Page Two THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, August 18, 1960 St. Clara's Court Luncheon Aug. 24 St. Clara's court, No. 659, will enjoy iuncheon at the Country Club on Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 12:30 p.m. Reservations may be made by calling Evelyn Blake, Evergreen 5-5175, or Helen Rodenkirch, Evergreen 5-0376. by Aug-. 22. , Rlverview Camp Has , Successful Luncheon The combined' luncheon and card party held by Riverview Camp, R.N.A.,^ at the McHenry Country Club la§t Thursday was a fine success. Thirty-eight members and guests enjoyed the afternoon event, which replaced the annual picnic. Margaret Espey*s Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Espey of 206 Richmond Road, Mc- Henry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ann (Marge) to Theodore J. Loesch, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Loesch, Sr., of 727 Elm Place, Highland Park. Miss Espey is a graduate of McHenry high school with the class of 1959 and of Bryant and Shower Honors Miss ?Pat Greig Miss Pat Greig, a bride?to-be was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of La Verne Jost at Sunnyside Estates on Sunday afternoon. Miss Greig will become the bride of Dennis Ansell on Sept. 24. Guests at the shower were Mrs. Leo Freund of Johnsburg; Mrs. James Mclnerney and daughter, Kathleen, and Lola Dupree of Pistakee Highlands; Antoinette and Barbara Magnine, Mrs. Martin Knight, Mrs. Anthony Tomasello and Mrs. Emil Hoglund of Chicago; Mrs. Fred Ansell and Janice of Sunoyside Beach; Doris Roberts of Pistakee Bay and Mrs. Hal Paul of McHenry. Honor Sisters At Family Gathering Sister Mary St. Hilda (Mary Conway) and Sister Hugh David of Lincoln, Nebr., who were guests in the Robert Conway home, were honored at a family gathering and picnic there on Sunday. Attending the get-together were Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Fenton, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, the John Whalen family, Mrs. Mary Whalen, Mr. and Mrs.. Morris Powell and son, William Adams and children and the William Wilson family of Elgin; Mis. Clarence Conway and children of J.aftesville, *Wis.l the Edward Boone family of El burn; the Robert Saelens family of St. Charles; Miss D. Fryer, Leo Conway, of Chicago; the lather's daughter, Laurayne Conway, the William Weyland family and Mrs. George Miiier of McHenry. Afternoon callers, were Mrs. Anton Weyland of Griswold Lake and Mrs. Sal Crisanti of Chicago. MARGARET ESPEY Stratton Business college of Chicago in 1960. At present she is employed by a McHenry law firm, tier fiance is, a graduate of St. Norbert's high school in Green Bay, Wis., attended the Mohler school. of barbering in Chicago and at present is empioyed as a barber in itoiling Meadows. No wedding date has been set. _ m Louis Althoff Family Reunion A reunion of the Louis Althoff family was held at the Charles Vycital home Sunday, with ell members of their family present. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beckenbaugh (Anita) and children, Camille, Ronnie, Micky, Lynn and Scott, of Clinton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chase (Esther) and family, Fred, Dave, Dap and Susan, of Midland, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beckenb&agh (Dorothy) and hildven, AMt*»0eari*ftnd BW, and Mr. apd Mrs. Charles Vycital, Mark and Gary, of McHenry. Showers Honor Miss Judy Freund Miss Judy Freund. who will be a bride of Aug. 27, was honored at two showers held recently. On Wednesday night of last week, she was guest at a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Cathy Schaefer on Ponca street in C o o n e y Heights. Eighteen guests, most of them aunts and cousins of the groom-to-be. Thomas McMahon, enjoyed a social hour which was concluded by the serving of a tasty luncheon. Decorations were in pink and white. The Homer Fitzgerald home on Main street was the setting for d personal shower at which Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Rita Sayler. aunts of the bride, and Mrs. Mary Buckie, a cousin, we're hostesses. Twenty-two guests, many of them aunts and cousins of the bride-to-be, attended. Dainty sandwiches and coffee were served at the close of a pleasant evening. I^lihill-Hojnacki Nuptial Aug. Miss Martha Joan Nihill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nrhill, Sr.. of 511 Gol* View Road, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Donald George Hojnacki, son of Mr. and Mfcfe. Walter Hojnacki of 1040 N. Wood, street, Chicago, last