Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1960, p. 18

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, ...,. . ... ..r v , ^ • ' ;r •• -. ; Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 29, I960 'McCuIlom Lake Donkels Mark Golden Wedding Eve Levesque Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Donkel of 108 Beach View, marked their fiftieth wedding anniversary with a home stylo turkey dinner for eighty guests on Saturday. The couple \vasj actually wed on Sept. 21. but! chose Saturday for the festivi-| ties. The extremely youthful j looking "bride" wore a cocoa | brown sheath with a side drape: effect and gold accessories. Hcr| corsage was of white cushion j mums with gold ribbonr ! Highlight of the memorable! evening was when ,Mr. and i 'Mrs. Donkel renewed t h e i f i Tnarriage vows before the Rev. j R. L. Eldridge, St. Paul's Epis-1 copal church, McHenry f withj .their original bridal party, less, •two! Maid-of-honor. 50 years! j&go, was Mrs. Caroline Keil ot ; Chicago, and .serving' in the Capacity of best nlan for the second time was Matt's brother, .Peter Donkel of Wau- Tonda. On hand also were the flower girl, Mrs. Josephine Oberhardt, and a 220-lb. ring- $>earer--Roy Chaid--who was fcnly 7 at the time of the nuptials! The tables were beautifully decorated with candlesticks and flowers in a gold motif with gold filigree ribbon running dbwn the center. Four gorgeous bouquets of mums, roses and other gold flowers completed the decorations. After jfc sumptious repast, the guests fcnjoyed dancing. £ Out-of-town guests included Mr. Donkel's two s^ers, Mrs. iftary Fries of Burbank. Calif., and Mrs. Hamilton MacKav jjjpd husband from El Monte, £alif. They flew in and surj »*iseld their host and hostess. Others were present, from Arlington H^s.. Fox Lake. Wisconsin, Chicago, Wauconda, §hd of course, locally. r Both Henrietta and Matt were born in Chicago and were childhood friends. Their pa>ths took different directions until Mr. Donkel was 20 and Mrs. Donkel was 19. They met at a surprise party for one of t h e i r f r i e n d s -- r e s u m e d t h e i r mutual liking for one another a n ! d ' b e g a n c o u r t i n g . T h e y were married * in the city on Sept. 21, 1910. One child blessed their union -- she is now Mrs. Paul I^i^Jogg. She and her husband attended the party. Their grandchildren number four. The eldest is William Andyr- Bon, married and stationer! with the Air Force overseas. The others are Patrick, Daniel, and Janon Furlong. Their o n e g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d , B i l l ' s " daughter, was born last week, but more of that in another article. The Donkel's purchased property in McCullorrt Lake in 1929, began building the following year, and spent all their summers in the country. In 1953. Matt was forced to retire from his position as superintendent of the Corduan Mfg. Co. because of ill health and they became permanent residents of our community. Our very best wishes to this fine couple and here's hoping this reporter will still bo around when they celebrate their seventy-fifth! is at fault is small comfort In the presence of a crushed body. Let's DON'T let it happen here. Sportsmen's Dance Oct. 1 Tickets are still available at McDonald's Berenice and Whitey's, or from any member of the Sportsmen's club for the annual ball which will be held at the Wing 'n Fin this Saturday, Ocft. 1. Romantic surroundings, a nice orchestra, and plenty of refreshments -- solid and liquid -- acid up to a mighty fine time. Be sure you aren't disappointed. Buy your ducats now. "Jumped The Gun" The little lady, Phyllis Lorraine Anderson by name, missed being born on the date of her groat-grandparents' golden wedding anniversary by six hours: The couple we are referring to is Mr. and Mrs. Matt Donkel. whose story you ! have just. read. Miss Anderson made her appearance at Evanston hpspital on Tuesday, Sept. 20 about 8 p.m. and tipped the scales at 7 lbs. 14J oz. Her daddy is doing his duty for Uncle Sam overseas with the Air Force. Mother and child were just released' from the hospital on Sunday and were unable to attend the auspicious occasion at the American Legion. One more reason for the Donkels to celebrate! Do It Now! With the deadline rapidly approaching, NOW is the time to pay a visit to Mrs. Emma Pyritz, village clerk, and register SQ that you mav be eligible to vote in the November presidential election. Whatever your politics may 'be you will certainly wish to cast a ballot for the -candidate of your Choice. Mrs. Pyritz is locat?d at 716 Fountain Lane and is waiting for YOU! Under The Knife Mrs. Larry Murray checked into McHenry hospital on Saturday afternoon and was scheduled! for surgery on Monday morning. The medics have finally come up with the answer t o h e r t r o u b l e s w h i c h , h a v e been plaguing " her for much too long. She. will be a patient for 10 days, and no doubt, would love to hear from all of you. Her recovery will be m o r e r i a p i d w i t h a c h e e r y greeting.. Paper Pick-Up Please, please do keep saving your old newspapers for the drive which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15. This project is being sponsored by the Ladies of the Lake and will d