1960 THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER Johnsburg RESCUE SQUAD AIDS SEVERAL DURING WEEK by Betty Hettermann For the second week in suction 'the Johnsburg rescue kad members were called out to administer aid more than ohoe within a few days. T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g t h e s q u a d was called to Pistakee Hills where -a resident suffered a heart attack. He was taken to the McHenry hospital for further treatment. A short time later the squad was called to Sunnyside where three p^sons • were overcome by fumes. All three were admitted to the McHenry hospital. In the early hours Sunday morning the siren blew once again palling the squad members to their post. John Nett suffered a heart attack and had to be taken to the hospital. As of this writing he is still quite ill. We sincerely hope he will so^i b$ up and around again. Halloween Dance Planned Once again the officers and members of the community club aije planning a night of fun for one and all. THeir annual Halloween costume dance will be held Saturday evening, Oct. 29, in the club hall. Judges wijl be on harfd to select the various categories of costumes.; Plan on getting p group together and join in on the fun. i i I ; Girl Scout News Linda MacGregor, scribe for 'troop 408, reports that at their meeting of Oct. 3, nine girls were present. Lora Schul'tZj collected the dues followed by an inspection of the tqgpps' appearance. This meeting Kathy O'Donald treated the girls to candy in celebration of her birthday. The troop enjoyed their tour of the Antioch telephone building last Friday evening. After a discussion of the badges the group wished to work on, the meeting adjourned. On the recent Girl Scout fwaA : drive, the amount of $9.50 was realized from the immediate Johhsiburg area. Collections were made by Hefttermann, Catherine Dehn, Marge Peterson and "yours truly". Birthday Celebrant Mrs. Mary Thelen was the center of attraction in her home last Thursday evening in c^bration of her eighty-ninth birthday. Present at this festive celebration and joining in on the card playing were: Katy Guzzardo, Helen Miller, Anna Guyser, Marie Oeffling, Martha Oeffling, Mam5e Schmitt, Tillie May, Ann Stiffens and her sister, Marie, and : Kathleen Oeffling. Mrs. Thelen was wearing a beautiful cotsage which was presented to her by Karen and Warren Smith. The ladies enjoyed a most delicious lunch also. Movers On. The Go The Joel Adams family is now residing an their new home close to the Adams gas Station. We would like to wish them lots of good luck, health and happiness in the new home. Tom and' Arleen Fowler are now residents of the apartment recently vacated by the Adams family. A warm welcome is relayed to this young couple who were married last May. St. Reminder Juvenile members of Agatha's court No. 777 are reminded of their meeting and Halloween party which is to take place on Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. in the community dub hall. Any girls wishing to join the court are asked to contact Mrs. Mane Oeffling. New Grandparents On the fifth of October, Bob and Norma Knox presented Leo and Mary Hiller with another grandchild- A little girl who will answer to the name of Mary Beth, was born to the Knoxes at the Woodstock hospital. The family now consists of four boyS and three gii*is. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents. Troop 295 News The newest of G'rl Scout troops, troop 295, held its first meeting kasrt Wednesday in the basement of the home of their leader, Marge Barth. Four new girls were welcomed into the troop at this meeting. They were Candace Kobus, Catherine Palmer, Rosalyn Hammershoy, and Diane Hiller. Besides electing new officers, the girls just used this meeting as a get acquainted time. Newly elected into office were Diane Hiller as president, Mary Anderson as vice-president, Judy Strocigy as secretary and Betty Himplemann as treasurer. Girls to serve on the dean- Nye Drugs, Inc. 189 N. Riverside Dr. Phdne EV ft-4426 up committee are Libby Stinespring, Candace Kobus and Carol Ann Dehn. Serving as cookie hostess for this meeting was Kathy Barth. The girls are most appreciative for their sponsorship by the PTA of the Johnsburg public school. Fire Prevention Week The week of Oct. 9 to the 15th has been designated as fire prevention week. This is a special week set aside to make persons conscious of the fire hazards ^ithin their home. Please try to clean out your nooks and corners during this week. The winter season will soon he upon us so why not do it right now! Lady Foresters To Meet When the Lady Foresters meet next Tuesday evening, Oct. 18, the surroundings will Be slightly different. The decorations will be in the Halloween theme. Members attending this meeting are aske# to come in costume as "non-dresser-uppers" will be fined. The committee for this meeting is as follows: Anita Freund, Julia Stilling, Marilyn Fuehs, Pam Hiller, Clai'a.Nell, Dorothv Schmitt, Rose Tonyan, Joan Young, Agnes Nell and Mary Hiller. Thris committee will serve refreshments to the court members after the meeting. Cards will be on the agenda also for this meeting. Spfedy get-well wishes to Mrs. Marge Barth who is recuperating from a bout with pneumonia. She had