TEdr*tty. NcnrmriBerlB, 1 •2*X feingwood Entertain At Hawley Home Ruby Shepard Mrs. Louis Hawley enter- ;,tahied her *500' club tit her Jiome Wednesday. A one .o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to _ "Mrs. Ruby Shepard and low to "fin. Viola Low. Bazaar The W.S.CLS. will hold its #wnutl bazaar and turkey dinner in the church basement >fov. 12. Serving to he 5 till 7:90 p.m. The bazaar will ope® dt 2 pan. There will be plenty Of fancy work, towels, aprons Ifftd candy for sale. Church New Br. Berger Dahl, district superintendent of the Chicago*- Northern District, will meet with the officials and the members of the Hingwood congregation on Sunday; Nov: 13, at 2 p.m. foar our first quarterly corefayppp. This is to be short and informative. Woman's Society of Christian Service The November meeting of the W.S.C.S. w*s Held o* Wednesday evening, Nov. - 9. Bessie Cruickshank presented thoughts for meditation at the prayer service. The study tfcgfrie "Into all the World TopttKr" was given by Viola Ixiw and Bertha Gillette. Host;- esses were Mertie Harrison and Qoris Low. UNICEF h Hood, Christians Social Relations chairman, reports that she aijd her committee, Ha Hogan fend rtiyllis Ras* rtiUssert, served eighty-four tWldren who collected for UNICEF. The damp weather shortened the hours for collections but $72.03 was sent to this cause. Mrs. Hood wishes to thank the adults who helped serve, those who drove around •nd the M.Y.F. members wno Were helpful in arranging tables and leading games. The Pan! Walkingtons Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained their *500' club lit their home Saturday eveling. Six Years Old Guy Winters entertained -a 'group of his little friends at his home Saturday afternoon ttgthday. vias by ^^ils mother. 7 | teiw&k' ; . Mrs. Charles Ander*on and dattghters, Tena, of' Twjja Lakes and Mrs. Wallace Itnise of Richmond celled on Mrs. Ruby .Shepard Monday ^afternoon. , . Mrs. Luster Brever, Ma ^oftn Hogan, Mrs. Walter Low, Mrs. Dora Oste and Mrs. KJuflperiDh attended a Moose meeting aft McHenry Tuesday, eveolng., Mrs. -Ficd>8oivirm and. Mrs. .Flige and soft, Joe, W»e visitors at Waukefcfcn Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lester Carr were calltofe'lh flitter Cprr, hbhtertft Afternootv • . „v V. Miss Xona. Bttvw with .a group frpm attended a Modse cbUfMneTiCfe lit W«st Allis, Wis„ Sundajt- Mr- and *n|^s. ;i^Jan Ainjfer and -sons, iQeot£if hftd DivM, of Itebroh .spent "e-WMng with hfer Wpy^r, >trs. Rttby Sh^pitrd. • iw&s. tiHox- <* Woodstock^ Mr. ahti "Mrs, ttofcert Low ahdl fif MeKenry and Mr. apd MJ^ falter Low and family Sp&Ht-SWBiay in the Bettit ty*Lftw hob*. v ' " " ... Mr. *nd Mr& Johtt^Chtot and daughter, Mabel, arid Mfs. Millie Rush %I the Duane Ehltrt home fft Burlington. . ' • Will Claxton of McHenry spent Sunday wWi his sifter, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family vyeipe Qun0^4tafier guests in the fii^c Bej^tt home ait Mwettfy. Mr. and Mrs.- tian were viatltora 4$ Jfurllog* ton Friday. Mr. and Mi*. ?a\g KorthWi and family of deiiiview Sunday dinner ft ^ parents, Mr. aiiid 'SSlrSi Walkington. ; . : ' Mrs,Joe M&mr ry spent WBdnrastey wwitny in the Bob Brehftftil tuque. ^Mr. ,«ad Mr*.,J3gj«wi» Costife lo. and family' tfffralaiid, |lr. and Mrs* 15. Jjm$ family bt ParH Wdgfc and Mr. and Mrs. William (Sul?WM^ki Jr., and family ot CWcago, spent Sunday Willi their parents, Mr. and Ifrg. William Cruickshank. Mr. and Jiff. Robert Schuetze of lIQ^aukcie spent the weekend with their parents, sr.; ai*:.i|rs,'r|lB|lbu|m-.' Itfr.end Mj*. trended .