K Thursday, November 3, 1960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen UNDER 21 A column for teen-agers By Dan Halligan DEAR DAN: As parents my husband and I believe in children sharing in the responsibilities of household chores. My 16-year-old daughter and I always wash and dry the supper dishes together but she believes her two brothers should share in this work and' take turns with us. What are your ideas on this subject? -- L. G. P. DEAR L. G. P.: Surely ..you don't think I would throw ir two sons to the wolves, as It were. This next statement may cause more confusion In American and Canadian homes than if every child were told "there Is no Santa Claus" but nevertheless, I don't believe boys should be washing and drying dishes when there are girls in the family. I'm sure there must be other chores they can do and should do but washing and drying dishes isn't one of them. Now, now, fellows, I don't want .your allowances. I'm just a friendly guy! * * * / * . ' DEAR PARENTIS AND ADULTS: Even though^'Under 2M is strictly for teen-agers and Children, a portion of my mail each week, includes adult problems from adults. I answer all such letters by personal reply and just wanted to mention that if any of you , adults reading this .column ever feel I might be able to help, don't hesitate to write. I'll not publish your letter but if you send along a stamped, self-addressed envelope, I'll certainly answer it. I just thought I'd mention that. • • • * DEAR DAN: I'm a 15-year-old sophomore ajid have discovered my allowance just doesn't go as far as it should. However, I can't keep asking my parents for money everytime tfwant something. What sort of jobs are open to me and where can I obtain part-time employment. I'd surely appreciate your advice. -- Wanting A Job. Dl<iAR WANTING: Your age Is one drawback at this time but I'm sure if you scout around enough, you'll find something. Naturally, baby-sitting would probably be the most financially worthwhile employment you could find at this time. Check with your local government employment service and if no job is now available for after school or on weekends, file an application. You should also read the "help wanted" ads ty^thi* newspaper, as well as run an ad yourself. If you're really sincere, you should be able to make at least a couple of extra dollars a week just by an evening or two of baby-sitting. Good luck. * * • • DEAR READERS: Here's something many of you have $een asking about -- how to get the names of foreign children and teen-agers as pen pals. American children and teen-agers, 10 to 18 years of age, may secure the names of boys and girls in other countries by contacting: Children's Plea for Peace, World Affairs Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 14, Minn. • For each name requested, enclose twenty-five cents. The quarter isn't for the name but for Secretarial work and the like. In writing to the university, be certain to mention your "fcge and sex. With each name you'll-receive a suggestion sheet for good letter writing and a current "Silver Lining" newspaper. McHenry Shores Fun Galore At Halloween Party By Clare Mueller EV. 5-0553 help her celebrate her. recent birthday. Dancing interspersed with games and surprises in out of the way places, afforded those in attendance a gala time at the McHenry Shores Club Halloween party. Some of those crazy get-ups brought laughs galore from the crowd. Prizes were awarded to the Frankenstien Monster, a pair of dice, the couple who were so tired that they arrived in their bed and last but not least, the male ballerinas. Other costumes noted, in the grand parade: Chinese and Japanese ladies, crash driver, little old women and men, cowboys, officers, clown, male and female impersonators, cavewomen, African natives, etc. Others, not in costume but out to enjoy the iaughs and fun, acted as judges. A highlight of the evening, that had 'em rolling on the floor with laughter and that brought tears to many eyes, was the two mixed couples who had to dress as the opposite sex. If the movies turn out good, they'll be shown at an early MSC meeting. A pat on the back to the girls who planned this party, the lovely decorations and the well enjoyed buffet lunch. Pink and Blue Party Gerry Olbinski couldn't believe it when she stopped in at Bonnie Schopps, the other night to attend a demonstration, and found it was a surprise shower for her lovely expected bundle from heaven. The women present to help feather the nest were: Ambrose. Burke, Cicchini, Dilg, Hannemann, Hattan, Kleine, Kobernus, Lamerand, Lindwall, Mieritz, Misiak, Mueller, Olszewski, Schmitt, Bonnie and Linda Schopp, Whitney and Winters. Some of the other women who were there in spirit but involved elsewhere with other duties were: Brunke, Moore, Tiggcmann and Zeimet. 