a set-back last week and is now back in bed. A jeweler's carat is really a bean, coming from the Arabian qirat meaning a bean. 4 grains or 4 beans were the accepted weight of a carat of any precious stone. SAFEGUARDING HEALTH IS THEME OF LOCAL MEETING The Lake county health officer, Mr. Morris, was present at the McHenry Clean Streams meeting, held last week at the city hall. He informed the group on two subjects in which they are interested, one, the enforcement/ of the ordinance concerning sealing heads in boats and cruisers, and two, setting up the post of health officer or establishing a group whose sole function will be safeguarding public health in this area. During the past summer, the health department in Lake county tested the water in the Chain 'O Lakes'and adjoining lakes, with twenty-tWo testing stations, and found the waters well under the safety number in bacteria. In most places tested, the number is around 2,400 and some spots were as low as 80. The small creeks, however, were found much Jess desirable, but corrections are being made. The water table in this area has risen to the highest since 1907. COMPLETE EXPRESSWAY The last paving section on Congress Street Expressway, main Chicago traffic route between the city's loop area and lake front and western suburbs of Cook county, was opened to traffic Oct. 12. A program marking completion of the $177,000,000 expressway is being planned for that date. First suggested more than 40 years ago, most of the 15-mile expressway has been completed in the last eight years. The upper and lower mandibles of parrots are both movable. :* Rom where 1 sit iy Joe Marsh Name That Name Mre.Wllkem. --r IMwnr* ten teacher, n» this ss&s about her first day of claws. "To get acquainted with the new children," she said, "I go around the classroom and ask them to recite their names.** "What's your name?** I asked one little boy. "Freddie," .was the reply. "You mean Frederick," I said, "We use only our proper names in class." So when I asked the next little boy what his name was, he stood up proudly and answered, "Boberick, ma'am!" Fir-- where I sM, Bobby reminds ae ef folks who Chink what*s right for «ste most be right for another. For inStanoe, •l neighbor used to scoff at my haying a good glass of beer with sapper. He believed that eoly toffee was proper. Truth is, a mealtime beverage, Hke most other things, is purely a matter of personal preference. Wbm in e*a respeei the other fellow's opinion as well as oar own, well have passed the first in totermiiee. Page Thirteen P Loaf- T^ueei C^t, (Join Ei/etyeteuf Needs FROZEN FOOD DOLLAR SALE AT JEWEL... Stock Your Freezer! 1 Copyright, 1960, United States Bremen Foundation How to get even more work out of your vehicle! 0 M0 'JMP' FQ»170 with back hoe a 'JMP' Uafcmrsal with sntal cab udmewptow 'Jeep9 Universal with sweeper broom 'JMP' FC-150 with MHM body 'JMP' Pick-up Track with damp body 'JMP' Unlrfrsal with trenchw *Jss»' Uatvsnal with half Mb and posi hid* differ 'JMP* Utility Wa«oa with wiaeh MANY OWNERS of 'Jeep' vehicles don't know just how much work their vehicle can do. With power take-off, 4-wheel drive ' J eep' vehicles can operate all kinds of laborsaving specialequipment.Trenchers, wreckers, post hole diggers, hydraulic hoists, cabta^ winches. snow plows, brooms--these are a few of the items of 'Jeep' approved equipment that can make your 'Jeep' vehicle even more valuable. Stop in for a demonstration of the ways 'Jeep' vehicles can do their utmost for you! .Look for thle 'Jeep' approved equipment §tml • «rrKuvtu 600 Front St. Jeep VEHICLES MADE ONLY BY WILLYS MOTORS Tune-In UAVERICE Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry* 111. 10 oz. The best time to fill your freezer is when froren food prices are low. And they're low right now-- at Jewel. You can save today on the meals you serve all winter long. Just look what you can buy for a dollar: five packages of luscious strawberries or four packages of French fries or six packages of tasty green beans. Jewel buyers were able to strike" bargains on these foods and are more than happy to pass the savings on to you. Why not take advantage of these special low prices at Jewel--stock your freezer today I MARY DUNBAR Strawberries Cherry Valley Frozen Green Peas 6 pU' $1°° MARY DUNBAR Cut Corn MARY DUNBAR CHERRY VALLEY-FRENCH STYLE Green Beans 6 *1°° CHERRY VALLEY-CUT Cauliflower MARY DUNBAR-FORDHOOK Lima Beans MARY DUNBAR-BABY 5 P°9." $100 5 X1. $100 Green Beans 61°£- $1°° Lima Beans 5$1°° DEWKIST CHERRY VALLEY Mixed Veg. DEWKIST Peas & Carrots 6 p°». $1°° 6 pki" $100 French Fries 4 ^ $100 MARY DUNBAR CHERRY VALLEY-CHOPPED Broccoli Brussels Sprouts 4*£*l00 $100 DEWKIST--RED 6p°9.,$100 Raspberries 4 10 oz. pkgs. FRESH, GOVT. INSPECTED Whoe Cut-Up Frying Chi VEGETABLE DRINK 46 V-8 Cocktail 6IANT JEWEL EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Green Giant Peas 8 oz. can EWEL EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Daisy 3„ Cream Cheese JEWEL EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Heinz Tomato tT Ketchup JEWEL EVERYDAY LOW PRICE FANCY CALIFORNIA Tokay Grapes 3oodSi&ut PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH OCT. 15th TEA CO* ^ Ev&ujday Low- T^uoea Qv (Joan, EOwtyclay NaoeCt 4fjjpP' .&