Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1960, p. 20

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-Page Twenty THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park WOMEN'S CLUB LEARNS ABOUT FALL HAIRSTYLES Carole Hunmnn i;\ 5-1605 or EV 5-4043 The October meeting of the Women's club will be held next Thursday. Oct. 6, at the Community house .at 8:30 p.m. The program chairman has announced the entertainment for the evening. It will consist of a program of fall hair styles to ho presented by George and Adeline Pederson. This should be of interest to all so be sure to come. Final plans for the forthcoming Christmas bazaar will bo made which will include a swap booth for children's apparel. Oakwopd drive, Lakeland Shores Or taken to the church at Main end Center streets. Get-Well Wishes To Artton Rebel who underwent suigery on his nose last Friday. He is doing fine and expects to be back at work soon. kiewicz .of 79 Clearview, who was 8 years old Sept. 27. Dieters' Downfall The girls have done it again! The welcome committee dinner was a whopping success. A family style meal was served to a full house of more than patisfied customers. A large tip for those excellent waitresses Lyda Radisch. Fran Ciha. .lean Parisi. Vickey Uottari...I.ouiso McEnery, Dol- IVK Rhetors, Ruth Roach and Jo Rizzo. Baptism Steven Carl Bockman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bockman of 514 Home avenue, was baptized Sunday, Sept. 25, at the Zion Lutheran church by Pastor Carl A. Lobitz. Sponsors for the baby were Richard and Ann Wohnrade. Dinner was served at the Bockman home after the baptism. Other guests were William Bockman. Sr., the baby's grandpa and Ivs aunt, Kathryn Bockman. who is visiting here from Harrisburg. Penn. Daniel Allen Ladd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ladd of 109 Oakwood Drive, was baptized Sun'd'ay, Sept. 18. at St. Patrick's church by Father Parker. Godparents for h'm were Miss Margo Penney of Chicago and John Grow, M mi's brother, of Wadsworth. Ohio. John Guv of Milwaukee stood in for John Grow, who was unable to be here. Assistant Named * Walter Hansen has been appointed assistant Cub Master for Pack 361 sponsored by the Men's club of Community Methodist church. He will be in charge of the Webelos Den. Wedding Attendant Mrs. H.iward Bock of 316 T? >nnor -Drive had the pleasure of being matron-of-honor for her sifter, Louise McCuistion, upon her marriage to R;ehard W-eber on Saturday. Sept. 24 at Grace Lutheran church in Chicago. The Bocks alsr> spent the weekend at the home of Doris' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCuistion. Rummage Sale The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Com munity Methodist church is having a rummage sale in the church basement on Oct. 13 and 14. Articles may be left with Mrs. Don Gerstad, 10 6 Family Fun Once every 3 months the Casey clan get together and entertain their mother, Mrs. Margaret Casey, at dinner. The four brothers and one sister met *at Evanston Saturday night for this occasion. They are Marge and Bill Casey of 316 Oak drive, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Casey, Mr. srtd Mrs. John Caftey, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casey, all of Chicago. Just For Fun A Saturday night bowling date has been set up by the Kwiateks, Glorchs, Licastros, Lenses, Dawsons and Wagners They started the season last Saturday night at Johnsburg. They plan for once a month bowling, the last Saturday of fhp month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koczor and family. Mr. and Mrs Ray Rode and family. Mr. and Robert Matthews and family wpre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hureley in Addison on Saturday. A full day of entertaltWtent was really enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Hureley are Bob Matthew's mother and stepfather. At It Again Hie rta He Ho's met again at the &erzogs last Saturday for pinochle and puns. Refreshirhehts were served and oatorieft accumulated by the Hafers^and Hountrases. Reunion Held Mr. and Mrs. Christophersen of ^09 Home avepue entertained a number of friends and relatives in honor of their son. Roy, from