING SHAMPOO « $1.50 oi. Schick Special $1.00 SCHICK SAFETY RAZOR with 10 Injector Blades only 79* Choice of Short or Long: Handle Razors Tip-Top Brush Curlers and "Quickie Pins" • Absolutely Slip-Proof I Sweeps Up Short Ends 3 Popular Sizes Economy Pack "kopecfafe p*ptiru 81/ Hubensiein's Av,ple Blo»wm DUSTING POWDER $2.00 MtKMOTABS Wi™rJi l>*XTRoSi too 59c $1.00 LPI US compound your next prescription Revlon intimate BUBBLE BATH nooan.-r i^"10 $3.00 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 SCRATCHEX Flea Powder Plus 10% Faderal E*c!m Tm on Toil«tri«<

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