Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1960, p. 8

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Eight THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEK Thursday, September 1, 1960 Estimated Enrollment For Fall Term 300 Over 1959 (Continued from page 1) the 1960-61 school year. The first day of school will be on Sept. 8. Several new members of the BUS SERVICE IN AR£A DEPENDS ON PUBLIC RESPONSE Roselyn Mattia, mathematics. Twenty-two new faces will be evident among the grade school laculty members. Of (acuity have also been anthese, three <vill be special in- Sister N. Edith will slructors, Nancy Hanks1"**1' English and choms and Thompson, . who will teach: ^es (i-om St. Marys hiBh music; Catherine Smith, physi- ' "'h™' •» Michisan City, Ind. cal handicapped class; and Bill I twlonne, wto comes Dial, spcech correctionist. Teach In Junior High from Bishop Noll high school in Hammond, Ind.. will teach The Chamber of Commerce committee' conducting a survey to determine the desires of residents of nearby subdivisions regarding bus transportation announced this week t,luH unless greater response is received within the next two weeks, plans to accommodate these surrounding communities will need to be dropped. On Tuesday of this week, Nine employed lor the only thirty .replies had been re- Junior hiSh school alone, in- "• w'" (.„lv(vl. „nd ,he greater numeluding Judith Sandke, physi- ! ^ her were from Wonder Lake , X .• comes from Schlarman high ,H cal education Robert Miller, . ^ ' " , _ , T ;in j 1C Lakemoor-Luymoor • i *. school ui Danville, 111. Sister <u,u social studies. Walte. Han*. | ,,,,, Many ofr th. ose wSho an- Mary's college. Notre Dame. "* que».innmu«. exsoclBl "tudies; Eugene Maris sl^^'^V^iine^'^vho '•trnnS|»>rlatlon and were Carolyn Hanson, June Hubert Reeves and Joan Dopheide, ; --;y ' - pressed appreciation for the l.a nguage arts JTu„djiirtth, Kv,a™rn0ecs, i! will teach chemistr•y", advanced 1e f' forts of, '1,h e C„. of, ,C,, . t, o proiv/ jans algebra, and solid geometry. m \ • .... and l-ewis Crane, arts and crafts. , The remainder will be on the faculty in the various vrade schools. They are Donna «M_ ans and, TE-lI sie THJ,o:p pe. kinder- i and come,s from Christ . the i comes from St. Mary's high school in Anderson. Ind., will teach French and English. Sister Maria will teach history irarten; >NTo rma„ Jones a,nn wwiinn- , Kin°g school in South Bend. nie Mae Hargis. first grade; ! lnX\ . .. '• . •. ' '• •• Ruth Haasl. second grade;, Elizabeth Anne, third grade; 'uho head Manan this year 1 as principal, comes from St; Janet Vierke, Frances Herrmann and Jeannptte Svlla. fourth grade; Heli »n .To Paasch, fifth grade; Shirley Ross, elementary music and physical education. Kindergarten Registration Joseph's high school in South Bend. She has her master's degree in school administration from Marquette and has had vast experience as principal in V * ^ ,*«, r»<riefrattan fnr hiEh schools conducted by the made available Kindergarten registration for K . _ TI , _ those not previously registered j S , s 'ers will be held Sept. 1 at the I •Nf »>','^ers added in nort..h ,k i. nd.e .r garten room a_«t i the facult-v include John Kireh- E_d,g eb, roo.k sc„h. ool. PD h, „ys •i cal1 l x > r"g o f C r y- s t a l L a k e a n d A l a n ch1 e.c1k- up slii-p s andj ib i- r„ certif- i i L a t 7 o f H i g h l a n d S h .o r e s , b o t h icates must be presented a, ; graduates ot the University ot this time for all those not al- IIII,no,s- J,,hn Hut,en ot De" Heartily in favor of the pro^ nosed program. A coupon similar to those *vhich . appeared in the Plainlealci' the last two weeks is also available in this week's i s s u e . C o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s hope to obtain greater response so .that they may inr'urgurate in time for the holiday shopping season. They feel that it will be possible to determine within the next fewweeks whether or not the transportation service will be FORMER BUSINESS MAN IN McHENRY IS DEAD AT 65 GREET PLANT OFFICIALS NEW HOSPITAL IS READY FOR WALL STRUCTURE (Continued from Page 1) readv submitted to the school j ™b tl who h"|ds ,an M A" fr°m nett I. Berman, staff obstetrii Northern Illinois university, cjan. whose registrations i and Catherine Hemesath from s.