J * ^ j . -- w ? "SKurgday, October 6. 1960 THE McHenry Shore? Halloween Party Plans Underway By Clare Mueller EV. 5-0553 iEeriq shadows ;\vere noted slaking into a home on Hilltop and GJrandview last Wednesday night, Sept. 28, and upon Investigation, it was noted that the girls of the ways and means committee were starting to lay their plans for the forthcoming Halloween costume party that is to held Saturday evening, Oct. 22, at the V.F.W. hall. Under the able guidance of Mwhlyn Moore, members of the McHenry Shores club will again enjoy the annual -gettogether that brings smiles and laughter to' those who will gather for- this evening of fun. Daisy Smith, Jr., vice-president and Overall chairman, announced that the deadline for ticket returns should be turned in to any of the women on the cejfcmittee no later than Oct. lo^These returns will set the count for food and prizes so necessary for a party of this siae.j Don't forget, plan your outfit right away in order to offset the robot, harem giijls, organ grinder, cow pokes, Ujums, orientals, etc.. that were in attendance last year. 'em, join 'em at their own | game." j 'Nough said, the dinner and I dancing were fun. • Newcomer Little Timothy, weighing in at 6 lbs., 10 ozs., was born to Fred and Doris Wetzel Monday morning, Sept. 26, at 4:15 a.m. The stork left him in Doris's care at the Woodstock Memorial" hospital. New Neighbors , Welcome to the Wells Clevelands who moved in at 105 Fox street/ The home was recently vacated by the Ernie Siemans who now reside in Florida. Sick List Sorry to learn that Marie Hinz is suffering from a bruised kneo tiue to a fall while visiting > in Lake Geneva. . . . And that Walter Wilson had a "Close Shave". Results of an operation for an infection raused by an ingrown whisker. His old buddy, Ernie Ellenbost, was out to cheer him up. . . Cards to Bob Tanner can be sent to his attention at the Illinois Veteran Research hospital, 330 W. Huron street, Chicago. 111. He's in room 966 -- 9th Floor West. j youngsters are the pride and j joy of grandparents, Jack and jVirgie Verstege, who also reside in McHenry Shores. - Ron is a telephone -equipment installer and served Uncle Sam in the armed forces as an Airman Second Class. He attended Lane Technical high school in Chicago, likes bowling, boating and water skiing. Beverly is a product of Steinmetz high school, Chicago, and when not taking care of her family, loves to read. She also enjoys boating and is your reporter at the south end, so, if you have any news, visitors, etc., don't be bashful, call her at EV. 5-5932 and let her in on it. Both are members of the McHenry Shores where Beverly serves her community by being active on the publicity committee. A Dozen Couples Attend SSAC DINNER The rains of Saturday, Sept. 24, didn't stop the Burkes, Dostals, Hattans, L i n d w a 11 s, Moores, Muellers, Musielaks, Olbinskis, Olszewskis, Schopps, Whitneys and Ziemets from driving over to Fox Lake to enjoy the dinner prepared for the Shores Social and Athletic Club. dancing was on the schedule but the guys became intrigued irTBowTT^g so the gals decided that if you couldn't dance with Birthdays Looks like the girls have it this week, so starting with the seventh, happy birthday to Susan Misiak. . . .Tuesday to Anna Conner. . . .And Thursday to Linda Hattan. Hi Neighbor Gosh the subdivision is long because we're way down at the south end today for a visit with Ronald and Beverly Verstege who moved into their new home at 1011 Bonnie Brae a year ago last September from Chicago. They are the proud parents of two little ones, little Billy who was just two years old and baby Carol who is just ten weeks old. The Here and There and Back Again Sandy Ambrose, Donna Guilder, Connie Lindwall, Jerry Olbinski and Millie Whetherhul t attended a demonstration at Bonnie Schopp's home. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Deutsch, Elsie Schmitt's folks, stopped out for a visit. . . .Ed Keevin, Jr.. was out for a week's visit with his parents, Edward and Janet Keevin, before taking off for Jordan in Africa to supervise. with five other Americans, the installation of an oil refinery. . . .Virginia Verstege entertained twelve guests at pinochle that was followed by a delicious snack. . . .Bob Tanner's folks were out to visit with Evie and Glenn. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dostal were out to baby sit for Bill and Joan while they attended the SSAC dinner dance with Don and Bernice Musielak. . . .John Zajac, with a friend, dropped out to visit with his sister, Angeline Moravec. The Brunkes went to a going-away party In Des- Plaines for Mr. and Mrs. Bob • • • •- > fi£r 1 * * V 'V 7 Q, DON'T BUY 'Til You Get Our Prices Complete Line of Truck, Tractor and Passenger Car Tires -- All Sizes We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repair CL GET YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTEI PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE $2oo FIRESTONE DRY CHARGE BATTERIES We alloy from $3.00 to $6.00 on your old battery , Per Gallon IMcHenry Tire Mart I WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 Main Street EVergreen 5-0294 McHenry tern- LaChance who are leaving for Nassau. . . .Seen at the Lecture Luncheon club meeting in Crystal Lake the other day were B e a t r i MadCaUuro, Daisy Smith land Mildred Snively. . . .The Dobbertins took , a ride over to Rockfoitl and had a pleasant visit With Bob's brother, Warren. v> .Jean and Rudy Barnettv drove to the big city, to get acquainted