Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1960, p. 13

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Thursday, September 29, 1960 THE McftftttlY PIAIttDfeXLtft Wonder Lakt FUND DRIVE TO HELP KACHINA NEIGHBORHOOD -Inne Ducey Your neighbor will be knocking at your door this week to as|c for contributions to the Girl Scouts. The annual fund drive ends Saturday. This njoney is used for programing, providing training programs for leaders, and to maintain the established scout camps. ^.t Kachina Neighborhood's first meeting of the season, Mrs. Charles Paetow, Neighborhood ' chairman, accepted with regret the resignation of Mrs. Wallace Sinclair as troop organizer. Mrs. Howard Elirke of Richmond will replace Mrs. Sinclair. The Kachina Neighborhood fair date has been set for Sund^, Oct. 23, between the hours Ov 2 and 4 p.m. at Mathews hall. Mrs. A. C. Topp is chairman of the Girl Scout fair. To date the following troops havfe been set Up and are underlay: Troop 318, Mrs. Stanley tVilson, leader. Troop 494 has co-leaders, Mrs. Fred Maxst^ dt. and Mrs. A. C. Topp. Tpftop 495 has for its leaders, l*15?'--. TTcirns and Mrs. CjAni'so Rink. These three are i^rmediate troops. Mrs. Thomas McMillan, Mrs. ArtliOr Christopher, and Mrs. Charles E. Sullivan are coleaders of Brownie troop 265; and Mrs. Frank Wasielewski, Mfe. William Moore and Mrs. Harold Young are co-leaders of Brownie troop 201. ? h e n e x t N e i g h b o r h o o d meeting will be held at the Mfcheran parish house in Richmond Oct. 4, at 10 a.m. The Evening Circle will meet Monday at 8 p.m. and the Day Circle on Tuesday morning at 9:30. The program will be a panel discussion presented by the women on Christian vocations. Plans will also be comnleted for the fall festival Oct. 15. Teachers and officers of the Sunday school will meet Tuesday evening, Oct. 4, at 7:30. Plans will' be made to go into a two session Sunday school. Evangelism committee will meet Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m. Dates to remember: Saturday, Oct. 15, fall festival, all invited. Sunday, Oct. 9, Award Sunday for the Sunday school. Christ The King Church News The winter schedule starts Sunday, Oct. 2, with confessions, Saturday from 7 to 8 p.m.,. Sunday Mass schedule: 7:30, 9 and 11 a.m. The children's Mass and High Mass will henceforth be at 9 a.m. Catechetical school will be immediately following 9 o'clock Mass. All children not attending parochial school are to attend. The youth discussion group will meet Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the parish hall at 7:30 p.m. All parish high school youth are required to attend if they are attending public school. The Altar and Rosary society will receive Holy Communion together,at the 7:30 Mass Sunday, Oct. 2. The regular meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 6. The ladies will meet at the church at 8 for a holy hour, and proceed to the school hall for their meeting at 9. All the women in the parish are invited to attend. First Meeting of the 4-H Year The first meeting of the new 4-H year was held Monday evening at Harrison school by the Wonder Workers. Eleven guests were present, eight of whom were new members. The m e e t i n g s t a r t e d w i t h t h e Wdges to the flag. A few changes were made in the miles and by-laws. New officers were elected as follows: president, K r y s i a Oleszczuk; vice-president, Louise Ruggero; secretary, Kathy Ahrens; treasurer, Patty Hansen: recreation chairman, Barbara Hansen; and reporter, Donna Raske. J/tajor item of new business • a discussion about a Halloween party in October. The party will replace the business meeting for the month and will be held at Harrison school for all the Wonder Workers. Legal CITY of McHENKY McHenry County, Illinois Division It -- Elevated Water Tank NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Ciity of McHenry, Illinois will receive sealed proposals for Division B -- Elevated Water Tank to be furnished and erected complete with h!1 accessories at McHenry, Illinois. The concrete foundations for this tank will be provided under a separate contract. Alternate proposal will be received for steel elevated water tanks of the following capacities: 300,000 gallon 400,000 gallon 500,000 gallon Proposals will be received until 7:00 P.M.' Central Daylight Time, October 10, 1960 at the office of the City Clerk City Hall, McHenry, Illinois at which time all proposal? will be. publicly opened and read. The Contract Documents, incuding plans and specifications are on file at the office of the