Saturday, Aug. 13, in a lovely ceremony performed in St Patrick's Catholic church. Rev. Fr. Brady officiated at the 10 o'clock service., Mrs. Carl Weber was organist for the nuptial rite, with Earl Conway as soloist. The pretty bride chose a beautiful dress featuring chantilly iace bodice trimmed with seed pearls, and bouffant skirt, floor length, in silk organza. Her fingertip veil was held in l/lsee by a crown of lace and pearls; .. Attendants for the bride were Mrs. Janice Bauspies of Cooaey Heights, Mrs. Sandra Conway of John street, McHenry* arid Miss Carol Hojnacki of Chicago, sister of the groom. They wore gowns of reverse orchid satin, styled with bell shaped skirts and cap sleeygs. John Kasperski of Lake Villa, Jim Conway of.McHemy and Frank Carlson of Chicajp, brother-in-law of the groorh, were the groom's attendants. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Nihill wore a pale blue silk dress with embroidered roses, a white veil hat, white accessories and a rose corsage. Mrs. Hojnacki selected a beige silk dress with accessories to match, and a rose corsage. A dinner was fifty guests at 1:30 at the McHenry Country club, followed by a reception for 200 guests in the bride's home. The netoiyweds left for El Paso, Texas, on their wedding trip. They will make their home there until the first of next year, when the bridegroom will be released from service with the Army. After that time they will reside in McHenry. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school and has been employed as a private secretary. The groom is a radio technician. Out-of-town guests who attended the wedding were JUrp. Agnes Lane of Detroit, Mich- Mrs. Frances McLean of Clearwater, JFla., Mrs. Steila. Hojnacki, Mrs. Marie Nihiii, Mr. and Mrs. William Dempsey arid William Nihill of . Chicago. ::--** '• J '* Ay • PAROCHIAL PTA PLANS FASHION REVUE AUG. 31 _ Final plans iM tieini completfed for the Emhual £tyle re- Vue sitondored bjh the P.T.A. of St. Mary's school and presented by . Betty Nielsen's shot»i.The event, will take place on Wednesday, Aug...31, at 1 pjn. at t^£ , air-conditipnetj ,VfF.W. clubhouse, f<*aturjflg i(a turkey salad luncheon arid dessert.. Narrating, the,_sh^jv in. her Usuai, jeftectiye, manner, jvill, be B|rs. i^tty^jghiuwri, ^hUe^Mrs. Alice Barbian will pro^e.the all-important background mu- •iCj&'l. > (?»• •• '•« ' j/jfU;A ,,v Tickets. aye avajlaMe fr<wn Mrs. Han^r Conv^ay^Mjfs. iIfaymond Spohr or any other P.T.A. member,, ^ . ^ ( j The show, which annually^ttracts.. capacity.crQwds* will feature an advance showing of fall and winter fashioris- in casual and dress attire^ - CARD OF THANKS I would like, to thank all my friends, neighbors and members of, the W.C.O.F. for their thoughtfulness. during my stay af; the hospital. It was appreciated so very much. Paula Barbier. 16 CARD OF THANHS We would like to .take this manner of expressing our sinc e r e t h a n k s t o t h e m a n y friends, neighbors and relatives for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended to us in our . bereavement. We are especially grateful to Fr. Blitsch, Fr. Anger, Fr. Hiller and Fr. Jung for t h e i r s e r v i c e s . M r s . M a r y Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schmitt. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended in our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful for cards of sympathy, floral offerings and other remembrances. The Family of Guy Surtees 16 MARRIAGE LICENSES Dennis Schmitt, McHenry, and Verna Miller, Spring Grove T h o m a s J . E n g l i s h a n d Christine E. MacKenzie, both of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS Our deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all neighbors and friends in Johnsburg, McHenry and Oakland Subdivision for all the kind words and deeds bestowed upon us, bors and lriends in Johnsburg, during the illness of Forrest L. Richardson, Sr. and at the time of his death and our bereavement. Mrs. Anna Richardson and family. 