Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1960, p. 19

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ember 22 1960 THE McHEWRy PIAIND^ALEB Lilymoor APPROVE YEARLY DUES INCREASE AT ASSOCIATION MEET ^ Shirley Schuerr - EV. S-2645 The Lily moor association he^its monthly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 13, at the white schoolhouse. The proposed increase of dues was discussed and approved. As of J&n. 1, the dues with garbage disposal service will be twenty-five dollars per year. This includes all normal road maintenance. The dues can be paid annually, semi-annually or quarterly. If you figure it out over the period of the twelve months it averages out to a.- little over two dollars a month. This isn't much at all when you hear what other subdivisions are paying. If you have friends in other subdivisions ask/them. Next regular monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. .10, at the white schoolhouse. Meetings will start at 8:30 p.m. from now on. Reminder to the ofnfcrs and board of directors board meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Jan. 10, at the white schoolhouse. Installation Held The installation of officers and board of directors of the Lilymocr association was held Saturday, Dec. 10, at Club Lilymoor. At this time Vern Ehj^dt, our past-president, turned over the gavel and the presidency to Robert LoPresti. The persons who will be working with Mr. LoPresti are Lawrence Schuerr, first vice-president, Don Leske, second vicep r e s i d e n t , V a l F r a d i n a r d o , ^treasurer find Marge Polinski, secretary. Those persons on the board of directors are Pearle Stineman, Fred Fradinardo, Allj^rt Grenier and Theron Young. Mrs. Florence Svoboda officiated at installing the officers and board of directors. Mrs. Pearle Sineman wa,s chairman of the refreshments and decorations. Her co-workers were Mrs. Marylyn LoPresti and Mrs. Ruth Young. A great big hand goes to Pearle for the lov^v table decorations. Spaghetti Dinner Woman's auxiliary is having a spaghetti dinner Saturday, Jan. 21, at Club Lilymoor, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tfee public is invited to the dinner. You can purchase your tickets from Mrs. Ruth Young cftefirman of the dinner, or any of; ^he , auxiliary members. rflbe next monthly meeting of the auxiliary will be held Monday, Jan. 9, at the white schoolhouse at 8 p.m. Permanent Addresses Soon The post office is planning on giving all residents of Lilymoor permanent addresses in the near future. The following men, Robert LoPresti, Vern Ehredt and Robert Fuhler, are on the committee to get the following information from all residents of this subdivision. The information, is name of resident, phone number, and the block and lot number or numbers your home is on. Example John Jones, EV. 5-0000, Block 1, Lot or lots 1 and 2. This information must be in by the first of the year. Contact either Robert LoPresti at EV. 5-3779, Vern Ehredt EV. 5-0513 or Robert Fuhler EV. 5-5271 with the information. If you are renting the landlord will give you the block and lot number or numbers. Open for Suggestions If you have any suggestions as how to better our community, piease phone me and let me know. Or better still attend the association meetings and bring your suggestions there. That is what the association is for to always find ways of improving our community. If everyone with ideas to better his community or country kept them to himself, where would our country be today? Pased Away Friends and neighbors were saddened by the news of the sudden death of Maredythe Roeske Cope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Biesecker and the late John Roeske. Maredythe, better known to all her friends as Mimi, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on her way to work Wednesday, Dec. 7, and passed away at the McHenry hospital about eleven hours' after entering the hospital. She attended the Lilymoor grade school, graduating from there in 1940. She also attended the McHenry high school. Mimi was a resident of Lilymoor since 1938 until the time of her marriage in 1946 and returned to Lilymoor to reside at her mother's until August of this year, when she moved to McHenry. Our deepest sympathies go to Mr. and Mrs. John Behrendt on the sudden death of Marie's brother-in-law, Phillip Enck of Chicago. Mr. Enck passed away Saturday, Dec. 10. He spent his weekends visiting with John and Marie. Sister Very 111 Mrs. Biesecker has received word that her sister, Mrs. Margaret Keeton, of Los Angeles, Calif., is in the hospital very seriously ill. Boy Scouts The Lily-Lakemoor troop 161 held its court of honor Thursday, Dec. 15. The troops sponsor the V.F.W. Post 4600 of McHenry presented the troop with a new 50 star flag and two new staffs with eagles. Mrs. Gert Barbian and Mrs. Lorraine Murphy of the ladies auxiliary of the V.FAV. and Roy Morrison institutional representative presented the flag to Wally Para, Scoutmaster of the troop, The following boys received their pins for Tenderfoot, Terry Morrison and Richard Kotiv, for second class, Dickie Bitterman and Kenny Ehrhardt. Those receiving service pins for one year are Lenny Blades, Richard Heckmann, Robert Hosie, Richard Kotiv, William Schuerr and Tim Wirfs.