o n a t e t h e p r o c e e d s t o t h e Cullom-Knoll building fund. More reminders will be forthcoming. Aprons. Too! The men really wear them! When they serve those succulent breakfasts once a month at Berenice and Whitey's. The time is Sunday. Oct. 2, when members of the McCuIlom Lake Men's club will again be your hosts. The menu is varied and the "price is right". You can't miss. Dangerous Practice Plenty of complaints have been registered about youngsters running in the streets while waiting for the school buses in the morning. At that time, there are many drivers o n t h e i r w a y t o w o r k , a n d though they exercise extreT - caution, no one can predict when a little one will das';' into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Parents are asked to admonish their small children, and ask them to obey the safety rules. Whether the driver or child Global Travellers Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gustafson, wh'o have trevelled the length and breadth of the North American continent, including Canada and Alaska, decided to cross the'ocean for this year's journey. We received a card from Sweden where their travels have taken them. Purpose of tlie trip was to visit bonne's ol' ^ome town arid all tjhe relatives and friends he iefft behind. Imagine the scenic movies they will have, when they return. More of this couple when they once again reach the shores of McCuIlom Lake. Ladies Of The Lake The gals met for a social evening of playing games, enj o y i n g " t a s t y p a s t r y , " a n d lenty of chit-chat, on Thurs- !ay, Sept. 22, in th6 beachhouse. It was the largest gathering -- to date. The following Vfromen had cause to rejoice; namely Elsie Nelson, Louise Berquiist, Mary Kantorski, Theresa Schultz, Wilms Zody, Ethel IJrendle, Berenice Bjork, Betty Foledna, Lois Parenti, Harriet McNamara, Elizabeth Jteiter, Marie Howe, and Louise Bammerstein. A yummy torfre and a peach coffee cake were baked! and served by Mary Kantorski. with Marie Howe assisting her. New members -- Mrs. Sallie Olsen and Butch Brendle were properly welcomed. ^ M the next meeting which will be Oct. 13, our annual election of officers will be held. Stretching The Season Our younger residents have been taking advantage of the nice weather to continue*their outdoor dancing on Saturday nights. Something hew has been added in the way of a square dancing record, and the kids really get "into the swing" of it. Last weekend, Greg B u r g , J o h n n y B o y l e , M a r y Beith Luto, Carol Aalto, Penny and Doug Miller, K a t h y Murray, "Butch" Stacknfck, Caroline Gibson, and many others wer& doing a fancy "ido se do". Sure would be nice if they could continue to square dance all winter and wouldn't LECTION they look forward to Saturday nights? Girl Scout Drive Ends Saturday Mrs. Mildred Watson, along with Verna Sohlofner and Elsie Fluger, (only names available on Afonday morning) has beep busy this week collecting for the Girl Scouts. If they have not called upon you as yet, please welcome them and contribute as you can. Your generosity will be appreciated. A full set of names will be published next week along with the results of the drive. Coming Events October promises many things in , the ways of social activities and they are listed below for ^our convenience. Why not clip them out and paste them on your date calendar? Public party,, sponsored by Cullom-Knoli association building fund; McDonaKTs Saturday, Oct. 1; Men's Club breakfast at Berenice and Whiteys, Sunday, Oct. 2; Paper Drive, Ladies of the Lake, Saturday, Oct. 15; Ladies of the Lake krazy hat party, Thursday, Oct. 27; Hallowe'en dance for adults by Cullom- Knoll association- at McDonald's, Saturday, Oct. 29; Hallowe'en party for small fry at the beach Monday, Oct. 31. 'Nuther list for next month. Public Invited To C of € Meeting TonigW, Thursday, Sept. 29, the McHenry Chamber of Commerce will hold an important meeting at the American Legion hall and the general public is invited and urged to attend. Both the city planning commission and the industrial planning commission will give their reports and a question and answer period will follow. The time is 8 p.m. Clean Ont Your Closets! Perfect opportunity with fall housecleaning under way is to get rid of your unwanted articles by donating it to the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodisrt church. They are holding a rummage sale on Oct. 13 and 14 and need all the merchandise they can get. In the village, Mrs. Peggy Kasper -- EV 5-3456 -- will be happy to pick it up before Oct. 11. Any help along these lines will be "mucho" appreciated. Building: Party moved Forward The Cullom-Knoll building fund committee will" hold another public party this week, Saturday, Oct- 1 at McDonald's instead of the following week because of a conflicting date. " Last week's party at Berenice and 'Whitey's (I goofed a n d . p r i n t e d t h e w r o n g place!) was very successful and this week's party could put us over the two thousand dollar mark! Refreshments served. 29, it is 26 years wed, for Lil arid Lee Swado . . . Pert little Janet Hansen is 11, also today, Sejft. 