4-H News Cherry Valley Club «kThe meeting was called to (mler by the president, Kathy 0u rran. AfteF thtfwe held our party-a-month Halloween party. Sue Marchi served refreshments. Recreation was led by Kathy Curran. The next meeting will be at the Schmelzer home on Nov. 26. "Each Atherican uses, directly or indirectly, about 26 million gallons of water during his or her lifetime. Annette's Party What fun to be six years old and have all your friends over for games and goodies, surprises and prizes to help you with your special day. Nettie Cicchini found this out when Debbie Burke, sisters -- Christie, Diane annJilfly, BStfbie DObbertin, Vicki Mieritz, Lynn M u n r o e , L i n d a P e t e r s o n a n d Kurt Pogar. All came over to ILLINOIS MUST NOT COME UNDER THE THUMB OF CHICAGO'S CITY HALL BOSS & A Twenty-third Anniversary Fourteen guests, many of them very old friends, were out to help Phil and Neva Brod celebrate their twenty-third wedding anniversary. A dinner for all was held Oct. 23. a Vote November 8 Don't forget to get down to the polls on 111. 176 just west of 111. 31 and cast your vote next Tuesday, Nov. 8. The American League of Women Voters will send a baby sitter over to allow you mothers to get to the polls, call EV. 5-9995 and let them know the time you expect to go and vote. Sick List Betty Dobbertin is -glad - to be back on her feet after a siege with the flu bug and a strep throat. . . .Viqki Mieritz has a chipped bone in her £1- bow. with the youngsters were in Chicago to visit with Bev's mother, Mrs. Lillian Sviontek. . . .The Zeimets had a Sunday dinner over with Sam's sisters, Margie and Charles Maloney, in Grass Lake. . . .Jack ,and Virg Verstege attended their pinochle club in Chicago and enroute home stopped off at son Jack's home in Northlake and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ericson in Niles. Mrs. Verstege, a member of the 31 club, participated with the group at a luncheon in Volo. . . .Ken Schopp and Clare Mueller were two of the clowns helping out at the PTA carnival, last week.' various but for the past two years he has been the sergeantat- arms. At the local Halloween parties, Mr. Hattan always comes into the prize money with his original costumes. Darlene attended Steinmetz high in Chicago and as a busy house wife has found time to serve on the ways and means committee of the McHenry Shores Club these past two years. Both of them enjoy gardening and have one of the finest lawns in the area. An Anniversary and Birthdays Happy anniversary to Joe and Emily Reznicek today. . . Doris Wetzel also has a birthday today. . . .Art Cicchini's is tomorrow, Saturday. . . .Monday we find that Mrs. Ellen Duncan celebrates hers. . .As will Mary Shababy. ojy lY WILLIAM G. GOVERNOR Samuel W. WITWER, U. S. Senator John W. CHAPMAN, Lt. Governor Charles F. CARPENTIER, Sec. of State Elbert S. SMITH, Auditor William L. GUILD, Attorney General Audrey R. PEAK \ TRUSTEES I OF C. E. "Ernie" L0VEJ0Y < UNIVERSITY OF Thomas 0. MATHEWS ILLINOIS Vote Straight Republican Nov. 8 Here and There Out for the double birthday celebration of Joan and Jimmie at the Dostals were Mr. and Mrs. Don Musielak, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Musielak, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zawackski and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dostal. . . Ray Moore's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, enroute to Arizona from Lac de Flambeau, Wis., stopped by for a weekend. . . .Miss Marge Murawski, Betty Dobbertin's sister, was out to give Betty a hand while she was indisposed. . . .Old friends of Harry and Paula Tiggemann, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Van Loon from Griffith, Ind., were out 'for the weekend. Sunday, found old neighbors from Gary, Ind., Walter Civilins, with his wife and family out for a visit. Beverly and Ron Verstege Hi Neighbor - Say, here's another street we haven't stopped, at yet so let's drop in and visit with Gordon and Darlene Hattan and their three youngsters, Linda, Nancy and Gofdy Jr. -- better known as Butch, who live at 308 Park Avenue. They moved here from Chicago during the month of July back in 1957. Gordy is a machinist who received his training at Washburn Trade School in Chicago and later served in the infantry from 1951 to 1953. He likes all sports and has been active on the baseball committee