^sinnc will hp hold for nurse. Those are not completed on or before Sept. 6 will not be assigned to class on the first day. Classes will begin Thursday. Sept. 8. in each of the six kindergarten rooms. Children who are 5 years old on or before June 1, 1960, will report to the afternoon classes from 12:30 to 2:45. Those who were, or will bte. 5 -years old after June 1, will report for morning sessions from 9 to 11:15 a.m. The division for classes for this year will be Main street, and all residing within the city limits to the north will report to the kindergartens on Waukegan street. Center, Edgebrook Heights and Country Club subdivision will report to Fdcrebrook school. Children who reside east of the river will attend Hilltop. Bus children will be assigned as in the past. On Wednesday. Sept. 7, mothers ar* asked to mwmpanv their children to school 1 to become acquainted with the j teacher and the classroom, present health sheets and physical examination records from physicians if not already turned in. Mothers are encouraged to ask any questions or te'l teachers any information which will be of help to the ichild. Children assiened to morning sessions will attend for a brief visit from 9 to 11:15 and afternoon croups from 12:30 to 2:15. Children must be accompanied by a parent and the visits must be short in order to allow time for each individual conference. - Individual classroom lists will be posted on each kindergarten door for all twelve classes. Parents are urged not to ask for changes in room placement as it causes confusion due to the larce enrollment. 8t. Patrick's Sessions will be held Sioux City. Iowa, a graduate , consecutive Tuesdays at of Briar Cliff college. Mr. 7;:',o p.m. Those interested in Kirch berg will teach Biolocrv enrolling may do so by con- An illness of * about six months' duration ended in the death Monday morning, Aug. 29, of Herman Schaefer, 65, of 420 N. Riverside Drive, who passed away in Hines Veterans hospital a short time after being admitted. A lifelong resident of this community, he was well known as the former co-owner with his brother, Ambrose, of McHenry Recreation on Fox street. Although in poor health for sometime, his death was unexpected for he had been up and about last week. The deceased was born in Tohnsburg July 20. 1895. In recent years he had been employed at the American Terra Cotta Corp. Mr. Schaefer was a member i of the American Legion post, the Veterans of World War I, the Catholic Order, of Foresters and the Knights of Columbus, No. 1288. He is survived by his wife, Agnes Frisby Schaefer, whom he married June 25, 1921; three daughters, Peggy Kraus of Santa Ana, Calif.* Nadine Larkin and Ruth Wohnrade of McHenry: four brothers. Am- 1 brose and Bill of McHenry, : .lohn of Arlington Heights and Frank of Woodland Hills, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Theresa j Halpin of Lake Geneva: also seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his brother, Robert, and a sister, Ella Smith. Thf body rests at the Peter M. Just en funeral home until 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning, when services will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic church, with burial in the church cemetery. WILLIAM DRENNAN DIES William T. Drennan, 80, of Fox street, retired chief'clerk for the 'Monon railroad, died Wednesday morning, Aug. 31. at Memorial hospital. The body was taken to the Peter M. Justen funeral home, where arrangements were incomplete as the Plaindealer went to press. j CLEAN STREAMS ! MEETING | The next meeting of the McHenry County Clean Streams Committee will be held at the Mrs. | city hall at 8 o'clock on Tues- Northern Illinois university Griesbach, a registered nurse, day. Sept. 13. This is a change and will teach one of the first ^j]] assist Dr. Berman in the in date from Sept. 6 because grade classes. Mrs. Weber has lecture series. , of the holiday week. taught in the Lincoln school district and at St. Patrick's in McHenry. Miss veria Miller, a graduate of Southern Illinois university, win tench one of the third grade classes. Miss Miller did her student teaching at Mt. Vernon. III. Mrs. Geraldine Moerschbaecher, a graduate of Mundelein college, will teach one of the fourth grade classes. Mrs. Moerschbaecher did her student teaching at Waukegan. Mrs. Harriet Kesser has been employed as the cookmanager of the hot lunch program. She served in a similar capacity at thd Avon school 'ast year. Her assistants are Mrs. Edward Thoren and Mrs. Edward Freund. James Tyler of Sunnvside Estates has been employed as the night custodian* Giving hack the pulpit Bible and with i.t the pulpit duties to Rev. John O. Mclntyre, left, are the laymen of Fai'th Presbyterian church who filled the pulpit of the McHenry church during the minister's recent vacation. Laymen pictured, left to right, are Dan C. Mathes, Jr., Roy Kissling, Warren Krebs and Dale Maule. Pictured at the recent grancl opening of the new international Register company at Spjfing Grove are, left to right., Ansel Kinney, president of the compainy; Joseph C". Griffin, vice-president and treasurer; Paul Weber, mayor of Spring Grove; and Arrrold N. May, whose firm was in charge of construction of the building. and