Thursday/August 18. 1960 THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Page Fifteen Sunnyside Eslales LONG TRIP ENDS FINE VACATION FOR SENKERIKS Polly Stevens EV 5-1256 The Senkeriks--Mildred and Tony and children, Cathy, Johnny and David--are home again after their vacation. They drove to Hovland. Minn., then on to Ft. William, Canada. Back they came to Hoyt Lakes. Minn,, to visit Emily and Steve Dabick. friends they hadn't seen in eight years. The S e n k e r i k s w e r e q u i t e t a k e n Hoyt Lakes. It is an iron ore mining town and has grown tc a 5,000 population in six years. They did a lot of fishing on their trip. To wind u p t h e i r v a c a t i o n i n g r a n d style they drove into Chicago to see the White Sox win that day's game. They all agree it was a wonderful vacation. Walczynski, on her sixty-fifth birthday. Last week Joan and Stan entertained her mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Holdtfodt. They enjoyed being with their Walczynski and Mikkelsen g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d t h e f r e s h country air. Reunion A joyful reunion took place j Wednesday, Aug. 10, at one of f the train stations in Chicago j when Mary and Frank Mann 1 drove in to meet her sisters, j Mrs. Claire Rollheiser, whom I Mary hadn't seen in thirtyeight years, came from1 Kimi berley, British Columbia, and ! Mrs. Edith Wasnik, whom she j hadn't seen in thirteen years, came from Winnipeg, Manitoba. There was much talking a n ^ ' ' c a t c h i n g u p " f o r t h e three"'ladies. ^ A Happy Event "ois and Herb Anderson attended a wedding and reception in Elm wood Park Aug. 13. It was especially enjoyable for Lois as the bride was a former neighbor and school chum from Lois's old neighborhood in Chicago. Many old friends were greeted and acquaintances renewed. Style Show , The Democratic Women's club will hold a style show and dessert. Tuesday. Aug. 23, 8 p.m., at the VFW in McHenry. If you wish further information please contact Dolores Hanahan at EV 5-3427. |i Rescue Squad Pledges j Ssunday, Aug. 28, is a proud day for the Johnsburg rescue squad. It is the long awaited day of the dedication of their new building. I understand that some of the pledges have not been returned to the rescue squad. If any of the men who canvassed Sunnyside Estates have any pledges in their possession, please turn them in i<£nediately. We are indeed fortunate in having the rescue squad in our vicinity. The weather is never too bad and it is never too early or too late for these men to come to our aid when we need them. It is our privilege and our duty to help support t h e m . R e m e m b e r t h i s w h e n they hold their fund raising ice. Birthdays Happy birthday today. Aug. 18. to Florence Kanter, Loretta Mikkelsen and Joe DeFrancisco. Bob McDonald is the only celebrant Aug. 19. Three-yearold David Noah probably expects a party on Aug 20. Ber- I nice Fry and Andrew Sabby i celebrate Aug. 21. Billy Wal- I czynski will be 2 years old Aug. 22. Wanda Berg's natal day is I Aug. 23. Mickey Mikkelsen shares the birthday week with I his mother, Lorettta. on Aug. I 24. He will be 10. Many happy I returns of the day to all of you. Old Friends MV\ and Mrs. Kimbro drove to Elgin recently to visit their good friend and former resident, Kay Reece. They had a good long chat and Kay was eager for news of her old neighbors. She still isn't feeling too well. A Three Little Fishes ^Tie Davis kids. Bill. Neal and Mark, are taking swimming lessons at Holiday Hills Beach. They are getting to be like the "three little fishes in the it ty bitty pool." Visitors Betty and Bob Lakowske had as visitors his moip, Mrs. Ber-. tha Lakowske, and youngest flfcther, Larry, on Sunday, Aug. 7. Betty, Mary Jane and Johnnie have been taking swimming lessons so the youngsters gave Grandma and Uncle Larry a detailed version. Two Surprises! Millie and George Kropf's son, George Jr., and wife. Carpaid them a surprise visit Iturday, Aug. 6. George, Jr., was on seventy-two hour leave from Ft. Leonard Wood and CQme out to wish his mom and dad a happy twenty-fifth anniversary. On Wednesday, Aug. 10 -- THE DAY -- her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Becvar, came out to share the happy event. 