Chillicothe, Ohio. Joining in on the fun were their daughter, Florence, and Bill Walsh anfd1 Mrs. Walsh, Sr. Their granddaughter. Gladys and Larry Scutkowski and children, Russell and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Sexton Bolander and Mrs. Hilda Paulsen. Cockt a i l s a r i d s m o r g a s b o r d w e r e served. Demonstration Mrs. Marge. Rebel of -103 Parkway entertained Thursday night at her home. Her main attraction was a demonstration. Those present were Mesdames Thompson, Raiford, Davis, Brooks. Roberts, Hurmarin, Wickenkamp, Crane, Glorch, Kozicki and Gen Keller of Meadowdale. Visitors Mrs. Margaret Casey, Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k C a s e y a n d daughter, artd Mrs. John Casey and son, all of Chicago, visited their "farmer" relatives. Ma" < • and Bill Casey, on Sunday. Birthday Doings Jimmy Laursen observed his tenth birthday Sept. 24 with a group of friends celebrating the occasion on Friday n i g h t w i t h c a k e a n d i c e cream and a trip to the movies. In on the fun were Jimmj Hansen, Pinky Ozog, Ken Prazak, Mike and Bill Sullivan. Phil Bucaro, Rich Hahndorf Ray Bottari and brother Jack Laursen. Patty Idstein, daughter of Bob and Rita Idstein, became six years old on Sunday, Sept. 25. On Monday after "school she celebrated with the following friends: Cindy Casey. Patti and Paul Rogers, ~ Robbie Wickenkamp, Norbie Kwiatek, Diane Lefler, Janet Barle, Billy Burns, Denise Bucaro. Debbie Holas and sisters and brother, Nancy, Susan and Bobby Idstein. Ray Bottari celebrated 11 years of existence on Sept. 21. On Saturday the boys helped mark the occasion with refreshments and a ball game. Present were Tommy Przetacznek, Allan Kujac, Sammy LaCerba, Mike Johnson, John Reinke, Jimmy Laursen, Phil Bucaro, Bill arid' Mike Sullivan, Rich Hahndorf, Bruce Okal and Kevin Lavin. David Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Warner, observed his sixth birthday on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 24. Consuming party fun were Eddie and Janice Pike, Kim and Ciriity Casey, Patty, Paul and Coleen Rogers, Robbie Wickenkamp, Sandy and Diane Lefler, and Ernie Lense. Supper evening guests were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of Villa Park, and two aunts, Mrs. Barbara Teply and Mrs. Frances Triska, both of Hanover, Kansas. A surprise party in honor of her fifth birthday was held f o r D e b b y B a r w i ? b y D i a n e Lauer, on Sept. 19. Several of her friends were present, inc l u d i n g D a r l e n e , D a r y l a n d Donnie Licastro. card players and go dancing occasionally. Register To Vote Deadline for registering to vote is fafet arriving -- pet. 10. Joe Cina, 108 Pleasant avenue, will be glad to register your name any weekday evening. P.T.A. Carnival P.T.A. Carnival is planned for Oct. 22, Saturday. The P.T.A. has asked fbr ten volunteer workers from our community. If anyone feels they can give an hour or two of service that night please call LaVern Hromec, EV 5-0194 by this weekend. Meet Your Neighbor Howdy to newcomers Pat and Don Seaton and three children of 602 Home avenue, who came here two years ago from Fox Lake. Don hails from LaSalle-Peru and is a math teacher at McHenry hi. He also doubles as line coach for the football team. He served in the Navy and belongs to the American Legion. Pat was also a teacher and is an Aurora girl. She is now engaged in raising tfheir threp offspring, John, 6, a first grader at Edgebrook, Anne.4, and Robert, 11 months. They are Dance ^Tickets are now available for the^Little League dance on October*® at the VFW. Proceeds will provide equipment for the forthcoming season. See you there] - Tohnsbuirg LADY FORESTERS PLAN DAY OF RECOLLECTION by Rrttv Hettermann Thursday, September 29, 1960 for the title of king and queen of Homecoming. Maybe none will reign, but it certainly Is an honor to be chosen as a candidate. Good luck to all contenders! Rummage Sale The Community Methodist church in McHenry is planning to hold a rummage sale in the church basement on Oct. 13 and 14. Mrs. Harriette Marshall is the collector for this area for that-sale. If you have any usuable items and wish to dispose of them please contact Harriette at EV. 5-1476. She will be only- too happy to pick up anything, if you cannot drop it off at her home. rick, Dorothy Kupstis, Ardith Szyplebaum, Joy Hettermann, JoAnn Freund, Elina Freund, Doris Deidrich, Kathy Blythe and Candace Kobus. - Any lady forester member who wishes to attend the day of recollection at the Poor Clara's Monastery at 2111 S. Main street in Rockford on Oct. 5 is asked to contact Mrs. Marie Oeffling by Friday, Sept. 30. The day will start at 8:30 a.m. with the Mass followed by a series of conferences. