t tlesday, November 22. I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven Lilymoor ROBERT LO PRESTI HEADS LILYMOOR ASSOCIATION Shirley Schoerr EV 5-2642 The Lily moor association K®i its monthly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 15. The nominating committee nominated five persons for officers and five persons for board of directors. The new officers are President, Robert LoPresti; first vicepresident, Lawrence Schuerr; second v i c e-president, Don Leske; treasurer, Val Fradinardo; secretary, Marge Polinflfl- These officers will hold offiro for two years. The members of the board of directors are Pearle S tineman, Fred Fradinardo, Vern Ehredt, Albert Grenier and Theron Young. They will hold office for one year. The next monthly meeting and installation of officers will be held Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. It is to be held at Club L^yznoor. Coffee and cake will be'served. Bring a guest with you. Bake Sale a Success The Woman's auxiliary has earned the right to be proud. Such delicious goodies and all were sold out at the bake sale Saturday, Nov. 12. Orchids go to all members for their wonderful response on the baking. •J^jfe're a grand team. There isn't anything we can not do to make ours a "top" community. Thanks go to Val Fradinardo, Edna Crawley and Connie Johnson for the needed supplies, and the following girls for taking turns at selling, Helen Haines, Marion Leske, Val Fradinardo, Toni Ehredt, Eunice Tobey, Marie Behrendt, Kathy Fuhler, Pearle Stlhemnn, Connie Johnson and Edna Crawley. Anyone interested in obtaining special auxiliary sale items should contact Edna Crawley at EV. 5-6278 or Pearle Stineman at EV. 5-6144, or any auxiliary member for more information. The chairman of the bake sale, Connie Johnson, would lite to thank each and everyoro who helped at the bake sale, and the baking of goodies, and those who purchased the goodies. The next meeting of the Woman's auxiliary will be held Monday, Dec. 5, at 8 p.m. at the white schoolhouse. Meeting will start promptly. Another project of the auxiliary is the selling of fancy aprons. L£e tfeadnfcs 3--Ml Inow these projects will be successful. The hostesses for the December meeting are Tenna Bellino, Leona Fantus and Toni Ehredt. Shelters for the Children For sometime there has been a need for shelters for our children waiting for the school buses in our subdivision. Fathers of our little ones are asked to help out in this project. If you are interested in getting these shelters up before the bad weather sets in contact any of the following men for more information. Robert LoPresti at EV. 5-3779, Fred Fradinardo at EV. 5-4498 or Lawrence Schuerr at EV. 5- 2645. All parents are very interested in the welfare of their child or children. With these shelters it would help protect them from the bad weather. How about it father, are you interested in helping out with the shelters? If so give one of the men a call. The bad weather will be upon us soon. Girl Scouts The Girl Scout troop of Lakemoor will hold its first Court of Awards for this year Monday, Dec. 5, at the firehouse. Right now the girls are working on the my troop badge. Sorry to say that the membership for this troop is still closed. Brownies The Brownie Troop 299 is in need of a new leader due to one of the leaders moving out of the community. Any young woman who is 18 years of age or older, who is interested in being a leader and helping these young girls, please contact Mrs. Pat Morrison at EV. 5-6396. If this troop does not get another leader it will have to disband. Let's not see this happen to these girls. Remember these are the women of tomorrow, let's give them a good start. Birthdays Little Miss Holly Parbst celebrated her birthday Friday, Nov. 18. Holly was a great big three years old on this day. Marge Polinski celebrated her birthday Friday, Nov. 18. Squib Morrison celebrated his birthday Tuesday, Nov. 22. Many happy returns to you Holly, Marge and Squib. Belated Birthday Greetings go to A1 Stineman. A1 celebrated his birthday Thursday, Nov. 10. Sorry it's late, Al. Many happy returns to you. Still Under Par Marge Polinski is still doctoring a veiy sore side. We are all hoping by the time you read this you are just fine. Guests 8 •fSuestS" and HeU* Polinski's home Sunday, Nov. 13, were Herb's mother, Mrs. Marie Gruenke, of Chicago. Also visiting with Marge and Herb was Herb's sister, Mrs. Loretta Peterson, and son, Earl, and daughter, Marie, of Breadsville, Mich. Guests of Mrs. Ferrar have been her son, Dante, and daughter-in-law, Pat, and their two cliildren, Andrea Mary and Peter John, of Andover, New Jersey. More News Mr. and Mrs. S^uib Morrison and children are spending Thanksgiving