« the Robwrt S^ring^a-otlf ling hoMriiig „ t nhv. ^ How Can Q. How can I remove mst stains from white washables? A. Cover wltfi cream of tartar, gather up the ends of tike article so the powder stays M the spot as though tt were )M Jthe hottom of a sack. Then dip the whole tfeiag into hot water for five minutes. Ordinary laWHllertitg oorilplfetes the ^bh. fit the case of silks and jcettlens, very often nothing Will do much good In removtag nst states. <}. How cnn I make^he job of^ kindling a fire in my bar- 'beoue pit easier? A. By use of a brtck soaked la kerosene. Put the brick to aoak a day or two in advance, then use this In place of ktod- Ifaig- wood. It will' burn for a leag time «ad Will lg£ep ysur fire going even wfcta your fuel is damp. Q. How %an I extract a stronger light from a reading lamp? ^ • A. If yoall paint the Scslde of,the pan^nnnt shade- with a thin coat of white paint* you'll magnify the light from the !ang>. Q. How can I "heal" bruises on velveteen or velvet dresses? A. Place the crushed area, pUe down, oyer a brush of many bristles. Now hold a steam iron Just above the back of the fabric and let the steam pour down through the pile. Then remove from the brush and shake until partially dry. Leave alone until the fabric Is entirely dry. Q, How can I make an emergency ice-pack of a small bruised or inflamed area where a tegular ioe bag would be too Mky? - A' Just slip an ice cube into a plastic bowl cover, twist the top, and secure it with a rnbber band. This is especially helpful In treating the many small bumps and bruises children manage to collect. 'aw T8&'-' a n - - - Q. How eah -T pert iotObto without sheddiiig t«tf6 all'over the place? ; _ - A, Spear a ..on^lndi ehonk of bread.on the potet.bf yqtyr Mfe Wore %^^lMrpd absorbs those tear-^r1()ng fumes.. Q. Haw can 1 tnake a jpod flare for any possible .epder.- gency automobile repair^ at night'on the hi^lnyay? A.. One excellent ,ldea j^.,to keep a few empty milk csurtons In the trunk bf yojpr c^r^ and use. these as flares.. Drop a few stones In the, bottom of th? carton to keep the winil fi'OTO blowing it over, lgnlte t|>e and you will.htfve a f^rc ^hat will burn brightly for shc to i5 minutes. ... ; i Q. Ho>v can I make a fmishroom chcwdier? A. .Combine. o.«nd)enaed cream of mushroom spup ^fith one can of light creiuh,'one cup of sauteed «llced mushrooms, a few .tablespoons ol Ughtly sauteed qiilc>n, ,.f- jp^ed hard boiled sgg.Heat ^ndferve. It's good I ./' Q. How can I remove chocolate stcuns tafajl/e Jinens? A. As prtttnptly aS palnSble ism a paste madfr tof boraac end water. Remember, , hasrenef, that It's wise to wish the leMk out immediately, too, .V possible, with oold water. Q. How can 1 iftake a good mouth wash? ' A. Mix twenty flrepii Of tincture of inyt^rh> in f«rty tablespoonfals Of Water. fMs solution Is both healing and cleansing. VA ASBtfiffiNtG • • r •k -.. AVfifPFAM . dLdnUfttnitlflB representative frcqn j^ae liockford VA office w^fbe on duty at Woodstock aSiaaday. 15, tp inf<M7n and ansistvvetWr am, their dependents *i¥l M>e general public regarding aW benefit programs of ^ie^ .VA. Their representative wJU^ bP on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 «<m. at the U. S. post office building, second floor, in Wopdstock. HIGHUGHTS OF; TRIP HELATEO BY McHENHY COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska, who Tetwrned recently from a seventeen-day trip to Spain and Portugal, found themselves in Madrid on Oct. 6, after a pleasant plane trip. A bus trip disclosed to the travellers beautiful highways but very poor land, covered for the most rpart with stones of various sizes; , They witnessed a film in production, and also visited the Cathedral of St. Thomas in Avila. Mrs. Mpska said that