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the Monastery. A small fee will be charged for this outing. Transportation to Rockford will be made by cars. Please call your name into Marie no later than Friday if you wish to make the trip. Troop 408 News The meeting of troop 408 was called to order at 3:30 last Monday afternoon. At this time the troop welcomed a new member by the name of Kathy O'Donald. Ten girls were in attendance at this particular meeting. This troop will make a tour of the telephone company building in Antioch on Sept. 30 in the evening. The girls discussed what badges they would work on at future meetings and adjourned at 4:15. Royal Candidates Our community has the honor of having four candidates'Jof the twelve chosen to ruh in the forthcoming Homecoming festivities. Tom Creighton of the Bay, Ardis May, Tim Marshall and Joe Hettermann all of the McHenry high school senior class are prnong those running One-derful Jacket of Champions for All Sports Visiting. Miss Anne Seaton is in LaSalle- Peru visiting Grandma Seaton fbr a week. Happy Birthday To Stanley Pankiewicz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pan- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYE8 EXAMINED -- GLA88E8 FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS . GOUR8: DAILY 0 TO 18 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO S:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergrwn 54452 Open House Sunday, Oct. 2 12 to 6 P.M. All Modern ApcvMiM Building Route 176 and {Oak Street (4 Blocks East cif Route 14) Crystal Lake, 111., Everyone Welcome P. D. S. Construction Co. Builders 8c Owners Crystal Lake 459-0438 McGREG0R DRIZZLER America'* favorite year 'round jacket --preferred by sports-minded men everywhere. Tailored for action and free>»winging comfort with deep cut pivot armholee, underarm cloth breather holes, double protection shoulders. Famous Drizzler cloth, a • sturdy blend of 60% rayon, 40% cotton, is completely showerproof, fully washable. •11.15 Other Jackets from $9.95 to $59.95 ^T[c(]etfA- STORE for MEN Birthday Girls Little did Jean Hettermann she was to be the victim of a surprise party when she returned to her home on Sept. 17. Several of her young friends were on hand to bestow gifts on her in celebration of birthday number nine. Joining in on the festivities were: Mary Beth Thompson, Mary Rllen Freund, Joy and Karen Hettermann, Patsy Mey e r s, Carol Jean Hiller, Jo. Ann Freund, Judy Schaefer and Judy Herdrich. Judy Schaefer entertained twelve of her friends after school last Wednesday to help her celebrate her ninth birthday. Consuming lots of goodies and enjoying games were: Jean Hettermann, Carol Jean Hiller, Patsy Meyers, Mary Kay Fred- Scout Fund Drive A drive for funds which will benefit, more than 500 girls who are members of the Valley View Neighborhood in the McHenry Area got underway last weekend. Mrs. Mary Hettermann is in charge of collections for the Johnsburg area. Please be courteous and generous when the solicitor calls at your door. Couples Exchange Vows Our congratulations are extended to two young couples who recently celebrated their wedding day. Harold Deidrich claimed Joyce May as his bride on Sept. 17 in a rite performed at St. Mary's church. On Sept. 24, Dennis Ansell and Patricia Greig Tomasello exchanged vows which made them husb& nd and wife. The ceremony took place at St. Patrick's church. Both receptions took place in the Johnsburg community club. Wishes for a very happy future is extended to both these young newly married couples. meeting is asked to come in costume as "non-dresser-uppers" will be fined. Costume Party- Coming