Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1960, p. 11

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yHu&itay, Aufri^t 25. I960 |Ringwood Se wingCirdte At Peet Home "THE iiicftfiraV PLAINDEJtLER PageElerdn Mrs. Louis Hawley spent theI JohnsbuTQ past week at Madison, Wis., visiting in the home of herj ft daughter and family, the John I^^SCUe wSSraJS-- jencks !p,„ Squad Building The W.S.C.S. sewing circle at the home of Miss Alice jjPeet Thursday. A pot-luck din- |ner was served at noon and [the women were busy sewing [ih the afternoon. ISt. -'Mary's P.T.A. St. ft^ary's P.T.A, iTivites all to their style show and salad j luncheon on Aug. 31, at 1 o'clock at the VFW hall in Mchenry. TickPts will be avai!- Wle at the door. Btiby Shepard , Thursday with her daughter; and family at Lake Beulah. Wis. | 105th Anniversary | Plans are under way for r f roast b-eef dinner on the 105th |anniversary cf the Ringwood *Methodis,t church Saturday Aug; 27. The church is located jijust off Rt. 31 in Ringwood fMoney derived from the dinfner will be directly used it i^fce building fund, t A country store will be ? f e a t u r e o f t h e e v e n t , w i t h home baked goods and fresh garden produce. The public is invited to attend the dinner between 5 and 1^:30 p.m. 11 Anniversary Dinner t } An anniveisary dinner was jjMd for Mr. and Mrs. Claytor Hjruce Sunday by their daugh- It^rs. Mrs. Leonard Ackerman IMrs. Charles Ackerman, IJon- Wilp and Judy Bruce. Those to falttend were Mr. and Mrs. Delpier Shook and Karen of ^Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Leo {Carlson of Woodstock, 'Mr. and iMr$. Ronald Carlson and son *of 'Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs Jerry Schultz of Elgin. Mrs «>ra Schultz of Elgin, Mr. and rs. Ren Whipple of Meadowda lo. Mr. and Mrs. David Waller of Bellwood. Mr. and Mrs Hary Waller and children of Meadowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waaler of Hammond. Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loujs of Mc- H e n r y , M r . a n d M r s . G u s t Carlson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker of Ring wood and Merrill Culvey of Wt dvidere. ' •i' Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Charles llhl entertained a few guests at dinner Sunday honoring her husband's birthday. Sick List Bobbie Malsch underwent eye surgery at the McHenry ^fcspital Wednesday. He is getting along nicely. Bridal Shower Mrs. Walter Low entertained'a group of relatives at a bridal shower at her home j Thursday for Miss Carrie Lou Juul of Ingleside who will be-; come the bride of Larry Tho-1 mas Sept. 18. Relatives were! Sotfa Riverside. Des Places j I'Henrv. Ingleside and She- } boygan, Wis. Mrs. Helen Young of Mc- Henry spent Wednesday nighi with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry , Aissen and • daughters were ""visitors at Meadowdale Friday evening Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Wednesday afternoon at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs., Gus Carlso: ind sons spent the past week in the Layerne home nt West Allis, Wis. Mrs. Charlie Kutill of Floral and Miss Mary Breen of Chicago were supper guests in the Wolf Shadle home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Wednesday in the Russe! Ehlert home at Richmond. • M'Sgt. and Mrs. John Wood- Ward and sons of Madison. Wis s p e n t t h e w e e k e n d , i n t h e Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Hawley. who spent the past week there, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Shum of Park Ridge were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox <Nf Woodstock and Mr. ;vn^ Mrs. Robert Low and son of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests ill . the Beat ty-Low home. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family of Kenosha spent Wednesday evening with his narents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Bohlmann and daughter, Betty, of Chicago, were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lou and family went to Backbone National Park near Strawberry Point, Iowa Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Andy RamakcT and family of Thor, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener spent Saturday evening in the Don Smart home at Waukegam. Mr. and Mrs. Finel of Gu:- nee were visitors in the Dr. Henburn home Friday. Miss Donna Low returned home Sunday after a visit with her uncle and aunt of Sheboygan. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Harvard spent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family were suDper guests in the Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan are enjoying a trip to Yellowstone Park and the west: \ Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowel' spent Sunday with relatives at MeHenrv. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Saturday evening! in the Francis Costel'lo home) at Hartland. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert •' a n d d a u g h t e r M a b e l , s p e n t 1 Sunday in the Tony Senkerick i home at Sunnyside Estates. ^Mrs. Cot is and son, Jimmiei Hielieg, of Chicago, spent Surt-' day afternoon in the Fred J Bowman home. Jimrnie remained for a week's visit. i Mr. and Mrs. Karl Betts' entertained her sister from N. I Dakota the past week. j Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Mrs. J Ruby Shepard called on Mrs. | Lora Dodge Bacon at Antioch; 'tFiday afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jaeger1 of Chicago were callers in the Wolf Shadle home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevehsi of Richmond were supper. guests of Mrs. Agnes Jencks j , Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers; and son, Charlie, and Miss Pe- \ t r e a J a c o b s e n a t t e n d e d t h e ' Jftjchorn fair Sunday. ^ ! ^Mrs. William Hepburn, Mrs., Hattie Curtis and Mrs. Ruby Shepafd visited Miss Luella Krumt>en at the rest home at Genoa City Wednesday after- \ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son. Charles, were visitors in Chicago Wednesday. i BUILDING BLOCKS DAIRY PRICES I Dairv farmers snipping to i the Chicago market will receive $3.74^ per cwt. of base! milk and $3.37 per cwt. of ex- j cess milk for 3.o per cent j butterfat milk delivered in the | 70-mile zone in July, according j to Harry L. Edwards, director] of marketing for Pure M i 1 k , association. The differential for each one-tenth of one percent of butterfat above or below 3.5 per cent is 7 cents: per cwt. Another criticism of the up-' anid coming generation is that , they want to be out-and-going all the time. t j Betty Hettermann The reality of many persons' dreams will be realized next Sunday. Aqg. 28, when the new building for the Johnsburg rescue squad will be dedicated. A most colorful parade is planned to p.recede the dedication at 1 o'clock. Floats from various s u b d i v i s i o n s a n d b u s i n e s s olaces wili'-^nler at this time. The building has been a goal t'or the stjuad members since fheyr organized eight yeaVs agQ. They have been so enthusiastic ibout the project that It has now spread throughout the entire vicinity. Through the donations &nd efforts of theSe interested persons the building is now completed. The squad will maintain their everlasting vigil of helping those in need m .time of emergency. ' Please ; remember the dance sponsored by the Johnsburg rescue squad at the community club on Sept. 3. Through these proceeds the. squad will continue to maintain their equipment for emergency use. The squad was called out late last* Saturday to a car accident near the entrance of the drive-in 1h|(#it£rt5 . Handicap Golf Tournament A reminder of the forthcoming closing date for the C.O.F. handicap golf tournament. All adult members are eligible and should turn in their entry forms to Mike Schaefer by Sept. 10. The tournament will take place on Sept 18 at the Pistakee Country club with tee off time between noon and 10 o'clock. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. that evening. Forthcoming Style Show Members of St. Mary's P.T.A. wish to extend an open invitation to the ladies of our vicinity to attend their style show and salad luncheon. The event will be held at the V.F.W. hall next Wednesday. Aug. 31. at 1 p.m.1 Tickets will be available at the door. Hospital Patients Mrs. Rita Miller underwent «urgpry at St. Therese's hospital last week. We all join in extending get well wishes to her. Bill Fischer was an overnight patient at the McHenry hospital recently Dowe Baby Christened Debra Ann was "the name chosen by Don and Betty Dowe for their daughter when she was baptized last Sunday The rite w^s performed by Rt. Rev. Msg'r. Sheed.v of the Holy Trinity church in Bloomington. Godparents were Mrs. Jack Wirtz of Springfield, a cousin and Tom Keenan of Pompano Beach, Fla, an uncle. A family dinner was served in the Dowe home following the baptism to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dowe and Sharon, Mrs. Lena Dowe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moulis all of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan and Tom, and Mrs. Helen Hettermann of