City Clerk at McHenry Illinois and at the office of W. A. Rakow and Associates. Consulting Municipal Engineers, 202 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. A copy of the Contract Do-' I curhents may be obtained by (V?v>s;+;tis $5 00 for each set With W. A. Rakow and Asso- Highland Shores Building Fund Benefit The fourth annual dance gi^pn by the Highland Shores Bitfperty Owners association w!fi be held at the V.F.W. hall inf Woodstock, Saturday, Oct. 15;v from 9 to 1. ^lie proceeds this year will, be^applied to the building fund, according to ways and means cl^irman, Betty Kleopfer. The prpposcd building will provide hpiteing for fire equipment, resfcue squad, and serve as a community building -- all iml| jjp;ant to the betterment of the: subdivision. Bible Church News 1>he first meeting of the Pals cltyb lor the fall and winter seij^on will be held at the church Friday evening, Sept. 30,•: at 7 o'clock. The bus will be on the Highland Shores side of^.the Lake at 6:30 p.m. and oflfthe East side at 6:45 p.m. 1%|^>ick up children for both thJ? boys and girls clubs. ftally Day for the Sunday School will take place next Sltpday. All children are asked to be present. A special program is being planned and a guest speaker will show a film. Honor 4-H Leader It was a very much surprised Mrs. Jay Hansen who walked into a local restaurant last Wednesday night to hear a chorus of fifty-one voices yelling "surprise". (Jay came in with all her books to what she thought was a showing of 4-H films, hoping to form her committee for the coming year.) The party was given for Mrs. Hansen by the mothers and daughters of the Wonder Workers 4-H club to show their appreciation for the excellent work done by Mrs. Hansen in the past 3 years of 4-H leadership. It was an exciting evening with the 4-H entertainers presenting a program of cheers, comedy skits, and song. During the course of the evening Mg&. Hansen was presented wiui a lovely corsage by Donna Mae Dean. Ronnee Sommers made the presentation of a $25 check as a token of love and esteem from the Wonder Workers. Punch and delicious cookies baked by the mothers were served to round out the evening.' Ronnee Sommers, 4-H reporter. Jonathon Edwards, a pioneer theologian, had 1,394 traceable descendants, among which were 13 college presidents, 65 college teachers, 305 college graduates, 100 ministers, 76 army and navy officers, 106 lawyers and judges, 80 public officials, 3 congressmen, 2 U. S. senators, and one vice-president of U. S. Nativity Lutheran Church News w&inday, Oct. 2, World Commfmion Sunday will be observed with the sacrament of the Lord's Supper being administered at the 8 and 10:45 a.m. services. All members are urged to partake of communion on that day in fellowship with Christians all over the world and for the spiritual benefits that it bestows. The sermon topic for the day will "God's Uniting' Gift To A Divided Wox-ld". j it's hard for others to see The Women of the Church ! eye to eye with you if you alcircles will meet Oct. 3 and 4. Uvnys look down on them. Guests "Living High" At Bond Residence Sixteen visitors "dropped in" on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bond. 202 Fairway Drive six weeks ago - and they're still there, "eatin' high off the hog," as Fred Rond puts it. Although arrival of the g u e s t s w a s e x p e c t e d , t h e i r hearty appetites and mischievous antics were not. You see. the visitors are sixteen beagles. and of the new twelveinch model. They arrived in three litters, nine males and seven females, within six days. The hearty appetites of the fast-growing doggie set also keens the Bonds scampering. And. it's not difficult to understand. At the present rate of consuming the daily fare, more than 190 pounrts of canned dog food -- a large quantity of pablum -- would be eaten •by the nineteen dogs within a period of a month. It doesn't seem fair the pups can't be included as income tax exemptions. HORSES FOR RENT RIDING INSTRUCTIONS Horses Boarded, Bought and Sold Powell Rd. EV 5-4391 , .. c ciates. The amount of the deposit is non-refundable. No documents will be released for bidding after 1:00 P.M. on October 7, 1960. All proposals must be accompanied! by a bank cashier's check or bank draft, or tvi lifted check ior ten per cent of the average of the amounts bid for the three alternates. No bids shall be wi thdrawnAvi Uiout the consent of the Ciw for £ fteripd of 30 days after opening of bids. The Gfity of McHenry reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. Dated at McHeniy, Illino:s this 23rd day of September, 1960. CITY OF McHENRY Earl Walsh City Clerk (Pub. Sept. 29 - Oct. 6, I960) COUNTY LISTED FOR $1,009,839 IN STATE AID CLAIMS McHenry county is listed to receive $1,009,738.03 . as its share of the $154,794,669.91 certified for payment of state aid claims for the school year ending June 30. 