Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1960, p. 19

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Thursday, September 29, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Eastwood Manor FIRST SUCCESSFUL STYLE SHOW GIVEN BY WOMEN'S CLUB Dee Penick - EV. 5-5537 The first order of business t^piy is to heartily congratulate the Women's club on the presentation of its first annual fashion show. The committee did a sterling job and the models were lovely from the tops of their shining heads to the tips of their pointed little toes! The luncheon was delicious too, and I'm sure I can speak on behalf of all who attended I say that it was a very delightful afternoon. T,o all -who didn't attend we can only say that you really missed •something! Be sure not to miss It next year! " to serve our area was in favor of the plan. I will bring you further information about the timle and days as soon as I can. .. Thanks to Ex-officers 2 The out-going officers of E ] \ ( j i P O A ; Tim M c C o r m a c k , ,Lois Ryan, Rita Simpson, Ray Lttsard, Bill Harner and Len Hansen who was on the board t>f directors, all deserve a -found of applause and a big ^Thank You for their efforts rver the past year. The fortitude required to jtiold an office can not be fully ftmvrorijninr] bv i?,o,se nf us wh0 Jnave never experienced it. To fcwork for what one believes to ^e ri^ht, sometimes in the face ;reat odds, is no little thing, e thank you, and we hope you have had a rewarding year! Warning of Danger It's been reported to me that those shots which have been fired in the swamp area the last few weeks have come from real guns in the hands of 'teen boys!! This is a very serious matter. It is against the law to shoot so near a residential area. A bullet can travel much farther than many people realize and it would be tragic to have someone killed or maimed by a stray shot. It has not been determined if the boys are from Eastwood Manor or from elsewhere, but, mothers and fathers, if year boy is taking a gun for some target shooting -- do, by all means, find out where he is taking it. There are safe areas for shooting, but the swamp in Eastwood Manor is not one of them! Congratulations We offer our congratulations to the new officers: President, Tom Birmingham; vice-president, Milt McHale; recording secretary. Peg Garrelts; corr^ ionding secretary, Tim Mc- CWmack; treasurer, Tom Simpson and the new member of the' board of directors, A1 Bianchi! We wish you the best of luck for a most successful year! "Notice" It was brought up at the September meeting that it is lawful that all dogs must be e^ier fenced or tied and that a dog catcher will make regular trips through the subdivision during the week to pick up any dog found loose. If you care for your pet you will take this warning seriously and keep yours at home. "Brownies" The EMPOA will be the Sponsor of the Brownie troop §jk|ch is being formed. All girls petween the ages of 7 and 10 fire eligible to belong. * Rosemary Newlon is the leader and Helen Birmingham dtiq Betty Radner offered to be hei* co-leaders. Anyone who wnjihes more information, or wjfipt. would like to volunteer to helfr give Rosemary a call. . - Proposed Change in Addresses there will be a meeting at high school on Oct. 22. to present and discuss the plans the post office has for a more simplified system of mailing addresses. $he meeting will be open to the public so feel free to attend if you wish further information. It was explained briefly at the EMPOA meeting anch it sounded like a real giant s^p towards faster and simpler delivery throughout all of M$Henry county. :v BookMoblle The voting for a bookmobile Local Doin's Madeline Freckman was hostess at the first meeting of the newly formed Tripoli club which met in her home on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Those present were Lois Bianchi, j Yvonne Davis and Madej line Freckman, and Marilyn : FuKz, Pam Woodbury and Betty Radner who were substituting