„ For two year service pins they are Tom Bostler, Charles Bryan, Ben DeClcco, Kenny Ehrhardt and Tom Para. For the three year service pin they are Dickie Bitterman, Dave Heckmann, Willie Kloepfer, Skipper Schuerr and Richard Wolf. After the & wards were presented to the boys refreshments were served to the parents and guests of the troop. Hostesses were Mrs. < Helen Wolr, Mrs. Marge Beahler and -the Girl Scout Troop 309y Shelters In a past edition of this column I had spoken of shelters for the school children waiting for the buses. Although only one contact was made, work has begun on one shelter. It should be completed within the next two weeks. The shelter will be placed in front of Club Lilymoor. There are only two more to be put up. One across from the grade school on route 120, the other to be on the black top by the Leske home. If you are interested in having some protection for your child or children against the cold weather, contact Robert LoPresti at EV. 5-3779 or Fred Fradinardo at EV. 5-4498. Honest Youug Man How does it feel to be the proud parents of a very honest young man? You can ask Joey Bellino's parents. Joey found five dollars at school and returned it to its owner. For his honesty the school awarded him a citation for his honesty, which his parents received in the mail. Congratulations Joey on your honesty and to your parents on having an honest son. Not Up to Par 'Toni Ehredt has been under par now for a couple of weeks. What ever it is Toni doesn't seem to shake it off. Here's hoping you are fine and your old self Toni. Birth Steve and Lil Wijas received word from Germany that, their daughter, Mrs. Arlene Freund, gave birth to a boy Thursday, Dec. 1. Mother and son and father Jim, too, are doing fine. Congratulations also go to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Malecke, they are the wee ones great grandparents. Guests Mr. and Mn>. William Siegert of Rogers, Ark., spent the week of Dec. 19, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Young. Demonstration Marion Leske had a demonstration in her home Tuesday, Dec. 13. Refreshments were served to finish off the evening. McHenry Shore* COLORED LIGHTS ADORN HOMES FOR CHRISTMAS SETTING By Clare Mueller EV. 5-0553 Attends Dinner Mrs. Diane Fuhler, Mrs. Leona Fantus and Mrs. Pat Morrison attended the Valley View Neighbors Christmas luncheon held for the Girl Scouts Wednesday. Dec. 14. A very nice lunch was served to the women. Each of the women had to perform in front of the group in order to receive their grab bag gift. r. Holidays The holidays are upon us once again. At this time I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Christmas will come as a shock to many persons who let their home electrical appliances or cords and wiring become defective. Now. says the Institute for Safer Living, is the time to inspect both wiring and appliances with a critical eye. If any look unsafe, have them professionally checked or repaired before the Yule festivities begin. Do not S overload house circuits wit>r"g" too many extra ligms^or §pj5li- g ances. FREE DRIVERS LICENSE REMINDER SERVICE Your drivers license should be renewed 30 days prior to its expiration date! Let vis help you with our FREE reminder service. Just send us your name etc. on the coupon bt low, and at the proper time we will notify you by mail that your license should be renewed. There is ?b$$lufeg] no charge for this service! Name Address License Expiration Date \ SEYMOUR'S 24 HR. LICENSE SERV. 306 W. Elm St. EV. S-4908 (Mark's Marine Service) Everyone in the area has been busy making ready for the yule season. Seems like from nowhere, multitudes of colored lights are adorning h o m e s a n d t r e e s -- S a n t a Clauses appearing on lawns -- here and there an outdoor crib -- decorations indoors and outdoors galore are popping up -- all to greet visitors and friends on their trip to McHenry Shores during the holiday season. At the executive meeting of the McHenry Shores club, held last Thursday, it was decided to follow the same procedure of previous years and award prizes for the best decorated home and the most novel decoration. There's still a little time left for some decorating if you needed an incentive. cago. About 100 people attended the beautiful ceremony. Birthdays Birthday greetings to Karen Lindwall next Tuesday. . . . T h u r s d a y w i l l be K a t h l e e n Ruemelin's second birthday. . . Buzzy Santilli will celebrate too on that day. . . .As does Sandra Wetzel. . . .Happy birthday to all you lucky ones who have a birthday so soon after Christmas. . . And say, don't forget to visit Him at your church on His birthday, the twenty-fifth. Mostly There Doris Munroe is convalescing from a recent operation at Woodstock Memorial hospital. . . .The Schmitts were up to Burlington, Wis., to attend the funeral of Jack's cousin, John Janette. Mr. Janette passed away suddenly, he had acted as a pallbearer