16 McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital this past week included Donna Gawenda of Berwyn; Larry VeDoer and Birgit Anderson of Wauconda; Victoria Hintze, Irvin Field, Gertrude Glosson, James Haufe, Leo Noa-h, Gerald Hettermann, Barbara JMuerer, Jean Peterson, Catherine Sielisch, Penthias Billeter, Florence "Tuss^y, Dolores Anderson, Theodore Hocin and Elizabeth Charles of McHenry; Carol Baldocchi of Island Lake; Kenneth Hill and Linda Wegener of Ingleside; William McDermott of Niles; William ^£hce of Barrington; Daniel Perrelli of C l a r e n d o n H i l l s ; B e r n i c e Schwieger of Chicago; Marilyn Nawalaniec o f Woodstock; Paul Jean of Wonder Lake; Gladys Heiman of Crystal Lake; Ted Mower of Richmond and Goeffrey Kofsky of Oak Park. «; Satiny SpoJlir .jyill be qne ot tjiet ,'j^n-age models at the fashion sHbw. Memorial Hospital Patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included John Miller of Spring Grove; Chester Hermann of Island Lake; Alfred Dietz and Ben Kennebeck of McHairy. "LAST FLING" An event they are calling "the last fling" jp being planned for the 1960 graduating class of McHenry high school. The picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 28, at noon at Big Foot beach in Lake Geneva. All graduates are invited to at« tend and enjoy the wonderful time being planned. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mauer of 513 Park.street are t^ parents of a son, Ronald Joseph, born at St. Joseph's. hospital, Elgin, Fridfiy, Aug! 12/ weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz. Mrs. Matter is the former Eileen Knox, daughter of Mr. arid - Mrs_ Robert Knox. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I^iauer of near Burton's bridge. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crichtori of Rockford announce the arHval of their fourth daughter at St. Anthony's hospital in that city on Aug. 9- Mrs- Crjchton,, is the former Mercedes Stilling of McHenry, Their other children are Carol Lynn, Christy and Mary Beth. Mr. and Mrs. James tVritfht are the parents of a girl; botai Aug. 9 at Methorial hospital! ^ A son was born Aug., 9 . at Memorial hdspital to Mr. ana Mrs. Gino Vlscoriti. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake welcomed a boy at Memorial hospital on Aug. 11. A girl was born Aug. 13 at4 Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital on Aug. 13. , T i A daughter was born at Memorial hospital oh Ahg.1 13"to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Strumann. Mr. and Mrs. Richard White are the parents of a soji, bom at Harvard hospital on Aug. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Omrich of Woodstock are the parent^ cf a girl, weighing 5 lbs. 8 OK.. born at Swedish American hospital, Rockford, Aug. 15. She has been named Terry Ann. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Smith of Johnsburg and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Ohlrich of Woodstock;. Terry Ann has a sister, Sandra Kay, 2 years old. KATHLEEN FREUND, GLENN R, MpERLING MARftifcti SATURDAY DUST THOU ART, TO DUST RETURNETH: Alexander the Great wa£ buried jr\ a solid gold coffin at Alexandria, Egypt (founded l?y and named for him) in 33^ B.C. Later; Ptolemy 8th melted it down tp pay Syrian Mercenaries. St. Jdhh the Baptist church in Johfigburg was. the scene Qf a beautiful late aiimmer wedding last Saturday, Aug. 13, when Miss Kathleen Freund exchanged tniptial vows with Mr. Glenn R. Moehling. Miss Freund is the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Bernard A. Freund of Rt. 1, McHenry,, and Mr. Moehling is the son of Jlr. and Mrs. Ralph Moehling of Rt. 1, Spring Grove. Rev. Fr. JfisepH Blitsch, pastor, officiated at the 9:30 o'c l o c k s e r v i c e , f o r w h i c h t h e children's choir pffered appropriate, music. The. church, was decorated .• with bouquets of white glads and white carnations on the altar. The charming, brown-haired bride selected a silk organza, floor length gown with long tapered sleeve* arid skirt featuring two chantilly lace panels ^ decorated With seed pearls and sequins in front arid a lace panel in the back, extending into the v chapel length train. The veil fell from a .high crown of seed pearls and sequins WHich matched the lace panels of the^ dress. Miss - • Kathleen. Anglese, a close friend, was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss kyoh; Rodewald of Rt. 2; Mc- IJenryv cousin of the groom, Mra. • Eileen. Powers of Center street, McHenry, and Mrs. Betty .Hurtt of Greenfield, Wis., cousins of thfe bride. Tiiey were attired sitnilarly in white, chiff fon^ slecfv;eless dresses, street length, with pink cumberbunds, Ther6 wet& pink chiffon panel ins^rt^i^^h# back, while the bodiws^||t^red Square ' neck* JUGS* .were. pink organdy pleated bows with blush? er veils antfttiQr carriea colonr ial bouquets of pink carnations. Their jewelfy wa| a gift of the bride. ; Gary Thennes, a cousin or the bride, was ring bearer. Jack Powers, a close friend of the .gjroain, served as bes^ an a r i d g r o o m s m e n , w e r e airibert arid NmI