for JoAnn Hutchinson, Joan Mersch and Kay Stephenson. On Sunday. Sept. 18, Judy Ann Ryan was baptized at Zion Lutheran church by Rev. C. A. Lobitz. The occasion called for a double celebration for it w;is also the Ryans* anniversary. The guests for dinner and the day's festivities were Judy's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ryan and Mr. *nd Mrs. F. Wonsik, her greaterandmother, Martha Schmidt, her great-aunt, Mary Casey, her aunts and uncles, Mrs. Alice Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anderson, Miss Gertrude Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Greffin and children. The Godparents are Lois Greffin and John Stephen. A barbecue dindinner was served. Little Debra and Brenda Ryan spent two days in Fox River Grove with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wonsik. On Wednesday, "Lois' aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Wegner, and her son, Bob, of Lyons, and Lois' sister, Marion Anderson, paid Lois an unexpected visit' so Bob could say goodby before leaving for Ft. Leonard Wood for a stretch of army life. A f t e r a r r i v i n g home from the fashion show last week I was surprised with a visit from my sister and her husband, Trma and Bob Ernst, of Milford, Ohio, whom we hadn't seen for a year. We had a really nice visit catching up on all the talkin'. News of Faith Presbyterian Church of McHenry On Sept. 30 the Mariner's ED'S RENTAL RENTS Electric Hammers to Wheel Chairs EVergreen 5-4123 .Save Save ATTENTION All End-of-Year Shoppers! Are You Really Interested in a Big Savings? • Price the so-called low price ones, then come to see us -- SEIBEL MOTORS -- and let us show you how we can save you $50 to $100 more on our Close-Out Sale oi New 1960 Ramblers. 'Seibel Motor Sales Your Authorized Rambler Dealer 405 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone EV 5-5361 - 5-4387 T Executive committee will meet at 8:30 p.m. at the church. . This Sunday is World Wide Communion Sunday, which is observed by all the Christian churches, throughout the world. The service at Faith church will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion on that day. The choir will meet for practice at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. The church school new curriculum ye&r will be based on the' theme 'Jesus Christ'. The new teaching staff is as follows: Nursery class (3 year olds), Mrs. James Bergstrom, and Mrs. George Landin of Eastwood Manor; Kindergarten 4 year olds, Mrs. Elmer Borcovan of Eastwood Manor; Kindergarten 5 year olds, Mrs. Mack Falknor of Johnsburg; Primary (first grade), Mrs. Dale Maule of Sunnyside Estates; Primary (second and third grades), Mrs. Peter Csuti of Crystal Lake; Juniors, Earl Murray of McCullum Lake; Junior High, Dan Mother of' Eastwood Manor; Senior Hirrh, Pastor Jack Mc- Intyre; adults, Roy Kissling of McHenry and the new general superintendent is Mrs. Calvin Vyduna of Pistakee Terrace. Anyone interested in having their children attend is asked to call either Mrs. Vyduna or Pastor Mclntyre. who celebrated on Sept. 22, the Melvin Stephensons on Sept. 23 and the Fred Woodbury s on Sept. 24. We hope you all enjoyed your 'special' day! This Week. . . We send birthday wishes to Rita Theines, Dennis Woolwine, Joey Philippe and Melody Iverson on Sept. 30; to Larry Mersch on Oct. 1; to Diane Rogers on Oct. 3; to Mae Miller, John Coughlin and Hattie Schwabauer who celebrate on Oct. 5. And Best Wishes to. . . Mr. and Mi's. Ralph Priester who celebrate their anniversary on Sept. 29; to the Tom Simpsons on Sept. 30;' the Elmer Borcovans on Oct. 1, and to the Robert Kelloggs who will be celebrating-on Oct. 4: Belated Birthday Wishes Are sent out to those who celebrated their birthday last week. To Bill Schmidt who celebrated on Sept. 23, to Tom Simpson, Betty Lahman, Robert Coughlin and Raymond Salo who celebrated on Sept. 24, to Steve Davis, Kevin Coughlin and Robin Perrino who celebrated on Sept. 25, to