29 . . . Johnny Ringelstetter will count 4 candles on his birthday cake, tomorrow, ^Sep't. 30 - . . Grandma Lottie1, Piotrowski (m'igflity young one!) Will be observing her natal day on Sunday, Oct. 2 . . . Wee Cheryl Thacker will pass her first milestone on Tuesday, Oct. 4. Best wishes tb all. With all the rain we have been having, it is almost like being in the "monsoon season". Just so we don't have any TORNADOES! Toodleoooo. See you next week. ENTER PONY EXHIBIT Reed Kaiser and R. J. of McHenry will exhibit in the Shetland' Pony division at th£ National Dairy Cattle Congress in Waterloo, Iowa, front Oct. 1 to 8. The Horse and Pony Show at the 1960 e^osition includes classes for Society Horses," Shetland Ponies and Quarter Horses. EARLY S E T T L E R S GOT AROUND: One roadside sign in Southeastern Maine points to these nearby towns: Norway, Paris, Denmark, Naples, Sweden, Poland, Mexico, Peru, and China. ' £ gfiOP At HOME Natal Days 'n Matrimonial Milestones Elma and Earl Nelson, together with sons Ken and Don, observed 23 years in "double harness' on Sunday by enjoying a smorgasbord at a local hotel . . . Tddlay, Thursday, Sept. 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well! 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of -- Drilling Pump Installations Point Changing Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your ' inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. n- Easy Monthly Payments ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ATX MAKES ol PXJMPS! Located in the Village of McCuIlom Lake miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence EV 5-0718 Notice Is Hereby Given, That On , TUESDAY, THE 8th DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 1960 At the usual polling places in the various electibn precincts of the County -of McHenry and State of Illinois, an election will be held for the purpose of electing: ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICEPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (27) TO BE ELECTED. (To be represented on the ballot by names of the Candidates for President and Vice-President of their respective parties.) United States Senator Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State Auditor of Public Accounts Attorney General Three Trustees of the University of Illinois Representative in Congress, 14th Congressional District State Senator, 52nd Senatorial District Three Representatives in the General Assembly, 32nd Representative District Clerk of the Circuit Court State's Attorney Coroner Notice is also given that on the day above written the electors of the aforesaid County and State will have submitted to them for their adop tion or rejection the following propositions: Shall "An Act to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of Illinois for the purpose-of obtaining funds to be used fo'f making permanent improvements at educational institutions owned by this state and to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest upon such bonds" 1 YES NO Shall "An Act to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of Illinois for the purpose of obtaining funds to be used for making permanent improvements at mental health and. other public welfare institutions owned by this state and to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest upon such bonds" Yes No The polls of said Election will be opened at 6 O'CLOCK A.M., and continue open until 6 O!- CLOCK in the afternoon of said day. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 19th day o^ September, in the year of our Lord One Thousanc Nine Hundred and Sixty. For clean, economical and carefree operation of your heating plant, try a load of this specially prepared, and properly sized coal from the tortious Braidwood-Wilmington Coal Area. STOKER COAL -- 1" x Vt" (Washed and Treated) FURNACE EGG -- 6" x 2" (Washed and Sized) Haul your own or call your local trucker or phone us Morris Coal & Mining Co. on IiLRt. 47 -- '/2 mile north of Morris, 111. Hontt Phone 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. Morris, 111. WMitney 2-0080 A CHAT WITH US Regular checkTups and maintenance our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out tat yourself. Br&ke Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 016 Front St. " McHenry, BL EVergreen 5-0811 JOSEPH FRETT S SON. WC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1926 Residential and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- Vi Mile East of Fox River Bridge County Clerk * lothes come out sweeter in a flameless electric laundry (Only electric dryers are fume-free) An electric dryer radiates a gentle, even heat that's 100% clean. Completely free of fumes and soot. Only clean, pure electric heat ever comes in contact with your clothes. Not even the sun can dry clothes rtennAr, and sweeter-smelling. No flame to watch for--nothing to leak, smell or worry about. A flameless electric dryer is as safe as the electric light you read by. It costs $30 to $50 less to buy, requires no fluefe of piping. Can be installed anywhere you want it. When you build, buy or remodel, keep in mind the clean, fume-free drying you get ki a flameless electric laundry* € Public Service Company CCoauMMrealth Edison Compaq FLAMELESS EL£CTRfC LAUNDRY

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