4k Birthday And A Visit Recently Joan and Stan Walczynski and their four chjjdren drove into Chicago with a birthday cake and a huge bouquet of flowers to surprise Stan's mom, Mrs. Amelia Ondud'1/iali Jaiaj-4iifeet MICHIGAN [PEACHESI IrresUtibte in mmmmt id* ode ond desserts. Terrific, toot for freezing cmd conning. Now is o peock of o Hme to boy W Pol Michigan Peaches em your shopping Kst todayI t+ Anniversary To Mary and Herman Mooha we extend congratulations on their fortieth anniversary. Best Wishes. CHILDREN SHOULD BE PREPARED FOR FIRST SCHOOL DAYS Patricia Robinson, University of Illinois child development specialist, suggests that you look ahead to some new experience your child will have in starting school and start preparing for them. Fpr instance, a child vC'no has seldom gone beyond his own yard will be at a los* when the post office and train station are discussed in school. So take him to these places in the community. When you do, don't just drive by and expect the youngster to learn about it. Show him different things and encourage him to ask questions to find out things for himself. You should encourage him to play with other children so that when he starts school he will know something about sharing playthings. Another part of your job in preparing your child for kindergarten is to teach him some specific things. He should know his name, address, telephone number and parents' telephone number and parents' name, by all means. He should also know how to care for himself at the toilet and how to dress himself. The clothes you buy can either help or hinder his learning to dress. Cardigan sweaters are easier to put on than slip-over sweaters. Additional information will appear in a future article which should be of help to parents. McHenry Shores Successful Golf Outing Enjoyed By Clare Mueller, EV. 5-0553 Nine "die hards" wondered for a time why they didn't stay home in bed like the other golfers who were dtfe out on the course at Pistakee early Sunday morning. Aug, 8. Hqwever. they decided to dodge the few raindrops and tee off for a morning of fun and companionship. The rain stopped for good before the first golfers had poked their balls down the first fairway. Friends and members of the Shores Social and Athletic club then enjoyed the next five hours of a clear day on the links. Art Cicchini turned in an 85 for lowest score. Other awards were arrived at bv a series of arithmetic problems called a handicap system. Looks like Clare Mueller had an "in" with the management, who picked out the holes for all the figuring because his handicap net was 59 Jack Schmitt was second with 69. Others who.didn't' fare so well were Tom Burke. Gordy Hattan, Ed Keevins, Bob McKelly, Ray Olszewski and Clare Schweikert. people .dropped over and helped Chuck Whitney celebrate his birthday. . . Eleanor Granso's brother and his family spent a couple of days out here, j Old neighbors from Cicero, Vir- | ginia and Charles, with their 1 children. Chuck and- Dick, , boated down from^Antioch to ^ visit the Gransos. . . Joan Dos- • tal's mother, Mrs. Musielak, i spent a few days at McHenry : Shores. Sandy Winters attended the Shriners Circus in Rockford • with fellow members of the junior choir of the Methodist Church, while Nancy Winters s p e n t s e v e r a l d a y s w i t h h e r girl friend, Carol Ann Rutten, of Burton Bridge. . . Agnes Schweikert with son, Steve, drove ox er t o Broadview, 1 \yhere Steve visited with old i boy friends and Agnes went on t o May wood t o v i s i t w i t h daughter-in-law, Noel Am. . . The Barnetts ujent into Chica- . go to visit Rudy's mother, who is laid up with a broken hip. On another trip in they helped celebrate the birthday of their 3-vear-old grandson's, Dickie Trankina, . . Local women who SSAC Meeting Regular meeting of the Shores Social and Athletic club will be held Saturday. Aug. 20. at Bill Dostal's home, 302 Park avenue, 8 p.m. Don't forget the picnic Sunday, Aug. 28. Your donation covering this event can be turned in at the meeting. Birthdays and Anniversaries Saturday will be Fred Wetzel's birthday. . . Helen Risting's is Sunday. . . The Cicchini twins, Judith and Diane, will be 10 on Thursday. . . Hope something nice happens to all of you on your birthdays. Haftpy anniversary to Ken a n d B o n n i e S c h o p p a n d B o b and Evelyn Tanner. Both couples will celebrate Monday. HI Neighbor Our visit this week is with Del and Penny Newman, who live at 420 Hilltop Blvd. They the the proud parents of Tom, Patricia and Marc. Back in November, 1957. the Newmans moved here from Palatine. Del, who works as a technical manager on plastering materials, served our country as a Marine during World War II. He attended Milton college, Milton, Wis., Duke university, Durham, No. Carolina, and the University of Hawaii. Del has quite a few hobbies, among them. model vailroading, stamps and his own built-in s t e r e o . He l i k e s t o g o l f a n d hunt. Penny loves to paint and enjoys a good game of bridge. Earlier in life she attended St. Mary's academy in Prairie du Chein, Wis. and business school in La Crosse, Wis. Both are former members of the McHenry Shores club. Del was active on the clean streams committee in 1958. attended the G.O.P. Women's club barbeque at Dorothy Miller's were Eleanor Granso, Bernicc MacCullom, Irene Middlekauff. Helen Risting. Helen Simonsen, Daisy Smith. Helen Smith, Mildred Snively and Mrs. E. Zelina. a friend of Mrs. Granso. . . The Guys traveled o v e r t o H a r t l a n d , W i s . , l a s t Saturday to attend the wedding of their nephew, John Miller. to Miss Carol Ann Xlepien. John and Daisy Smith, with Chaplain Wilma Aylward, were over to Sycamore last Sunday to