Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1960, p. 17

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Thursday. Auguit 4. I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Plalak* HlghUndi CARNIVAL TIME IN HIGHLANDS - OVER WEEKEND Hazel Morley Hy 7-3320 %To ni• ght is- 3t--he f irst of four big carnival nights in the Highlands. It will be held at Rt. 12. There are many rides and booths for your enjoyment. I hope to. see many of you there either helping out or just enjoying yourselves. Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts will hold t®ir meetings on Friday afternoons at 2 p.m. at the barn. Last Monday the < Girl Scouts and Brownies had1 a picnic at beach 1. On Aug. 10 the girls are taking a tour of the telephone company in Antioch. The fly-up has been postponed until September. Boy Scouts and Explorers «he Boy Scouts and Sea Exers h^d a grand time on their recent trip to Rockford., The Sea Explorers came home with red and blue ribbon awards. Scoutmaster Joe Murray is grateful to Gene Heir and Frank Palmer for their help on the Rockford trip. Last Wednesday evening the Pny Scouts hnd a swimming party at the home of Frank Primer at Pistakee Bay. Here and There Barney and Cletus Mayer enjoyed a reunion of Barney's family recently at their home. There were five brothers and their wives and families. They came from Chicago and Oak Lawn. About thirty-eight in all attended. Barney and Cletus spent the day getting re-acq{ j)inted. . Dick and Mary Madock spent three days at the Wisconsin Dells. Grandma Madock cared for the boys for two days and then the four youngsters took their own vacation to visit Grandmother Butler in Chicago for a day. Trudy Rogde and Marion Mueller had a wonderful time a^camp and they said the food wire just delicious. Lil and Leo Orlowski entertained company from Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clark have returned from a two week vacation in New York. They were there visiting with Mr. Clark's sister. Kathy Mclnerney was home from college the weekend of tm twenty-third. While she Was Tiome she entertained a lew friends from McHenry. ' Ray and Dolly Novotny had company last Tuesday from Lincolnshire. Ray took them for a spin in his boat. Marcia Dowd had her niece, Shayne McNerney, from Rolling Meadows staying with her for three days. When she took Iter home last Wednesday she 1«R Jeff there for his three day vacation. Bob and Lorraine Hurckes enjoyed the company of Bob and Jean Goodrich and their four children on July 24. They went swimming and took advantage of the nice weather and just sat outdoors. Gladys Mayer was very ill for the past two weeks. She is slwvly recovering and I hope tfrat when you read this she is feeling much better. Joyce Heir's father, Henry Hanson, is in the Edgewater hospital m Chicago recovering from surgery. Dot Erbin has her parents, Mr and Mrs. Schurak, and her niece. Paulette, from Chicago spending the week with her. Ed and Virginia Thoren sjjjfnt last Tuesday in Chicago with Ed's folks. Elaine Rosner of Johnsburg was a luncheon guest last Wednesday at Cheri Janquarts. Lou Spankuch returned to work last week after a long vacation. Dee Gregg held a card party in her home last Friday evening. Joining in the fun and r e f r e s h m e n t s w e r e M a r i e Schlick, Pat Jackson, Audrey Misavice, Meryl Fletcher, Ann Szypelbaum, and Toots Spankuch. Jim and Jane Malek and family spent a two week vacation in northern Wisconsin. They returned home today. Lorraine Hurckes and Pat Jackson had a demonstration in Lorraine's home on Aug. 2. Last week Blanch Haefliger attended a luncheon in Chicago for the past matrons of the RaVenswood Chapter Order of The Easter Star of which she is a member. Happy birthday to two Murry brothers who are celebrating birthdays. On Aug. 2. Gordon Murray was 10 and on Aug. 7, Steven will be two. Linda and Debbie Dobecki fperit a few days last week with their grandparents in Maywood. Mrs. Moreth had her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt, and son, Charles, staying with