assist the coaching staff. Mr. Latz will teach shop and mechanical drawing. Mr. Hut- 'en will teach in the commercial department. Miss Heme- «ath will teach women's physical education. On -Tohnsburg Faculty A n n o u n c e m e n t h a s b e e n lading Dr. Berman's nurse, MVergrcen 5-1050. There will be no charge for the course. Lectures and discussions augmented by visual aids will be used to present four major subjects: female anatomy physiology: labor and delivery; hygiene of pregnancy, layette, made of new faculty members formula preparation; care and at the Johnsburg public school, problems of the newborn baby. New teachers in the system c.roup discussions of these subinclude Miss Doris Clinan- ' jccts give the expectant mothsmith. who attended Northern Prs and fathers a deeper under- Illinois University and will standing of labor and delivery • each^ne fifth grade class. anfj, he]p develop confidence Miss Clinansmith previously anr] relaxation. taught at Big Hollow. • Mrt. pr Peter Griesbach, hospl- Mabel Weber also attended tal pediatrician, and GOVERNOR WILL VISIT GOP "FUN DAY" IN COUNTY Republican Central C o,mmittee Chairman "Chuck" Miller of McHenry and Art Giovannoni of Cary, activity chairman, this week announced plans for a "fun day" family picnic to be held Sunday, Sept. 18, at Fox River Grove. The committee has arranged a full family day of activity, including games, races, free kiddle amusement rides - and many other attractions. * There will be band music and community singing as special attractions. Republican candidates for nalional, state and county offices will be present to greet those in attendance; but speeches wiil be kept to a minimum, according to those in charge. Governor William G. Stratton is expected to arrive by helicopter for the event. Admission will be by ticket only. Precinct committeemen have ample for distribution free to those who care to attend. HOLIDAY DEADLINES Although most deadlines remain the same on the Labor Day holiday week, correspondents' columns must be in our office early. Contributors are urged to submit news and advertising as early as possible since the Plaindealer office will be closed on Monday. AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS R o s e m a r y R o t i , H e n r y Houck and Lynn Brubach, all 1960 graduates of the McHenry high school, have been awarded teacher education scholarships, according to an announcement this week by George T. Wilkins, superintendent of public instruction. Attend Conference TRAINING CENTER FOR RETARDED TO OPEN ON SEPT. 19 Ralph von 'Osinski, president of the Elgin-Cardunal Association for Retarded Children met with the McHenry County association in Wonder Lake Tuesday to outline the organization of his group and tell how they set up a classroom for retarded children not eligible for the E!MH room there. The parent-sponsored school is on King's road in Meadowdale and has( been in operation for two years. The McHenry county group will open their training center Sept. 19 at the Bible church in Wonder Lake. Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 2:30. Fifteen children were registered last week from the c o u n t y . T h r e e w e r e f r o m Woodstock, four from Wonder Lake, two from Richmond, two from Lilymoor, and one each from Crystal Lake, Harvard, Alden and McHenry. There were six girls and nine boys ranging in age from 8 to 19, with the majority in the 10 to 11-year-old group. The meeting date of the organization has been changed to the first Monday Of each month, with the next meeting to be held in McHenry Oct. 3. Anyone interested in the training center is invited to attend this meeting. Legal STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS. COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY JAMES THOMAS TOZER.fV JR., ) Plaintiff, ) -vs- ) DORIS ANN TOZER, ) Defendant ) Tn Chancery No. PUBLIC NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed,- notice is hereby given you, Uie salid DORIS ANN TOZER, tilt a suit has been filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, by the plaintiff against yt>u. for divorce and other relief; that summons was duly issued against you, which suit is still pending. Now unless you, DORIS ANN TOZER, file your appearance in said suit not later than 30 days from the date of fee first publication, default may be entered against you and a Decree entered in , accordance .with the prayer, of said complaint. Lester Edirigor. Clerk JOHNSON & KALLECK Attorneys for Plaintiff 306 E. Elm Street . McHenry, Illinois Evergreen 5-1400 ^ (Pub. Sept. 1-8-15, 190l) RETURN PULPIT BIBLE ANNUAL ROUND-UP Plans arc being made for the third annual summer round-up at Wes' Shore Beach, McCul- !om Lake, which will be held Sunday, Sept. 4, starting at 1 