Avila, with ft population of 40,000. has. thirty weight churches- ana convents. r One of the highlights ,ot the trip waa the visit -to the nrasque and surroundings at Cordoba. It is the largest in the .world, covering 5 acres and containing 830, columns, In the mpsque cathedral, it is possible to address 40,000 .people at one time. . . . . One . particular design within the cathedral, fashioned In mahogony, required the entire Ufetipie of an artist who . died past the age of 80 with his work no.t yet completed,. Xwveiling ?1nto Portugal on Oct. 8, the travellers found it necessary to change the Spaniish money for that of Portugal, &s well as setting their watched hack one hour. One country operates on daylight saving time, the other on standard. Thi- Palace . hot((l, . which was the summer home of King Carlo, uhtn 1910, they reported as the mopt magpificent place pr .seen, I'atiipa. they saw a of queer looking wind^tlft:,w1ll<}h are still used t o g j r f t i d l ? r e ^ d . • A t . f A ' tiroa Its^ifcltbe faxped sta^e, ppen onltfi^ee pides, (ion'taioed so tfaiqr^ ptofife kneeling ln prayer that it was almost impossible to get 4n. - Lisbon they found especially interesting, and in the market place, women still cany all Items on their head as they have for centuries. Portugal, like Rome, has seven hills, and from the top of one of them the Muska* viewed the newer section of Lisbon built in 1939. There fs-^d to be no housing shortage, arid it is possible to rent an apartment' for $85 with three bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, etc. . . The many interesting details of the Muskas' trip were too numerous to relate. Only throuigh talking to the enthusiastic travellers does one sincerely wish he ;were able' to follow their footsteps. ; ; 1 _ Chicago Stock Show Observes 61st Year MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose Largest of the nation's agricultural .show$, the International Live Stock Exposition, will celebrate its sixty-first anniversary in Chicago Nov. 25 to Dec. 3. It will be held in the thirteen a,c r e International Amphitheatre and a .wide area of the nearby Chicago Stock Yards. Prominent live stock breeders and • feeders from- near and far, boys and girls from farm and ranch, and Reading horsemen will combine tp send , their best specimens to the competitions of the Chicago Exposition that annually determines the crowning championships of the year among thirty-eight different breeds of farrp animals that will be on featured display. Sunday, Oct. 30, was the day for jthe convocation of the Women of the Moose, under the auspices of the College of Regents at West .Allis, Wis. Four co-workers from McHenry attended this ceremony to see Graduate Regent Hazel Struwe receive her "green beanie". Hazel was capped by former Dean of Regents Mattie Schwulst, in this very impressive ceremony. Those from McHenry were: Senior Regent, Marjorie Fernstrom; Junior Regent, Ethel Bruce; Ritual Director, Mabel Thomas and Sentinel, Lona Brever. Twenty- six. .other graduate regents received their "green beanies". Nov. 1 the regular meeting night was fun night and those who attended really had fun. We were entertained by Dolly Myers on the violin, and Gary Hunt at the piano. Dolly also sang, accompanied by Gary. We now have a "Sunshine Child" a 'teenage boy. The birthday gals were Lona Brever and Eleanore Brussd Our library chairman, Jennie Holochwost, is in the hospital, but by the time this reaches the press she may be home, so how about sending her a card. After the meeting the fun began, so why don't you join us in bur next fun night wl^i will be Nov. 15, see you than. Delicious refreshments