Johnsburg., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wirtz. Ray and Jeff, of Springfield and Mrs. Lillian Kelley of Bloomington. Debbie was the first greatgrandchild of Mrs. Helen Hettermann to wear the christening dress she made 48 years ago. This same dress was worn by Mrs. Hettermann's children and all twenty-three grandchildren at the time of their bant ism. Engagement Aniionnr^ed Miss D o r o t h y Schaefer, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer is among the latest of lour young, group to receive a j beautiful engagement ring. The j ring was presented to her on j Aug. 13 by Gene Hughes pi McHenry. Happiness is wished j to this young couple by all of | us in ..the years io come. Nci ! delinite plans have been madd 'for the wedding. Congratulations: Corner ! Several young ladies came | laden with gifts to the home of Terry Kruger on Aug. 18. The ; guests presented these tokens 1 to Terry in honor of her seventh birthday. Enjoying games, followed by the serving of cake | and ice cream, wet?e: Peggy Peterson, Diane Sehlueter. j Mavilynn Bovnton, Joy and 'Karen Hettermann and Mary (O'Connor, Dnvid Peterson' was surj rounded by his buddies last | Friday when he celebrated his i sixllv birthday. Gobbling up the goodies served for the occasion were: Mark Kruger, Keith Klapperioh. Joey Dehn. Billy Scott, Neil Bat-th, Rojy Mars h a l l . J i m i n y V y d u n a a n d Brian St ahl. j Birthday greetings to Ruth iMartiner whose natal day is ! Aug. 25. I Around the- TJhwn. , Mr. and Mrs. fc>eterv £>mith 1 became grandparents fnf the 'second time when their daughter and son-in-law. the *.'arl Ohlrichs. welcomed their second daughter. i The* Rudy Fischers' entertained her sistetjft family,* from j California for two weeks rejcently. While here the group (enjoyed dinner out to celebrate ; the Fischers twentieth anniversary on Aug. 3 while her sister and husband celebrated their eightee'nth wedding anni- , versa rv on Aug. 21. Dolores and Emmit Roberts re entertaining his relatives Bpring Grove j LARGE CROWD AT OPEN HOUSE IN NEW PLANT by Mrs. Charles Freand, A large crowd including many local people attended thv- "open house" at International^ Register Co. held last Saturday. Aug. 13. Those who at tended were impressed by thf ' beautifully furnished executive j oft ices, the first aid emergency! room with attending nurse, the] modern spacious, w^ll-lightedi working area. Guided tours; were held through the plant J from nine to twelve and re-' fieshments were served all! present. | Vacationers Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith and Harold and l.eo Smith motored to. northern Wisconsin .las? week end. Mrs. Leo Smith re- j turned home. With them aftet • •spending a week's vacation'! with her father. Alfred P .'tska.' and family. : I j The Russet Gardiners are s p e n d i n g t h e i r v a c a t i o n a t ' F-agle River. Wis. . j - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown | I Pauline and Chuckie are visit -1 inn relatives in Stacyvillc. Iowa and Austin. Minn, this week, j j Mrs. Susie Miller of Stacy-i i\ilK\ Iowa is visiting relatives! and friends here this week. I Rev. Nicholas Freund. SDS.! spent the past week with his; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Freund, while enroute from; New York to California. He! left for San Francisco from O'Hare Airport on Tuesday. I Aug. 16. He will take up his' teaching assignment at Pious! X S e m i n a r y a n d H i g h S c h o o l i n j Rio Dell. Calif. j Jack Tinney of Burlingame. Calif., is spending some time| a t h o m e w i t h h i s p a r e n t s , t h e j Frank Tinneys. Mr. and Mrs. Robert May and family are visit ing in the. Charles May home. Now! If T^u ilVe in McHenry, Woodstock, Algontiin or Cary - Here's how to till Crystal Lake. from Missouri and Iowa this week. Mike Schafer. Paul Pitzen, Richard Dehn and Fred Fuchs •ice-nnpanied candidates for the COF into Chicago for pre-} convention initiation last Sun-; dav. They w ere taken bv n bus] ? driven by Frank Schafer. ATTEND CONVENTION George Van Zevern of Pis-jj takee Highlands represented^ the Uptown No. 830 Toast-: master's club last week in At-j lanta at the twenty-ninth an-; nual convention of Toastmas-y ters International. ' ~ • i rustic Colonial MODEL HOME Open Sat. & Sun. 2 - 8 p.m. $32,500 incl. "Vi acre. City sewer & water. Other plans $20,000 to $32,000 plus your lot or ours. On Rt. 120 one mile East of Rt. 47 in Walrose Manor. JANSEN CONST. CO. Woodstock FE 8-5005 Clubs The Christian Mothers soda-. lity held its regular meeting.' at the parish hall on Thursday evening. A motion was made and passed that a (Jonatio.i would be"i*ivon to the Majian Central football squad. Following the meeting an educational tape was run pertaining to advice parents .should give their children while growing up. Cards were also played and a lunch was served Mrs. Ben May was hostess to the members of Iit club last week. Games cf .">00 were1 played and prizes went to Mrs. Frank Tinney. Mrs. Ben Mav> Mrs. Tillie May. Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mis. Lizzie Engels. | A delicious lunch wfis served j' lifter cards. " . ; Outing At Relict I.ake j Mrs France* McNally. Mrs i Manic Tirinry, Mrs. Emma Mayj, .and„ Mrs. ' Eva, Freund enjoyed a day at .the Benedictine Monastery lasi week. They, joined a group of • ladies from the' Little Flower "Circle of Chi-' cago on.'Tuesday for a dav of1 recollection. Mass was attend- ' Cd at ten followed by a'tour of ' biblical scenes done in life' size statues bv the Brothers! of the Monastery A fried' c h i c k e n d i n n e r w a s s e r v e d i n : the duiing hall. The afternoon! was spent at the Benedictine1 Convert and at their Rosary Rose Garden. 1 i Fashion Show ' H ear there will be a lunch-1 eon and style show at. the VFW hall in McHenry on Au<r 31 starting at one o'cloek. It is sponsored bv ' St. Man's r*r.\ and th^ committer in charge extends a weleome to all who w'Mi to attend. Tickets may be obtained at the door. IFYE Visitor An exchange student from Ecuador under the International Farm Youth Exchange is a guest in the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Owen Richardson. His name is Luis Holguin an.i he is here to further his education in agriculture and to study U.S. farming methods. While here he has attended a Farm Bureau meeting and a 4-H Federation meeting. He also has visited several local points of interest such as tho Illinois State Fish Hatcheiy and the milk plant. When he returns to his country he will haw a position similar to that of farm advisor here. STATE SEEKS BIDS i Tho Illinois Division of Waterways will receive bids Aug. ' 23 at Springfield for dredging and excavating the following channels in the Chain O' Lakes: ! Channel Lake to Lake Catherine channel; Grass lake to : Lake Marie channel; Blutt j Lake to Lake Marie channel and Grass Lake channel. i TURNED AROUND: A race track seems to have only known windows that clean people. Happiness has been defined as having good health and a poor memory./ FIRST LINE BIG NAME BRAND 210-lb. Asphalt Shingles Alcoa Aluminum Siding Insulated Siding sq. $ £.30 ' sq. $29.50 per sq. $17.75 Open for Pickup 6 Days 8 to 12 P.M. Largest Selection of Insulation In Northern Illinois •uiteUtc Roofing & Insulation Co. M. 2. McHenry. III. EVergreen 5-2759 lives.: DU 1-5084 i'i WE'VE GOT THEM AGAIN! SHEAFFER'S STUDENT HAND WRITING KITS 1 Skripsert Cartridge Fountain Pen Regular Retail Price $2.95 2 Five-Packs Skrip Cartridges Reg. Retail Price . 1 Handwriting Booklet - FREE Value $3.93 <7%MS* OHLY 98" « BOLGER'S DRUG ST0RI 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 The wisest choice for luxury... * FROM McHENRY AND WOODSTOCK, to call a Crystal Lake telephone number you dial the seven figures of the telephone number. * .FRoitf ALC.ONQtllN AND LAKE-IX-THE HILLS (OL iver 8>, to call a Crystal Lake telephone number you dial "9" followed by the seven figures of the telephone number. * FROM CARY AND FOX RIVER CiROVE ( M E r c u r y 9 ) . t o c a l l a C r y s t a l L a k e t e l e p h o n e number you dial "8" followed by the seven figures of the telephone number. $wmw li *>.*• f « , ' f ^ r " <• > i '• <• | til* < ' s S V \ ^ 'v _ v-. _ : ... •<?- •>... • X : ' at the wisest time for practicality "Sorry. I can't go in today, Coach. . . I'm dressed so I can rush over to Wonder Lake Builders' Supply for some ceiling tile the moment the game's over!" ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Spacious interiors of superlative elegance are only one aspect of Cadillac luxury. Equally satisfying are the conveniences and driving aids that make every ride a Jrest. And here you have a primary reason why a Cadillac is so practical--for these advantages, avail- VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. able only at extra cost with most cars, are standard in a Cadillac. Your Cadillac dealer has-other instances of Cadillac economy -- its unexampled reliability; efficiency. and resale value--and good news about today's delivered cost. Why not arrange a meeting -- soon? alntenante 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-GOOO

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