her for three days last week. While they were together they paid a call on their Aunt in Genoa City, Wis. On July 24, Virginia Thoren attended a bridal shower for Miss Judi Hocin in McHenry. Barbara Schlick and friend, Jim Muszalski, visited in Chicago last week with Jim's parents and went out to dinner. Last Saturday Barb attended a welcome home party in Jim's honor at his parents' home. He has just been discharged from the Navy. Then on Sunday the Schlicks had a visit from their niece, Betty McFarland, and hubby, Steve, from Chicago. George and Marilyn Van- Zevern and children returned last Wednesday from their vacation trip around the Great Lakes. Mim Krauz spent a few days last week in Chicago. She will be visiting in the Highlands for a few more days before returning to LaCrosse, Wis. Marcia Dowd had her mother, Mrs. Dickman, visiting with her last Friday. Bill. Thelma, Don and Johnny Hensley are on their vacation trip to Kentucky. They are visiting with their families. Lorraine Hurckes had her mother visiting out here this past weekend. I am pleased to report that D<)tty Rodarmel is home from the hospital and feeling much better. ew^jj A block picnic was held last Tuesday for all the neighbors on Thelen and Highland drive. It was a pot-luck affair and $ • Who Said Taxis i ] Are A Luxury? i i J Add the cost of cleaning j t h i s m a n ' s r a i n - s o a k e d | clothes and you'll agree • • door-to-door taxi actually S saves money. A cab can | help In a hundred different { ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched i | McHENRY CAB: I i S Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 J .SAVE BY AUGUST 10th EARN FROM THE 1st Money placed in a savings account with us on or before the 10th earns dividends m as of the first of the month. Act now! Open or add to your account today. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 4% Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS • 103 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Total Assets over $11,000,000.00 •4 ' everyone joined in the fun at the Zilligen home. Paul Johnson returned to work last Monday. He had two weeks of beautiful vacation weather. Happy birthday to Cheri Janquart who was 13 years old on Aug. 3. She had a patio party in the evening. Ray Novotny was pleased to have Dolly's folks visiting for a few days. Gens and LaVerne Sarver returned home from their vacation last week. They spent two and a half weeks in Florida. Ann Zeman, Hank and Marge Waldin. Irene Kolin, John Fritzgerald, Walter Misavice and Bernie Mayer are just a few of our residents enjoying a well earned vacation. Jackie and Larry Protrowski spent last weekend visiting with Don and Audrey Morin. They did some waater skiing. Audrey and Jackie are sisters. Also a very happy birthday to D(?n Morin who' celebrated his birthday Aug. 1. Surprise Double Shower A surprise baby shower was held last Thursday evening in the home of Blanch Haefliger. The surprise was on Jocelyn Staudenmaier and Dorothy Jenkins who are both waiting their fourth visit from ,Mr. Stork. Co-hostesses for the evening were Rosemary Thelen and Marylou Sabielny. Twenty-four friends attended with lovely gifts for both the girls. They played a few games and were served refreshments. Sympathy Friends and neighbors extend their sympathy to Mrs. Harriet Pasierb on the recent passing of her father in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thode left last week for Germany to attend the funeral of Mr. Thode's mother who passed away there. While there Mrs. Thode visited with her family. While the Thodes were gone the children were cared for by neighbors. Welcome A most hearty welcome to _L_i_ Edward and Celia Brozozowski who have moved into the home at 226 N. Bunny avenue. The Brozozowskis have one son. Edward, Jr., who is a student at St. Mary college, St. Mary, Kentucky. On July 26 Ed., Jr., celebrated his birthday with friends and relatives. St. John's Carnival St. John's church of Johnsbur^ will hold their carnival this week. Aug. 5, 6. 