Freund, brothers of the bride, and Roget Moehling, brother of the grooni Mrs. FteUnd chqse a white lace dress over pink taffeta, with matching accessories and a; white orchid corsage. Mrs. Moehling was attired in a mint green lace dress, with matching accessories arid a similar corsage. A receptioir was held for 400 guests at the Johnsburg Community hall, after which the n young qojjple left on a wedding trlpi throdgh the East. They will rejMde at 204 Richmond Road, McHeriry. The bride is a 1956 graduate of McHfttry hig^i school and has been Employed in the McHenry State Bank. The groom graduated in 1937 from the local high school and is an employee of Barco Mfg. Co., in Barringtoft. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. ahd Mrs. Ray Rode and daughters, Julie and Valerie, returned last Friday, from a two-week trt^ which took them to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Canada; Lfrite Placid, New York; North Conway, New Hampshire, and New York City. They also visited World War XI Army friends of Mr. Rode at Red Bank and Asburjr Park, N. 3. The keys to many family problems are often the same ones that fit the car in the driveway. M&ttia IfAR!>I gMANtTISL Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nardi of Shalimar subdivision announce the marriage tif their daughter, Telia Ann, to Mr. Rahdel Emanuel of Ozona, Fla. The young people were married Jan. 2, 1960, in , the South Shore Community Church of Chicago. The former Miss Nardi, a graduate of the McHenry high school in 1958, is continuing her studies at Evanston hospital as a student nurse. They will establish temporary residence in Evanston upori the completion this month of his military service at Fort Sheridan. HOLD DINNER ON lD5th ANNIVERSARY OF CHURCH Plans are under way for a roast beef dinner on the 105th anniversary of the Ringwood Methodist . church Saturday, Aug. 27. The church is located just off Rt. 31,' in Ringwood. Money derived from the dinier wUl be directly used in the liildirig fund. ° A country store will be a feature of the event, with home baked goods and fresh garden produce. The public is invited to attend the dinner between 5 and 7:30 p.m. MANY FEATURES ON PROGRAM FOR BENEFIT SOCIAL Matt Schulien, internationally known magician, will be the entertainment highlight at the McHenry American Legion's social night, Saturday, Aug. 20. Chairman Richard Golbeck announced several other entertainment features for thje event which will be a benefit for McHenry hospital's building: fund. Tee Bujack, blues singer, will be accompanied by her son, Ray, accordionist, and Clem Adams, bass fiddle player. Western tunes will be sung by Orville Abney and his wife, f^ell, with guitar accompaniment. Kenneth Sawdo will be a strolling accordionist. Committee members announced by Mr. Golbeck are Robert Damato, Harry Mueller, Leo Rothermel, Dominic Volpendesta, George Brda, Dick Marsh, William Weyland, Don Peterson, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, Mr. and . Mrs, F. W. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fradinardo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Vaughn Jones, Mr. arid Mrs. Kinley Engvalson, • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell, Mrs. ..Willard Schultz, Mrs. C. J. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Theo; Winkel. The public is invited. Without labor nothing prospers. The Store That's FIRST With BACK-TO-SCHOOL FASHIONS Sizes: Girls: 0-14 -- Boys: 0-7 Witii Values FIRVT With Better Brands I I IK) I with Finer Gifts Come In And Shop With Us! TRE DEBBIE SHOP, Richni6rid, 111. One Door West of Anderson's Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed I'hurs. Afternoons mm SEW SWEETENED SYRUP ATTRACTS.KILLS FLIES A 'MAT for fltosi A NEW DDVP, almo«t Iftattnt type of killer. EMHV MKIIM arownd doors, etc, insldfl or, outside of barn* or other buddings, erever fllee conflreflate. FLY-KOLA to aimo very eWectlU^atJlet -- w>o>qultoe«, watpe and 103 8. Green St. for u*e on IhrMtoek end dairy nilllc or meat. Report* ahow that TABEX increased milk prodoctiotl BOLGEFt'S Phonl EV 9-4500 werdicie 126 N. Riverside Dr. Tues., Hiurg Just Ahead to McHenry, III College Days are just ahead, but our illustration is NOT just a head. It is just orie of the many fine, easy-to-manage h a i r - d o s d e s i g n e d t o m a k e y o u . . . . "Queen of the Campus!" yun9 Phone EV 0-0147 \ W<^8%f'gkf 8-5; dosed slon. THOMAS ENGLISH CLAIMS EASTERN GIRL AS BRIDE A wedding of local interest was solemnized in St. Patr i c k ' s C a t