attend the 5th district meeting of the V.F.W. auxiliary. Daisy and Wilma are scheduled to attend the national convention in Detroit Aug. 20 to 26. Plan Benefit We have had announcement I of a rummage sale which the J women's division of the Cerebral Palsy association is planning from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the McHenry Garage oh Aug. 19 and 20. And in Closing Congratulations to Clarence and Agnes Schweikert on the birth of a granddaughter, Kathie Ann, born to Don and Noel Ann Schweikert. . . Beach duty for the twenty-first is assigned to Ed Munroe, Art Ruemelin, Tony Shababy and Sam Winters. . . Say, why don't some ef you south-siders give Beverly Verstege a buzz. Holiday Hills LOGAL GIRL MAY STUDY ART ON SCHOLARSHIP Kite Oleyar - EV. 5-4763 Sally Lubke Judy Laskowski has been awardad a four-year tuition scholarship to Northern Illinois university at DeKalb. Judy is the daughter of Lew and Joan Laskowski. who live on Hyde Park avenue. The June '60 graduate of McHenry high school is interested in art. and will probably major in that field. She plans to become a teacher, and is gaining some practical experience • in that field from her work this sumqjer as a counselor . at a camp in Wauconda. Judy made a splendid record at McHenry high. ,and was on the honor roll continuously from her freshman year. Young Man Drowns In Lake Residents of the Griswold Lake area were shocked to hear of the drowning on Sunday, Aug. 7. of a young Chicago man visiting in the lodge across the lake from Holiday Hills. It was difficult, as always, to obtain a clear account of the accident. Jack Romanov, 16, had fallen off a plastic raft some distance from the shore. His brother. Nicholas, rowed out in a boat to help Jack to shore, but fell out and drowned. Nicholas could not swim. Jack made it to shore, but could not get help to his brother in time. Having tlje lake and the rover on our doorstep, we sometimes tend to forget how quickly a tragedy can occur. Parents should take all precautions when swimming with their children at the beaches, and particularly when taking the family for a ride in a boat. Inflated devices of any kind, mattresses, rafts or rings, are to be discouraged because it gives the child or adult a sense of false security. Children have drowned from slipping out of plastic rings after drifting out into deep water. Woman's Club Meets Woman's club members enjoyed an instructive demonstration on woi'king with straw at the regular monthly meeting Wednesday, Aug. 10, at the Lutheran church. Work will be resumed on the towgls which the women are sewing for Mt. St. Joseph's Home for the Retarded in Lake Zurich. Small groups will meet Here and There Up from St. Louis to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John McKelly were son, Robert, his wife, Larayne, and children, Michele and Diane. . . Out from Chicago for a day at the Zeimet home were Mrs. Alvilde Hansen with her son, Melvin. Audrey Whitney took Mel skin diving in the channel. . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy entertained Mr. and Mrs. W Schmidt and youngster, Billy, from McCullom Lake. . . About thirty-five FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILL! KOENEMANfN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 in various homes for this purp o s e . C h a i r m e n f o r t h e s e groups are Jimmie Justes, Phyllis Harper. Eunice Heise and Chadie Ary. Hostesses for the evening were Connie Catanzaro, Doris Filip, Bernie Wemken and Carol Carlson. Welcome to New Family Our newcomers this week are the Luttrells of 6 Sunset Drive. Robert and Jacqueline moved tc Holiday Hills from Island Lake Aug. 1. Both claim Chicago as their home town. There, are three children in the family -- Marcia. who is 6. John who is 3. and Danny, the 1-year-old. Marcia will enroll a't Edgebrook this fall. Happy Birthday Glenn Exline celebrated, his third birthday Monday. Aug. 8. Grandparents and other relatives were out the Sunday before to help with the party. Debbie Slot tag will long remember her fifth birthday on Saturday, Aug. 13. because that's the day her parents took her to the Brookfield Zoo for the first time. Little brother, Bobby, was invited too. Off the Sick List Sandy Eckles is staying at the home of her mother after being released from the Great Lakes hospital. She has recovered from her bad spill from a horse some time ago. Eunice Heise's mother underwent surgery at Ravenswood hospital in Chicago, and had Eunice quite worried for a time. But she is recovering satisfactorily. It happened just a week after the Heise son. Dean was operated on at McHenry. Out-of-Town Visitors Elmer and Earline Mettelka entertained Elm's mother, Mrs. Lena Mettelka, »>f Marshfield, Wis., for a few weeks. Elm's sister-in-law. Mrs. Alice Mettelka, visited for a few days with her children, Mary Alice and Jim. Edna Holman of Chicago spent the weekend with an old f r i e n d . L o r r a i n e B e m i s , a n d Ann Slot tag's