day With Mrs. Morrison's mother, Mrs. Koch, of Chicago. Fred Fradinardo has gotten his holiday clipping already. You look good with ygur clipping, Fred. Another Holiday Is upon us already. I would like to wish you and yours a very happy and nice Thanksgiving day. STUDENT WORKS TOWARD DEGREE WITH DISTINCTION Allan H. Leibsohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leibsohn, is one of 70 Wesleyan university students working toward a B.A. degree with distinction. The distinction program offers students with high academic records an opportunity for independent study in specific areas under the supervision of faculty tutors. Distinction candidates usually c o m pi e t e their work in the form of a thesis or series of reports. Leibsohn, a government major, is doing his project on the Scottsboro cases as an example of prejudice in the courts. A senior at Wesleyan, he is a graduate of Thomas Jefferson school. Gettysburg Battlefield covers about 3,000 acres, has 2,390 monuments and markers, and 26 miles of paved roads. The feller who is slow but sure will be there, even if he is late. 1 Lakeland Park PROGRAM PLANNED FOR WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING. DEC. 1 Carole Humann - EV.5-1605 The December meeting of the Women's club will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 8:30 p.m. at the community house. An interesting program has been planned featuring Mrs. Thorsen of Chicago. There will be goods for sale which are from the bazaar. Some are veiy suitable for the grab bag for the Christmas party. Snow Ball Just a reminder that tickets are now on sale. The date is Dec. 3 at the American Legion. On the Sick IJst Get-well wishes are extended to Frieda LaCprba Who is in Norwegian American hospital in Chicago." . Happy Birthday To Paul Rogers who celebrates " his fifth Birthday on Nov. 19. To John Gelwicks who celebrates an over 21 birthday on Nov. 19. And to Don Humann on Nov. 27, my special congratulation. Sympathy May we extend our heartfelt sympathy to Leonora Abbott on the recent death of her brother in Oregon. My Swan Song This column marks the last that I will write. Needless to say I have enjoyed it immensely, however my ironing board beckons. Thanks to all of you who made my task so easy. It can't be done alone. I leave my job, jiow to Pat Gelwicks who may be reached' at EV. 5-5712. She will continue with Veretta Gerstad. I Stofthdt cM At the first warning of a cold start sensible home treatment and get plenty of rest. If it does not readily yield to home treatment consult your doctor* If he prescribes, bring his prescription to Bolger's. I BOLGER'S 103 S. Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 Tells you ,^ MUSICALLY! rs=r\ someone's on the phone NEW BELL CHIME What a wonderful new idea for your home! Soft musical notes that announce your telephone calls all through the house. The Bell Chime can be placed anywhere-living room, family room, or any central location. It's inconspicuous and comes in velvety gold or soft ivory to blend with any color scheme or decor. If you like, you can set it for a loud bell when you're outside in the yard or on the patio. Or set it for the familiar telephone ring. The cost is surprisingly low-and maintenance is free. Call your Service Representative at your Bell Telephone business office and ask her about the Bell Chime. Better yet, stop in and have her show it to you. Or if an installer-repairman visits your home, ask to see it ILLINOIS BELL 111 N. Court St. TELEPHONE Ph. EV. 5-9981 Currently available in Illinois only. hope that you continue to help them as much as you did me. New Members Jack Oakford and John Gelwicks became members of the McHenry Jaycees on Tuesday night, Nov. 15. Also attending the dinner meeting were Don Gerstad, Dave Ladd and Harry Cygan. Visits College Mr. and Mrs. George Baumgartner of 202 Willow Lane, Lake Shores, visited their granddaughter, Woodine Baumgartner, at Northern University irj DeKalb on Sunday. They went with their son, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Baumgartner, of Round Lake. Dogs Again! In case anyone has forgotten, McHenry township enjoys the services of a dog catcher. You may call him, George Gutzman, at Wonder Lake 2962. 