for Mrs. Laura Schmidt, Jack's mother, the week before. . . .The Hattans and Whitneys, part--qJ a group of fifty couples, /attended an elementary school reunion recently. . . .Joan Wilson was married to David Wiegel in a candlelight service at the Mayflower Bible church. Chilli Neighbor Let's see whose name is drawn today -- why it's Charley and Connie Lindwall and incidentally, our first visit to Pearl avenue.' The Lindwalls moved in at ,405 back ln ^ay of 1956 from Park Forest. They are blessed with two youngsters, Bill and Karen. Charles is a. salesman and attended school in Hackensack. N. J. Besides being active in the Masons, he is a director of the SSAC. In 1957 he served on the water committee of the MSC. Connie also hails from New Jersey and had her schooling in Teaneck, N. J. She served as junior vice-president of the MSC in 1958 and as chairman of the ways and means committee, had a hand in originating some of the club events that are now carried on annually. And In Closing Don't forget to report your going ons' over the holidays. Give Julia Zeimet, Beverly Verstege, Louise Winters, Betty Dobbertin or Clare Mueller a buzz to let them in on the news. Eastwood Manor MANOR HOMES AGLOW WITH XMAS LIGHTS Marilyn Salo - EV. 5-6015 It's Christmas time in East- Wood Manor and the homes are aglow with lights and other holiday decorations. So let us also make this a safe Christmas by being sure that our decorations are fire safe. Keep tree lights away from drapes and be sure you have no bare light cords. Keep electric toys away from trees and be sure to turn off all decorations when you retire. Help make this a safe and Merry Christmas. Faith Presbyterian Church Dec. 25 there will be a family worship service at 10 a.m. The sermon and music will be based on the Christmas theme There will be no church school on Dec. 25. . Dec. 27 the choir will meet for practice at 8 p.m. Dec. 22 and to little Suzanne Garrelts on Dec. 24. Pee. 2K to Len Lawrence and fMiidgi, Hutchinson. Dec. 27 is shared by Edward Tinkler, Ann Hit? ter, Carry Fenner and Edwarff Schwabauer. Best wishes fojr Dec. 28 go to Margaret Slovg" and Claudette Hoppe. Anniversary Best wishes for their anni-" versary go to Mr. and MrSl" Matthew Oik on Dec. 23 and tai Mr. and Mrs. Frances Pickett' on Dec. 27. A Boy for the Iversons! Peg Anderson and Elph'a Philippi helped the stork out' Tuesday, Dec. i3, when thejr took Edith Iverson to the hos-: pital. It was a boy weighing^ 6 lbs., 14 ozs. The IversonS' have three daughters so we ' all know how pleased they! must be. Ann Ritter's mother* in-law, Mrs. Ritter of Chicago,^ is here, to help Edith while star recuperates. ' ~~ Birthdays Happy birthday wishes are sent to Johnny Woodbury on Club News The Bridge club met at Halt*" nah Harner's home, Dec. 14. First prize was won by Marjp Hadley, travelling prize by Peg Anderson and booby prize went to Elpha Philippi. Here's hoping your Christmas will "ring the bell" for good cheer and good fellowship . . . for wishes fulfilled and dreams come true ... for happiness all around your family circle . . . for festive fun for one and all. Christmas f Helen Bisbee a I fHE SHANGRA-LA HOME fj g Idyir Deil Road McHenry| Christmas Special All 4-Speed PORTABLE PHONO ONLY *1 795 t CUSTOM T.V. 204 E. Elm St. 845 Rollins Rd. McHenry, 111. Round Lake, III. ITl'. 5-3757 KI. 6-4232 Open Every Night Till Christmas -- HOURS AT BOTH STORES -- Mon. to Sat. 9-9 Sun. 10-2 S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE PICK-UP YOUR FREE 1961 CALENDAR MUSICA WE WANT VOLUME... YOU WANT VALUE... 1 LET'S TALK Valiant! 1 Looks and drives like twice the price Tells you someone's on the phone NEW BELL CHIME What a wonderful new idea for your home! Soft musical notes that announce your telephone calls all through the house. The Bell Chime can be placed anywhere-living room, family room, or any central location. It's inconspicuous and comes in velvety gold or soft ivory to blend with any^color scheme or decor. If you like, you can set it for a loud bell when you're outside in the yard or on the patio. Or set it for the familiar telephone ring. The cost is surprisingly low-and maintenance is free. Call your Service Representative at your Bell Telephone business office and ask her about the Bell Chime. Better yet, stop in and have her show it to you. Or if an installer-repairman visits your home, ask to see it. ILLINOIS BELL (Sj) TELEPHONE 111 N. Court St. -- Ph. EV. 5-9981 VAA Valiant's value. What a topic for conversation ! The other compacts don't even come close. Valiant has Torsion-Aire Ride to pave the roughest roads. Plus Unibody construction that's tight as a tick. And now... for 1961... Valiant prices start $100 lower than last year! Talk about value--we're shouting it! And to increase the volume we're giving high trade-in allowances. Grab your piggy bank and come a'running. You'll get a lot of change ... with a Valiant! Currently available in Illinois only. A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, INC. 301 E. Pearl Street, McHenry, I1L / \

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