were served. UNPLEASANT, BUT INSTRUCTIVE: Outspoken people have a way of expressing their thoughts so-o-o-o-o clearljr. • "I Benefit THANKYOU! I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported me in the recent election fbr County Coroner. Your vote was greatly ciated, last Tuesday, Nov. 8tft. THERON J. IHORN "'"ifcdfe sponsors ifetierxgipiiit?9 Soltb^ll Ttmm Saturday. Nov. 12, 1960 8:30 J)jhu at HeHermdaii'S Tavern Joi For centuries, it was ^ .custom, in Serbia, to pass around a small jar at all funerals, to collect tears from all mourners, which were buried along with the corpse. . A | for Tasty and Nutritious' Great Western ' Fruit Juic« to the door or store •< \ call Ken at " EV. 5-4546 NEW LOW PRICE ON a THIS FAMOUS KODAK CAMERA BROWNIE CAMERA Electric-eye makes exposure settings automatically^ Now gel bright cleor pictures...quiomatlcally...aven when the sun varies from scene to seen*, hour by hour.Tha electric eye measures the light, sets the lens for you. AH you do is aim and shoot! If the light is too dim, or fho shade jt too deep, an automatic signal tells you to switch to flash! Takes color slides, color snapshots, black'Qnd»wh1to pictures••• outomotkallyl CAMERA just 103 5. Green St. $29M drug stwe 0 Ph. EV. 5-4500 Lay-away Plan AT To Sm TJ» U T«A'WM A Wal^r SjffiW M 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- pump Inafetiatteftli , Point Changing -- ^erv^ee'Odis 2. Largest pump inventory ih the county. (Jets, Sub* mersibies and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours flto d& a^stfeai. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all. makes including Montgomery Wax6s and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your Inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON SEE THEM WORK -- 6V£R 70 M^JK,£X<M2J£ WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village ol McCuU^m 2% miles from McHenry on McCutlora^Wohder LafceR Phone McHenry EV 5-5252 or Resilience iCV ft-ttufc Frank's toy and Hobby Store 111 and 113 North Main Street Crystal Lake, Illinois Live Toy and Hobby demonstrations SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13th ' ' ' 1 to 6 p ML M . : FRANK'S TOY ANt> HOBBIES All Employees, Patients, Former Par tients and Friends of McHenry Hospital and the McHenry Medical Group are invited to a Toy and Hobby Tour. The McHenry Hospital Building Fund will be credited with a percentage of any purchases or lay a ways made beginnir^'November 13th through November 19th. (Weekly Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Take tijne Sunday, Sbv#nbea: 13th between 1 and 6 p.m. to see the ^demonstrations ^nd displays yovir HtJfSpital Building Fund campaign has plariiited for you. Rememba-, a TOy, Ht>bb^, pr .Gift benight from FRANK'S TOY and HOBBY STORE or jaut, away oft Ja lay away for Christmas is a boost for your Hospital Fund. t s C/' > / s^i ' +vf mm 150° hot water is always on tap in a iSMk Electric Water Heater heat aB t&t ail itr8 fere's .no fbr it to do the laundry or dishes. It's <tfaere--150° hotwhen and where you ntbed it. No pilot U> light. Onoe installed, a new Fait Electric Water Heater 1s on its own. There*0 no pilot to lipht or $o out, nothing to sotelL Con^pact iutk-^ype modds fit in ii closet. Modern counter-top models fit in your kitchen or laundry (offer extra work space, too). No flues are needed. No vents or long pipe runs. Electric Water Heaters last longer than any other kind; many have been in service for over 20 years. When you build, buy an appliance or remodel your kitchen, keep in mind the unique advantages of a flameleaB electric water heater. \! Public Service Company • ConuaoawMltb BdJsoa Coapoy