'Nuff said! Demonstration Making up with coffee and sweet rolls at Carole Humann's Wednesday morning were Mickey Gladmari, Gayle Laursen, Dorothea Zimny, Evelyn Osman, Barbara Meurer, Gayle Parisi, Barbara Malinowski, Lorraine Arient, Pat Ellis, Beula Hoard, Joan Burmann, Dorothy Glorch and Irene Weiss of Holiday Hills. Also there were twenty very well behaved children. Caroling Club John Chismar has mentioned the idea of a caroling club for the coming holiday season. However his job has taken him out of the possible leadership and participating. Anyone who would be interested in participating or leading this seasonal activity please come forward and volunteer. John can perhaps help with advice. Meet Your Neighbor Welcome to NEW COMERS Leo and Bertha Meller of 102 South Meadow Lane, Lake Shores. They moved to their new home last April after living for thirty years in Barrington. Mr. Meller is retired after twenty-eight years with a large food chain located in Barrington. The Mellers have two sons, Clarence of Palatine has two daughters, Ann and Mrs. Jean Kaysinger, who in turn has two children which makes the Mellers great-grandp a r e n t s. Then there is Leonard who resides in Barrington. He has two sons. Dale and Lee. Mrs. M e l l e r e n j o y s c r o c h e t i n g a n d he likes to fix and make things. Happy Thanksgiving and don't eat too much "stuffing". The largest painting in the world is called PARADISE, in the Doges Palace, Venice, Italy. It is 84 feet wide, 33% feet high. Erom where I sit -. Jty Joe Marsh The Milky Way Tragedy Chub Jackson, the town*, only milkman, tells as he missed on an Important delivery the other day. Up way before dawn, Chub went busily about his daily rounds. Three quarts of milk for Mrs. Anderson, a gallon of milk for the Fishers, and so on. Finished with his deliveries. Chub pulled the empty truck up to his front door. "What would you like for breakfast?" called his missus. "A big bowl cereal with cream,1w answered Chub. "Sorry, dear," said Mrs. Jackson, "the milkman passed us by today." From where I sit, it's wonderful the way folks forget themselves to do things for others. My neighbors are like that. When I have sapper with them, they always serve my favorite foods and my favorite beverage--beer! They drink tea themselves, bat they're happy to accommodate my preference. If we all aoeepted each other's right to have preferences, we'd never "milk" ear friendships dry. Ringwood MRS. SEBASTIAN SERVES DESSERT LUNCH AT CLUB Baby Shtpvd The Women's *500* club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Pete Sebastian Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert lunch was served. High score went to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and low to Miss Lona Brever. Houses Sold Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen have bought the Wayne Foss home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rhoads of Chicago have purchased the Glawser house. Personals Garry Reinwall is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley, while his mother is in the hospital recuperating from an accident, Mrs. Lester Carr and Miss Mae Wiedrich were Elgin visitors Tuesday. . Mrs. Dora Cole,. Miss Lona Brever and Mrs. Mueller spent Wednesday evening with Andrew Brever at Lake Geneva and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Woods of Hot Springs, Ark., were visitors in the Pete Sebastian home Monday. Mrs. Viola Low and her uncle were visitors at Elgin Monday. Her uncle, Irving Herbert, remained for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Lester Carr, Miss Lona Brever, Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. Walter Low attended a meeting of the Moose at McHenry Tuesday evening. Leo Brever of Burlington spent Sunday evening with his sister, Miss Lona Brever. STREAM GAGING STATION A new stream gaging station on the Embarrass river' in Douglas county near Tuscola has brought the state total to 150 Information from the stations- is applied in state Water Survey studies of watersheds, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n d e t e r m i n i n g how often and how long periods of low stream flow occur. A husband is a feller who has lost his liberty in his pursuit of happiness. Copyright, 1968, United States Brewers Foundation FEMALE HELP WANTED • Light Mailing Work • Steady Employment • 5-Day Week • Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Paid Vacations & Holidays • Experience Not Necessary (Employment Available after Jan. 1st.) For Employment Application Write To: CHARLES D YECCHI CRE-AD MAIL Route 8, Orchard Heights McHenry, III. THETOF COMPACT IS IN THE BOTTOM PRICE'RANGE... Hey, eome down ontta there! Valiant may look and drive like the high-priced ears, but its cost is right down with the lowest-priced U. S. compacts. Natural mistake on your part. Valiant's elassic styling does look expensive. Its Toreion-Aire Ride, Unibody construction and other quality features do mmmd expensive. But the expensive talk stops when you hear the prices. They start $100 less than last year! See your Valiant dealer today 1 Looks and drives like twice the price Pliant! A S. BLAKE MOTORS, Int 301 E. Pearl St. Ph. EV. 5-3100 McHenry. 111.