of the Shores Social and Athletic Club. His duties with the Mc- H^nnrr y Shores Club have been OPEN HIGHWAY The first-Illinois segment of Interstate Route 80, transcontinental highway between New York and San Francisco, was opened to traffic Nov, 2 following dedicatory ceremonies near Morris. The segment is a 22- mile section of dual laned interstate highway between Walkers Corner, seven miles west of Morris, to Interstate Route 55 (U S. Route 66) west of Joliet. It represents an expenditure of approximately $11,000,000 and includes three interchanges, 13 highway grade separations, one railroad grade separation and six bridges. Gov. Stratton also announced that additional work on Interstate Route 80 west of Walkers Corner is in progress and that the Division of Highways hopes to be able to open a 12-mile stretch by Dec. 1. DECREASE IN McHENRY COUNTY PRECINCTS NOTED Illinois will have a total of 10,015 voting precincts for the Nov. 8 general election, an increase of thirty-five precincts ove^the number for the April prirrfary, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier said this week. Increases were noted in ten downstate counties, Cook county, and the areas under jurisdiction of the Galesburg and Rockford boards of election c o m m i s s i o n e r s , w h i l e t h e r e were decreases in two downstate counties and in the city of Chicago, Mr. Carpentier said. The increases were: Adams, 1; Bureau, 1; Cook, 23; Kane, 2; Kankakee, 2; Madison, 6; Marion, 1; McDonough, 10 i Tazewell, 2; Whiteside, 1; Win] nebago, 1; Galesburg, 1, and Rockford, 2. The decreases were: Alex* ander, 1; McHenry, 2; Chicago, 15. The estimated number of eligible voters is 5,499,469, of which 2,743,059 are in Cook: county and 2,756,410 are downstate, Secretary Carpentier; said. V MINERAL PRODUCTION ; Total value of minerals produced in Illinois in 1959 exceed-5 ed $600 million for the fourth consecutive year, according ta the annual mineral production report published by the Illinois State Geological Survey. The report, Circular 300 -- "Mineral Production in Illinois in 1959," records the growth ot the Illinois mineral industry from less than $100 million an1-' nual value to more -than $600- million over the last 25 years. Smith's Alinement Service ELMER SMITH, Prop. "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING • WHEEL BEARINGS • BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS • MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 JOSEPH FRETT & SON. INC. Builders ESTABLISHED 1926 Residential and Commercial • First in Quality • Fairest in Prices • Fastest in Service Phone EV 5-3976 Located on Hwy. 120 -- % Mile East of Fox River Bridge . SEE! THE GREATEST SHOW ON WORTH! Ml ' Hi If -I a i A new 2-Door Sedan joint the luxurit&u Impalai. Door openings measure as much as 6 inches wider. MEASURABLY NEW. 1MMEASURABLT NICE! 10 CHETT Open the door to a whole new if ii i i i i i knwwiinwMi iiiwB • v^u wbbmb • measure of your moneys's worth! There's more entrance space in this '61 to make getting in and out easier. More rear foot room for the man in the middle. Seats that are as much as 14% higher--just right for sitting, just right for seeing. A tremendously spacious new kind of deep-well trunk that opens at bumper level for easy, short-lift loading. But look--there's actually less outer space, leaving extra inches of clearance for parking and maneuvering! Neat trick? Bless our ingenious designers and engineers. They've shaped spacious dimensions, proved performance, thrift and dependability into the most sensationally sensible car you could buy. It's waiting for you at your Chevrolet dealer's right now. Biseayne 2-Door Sedan. That solid Body by Fisher sensibly shaped clear back to Us easier loading trunk. (The floor s recessed a full T to hold things that have never been inside a trunk before!) CHEVROLET 5 £ ~r £ Now! Big-car comfort at small-ear prices * * HEW BISCAYNE 6 Parkwood 9'Passenger Station Wagon. One of 6 easier loading Chevy ivagons. All feature a new concealed compartment under the floor. And there are 4 new Chevy Corvair wagons, too. * * * * * * * * the lowest priced full-sized Chevrolet! Who says you have to do without big-car style, space and comfort just because you may be on a budget! Look over our '61 Biscaynes--6 or V8. You get Chevrolet quality, performance, roominess, the works, at a price that's competitive with cars that give yon a whole lot less! * * * * * * * * See the new Chevrolet cars, Chevy Corvairs, and the new Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. Elm St. McHenry, HL EVergreen 5*0277