h o l i c c h u r c h l a s t Saturday, Aug. 13, when Miss Christine E. MacKenzie of McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie of Watertown, Mass., became the bride of Mr. Thomas Joseph English, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph English of Shalimar subdivision. Rev. Fr. Brady officiated at the nuptial rite at 11:30 o'clock. The bride was pretty in a floor length gown of chantilly lace over satiti, styled with full skirt which extended' into, a short train. Her pearl cap held a fingertip veil. Miss MacKenzie was attended by Miss Nancy Skinner of Reading, Mass., as maid of honor, and by Miss Toni' Minetti of Mount Prospect, a friend, Miss Sharon Young of Mount Prospect and Miss Laurelle Hines of Hollywood, 111., cousins of the groom as bridesmaids. .They were attired in dresses of shrimp color, ballerina length, styled with cap sleeves and full skirts. On their Heads they had matching caps with blusher veils. George Taylor of Wonder Lake served the groom as best man and groomsmen were Sam Smith of Freeport, Robert English of McHenry, brother of the groom, ^nd Gary Vofet of Wonder Lake. The pretty flower ; girl was Patricia Labeh of LaGrange Park, a cousin of the groom. Mrs. MacKenzie Wore beige lace over an aqua satin dress, and aqua and beige accessories. Mrs. English had a blue faille sheath, jacket dress, blue accessories and a rosebud corsage. - A reception for 175 guests immediately followed the ceremony at the VFW clubhouse. The couple left later oh a trip into Wisconsin, and upon their return will reside temporarily in TtUerriahn's subdivision. The bride received her ieducation in Boston, Mass., and during the past several months during which she has lived in McHenry has ibeen employed as a secretary ih Chicago. The groom is a 1957 graduate of the McHenry high school, served two years with the Navy and completed one year at the University of Illinois. At present, he is employed at Terra Cotta. WINS DECfitEE James Arthur Busselle of McHenry, became a candidate for th& bachelor of science degree from Marquette university in Milwaukee, Wis., at the close of the 1960 summer sessions. There is no formal ceremony for August graduates, many of whom participate in June commencement activities. Busselle was a member of the 1960 varsity tennis team. Another thing kids save up for rainy days is lots of energy. Aliss Sharon O'Shea Bride Of Chicago Man Miss Sharon O'Shea, daughter of Mr. and flkrs. Daniel O'Shea of Grayslake And granddaughter of Mrs. Kathryn Conway of McHenry, became the lovely bride of Mr. John Iandola of Chicago in a beautiful wedding • solemnized last Saturday, Aug; 13, in St. Gilbert's Catholic church. The newlyweds will make their home in Champaign, where he is completing his studies at the University of Illinois. The bride, a gralftite of Mundelein college, will teach in Champaign., August 21 , Ice. Cream Social -- Lavfeof St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Ohe Mile South off Green Street -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary -- 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. August 28 Democratic Women's Club Style Show-- 8 -- VFW Clubhouse, McHenry.1 McHenry Chapter, O.E.S. Stated meeting and Initia^fcpn. Acacia. Hali -- 8 p.m. Card and Bunco Party -- St. titer's School, Volo -- Beneifit for NUhs -- 1:30 p.m. August 24 Lady Foresters' Annual Picnic. August 31 St.. Mary's. P.T.A. Fall Fashion Revue arid Salad luncheon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. # September It McJIenry Chapter; O.E.S., Advance Night -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. THE RAINBOW 0 CLEANERS TRUCK IN FRONT OF Y&JRHOME TEIX8 YOUR NEIGHBORS,m WMt e tl* Ui far PHONE 94)927 dots a colUg« education coil?" Parents wonder, top! Well, first there are j&xed costs (tuition, room and board, etc.), which can be learned from the individual college under consideration.f> Then there are ex&a costs - books and supplies, and so on - a representative total for which, experts say, runs about $500. . t . Few families can meet such expense from current income. Best bet: Apply the "college savings formula." Divide estimated gross cost by number of months until first year of college -- tp determine amount of tttottthly savings necessaryj then start saving, here! We'll welcome your account! McHENRY STATE BAN* T Established Since 1906 "McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution* Interest Paid4 Oil Shavings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone* EVifrgfeen 5-1640