sister, Dolores Hoppe, also a Chicago resident, spent a few days with Ann and Bob. Mothers Take Swimming Lessons Sunbathers at the lake beach are very impressed with the progress of the women who h a v e e n r o l l e d i n t h e a d u l t swimming class, which is conducted by Miss McKaige right after the children's classes. Women who were afraid to put their heads under water, are now. after just a few lessons. swimming quite easily on their backs. The class is at 12 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday. Village of Sunnyside Road Repairs In Progress Irma Gunther - Reporter EV. 5-3484 Warning to Speeders Complaints about speeding motorists inside the sudbivision have risen to new proportions. There is a posted speed limit of 25 mph. within the subdivision. On the blacktop around the entrance the limit is 35 mph. Any resident who notices a car traveling at an excessive speed is asked to record the license number if possible, and to notify one of the deputies. The deputies are Jim Harper and Bob McWilliams. DISSOLUTION OF IMPROVEMENT GROUP IS ASKED Announcement has been made that Wonder View Improvement association. ,Unit No. 1, will remain inactive until the first general meeting in June of 1961. It will be recommended by the officers at that time that the association be dissolved due to lack of support of the property owners. Notice of this meeting will be sent out to all property owners, but only paid-up members may vote on the dissolution of the association. The announcement was made last week by Irene Menalos!- no. secretary of the organization, who said it was with regret that the move was being taken. She added that the officers felt the good of the comj munity must be put before per- I sonal differences, and an orj ganization must be supported if it is to be successful. Lots of women would make better wives, if they weren't so busy making better husbands. i Some of our roads that were really bad have been repaired so that you can go down them w i t h o u t g e t t i n g l o s t i n t h e holes. The men have started to put drain ditches in alsq. Social We made an error last week in stating thaJUlfre social will be between "the Fredricks and Williams homes. The social will be in back of the Willianjs home. Busy Weekend The Metzger family started the month of August by taking advantage of Joe not working by driving to Ohio to visit three girl friends of Elizabeth when she was a young girl in Hungary. The three are sisters and are in the order of The Daughters Of The Divine Redeemer. One sister is at Cleveland. Ohio and the other two are at Pittsburg. Pa. Many fond memories were discussed and Joe said the meals were delicious. The only bad part of any vacation is t h a t t h e y a r e n e v e r l o n g enough. Successful Carnival St. John's is grateful to all the hard workers, and to all the people who made their carnival a great success. Even the weather was very cooperative for the three days. Pistakee Terrace If you have any news for the column call Barbara Flood at E. 5-3928 and she will turn it over to me. The Mecko house had company last week when Mary's sister, Dorothy, her husband. Bob, i and Baby Monica came froimAurora for a few days to do some fishing and swimming. Some 17,400 churches have burned completely, or have been badly damaged by fire in the United States in the past seven years, an average of 7 per day. BUILDIN6 LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in I960 See Us Nowl We Will Build On Your Lot INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S. Inc Richmond, IU. Phone Richmond 4881 The wisest choice for performance Build Your Security by Saving at Marengo Federal 1. Strong, Stable association, proven for over 30 years. 2. Earn regular above average dividends of 4% twice yearly. 3. Each account insured to $10,000 by U.S. Government Agency. 4. Your money is available for withdrawal when needed. 5. Funds here do not fluctuate in value with stock market slumps or recessions. Current Dividend Rate 4% Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 X, State St. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 A Mutual Company Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 Total Assets Over $11,500,000.00 mum the wisest time for economy Like millions of motorists, you doubtless dream of some day enjoying the superlative performance that only Cadillac provides. Well, then, you'll be delighted to know that this is the perfect time to make the move. The quietness, smoothness and response that VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED ^ r/>/ DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. set a Cadillac apart are at their all-time best. And your authorized Cadillac dealer has some interesting information about how easy ownership can be. Accept his invitation for a drive--and0 get all the facts about the wisest investment in motoring. tlxuardlan [alntenanoej 4 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000