7. There will be rides> and games to amUse you. On Friday starting at 5:30 p.m. there will be a fish fry. On Sunday a family style roast beef dinner will be served from noon to 3 p.m. All three of these events will take place at the community club. Page Seventeen Mount Hope Church Sunday school will continue all summer at the same time 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Vi Johnson is the superintendent. The first Sunday in August is communion Sunday, Plans for the chapel parsonage were shown last Sunday.' This is a 24 by 59 building and will have the chapel and Sunday school upstairs. There is a basement under all. This will also be used for Sunday school and meetings. There are rest rooms and an office. The estimate cost of the building is $22,000. The first two weeks of the building campaign will be for members and members* families. Following that, others in the community will have an opportunity to share ip building a community meeting place for worship and other occasions. As many of you may already know, the church will be built at the top of Broadway and will be seen for miles. Spring Grove CHRISTIAN MOTHERS PLANNING SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM by Mrs. Charles Freund Members of the Christian Mother's sodality held their regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall last week Thursday. The health program for the school was discussed and a motion was made and passed that the sodality would sponsor this program at the beginning of the school year. Father Lehman thanked all the members for their cooperation and help towards making the carnival a success^ A lunch of hot beef sandwiches was served and cards were played. Mrs. George W. May entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday eve-, ning. A lunch was served and the evening was spent at cards. Prizes went to Mrs. Nora Klaus, Mrs. Tip Klein and Mrs. Luella May. A trip to Brown's Lake was planned for Aug. 4. Mrs. William Britz was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon at Fox Lake. Games of 500 were played and prizes went to Mrs. Britz, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Tilie May, Mrs. Mame Tinney and Mrs. Clara Deinlein. A lunch was^gerved after cards. Missouri Where they visited relatives. Mre. Nora Miller, Mrs. Tillie May and Mrs. Molly Miller enjoyed a vacation in Michigan Jthe past week. Republican Women's Club Anyone who cares to join the Republican Women's club is welcomed to attend a barbecue and boating party on Aug. 10 at the Miller residence in Edgebrook Heights at which time you may pay your membership and enjoy meeting new members. For further information call Marilyn VanZevern at Hy 7-3202. COME TO McHENRY COUNTY FAIR Rt. 47 & Calhoun St., Woodstock AUGUST 4-5-6-7 OUR MAJOR RURAL ANNUAL EVENT LIVESTOCK SHOWS FARM & HOME PRODUCTS SHOWS COMMUNITY EXHIBITS RACES -- RODEO -- HORSE SHOWS STEELE BROS. MAMMOTH CARNIVAL GRANDSTAND PROGRAMS Thursday 7:00 p.m. Band Concert - Livestock winner parade 8:00 p.m. McHenry County Queen Selected 9:00 p.m. Horse Pulling Contest \ Friday 7:00 p.m. Band Concert - Livestock winner parade Exhibitors Parade 4-H Club Style Revue Entertainment 4-H King and Queen Selection Saturday 1:00 p.m. Races r 4:00 p.m. Childrens Pony Show 8:30 p.m. Bar-M Rodeo Trips Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nimsgern and family visited Mr. and Mrs. "Moon" Olson at Solon Springs, Wis., the past week. Mrs. Flo Freund. Jack and Judy, have just returned from ANNOUNCE MANY MUSIC AWARDS TO SCHOOL STUDENTS Boy Scout Members of Boy Scout Troop 127 had a camp out at the Illinois State Park on Friday n i g h t . A l l b o y s w h o w e r e eligible as Tender-Foot hiked and spent the night at the park to help gain their second class rating. Scoutmaster Bob Antore and leaders Bill Smith and Pat Kagan chaperoned. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolf of Staeyville. Iowa visited the Walter Browns last Sunday. Death We were sorry to hear of the death of William H- Walm^Ie.v. uncle of Mrs^ Margery Brodd. Mr. Walmsley lived with his niece and her husband. George, for the past eight years. He passed away Sunday Of a heart attack at their home on Monday afternoon. July 25, ar the age of 76. Funeral services were held at Ehorn chapel in Richmond with Rev. Harold Carlson officiating. SHARE IN* GRANTS Agencies engaged in the treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics, as well as research and education about alcoholism. will share in grants totalling $235,450 from the Division of Alcoholism, a unit of the Illinois Department of Public Welfare. Sister Andrella of St. Mary's parochial school music department this summer distributed special awards to students as follows: Senior 1 certificate, June Miller; Junior 4 diploma, Lorraine Miller; Junior 3 certificates, Rodney Mauch and Gary Hunt; Junior 2 certificates, Linda Blake, Gary Hunt, Nancy Adams, Katherine Boone, Beverly Grote, Kathleen Justen, Pamela Leight, Rodney Mauch, Patricia Miller and Judy Newkirk; Junior 1 Certificates. Nancy - Adams, Katherine Boone, Katherine Brzezifiski, James DeVos. Connie Freund. Beverly Grote, Pamela -Leight, Kathleen Meyer, Renee Leight, Theresa Newkirk and Kathleen Pitzen. Preparatory 4 di p 1 o m a s Vicki Brda. Charles Brefeld, Irene Caparros, Dolly Myers and Robert Mauch; preparatory 3 certificates, Kathleen Bolger, Joseph Caparros, C h ri s t i n e Crane, Grego^r Freund, Mary Jo . Gilpin, Robert Mauch, Vicki Miller, Patricia Newkirk, Carolotta Olson and Debra Varese; preparatory 2 certificates, Kandy Caparros, Mary Doyle, Karen Justen, Mary Malpede, Carol McMillan, Pamela Parkhursi, Virginia Newkirk, Barbara Toren and David Wagner; preparatory 1 certificates, Jeffery Caparros, Sharon Doyle, Mary Doyle, Victoria Freund, Charlene Meyer. Christine Perry, Terrence Schmitt and Sharon Vogt. HOSPITAL GRANTSr Grants to hospital construction projects throughout Illinois have beeri announced by Gov. William G. S t r a 11 o n. Funds are provided through the Illinois Department of Public Health under' a federal grant-in-aid program. NOTICE THE OFFICE OF DR. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST 126 S. GREEN ST. WILL BE CLOSED FROM 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th until 9:30 A.M. MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd 12:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday Races Bar-M Rodeo Horse Show Pedestrian Entrance -- Rte. 47 & Calhoun St. Parking Entrance on Country Club Road FOR OUTDOOR FUN We Carry A Complete Line Of Building Supplies & Materials Let Us Be O! Service To You Whatever Your Building Problems T Or Needs Might Be TSMi The "walk-in" feature avoids the need of "stepping over" the seat support bracket. Cannot tip over. The ski-type legs permit easy moving when cutting the lawn. Build it yourself--we'll cut the lumber for you, or--we'll build the table complete. Easily disassembled for storage. Build an ALL-PURPOSE BUILDING? • WORKSHOP -- MACHINI ITORAGi • 6ARAGE -- MACHINE SfOftAtl • CATTLE IARN -- HAY STORAGI • MAIN STORAGE -- HAY STORAGI These are just a ftw sf (ha --ny WMfof combination! you can enjoy --•easily tad economically t-the CUCKLER STEEL SPAN way. Y«i (et 100% usable space --wall to wall and roof to floosL Hies* buildings are easy to erect -- yet built with the strength of a bridga. And prieed much lower than yon would aspaot for quality buildings el this type. STEEL SPAN BUILDINGS are available i* i--any length. Choose CUCKLER widths of SJ*, 44', 50\ W and multiples' the siding, roofing and other materials from our stock. Let us help you plan your All-Purpose Building mom. GALL US TODAY FOR FR£E ESTIMATE. If Pay* to Mm wiih Ifsar SfeW $pm Mm GARAGES No Money Down - 5 Years to Pay! First Payment Not Due Until October / ® Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! AND REMEMBER . . . IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED! By ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. two-Cars With Storage OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois EVergreen 5-1424

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