1960. This apportionment is made from the $327,500,000 appropriation which* was made for the common school fund by the 71st General Assembly, according to. George T. Wilkins, superintendent of public instruction. On June 30 ,1959 ttie amount certified for McHenry county totalled S745.890.29. COMMITTEE PLANS EXPANDED SCOUT PROGRAM IN AREA The Kishwaukee District Scouters' executive committee of the Blackhawk Area Council met at Crystal Lake to map plans for the expanded program demanded by the largest group of Scouts the district has ever had. A1 Manteuffel, organization and extension chairman from Crystal Lake, explained the activities going forward on the organization oif eighteen new units in eleven communities in Boone and McHenry counties. District Commissioner Ben G. Phelps of Woodstock stressed the need for new commissioners at Marengo and Crystal Lake and additional commissioners in other" towns. He called attention to the work of newly appointed Commissioner Lee Whetherhult at McHenry. R. G. Ullrich, advancement chairman from McHenry, presented and discussed a summary showing the ratings of each Scout In the district and the efforts being made to promote their advancement. He reminded the committee that K i s h w a u k e e d i s t r i c t would have nearly a dozen Eagle Scouts eligible for, and needing sponsorship to the Council Eagle Recognition Banquet the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Co-C h a I r m e n of special events, Russell Reimer and Milton Dahm of Crystal Lake, outlined the plans for the District Camp-O-Ree which will be held at the Belvidere fairgrounds on Oct. 8 and 9. Webelo Cub-Scouts will participate in the Saturday afternoon and evening events, but only the Boy Scouts will camp out over-night. FIRST INSTITUTE OF DCCW EXPECTED TO ATTRACT CROWD ?i The Most Rev; Loras T. Lane, D.D., Bishop of Rockford, has expressed the wish for a good representation of women to attend the first biennial Institute of the Rockford Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. It will be held Sunday, Oct. 2, at Newman Central Catholic high school, Sterling. With registration at 9, business meeting at 10, workshops from 10:30 until noon, luncheon from noon to 1:30, more workshops from 1:30 to 3:30, and the general meeting at 3:30 -- a very full day has been planned for the interested and devoted women of the diocese. A pantomime, "Is This Your Life?", will be presented as part of the program for the Hbiiie and School workshop. The Greeks, 300 years B.C.. had f i p r u r e d the e a r t h was rourid, and estimated the diameter of it, by measuring the shadows at different spots and comparing notes. » THERAPY AIDS YOUNG MENTAL HEALTH PATIENT^ Patients of the Mental Health Center on Waukegan road have been helped in many ways. Quite often, patients show improvement after talking things over with a trained, sympathetic listener and getting relief from their bottledup tensions and anxieties. One who was helped was a boy who suffered from a severe case of stuttering. He found it difficult to recite in class and to express himself to his parents and to others with whom he had contact. His grades suffered accordingly and his efforts at speech were upsetting to him and his parents. After his physical condition was checked to rule out physical defects, the boy was interviewed by the therapist. The therapist was warm and permissive, yet placed limits on the boy's behavior when necessary, in playroom therapy, helping him to get closer to a male parent figure and to express his feelings without fear of emotional loss. As the parents became more understanding and reduced their pressures upon him, and as he became able to channel his hostile fec-lings without fear of reprisal and to express his affections, his stuttering was almost eliminated. Page Thirteen • ; SB Residence Changed The Joseph Horsch famiM has moved from die FlemifiS place on West Waukegan Rom t o C h i c a g o . T h e p l a c e t h e # I have vacated is being occupren | by the Greenhaw family m Spring Grove. :»jSj. The Carl Buckner famiQ$ who formerly resided at 303 Richmond Road, are now oc* cupying a new home in Edgebrook Heights. The John Beato family, fofmerly of 624 W. Waukegjjjj Road, are now residing in th^j Clarence Niesen place on E1J gin road. : j Edith Rand and sister have moved from the Klontz apart; ment at 209 N. Green street to McHenry Shores. j The lowest denomination. U. S. stamp ever issued weal the half-cent Nathan Hales iac 1922. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4123 Efi&ufttag Low- Qv (Joust, Eu&ujt&uj Needs Evetu/day Lout- Gk* (Jouro JoinlStous Week at Jewel ^L' IT , 01** now at Jewel oolo "vonll 71,, whob ouf fo' the fiesta. f Wi: y°° eon toy more S,"1 and v«o- Wn the fad CHERRY VALLEY Peaches..• Applesauce 2/Mc 2 16 OZe COM 25< moits Applesauce VUc • ox. 10* SPRUCE MANOARM Oranges «•». X/49C 2 n m. 39< Serve fhem with cream--on shortcake-- in gelatin. Both peach slices and halves are excellent values. Which do you prefer? Fruit Cocktail. • Delightful in salads --on ice cream--or all alone. Choose the size can that fits your family's needs. CHERRY VAUEY Fruit Cocktails225c Fruit Cocktail s&2 'i 49c CHERRY VAUEY Fruit Cocktail s 312 $1## CHERRY VAUEY SlICES Peaches CHERRY VALLEY HALVES Peaches CHERRY VALLEY SlICES Peaches CHERRY VALLEY HALVES Peaches CHERRY VALLEY SlICES Peaches HUME ELBERTA SUCED Peaches 16 tx. r...... --fr SteaJtSa&ytoZtkeJe,/ Dotal miss this weekend stealc sale at Jewel. It's a double value--Jewel's special price, plus Jewel's E.V.T.--our own way of trimming meat that cuts fat and bone lo a minimum before weigh* Ing. {Only enough bone to hold the steak together. Only enough fat to insure proper cooking.] Da MONTE PINEAPME GRAKFRUIT Fruit Juice DOLE PINEAPPLE Fruit Juice HUNT'S Tomato Juice 10c LIMY*S--REG. 29c Tomato Juices 3 -££.79* MARY DUNBAR CUT Green Beans ^ "i" 19* CHERRY VALLEY CUT Wax Beans 2,5£»"29c CHERRY VALLEY Catsup v^( 2 'ir 33c VAN CAMP--REG. J/19c Pork & Beans 41£u?49< JEWEL Walnut Pieces s 59 tmr MUEBROOK Tomatoes 2 'i? 25* CAVERN PIECES & STEMS Mushrooms a 2{5 49* ALL FLAVORS--REG. 3/2»c Jell-0 Gelatin 649* Corn.*. Stock op for fafl. Com is a hearty vegetable you'd want to serve often. How about corn fritters for a change? CHERRY VALLEY--GOLDEN Cream Corn 2 "Lr 25« CHERRY VAUEY--GOLDEN Cream Corn U.S. CHOICE • EXTRA VALUE TRIM e TAIL-LESS Porterhouse U.S. CHOICE • EXTRA VALUE TRIM Sirloin Steak U.S. CHOICE • EXTRA VALUE TRIM Round Steak ib. A "Thank You" From J e w e l . . . Electric Con Opener- Vt Price With the money you save during the Farm Fresh Fiesta, you can buy this BVI Automatic Can Opener to save yourself work for years to come. Jewel is offering this modern convenience et less than half price as a "thank you" for shopping at Jewel this week. • Opens cans of all sizes and shapes • Portable • Easy to dean • Regular price $19.95 YOttPAYOWY >7S, 2 'ir 33* •' J* The fir«» of Hie 1960 apple crop has been 0 ^ 1-st rushed from Michigan. And Jewel has chosen the f"nest Mcintosh Apples for your eating pleasure. 1 !F« > These crisp and bright apples are great for munching. Perfect for making taffy apples. Just right for lunchboxes and salads. Buy a bagful at Jewel today. They're fresh as can bef FANCY, MICHIGAN Mcintosh Apples € c •UIEBROOK Apricots S 29 ot con 29« HUNTS ^ Apricots 90 «L COB 25< MARY DUNBAR--SWEET FITTED Dark Cherries «•» 3#c t6 ox. COM 33, BLUEBROOK 29 oc. Pears S con 29< CHERRY VAUEY BARRETT Pears , % 3 16 et. cons 69< CHERRY VAUEY Asparagus £& 2 15 com 39« yjoodstoui Je*€l TEA CO, "9c OFF" LABEL DETERGENT Vel Liquid 31 et. pioitic cant 60< ROOM DEODORANT Air Wick 5% •*. ML 59« FOtt WRAPPED Lux Soap 3 *•«. bpra 29« FOIL WRAPPED Lux Soap 2 balfc ban 29« SOAP Lifebuoy 2 bath ban 35< BEAUTY BAR Praise 2 rag. ban 29« BEAUTY BAR Praise 2 bath ban 43< "10c OFF" lABH Handy Andy quart ML 59« DETERGENT Breeze giant Pkg- 81< DETERGENT Lux Liquid gnart cae 95* 16 3 7« 39« purchase BROADCAST Chili Con Carne BROADCAST Chili ^ Beans "5c OFF" LABEL Spry Shortening ^ 75« TASTY Peanut M & M's 4 **"*-19« J(T Peas... An old favorite-- whether you serve them plain or combine them with other vegetables" or fish for casseroles and other main dishes. CHERRY VALLEY--LARGE SUGAR Peas MARY DUNBAR EARLY JUNE Peas S CHERRY VALLEY--LARGE SUGAR Peas ^ ^2^25* • 6t COO 10< 39- DETERGENT Rinso Blue 2 ft. 69« DETERGENT Surf 2 ft 73* DETERGENT ^ Wisk Liquid *r 73« SOAP Lux Flakes 2&69- CONTROLLED SUDS All Detergent S 79* "10c OFF" LABEL Fluffy All £ 71« FOR THE BATHROOM Northern Tissue 37* WAXTEX Sandwich Bags 2£%49* SWEET MU AND BUTTERMBK Pillsbury Biscuits *» 10* "JS? £ 33. E&exydag Lou* "Traced Ov (Jotuv Eu&ufdtuf Msedi Ft*e*gday Low- ~T%Uoe& ffilllllljfiL -a

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