Up At their next meeting which will take place on Oct. 18, the lady Foresters of St. Agatha's court No. 777, a Halloween costume party will be held. Each member attending this Benefit Game An open invitation is extended to one and all to attend the baseball game next Sunday, Oct. 2, at 2 p.m. at the Tiger diamond. The Tigers will attempt to beat the McHenry Shamrocks at this time. Everyone knows what an exciting gam& takes place when these two teams tangle. This game will be a benefit in honor of "Sonny" Miller. All " old timers" are asked to attend as seme may have been missed when trying to contact them personally. i i l Around the Town Bill Oeffling started his college studies at Lewis College in Locksport last week. Georgette Miller and Janice Wakitsch are both freshman students at St. Therese's school of nursing. Richard Dehn spent last weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Al Helm of Ingleside, Mr. and Mt*s. Enar Fossum and Edna Goetschell of Rockford, Ann Doran of Chicago and the Robert Zimmermann family of Beloit as their dinner and supper guests last Sunday. A very "Happy Birthday" to little Mike Hettermann who will turn five on Oct. 3. Please try to contact me again over next weekend in case you tried this weekend and failed. I'll be spending a few days in Chicago where my mother is undergoing surgery. Attending the silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egan in cago last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Weingart, Mrs. Agnes Nell, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Comstock, Eddie Cornstock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karpenski. 4 ATTEND FIRE SCHOOL William R. Hoffman and Eugene Oxtoby, production fflymen, Morton Chemical company, recently attended a three-day session of the fire school at AnsUl Chemical company, Marinette, Wis. Hoffman and Oxtoby were two of a group of about twenty-five meh who came to the school from all over the United States. Fire school trainees kre taught the latest in advanced fire fighting techniques, of their time at the school was spent in fighting actual fires, ranging from small gasoline spill fires to 800 square foot oil pit fires and gasoline and propane pressure fires. The U.S. Army did not officially adopt the American Flag for some 50 years after the Revolution -- they ^pd regimental and state banners only. * 117 S. Green St. , Phone EV 5-0047 McHenry, 111. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon USE-THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA You'll be delighted at the way savings add up when you shop regularly at BOLGER'S x You save every time when you shop here because our prices are always low. OUR PRICES $1.89 Value Fountain Syringe 2 QUART *1.29 NEW From Revlon LOVE-PAT The Miracle Make-Up '1.35 CEPACOL ' Anti-Bacttrial Gargls and Mouthwash oz. 59/ BEXEL Special Formula VITAMINS L bottle of 40 NIW SIZE GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES dispenser of 15 blades INSTA-PEP VITAMINS METOECAL New • Low Price VITAMIN C 2 for'1.79 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 18* inn $1 <3 5 SPECIAL 6d< WHITE RAIN _ SHAMPOO PLUS 754 ADORN ~ . PURSE-SIZE HAIR SPRAY 99? Sucrets Throat Lozenges 35c Palmolive Shave Lotion 60c Super Anahisi Spray $1.25 $1.25 Noxzema Skin Cream 99c 31c Crest Toothpaste 26c Ben-Gay Analgesic Rub 89c Stopelte Roll-On Deodorant 69c Bocaral Antiseptic Powder 69c 200 Norwich Aspirin 63c, 60< HALO SHAMPOO 49/ VICK'S Va-Po-Steam VAPORIZER FLUID 981 POLIDENT No-Brush Denture Cleanser _ 86c 9ToO8 TH& T fOfnilv V*'*e **STg 83* 39/ $J00 WEEKLY SPECIALS SOMINEX SAFE SLEEPING TABLETS i. *l» TABS. " COLDENE CHILDREN'S FORMULA Liquid. Cold? Medicine KIWI SCUFF MAGIC SHOE POLISH 29/ MAX FACTOR NATURAL WAVE SPRAY HAIR SET Nationally Advertised At $1.50 This Week Only w REVLON MEDICATED SIUCARE Protective & Healing Lotion for Hands & Body Sells Reg. $1.25 Now •1« Prompt PRESCRIPTION Service NEW MISS MAN-TAN Moisturizing Foundation Cream Tans As It Smooths BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 *3.75 I RED CROSS Back Plaster Hu« 10% federal EXCIM Tax «n Toiletries 4

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