Thursday, Pacembw 22, I960. THE McHENRY PLAJNbE ALTO Page Eleven ANN PAGE I Li FOODS TO SPREAD IXTRACHKR W SEE • •• YOU'LL SAVE! OPEN THUftS. & FRI.fc 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY * A.M. tO 6 P.M. CLOSED SUN. & MON. i.. ANN PAGE Fine Foods! YOU PAY ONLY !« f ANN frAOE PURE Prese OT. JAR The superb blend of quality ingredients makes this creamy-smooth dressing a "must" on yotir Christmas shipping list. AT BIG SAVINGS! Red Raspberry 12-oz. jar CHOICE Op 9 LIVELY FLAVORS Gelatin Desserts 4*2$ Ann 1-2/3-oz. Page tin Black Pepper * Vanilla Extract Ann 4-oz. Page tin Ann 2-oz. Page bH. 29c Sparkle 1#e 35c Pancake Syrup 45c Almond Extract 3^*2.85 Ann 12-oz. Page i» & Waffle 24-oz. Ann Page bH. Ann 1-oz. Page btl. 2# FRUITS NUTS! 4MTT?A*KEFC Jane Parker 8" size Oven Fresh reg. 55c Half each Ring reg. 45c Plain pkg of 12 and 69c JAffclfeRKER ">»: 59c Potato Oiiips 45c Stuffing Bread 35c Pfeffernusse Cookies 1-TB. TWITF FACK Lightly Salted Jlttc Regular 59c Jane Parker 24-oz. loaf pkg. 3» Powdered re9 33c 29c Twin Rolls „ Christnas calls for the 3-lb. Bag! Holidays are coripany days. And company means extra coffee, of course! Time for the extra-ttjifty 3-pound bag of flavor-famous Aa»P premium-quality Coffee! Freshlyro&sted, Custom-Ground A&P Coffee has been served in American homd for a century. Enjoy it at your house this Christmas!' MILD & MELLOW Brown & Serve pkg. of 8 AS. reg. 29c £3' light O'clock 3 & *1.65 £ 57« filCri & FULLjOQIED &'«; "v VIGOROUS^ WINEY Wawrtck Brand Assorted j ChrMmas Stocking i Ro^l Lusters Crestwood Assorted Variety jJM Chocolates 4 & Christmas Marshmallows C 29' Worthmore 9-oz. Brand size Worthmore 10oz- Brand bag 25c Cut Rock Candy Worthmore 11-oz. Brand bag 29* 7M OHAT ATLANTIC t PACIFIC T» COMFAHT SUNNTFIELD 93 SCORE ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU DEC. 24th Grade A--Urge Size--Fresh Stinnybrook Brand doz. Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Dec. 15, 1010 Mrs. Florence Schoonmaker, mother of C. D. Schoonmaker, former editor of the Plaindealer, passed away in Chicago Thursday of last week as the result of a fall from a, street car in Chicago the day previous. A boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Powers Monday. David took a liking lo the young fellow right from the start, and jt's a safe bet that the bt*y will he cared for by Mr. and Mrs Powers. At a recent meeting of St. Patricia court, W.C.O.F., it was decided to hold a series of public card parties during the winter months. The first one held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy was a big Success. The next one will be hold at the M. A. COfiway home.' * .Joseph J. Sutton of Emerald Park spent Wednesday eveniinr in "Dublin". l.mrence Huck, Jr., went to Chicago Monday to accept a position in the shipping department of John A. Tolman's w holesale gVocerv. Charles, seventeen-y e a r-old son of Mr. and Airs. August, lies in a critical cpndiliomnt the Henry Block home as thl? result . Q( an accident while he and his father were using a wood sawing outfit Thursday. Jacob C. Bickler, who has conducted the affairs of the McHenry house during the past summer and fall to a marked degree of success, is now sole owner of this hostelry. The R. B. girls, a club made up of six girls, held their first meeting at the home of Miss I^eone Perkins, when the time was spent making Christmas presents. Other members are Avis Carey, Mabel arid Elsie Wille, Edwin a and Ruth Crook. Will H. Sutton writes that he is spending a twenty-day vacation from his work at Washington. D. <j., and is visiting New York, Boston and other places of interest in the east. MS May holy, happy spirit of \he first Christmas abundantly bless you and yours. McHenry Cab Ph. EV. 5-0723 Our Cab will not be operating Christmas and New Year's Day FORTY YEARS AC.O Taken from the Files of Dee. 9, 1920 Floyd Thompson, manager of Smithy's bowling alleys on the West Side, has rrtoved his family from a farm at Ba'rreville to the flat ovejc the Mr Henry bakery. A pair of plyers and a pick axe stolen front the railway section house were used in an unsuccessful attempt r>f robbihe the McGee and Conway cjot tying store sometime durine S u n d a y n i f f h t i J u s t w h a t caused the thief to give up the efforts remains a conjecture. Miss Eleanor Phalin, one of the teachers in our grade school, was taken to St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Monday of this week and the following day underwent an appendectomy. The vacancy in the school is being filled by- Miss Inez Bacon. From Ostend comes news that Mr. Hoppe is getting ready for spring crops. He has two teams plowing. This has been, a pood fall for farmers to get some plowing done and many acres have been turned under. Henry W. Ahrens, local truck gardener, brought to the Plaind?aler office Wednesday morning one of the largest carrots we have ever seen. It weighed four pounds. Mr. Ahrens informed us that hie had jUSt finished digging twelve tons of this vegetable from a patch of ground 35x134 feet. A number of school children of Cherry Valley very pleasantly surprised Mary McAndrews Saturday evening, the occasion being her thirteenth birthday. F. O. Gans, son, Frank, Howard Wattles and Howard Phalin of this village, Dr. Arnold Mueller and Stephen H. Smith of Johnsburg attended an elaborate banquet at Hotel La- Salle, Chicago, Wednesday evening given by the Public Life Insurance company. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth and daughter, Maybelle. were in Chicago Saturday, where they attended 1he wedding of Mrs. Hati-.wirth's brother, Robert Brofwn, to Miss Esther Mattson, daughter of the late Mrs. Peter Wirfs of this city. TWKNTY-FIVE YEARS AGO . Taken from the Files of Dec. 12, 1935 Henry Poile. 70 years old, of Elmhurst, a former McHenry resident, died Thursday after a two weeks illness. He is survived l)y his wife, the former May Wightmnn of McHenry and three children. About ninety members and invited guests were present at the installation of officers of McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Saturday evening when Mrs. Minnie Martin was installed as worthv matron and Henry Howe as worthy patron. The automobile accident of Dec. -J, near Blythevilie, Ark: which caused the death of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Werden and their grandson. David Gossel claimed the life of a fourth victim when Mrs. Edna Gossel died at the hospital in Blythevilie Saturday evening. Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Werden were held at Wauconda Sunday and on Monday another double funeral was held for Mrs. Gossel and son. A second son. Franklin, who was in the accident, is improving. A pep band has been organized at the high school and will furnish music fbr. basketball games. Members are: Adele Froehlich, leader; Rosa Popp, Laura Russie, Arlette Newman, . Henrietta Ilerdrich, Dorothy Lay, Janice Klontz. Winifred Benwell, Lorraine Engeln, Lucille and Lorena Esh. A post-nuptial party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith of Chicago was held at the Volo recreation hall Saturday night. A large crowd was present to enjoy music and dancing and the honored couple presented with a gift. The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's chUrch will meet at the home of Mrsr^°" G. W. Hess Monday evenihg. This will be a Christmas^sprfy/ and gift exchange. HEART DISEASES CAUSE 55 PERCENT OF COUNTY DEATHS I MOSLEY'S RESTAURANT ! 408 Front St. McHenry, 111. WILL BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 25 THRU JANUARY 1 Merry Christmas AND A Deaths attributed to diseases of the heart and blood vessels caused fifty-five percent of the total deaths in "McHenry county in 1959. it was announced today by John Tambone. M.D., chairman of the McHenry county heart unit. Doctor Tambone cited the lfttest mortality figures from the state of Illinois Bureau of Vital Statistics which show that of 757 total deaths in McHenry county, 415 were paused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels. A total of 58 per cent of all deaths in Illinois and 60 per cent of all downstate deaths, exluding Cook, Lake and Du- Page counties, were caused by heart disease, the nation's number one health enemy, the report revealed. The highest percentage of deaths attributed to disease of the heart and blood vessels occurred in a downstate county, where 75 per cent of the total deaths were attributed to these diseases. Doctor Tambone said that it was the objective of the McHenry County Heart unit actively to participate in the fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels through education and community service programs and by chanelling at least a third of the heart fund dollar to support heart research. Happy New Year i TO EVERYONE I No Christmas toy is safe if left lying on the stairway or floor for grownups to trip over during holiday festivities. The Institute for Safer Living urg-. f&parents to be«daub)x watcnful about this tripping and falling hazard during the holiday season. Teach children to put toys safely away after use. SHOP AT HOME Tues., Dec. 27 Only! ALL REMAININC • TREE DECORATIONS • XMAS CANDIES • PACKAGE TIES & RIBBON • INSIDE LIGHT SETS k DOOR RINGERS • OUTSIDE LIGHT SETS • WREATHS • METAL TREES • XMAS CANDLES • ELECTRIC TREE TOPS • XMAS CARDS • TREE STANDS . WRAPPING (XMAS) PAPER REDUCED ± Because this ad has to be prepared in advance, we cannot and do not say that there will be all of the above merchandise left by Tuesday. Hpwevef, if any does will be cleared at the above price. BEN FRANKLIN