with their new grandson, Daniel Trankina. . . .Daisy Smith was present for the election of new officers for Ithe Mental Health Center of McHenry County at the home of Dr. Lee Gladstone. Gus and Helen Smith went over to Dayton, Ohio, to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Forsberg. What 8 trip!!! The car broke down and the trip back home was finally completed by bus. . . .John and Alice McKelly arrived home several days earlier than expected from their trip to New Mexico. . . .Sam Winters who as baby sitter, cook and housekeeper was sure glad PUUNDEAliSR -to see Louisei and Mary Ann return from their trip to Philadelphia where Louise visited with her grandmother who is very ill. 1 t-- i. And in Closing t>on'l torget to write, a couple of letters this weds as it is "Write a Letter Week".,. . & boat, loosed from its moorifcgs at the pier, is reported as feeing lost 6t thi$ writing. .:. . Thanks girls, especially you, Betty Dobbeftin, for the fine assist while I was away conventioneering with the visiting members of the Meat Packing Industry. . . .Betty would like to thank all you good people who called with news and the thank you calls she also rer ceived. . . .Say, who is this Sally Lubke?. . . .It sure was nice to return and note the progress made on Idyle Dell Road. . . .Don't forget that Betty, Beverly Verstege, Julia Ziemet, Louise Winters and yours truly are always receptive to those news calls. . . . Goodday. DRIVER LICENSE NUMBERS ASKED ON '61 APPLICATIONS In order to achieve greater coordination in the state's traffic safety program, motorists are being asked this year to list their driver license number on the application for 1961 license plates, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announced today. This additional data will materially speed up identification of motor vehicles and motor vehicle operators Mr. Carpentier said. Cross filing of the information in the automobile division FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE 8AU8AGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON M VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS * > .w " •onto UQ • JortBast of Route it - Volo, 111. Phonf EVergreen 5-6260 files with the files of the driver license and the safety-responsibility division will result in more complete records for each driver, he said. . .. -- This, in turn, will serve to reduce the possibility of error in identifying persons whose driving privileges have been revoked or suspended. Secretary Carpentier said. It is the first time an effort has been made to coordinate fully the data in the three files, he added. Application blanks are being distributed now to the usual o u t l e t s ; n e w s p a p e r s , b a n k s , auto dealers, currency exchanges. notaries public. Mr. Carpentier urged that all motorists make every effort to submit the reqtiestaB '^ information so that maximum 7 benefit may be realized frtaprv the Secretary of State's office..-, files. - . t-.rl Secretary Carpentier pointed out that not all- applicants wffii be able to complete the patt of the application asking for . the driver license number be*'"" cause in some cstSes the vehicle o w n e r s d o n o d r i v i n g a n d d o " not hold driver, licenses. j,-- * This is frequently true, lpe:cr! said, in the ca^e of chauffeujrdriven cars, and also applies the case of fleets of vehicl^isc owned by corporations !W registered in the names or""" those corporations. - , ** BUILD If) 6 LOANS AVAILABLE! If You Intend To Build Or Buy in I960 See Us Now! We Will Build On Your Lot INDUSTRIAL - - RESIDENTIAL ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDER'S. Inc. Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4381 jr:. b* i.r. w :s Ttr.i iiq •5:1! G1 RONTIAC IS OUT TOO AY! f*. 2C /Jhsr !oCI '•'IV- ;;9» 3ft 1' ...Twr r..rr wi •. CRT )c I sHJ Mi-J .1 JA.I oh a new Wide flaw traeMo-body proportion! The track is the,width between the wheels. Ponti^ajs the only Wide-Track car. Body width is reduced, shavingsideoverfaarcg, balancing more weight between the wheels. Best relationship of, body width to wheel width ever tailored. Lean and sway are ancient history. « . i't c,\j 0, Announcing the new Pontiac Trophy V-8- Engine! We've improved tN^ngine the experts said was perfect. New fuel induction system saves gas by using more air in the gasoline mixture. This makes the engine breathe more efficiently, giving you better acceleration. Eleven versions to choose from. Horsepowers range from 215 to 348. For best economy, specify the Trophy Economy V-8. Its lower compression ratio lets you use regular gas. More headroom, legroom, footroom for greater comfort I You'll take great comfort in the extra roominess we've built into the '61 Pontiac. Seats are higher, yet there's more clearance beneath the steering wheel and more hatroom over your head. There is more legroom, more footroom^ Qpofs are wider and designed to swing open farther. The more highway~.you put behind you (Pontiac specializes in this) the more you'll appreciate the new room that's all around you in this sleek new '61. THE ONLY WIDE-TRACK CAM Body width trimmed ta r»duc« aid* overhang. Mor* weight-balanced tween the wheels. Norther car hiigi the road with such sure-tooted atebitty and precision. iSA/T THtSJ*OUR BIG YEAR FOR A WlOE-TRACK PONTIAC P /TS ALL. PONTIAC! BONNEVILLE S STAR CHIEF • VENTURA 8 CATALINA ON DISPLAY NOW AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC CO. ' 400 FRONT STREET EVergreen 5-6000 MB TMB VICTOR ROROI SHOW TONIOHTI ABC-TV I , ?