Alfred Ritter, Lorraine Monahan and Jeanne McHale who celebrated on Sept. 26, to Rita Simpson on Sept. 27 and to Moyse Cary who celebrated on Sept. 28. Reminder. . . If by change you are not yet registered to vote in the presidential elections, be sure to do so! Every vote counts and we can be thankfu} that we in this county have a voice in our government. SERVICE NEWS Aviation Cadet Carl W. Thode arrived at Harlingen Air Force base, Texas, recently to begin training in the primary basic navigator course. Scheduled to graduate from COURT BRIEFS Belated Anniversary Wishes To the George Theineses RUPTURE -EASER oket life Worth Living FOR MEH, WOMEN, CHILDREN Pat No. 3CM551 Only one ease was heard in J.P. court on Saturday. Sept. 24. Jim Toepper of Onlchurst was fined a total of $30 on two charges, blocking traffic and two fast acceleration from a stop. The arrest was made on Friday. No moving traffic violations were heard in court on Wednesday night. CARL W. THODE thirty-eight weeks of intensified training next June, Cadet Thode is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J, Thode, Pistakee Highlands. While at this southmost Texas base, he, will receive basic officer military training, in addition to instruction in electronics, dead reckoning and radar navigation, as pertains to today's rapidly advancing aerospace force. ' Upon earning the wings of an Air Force navigator, he will be commissioned a second lieutenant and either be assigned to another command or to more advanced training within the air training command. •gnt or Uft W Double 45.95 *hr mv freedom to run. •win, danee. Uft things! Work, plw. item, ertn veering EUtptura-Buer. Soft, flat KToin PM bokli reducible Inguinal rupture In place without goug- Ing--no ileal or leather bands! NO FITTING, merely adjust back lacing and I eg straps, inap in front 1 awe measurement around lowest part of abdomen. state right or left aids or double. Ovitr 1,000,000 Grateful Users! BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Buy Lumber For Cash and SAVE 25% "S.r Buy from SPRING GROVE LUMBER CO. On Route 12, North of Fw Lab Where You Get A Square Deal Everything For The Builder ! GET OUR MONTHLY PRICE LIST r -- Parts On V«mt UWHwiK M»MMC WOVE LUMIB Oft. ON THE SQUARB City and Stab' PHONE: RICHMOND 2961 This Is The Place You've Heard About TWO COMPLETE KITS IN EACH SET Choose from 12 different combination*. Each set contains glue, booklet . . . everything you need to assemble one regular 98c and 39c plane. Reg. $1.37 20-PC. METAL TEA SET OBITUARIES ALLAN R. BERGER Alian R. Berger of Chicago, 39-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Berger of 207 Millstream Drive. McHenry. died in McHenry hospital last Saturday, Sept. 24. where he had been a patient fxir ten days. Hie deceased, a lifelong resident of Chicago, was an employee of the Qil Insurance Association of Chicago .as ;; claim adjuster. Besides his parents he leaves | a sifter, Mrs. Enid Cruse, of j t>esPlaines. j Th£ body rested at the! George R. Justen funeral home! until Tuesday at 4 o'clock," when Rev. R. K. Wobba of DesPlaines officiated at last rites. Interment was private. grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. The deceased was bom May 30, 1883. The body rested at the George R. Justen and Son funeral home until Wednesday m . l i n i n g at 1 0 : 3 0 . when a f u n eral Mass was read at St John the Baptist church. Johr.sburg. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery, River Grove. Among the survivors is her, husband, Joseph. ;• The body was taken to the) George R. Justen & Son fun-; eral home and then removed; to the Cermak chapel in Chi-i cago for last rites. .. $ A;1 inquiry was conducted] by Coroner Theron Ehorn int Mrs. Krubert's death. JULIA KRUBERT Mrs. Julia S. Krubert. 71. died Thursday evening, Sep;. 22. in McHenry hospital, jus' a few h o u r s a f t e r b e i n g a d mitted. The family had come to the Pistakee Bay area, near Pitzen's camp, about a year °ag.'