p.m. Everyone is invited to join in the games and enjoy refreshments. Mary M. Nieman, left, and Alice M. Clark, right, represented the McHenry school system when they attended the conference for educ a t i o n a 1 leaders at Bradley university, Peoria, in August. The former teaches at Edgebrook and the latter in Landmark school. mmM WINS SCHOLARSHIP Richard Antonson, son of Ihe Carl L. Antonsons of Grove avenue, has been awarded the Notre Dame student body scholarship award for aptitude and achievement. This scholarship is distributed to deserving upper classmen who have demonstrated excellence and campus citizenship. ALMA MATER IS REMEMBERED WTTH LARGE SCHOLARSHIP (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Freund and daughters, Jean,June and Jane, spent several days' vacation at. Montague, Mich. Hold Open House At New Novitiate Sept. 4 St. Joseph's Novitiate on Countiy Club road, near Ridgefield, will hold open house from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 4, with dedication of the beautiful new structure scheduled for 3 p.m. that day. The Novitiate is operated by the Congregation of Resurrectionist Fathers, with the Very Rev. John Grabowski as provincial. All interested persons are invited to attend the open house and dedication. TAKING A TRIP OR GOING BACK TO SCHOOL C^aralite Make-up Bags $1.50 - $2.00 - $3.00 - $5.00 - $6.00 Many Patterns and Styles to Choose from including Hand Painted Florals, Plaids etc. MILLSTREAM DRUGS 315 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza .McHenry, 111. St. Patrick's grade school | school scholastic record will open Sept. 8 with a full day of school. On Sept. 6 and 7. the sale of new books and the re-sale of books will be held at the school. The uniform re-sale will be held on Sept. 8 and 7 at the home of Irene Adams, 117 First avenue. Uniforms to be sold should be turned in before those dates to Mrs. Adams, who may be contacted at Evergreen 5-3575. Mariun Central • * The Rev. Eugene C. Baumhofer. superintendent of Mar- Ian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock, has ancollege aptitude as indicated oy results of the scholastic aptitude tests of the college en- ; trance examination board, and moral integrity, personality, [ interest and leadership in ex- j tra curricular activities. The scholarship committee 1 of the University of Notre J Dame will select the winner, ! with announcement to be made ; on April 1. ! Mr. Phalin, a brother of Principal Eleanor Foley of Edgebrook school, McHenry, is a 1921 graduate of the local high school and received his -nounced the opening dates of , degree in 1928 at Notre Dame. DANCING LESSONS! BEAUTY BARGAIN For COEDS "TOTS - TWEENS - TEENS" FREE Coupon Worth $1.00 Popularity begins with a prettier you. So now, before school opens, make a date "or maybe Mother will make one for you" to have a fresh permanent wave ... or a new fashion haircut ... or a shampoo and hair styling. You save a dollar with this free coupon. Call now -- offer is good for a limited time so don't delay. ADORABLE BEAUTY SALON • 120 East Circle Building KV 5-0890 a i I i I I ' i i i i i i i NANCY'S SCHOOL of DANCE Instructor: Mrs. Nancy Gardiner Trained This Summer in California by • Al Gilbert of Hollywood 9 Evelyn I,e More of Pasadena • Walton Bigger staff of Sail Francisco • The Bill Williams Ballroom Studio (Largest in the city of Los Angeles) CLASSIC TRIUMPH! VAN HEUSEN* 417 COLLECTION best of the traditional in an AUTHENTIC NEW FASHION The Van Heusen 417 Collection is a rare blend of unfailing cla-ssic taste expressed with a decidedly relaxed air. Well mannered, casual, comfortable! Dignity with • refreshing new approach! Designed for the college man, young executive...for every imaginative man rooted ii the traditional. Lessons In: • Ballet • Toe • Tap • Ballroom • Baton • Character 9 Modern Jazz Adult Ballroom Classes Registration: Sept. 2 & 3 -- from 1 to 4 p.m. St. Mary's Hall, McHenry, 111. Ages 4 Years and I'p "A Dancing Child Is A Happy Child" Sport Shirts $5 to *5.95 7 5TORE for MEN 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, I1L Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon FSE THE FREE CiKEEN STREET PARKING AREA THIS US ME IN MY TATE GK And I'm looking at my new picture book in my new picture of a dress--they're both presents from Daddy because he just knows what I like best. My Kate Greenaway is sweet and shadowy plaid cotton with lace-edged ecru collar and cuffs. Sizes 1 to 3, $3.95; 3 to 6X, $4.95; 7 to 14, $5.95 109 E. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Ph. EVergreen 5-0746 -- opex _ MOX., TUES., WED., THURS., SAT., 9:30 a.m. - 5:80 p.m. FRI. 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

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