Pag* Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ttoceirihor 8, t 1S60 Lakeland Park Women's Club : Christmas Party Pat Gel wicks - EV. 5-8712 or EV. 5-4043 Pon't you dare walk out of the house tonight (Thursday) without your dollar grab bag gift or you'll walk in your house, without one Dinner will be served promptly at seven by oui4 little chef --- Jean Gagnon. Jo Rizzo and her committee are full of surprises and .are looking forward to pleasing you at the community _hcfuse tonight. Club Meeting' Report A brief and concise business meeting was well attended by the members of Women's Club last Thursday. After, the girls rummaged through the bazaar leftovers .and socially enjoyed rcoffee and cake. Some eagle- eyed members won -prizes in a game contest. Snow Ball A great big hand of applause to Bemice Boyce orr t he terrific way she decorated t he American Legion hall It was truly gorgeous! Under the twinkling stars the dancers were shining too. Thanks to the girls who took a few minutes oft to act as ticket takers. Another successful Snow Ball. Before the Ball Glenn and Irene Uhles and Virginia and Ray Grote held a cocktail party at the Uhles home Saturday night before the Snow Ball dance. Irene and Virginia served hors d'oeuvres to the twelve couples who attended. Mr. Heggeland entertained with several magic tricks. Bob and Jessie Matthews served to Clarence and Eleanor Hearje, Inge and Walter Pissowotzki, Donna and Ray Rode andj Audrey and Bob Koczor before the dance Saturday night. new Cub Pack club! The first meeting is registration night and will be held Jan. 2, 1961, 7:30 pjn. at the community house. The following meetings will be be held on the first Monday of every month. It woiild be appreciated if the parents with boys between the ages of eight and eleven would encourage them to attend and to attend the first meeting with their child if possible. Den mothers are needed and if information is desired, please call Leader Druml at E\^. 5-4975. Hope to see you boys and parents there! Home on Leave R i c h a r d R e i n i n g r e t u r n e d Wednesday to Great Lakes after spending fourteen days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reining, of 216 Rogers. Rich has completed his Navy basic training and returned to begin fourteen weeks of Interior Communication Electricians School. Welcome To Frank and Jane Schultz of 124 Center Lane. Lakeland Shores, who are next door neighbors to her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kostka. They have one daughter, Diana. To Mr.^Nand Mrs. Grisley on Willow Lane in Lakeland Shores who recently moved i^»- to their new house. They have three charming daughters. Welcome Rightly Sue Grisley was guest of honor at the Koczor home on Monday morning. This new neighbor got acquainted with Inge Pissowotzki, Jessie Matthews, Earline D^vis, Donna Rode, Judy Ludwig, and Grace Serio. Along with all the offspringg. After the Ball Spaghetti was served at the Roeers' home after the Snow Ball Saturday nieht to Marge and Bill Casey, Mary and Alf Heggeland. Dorothy and Bud Uttich and the Len Garrisons. After the Snow Ball and in observance of Don Gerstad's t i l t t h d a y . " b r e a k f a s t " w a s served to Jack and Petey Oakfbrd, Dave and Mimi Ladd. John and Pat Gehvicks and Cub Pack Notice Attention all boys and par ents who are interested in a Get Well Wishes To Ed Altmann who underwent surgery on his throat at McHenry hospital last Friday morning. He is at home recuperating and hopes to be "on 'he read" again soon. To Tommy Bockman, who is almost seven years old, and is snorting a walking cast on his 'eft leg, which he broke slightly in two places while playing. Zimny's fourteenth birthday. Carol's birthday is Dec. 11 but was celebrated pn De<j. 3. Barbecues were served followed with cake. The guests surprised Carol with a full-length door mirror with their wishes. Happy birthday Carol! Company Party Richard and Ann Wohnrade were .among those present for an employee's Christmas'party in Crystal Lake at the American Legion. They enjoyed the dancing and the mid-nigl* buffet dinner. * Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strandquist, Jr., of Wheaton and children, Linda and Johnny, were guests of Lawrence and Helen Strandquist Sunday. Meet Your Neighbor Welcome to NEW COMERS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Barwig who have lived at 25 Ramble Road for a year, after moving here from Chicago. Ron arid Dee have three children, Donna, Debbie and Bill. Bill attended kindergarden at the Burr school in Chicago. The Banvigs met in South Carolina while Ron was in the Marines