. Before that time they resided in Chicago, where Mrs Krubert was born July 29. 1889. I LAXD BANK MEETING j Directors of the Federal. ; Land Bank association" of! ' Woodstock have set Saturday, Ocl. 8. as the date for the association's annual meeting of its members, according to Ray Timmons. manager. The meeting will be held at the Westwood School. Woodstock, Illinois. A noon dinner and enter- 'ninment are planried, in addition to the business session. , Speakers for the meeting will be announced later. MARGARET PAPINEATT Margaret Papineau. 77. who. had resided at .the Villa Rest home at P i s t a k e e Bay f o r t h e ' pastJ year and one-half, died there Sunday evening, Sepf. 25. Prior to moving to this) area, Mrs. Papineau had lived: in Chicago. f Survivors include three sons.; Fred Ansell of Sunnyside i Beach, Donald of Northbrook j and Thomas of Chicago: also; three sisters. Jennie Erickson. | N e l l i e a n d - E l l a W i l c o x ; t e n ! Peter Wj. fasten & Sto n OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 54)063 * ! 77c TOY SALE VALUES AMD OP JUMBO BOOK PACKET Three coloring books with 100 pages, one book with 48 pages, three books with 16 pages each. CtMINT MIXtR HtUCK Reg. 9tc. Loads like .79* the real ones I Crank JT turns mixer. Sturdy poly. COMET'S SPACE COMMAND AIRPLANES - ^ /. «\v U-IN. PLASTIC CRASH MOMll Reg. 9 Sc. Blows apart on impact. Spring motor. Red and Ivory. AUTO TRANSPORT WITH CARS Reg. $1.00. Loads and unloads 5 cars on ramps. mm M'/l-in. overall length. end trash and garbage nuisance foreverwitha GAS Incinerator! There's no need for outdoor trips to messy garbage cans ... no need to serve smelly garbage. A Gas Incinerator installed in your basement or utility room will banish this loathsome chore forever. It's the modern, convenient sanitary way to dispose of both garbage and trash. Automatically, the magic flame takes over, consumes everything burnable --even bones, old shoes, rags, refuse--with hardly a wisp of smoke or trace of odor. MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM THESE i FAMOUS | BRANDS...! > Model DSO-8 • Built for LIFETIME SATISFACTION • New Suspended Air-Flow Bar Grate • Oversize ash compartment • A.G.A. approVfed«~ $189.95 Model 21 • New Jetstream Action • Automatic, foolproof • Indoor or outdoor installatipn • A.G.A. approved-- $205.00 CauiMVM Model 8GSX-3 Model S-59--C • Exclusive multl-flome . Booster turner comufnes burner • No moving parts smolte and odor • Built-in • 100% sofety shut off barometer damper. Fibervalve . A.G.A. approved glas Insulated • A.GA, $199.95 approved-- $177.95 Service, for four little girls! Set includes tour eacH-^-dioner plqtes, cups, saucfer.s, butter plates. serving troy, p|at£' creamer, with troy. Floral design.' Reg. 98c 2 8-INCHES LONG 8-KEY BABY GRAND PIANO Reg. 98c. Plays a complete 77 < scale. Choice of colorful finishes. 8x5'/jx4-in. size. 4-UNIT FREIGHT TRAIN--NEEDS NO TRACKS 9ic. Sturdy polyethylene plastic engine, gondola, cool car, TfTm caboose. All have turning wheels. Bright colors. Perfect for Little Tots! Mm MM re#u»v-*jarfo Complete with case PRICES INCLUDE NORMAL INSTALLATION: ONLY *5 »0WN -3 YEARS TO PAY! Visit our nearby store today. Phone EVergreen 5-2081 Ga/b -MOHU £ 77* BIG 21-1N. "VARSITY" UKULELE R«fl. $1 .29. Adjustable tuning keys, colored nylon strings. Complete with case and instructions. Jr. Dress Designer Kit, Reg. 98c 77c My Doll-E Is Hungry Set Reg. 98c -- 77c Spinning Games, Reg. $1.00 -- 77c 40*' Stick Horse, Reg. 98c -- 77c Plastic Lacing Shoe, Reg. $1.00 77c Building Figures, Reg. $1.00 -- 77c rjflCip TOY FRICTION TRUCKS Reg. 98c each. Choice 77# of 3 styles--all with mm funny faces. 6)4 inches. LINCOLN LOGS 53-pi«ces. Wo*eJ brown wood logs, gay color roof,gables, chin»> neys. With instruction* PLASTIC RINGING TELEPHONE Reg. 9R< Reg. 9R«. Just like a real 77# phone. Bell rings when dial « § g turned. Bright colors. » 77<

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