at Paris Island. He also went to Korea while serving with the Marines and is now an auxiliary operator. Dee's hobbies are cooking and music and Ron enjoys music also. He who claims there's no fool like an old one hasn't been around much lately. We know a few people who cannot get anything done on time except buy. Burning candles at both ends is and always has been a most unpopular way of making both meet. Spring Grcvt ST. PETER'S NUNS MARK FIFTIETH YffR ON DEC. 5 by Mrs. Charles Freond Oh Dec. 5 the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception celebrated the fiftieth anniversary <*pf the founding of their congregation. The community of Sisters was founded on Dec. 5, 1910, by a Franciscan bishop in Santare n , B r a z i l . W o r k i n g w i t h Bishop Behlman, O.F.RJ. was Mother Immaculata Tombrock, a former school teacher from Germany, and the first superior General of the new congregation. The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception teach at St. Peter's school and the students of St. Peter's helped to commemorate this event by assisting at Mass and receiving Holy Communion in thanksgiving for all the graces and blessings - received during these fifty years. After the mass, the children were served breakfast by members of the Christian Mothers' sodality. Golden Wedding Nov. 24 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter May on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, which fell on Thanksgiving. They were married on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 24, 1910. The celebrants began their day with a high mass read, by Father Lehman in St. Peter's church at ten o'clock. The church was filled with relatives and friends and members of their family who received Holy Communion with them. Four of their grandsons served the mass and several of their grandchildren are members of the children's choir, who 6ang the mass. A dinner was served in the parish hall at noon end Happy Birthday To Donald Arient on Dec. 2 who turned seven. To Joyce Braun on Dec. 9. To 4 year old Davey Wickenkamp on Dec. 10. To Jacklyn Gelwicks on Dec. 11 who will be one year old. To Dolly Nowfell and JEd Gladman on Dec. 12. Birthday Doings A party for twenty-two Drum and Bugle Corps girls was given in honor of Carol LOOKING FOR A HOME? open house was held from two to four. It's a Boy ^ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy are the happy parents of a new son, born at St. Therese's hospital last week. Three brothers and three sisters welcomed the new baby home. Thanksgiving Guests Among those who had guests for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Charles May who entertained the Charles May, Jr., family of Waukegan, the Bob Mays of Bloomington, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mr. and Mrs. Charles had as their guests M: Mrs. Joseph Korus and Mrs. Ronald Polka, son. Brian, of Chicago. The William Rusts, of. Wauconda had dinner with the Doctor Kagan family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheets and son, Larry, of Rockford visited the John Sheets family. Iowa Visit Mr. Vnd Mrs: Walter Brown and family spent the holiday weekend visiting relatives in Iowa. While there they alpo attended the silver weddihg of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wageman. Mrs. Wageman is Walter's sister, Dorothy, and he was best man at their marriage ceremony. Vacation Students who enjoyed the holiday vacation at their homes were Jeanette Busch, June Miller, Jim Kagan and Frank "Bud" Tinney. Move Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rinda, Jr., and family have moved to their new home just recently^ completed two miles east of town. Club Meets Members of her club .met at the1 home of Mrs. Frank Sanders on Thursday afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went to Mrs. Helen Smith, MS8- Matlr Nimsgern, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Mrs. Peter May. A lunch was served after cards. OVER COUNTER LICENSE SAI.FS NOW IN PROGRESS Over-the-counter sale of 1961 Illinois motor vehicle license plates began Thui-sday, Dec. 1, at the automobile division office in the centennial building in "Springfield, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier announced today. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Mailing Of the 1961 plates was started the spne day, Secretary Carpentier said. During the early weeks of the licensing period, plates will be mailed in numerical order. This procedure is necessary because of the limited space available to store plates. Consequently, motorists who applied during October for reassignment of high numbers will not receive them until those numbers are reached in the numerical sequence, Secretary Carpentier said. A flat tire sure makes this a man's world. IN ORATORIO PERFORMANCE One of the largest choruses ever to appear in'a Carroll college, Wis., presentation of Handel's "Messiah" performed the famed oratorio at the college gym last Sunday evening. Among the singers were Howard Seuermark and James Ullrich of McHenry, both sophomores at the school. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, Dir. Francis J. Aicher, who passed away 21 ye^rs ago, Dec. 5, 1939. Gone but npt forgotten. - Loving wife, 124160 One thing all bosses hope to catch their help at is work. New Beauty Washing Grains wafh away blackheads before your eyes. Helena Rubipgtefo's important acjeatific discovery * clears dogged drin that blackheads cling to, foams away unpleasant excess oU without drying skin. Achieves amazing results in even the most difficuk ccaa ses. This unique cleanser also wtshos away whiteheads, and leaves an invisible film on your skin to fc^elp smooth and protect. Start a clearer complexion today with Helena Rubinstein's Beauty Washing Grains. 4 oz.eontaiiiercosts only l.OOplus tax •MOTHERS NOTE I ESPECIALLY FOR TOUR TMN-ACED BO* OR CfflLl X Your Make-Up! Beauty treat as you beautify with Helen* Rubinstein's Milk Tone Foundation. Rich in milk protein, tbi? lovely cake make-up covers fWjty flaw as it wcrks to h^al all day. You'll adore its even, mat finish. No powder needed. 7 perfect skin matched tones. 1.50 plus tax BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 108 S. Green St. Ph. EV. 5-4500 RIGIDFRAME GARAGES A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups anil maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find dut 'or yourself Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs nmplete Motor Overhauling Come to Ponca & Logan sts. & see our model home in Cooney Heights SuM^McHenry, III. Open every Sunday, 1-6 p.m. -- Weekdays by appointment' Homes Built Anywhere, Anytime, Any Style or Size FHA or Conventional Financing Lee Cooney, Contractor ""Phone Evergreen 5-4345 We Do Concrete Work, Remodelling and Additions GUARANTEED TRACTION with ?irt*tOnt Town & WINTER TIRES 6.70x15 Black Rayon Tube-Type DUTCH'S 24 HOIK TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, 111 EVergreen B-0811 A CHRISTMAS VALUE Buy a new HOOVER .. and get a play one Operates on flayhlight batteries It lights up ... bag inflates Actually picks up dirt I The HOOVER does all the work • • • Gets all the dirt! You just guide it | Reg. Vacuum $99.95 Toy Vacuum 7.95 Total .... $107.90 SPECIAL both OFFER! (Limited Supply) Plus Tax No Trade-In Necessary "RIGID-FRAME" Construction It's new -- and so different -- and -- will sav$ time and money! Ypp can build it yourself on a weekend -- or w? have reliable local guilders ready to b^iltf YQ*JR GARAGE IfQWI * C$P|MWe The Features! * Compare The Quality! 9 Compare The Price! NO MONEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY XMAS SUGGESTIONS _ r'd1 j\/f '• t c With Storage w AND REMEMBER .. . IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED! by ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. * Unl-fcilt said warmT-tSh. of wooding fireplaces--at a fraction of the cost of masonry. • FACTORY BUILT, READY TO INSTALL! Connect to You Buy... Come to us find Save! Truck, Tractor $ Passenger Car Tires All Sizes I wv&mTfF sf We Specialize in Tractor Tire Repairs FHtESTOHE DRY CHARGE BATTBtY PING PONG TABLES Unpainted-Ready to Assemble BASKETBALL BACKBOARDS Pre Cut - Ready To Hang WORK BENCHES CARPENTERS RULERS VENTILATING CUPOLAS Ideal For Weather Vanes WALL PANELING For Basement Or Recreation Room ex „ fabricai iue or to prechimney. e||lSTALLS EASILY IN LESS THAN A DAY! No snaaonry, no mess. A simple ao-it-yourself job. * SMOKE-FREE. TROUBLEFREE! Engineered to draw right, burn right. CHOOSE the ideal XJni-bilt epjboe lor your camp, ox cabin from the new Uni-hilt Fixe- m IWat: * for as as *119.00 AN Ideal Gift For the Homp WE IfAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS & SUPPLIES ou display NO AS LOW AS We Allow Fronj $2.00 to $6.00 On Your Old Battery *16 00 iance, Inc. PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE $2oo 119 S. Green Si. McHenry, 111. §1 Phone EV. 5-5500 ai Open Evenings starting Dec. 14th McHenry Tire Mart ' WALT FREUND, Prop. 520 W. Malp St. EVergr«$n 5-0294 McHenry, 111. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS'TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDERi'n tilth of Main Streef- EVergreen 5-1424 -/?-• :